Trend Following Moving Stop Loss MA Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-10 10:36:16


This strategy uses a combination of moving averages and relative strength index to determine the trend direction, and implements a trailing stop loss mechanism to achieve profit targets. It is suitable for high volatility markets, allowing fast market entry after trends are formed, and securing profits through stop loss and take profit.

Strategy Logic

The strategy uses RSI indicator to determine the current market trend. RSI below 30 is considered bearish, while above 70 considered bullish. When RSI crossover signals a bullish trend, it will long. When RSI crossover signals a bearish trend, it will short.

After opening positions, the strategy uses a moving stop loss mechanism to trail price changes and lock in profits. Specifically, it records the average entry price of each position. When price reaches 1% of the entry price, it will activate the moving stop loss mechanism, moving the stop loss line based on the difference between current price and highest price.

When price reaches stop loss level, it will exit the position. When price reaches 3% of entry price, it will take profit. By using double protection from stop loss and take profit, it achieves the profit target.


  • Using RSI to determine trend direction allows fast judgment of market momentum
  • Moving stop loss can flexibly adjust stop loss level based on real-time price change, avoiding premature stop loss
  • The double protection from stop loss and take profit ensures certain profit while controlling risks


  • RSI may signal false entry if used alone
  • Stop loss distance too small may activate easily, while too loose may fail to stop loss
  • Improper take profit setting may also fail the profit target

Additional indicators can be added to confirm RSI signals and reduce false signals. Optimizing stop loss and take profit levels based on backtesting can also help find the best parameter combination.


  • Add Bollinger Bands or KD to confirm trend signals and avoid false entries
  • Research using additions and multiplications to expand indicator combinations
  • Try multi-timeframe confirmation to avoid false signals on single timeframe
  • Research adaptive stop loss mechanism to adjust stop distance based on market volatility


Overall this is a very professional and reliable trend following strategy. It can quickly determine market direction and lock in profits through moving stop loss and take profit. Further optimizing parameters and adding confirming indicators can improve win rate and reliability. With clear logic and flexible parameters, it is a very good example for learning quant trading strategies.

start: 2022-10-03 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-09 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// Learn more about Autoview and how you can automate strategies like this one here:
// strategy("Autoview Build-a-bot - 1m chart", "Strategy", overlay=true, pyramiding=2000, default_qty_value=10000)
// study("Autoview Build-a-bot", "Alerts")

//* Backtesting Period Selector | Component *//

//* *//
//* *//
//* Modifications made *//

testStartYear = input(1, "Backtest Start Year") 
testStartMonth = input(11, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(10, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)

testStopYear = input(77777777, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(11, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(15, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)

testPeriod() => true

//* Put your strategy logic below *//
RSIlength = input(6,title="RSI Period Length") 
price = close
vrsi = (rsi(price, RSIlength))
src = close
len = input(2, minval=1, title="Length")

up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))

rsin = input(14)
sn = 100 - rsin
ln = 0 + rsin

// Put your long and short rules here
longLocic = crossunder(rsi, ln)
shortLogic = crossover(rsi, sn)

//* Strategy Component *//

isLong = input(true, "Longs Only")
isShort = input(false, "Shorts Only")
isFlip = input(false, "Flip the Opens")

long = longLocic
short = shortLogic

if isFlip
    long := shortLogic
    short := longLocic
    long := longLocic
    short := shortLogic

if isLong
    long := long
    short := na

if isShort
    long := na
    short := short
//======[ Signal Count ]======//

sectionLongs = 0
sectionLongs := nz(sectionLongs[1])
sectionShorts = 0
sectionShorts := nz(sectionShorts[1])

if long
    sectionLongs := sectionLongs + 1
    sectionShorts := 0

if short
    sectionLongs := 0
    sectionShorts := sectionShorts + 1

//======[ Pyramiding ]======//

pyrl = input(2, "Pyramiding less than") // If your count is less than this number
pyre = input(1, "Pyramiding equal to") // If your count is equal to this number
pyrg = input(1000000, "Pyramiding greater than") // If your count is greater than this number

longCondition = long and sectionLongs <= pyrl or long and sectionLongs >= pyrg or long and sectionLongs == pyre ? 1 : 0 and vrsi < 20
shortCondition = short and sectionShorts <= pyrl or short and sectionShorts >= pyrg or short and sectionShorts == pyre ? 1 : 0

//======[ Entry Prices ]======//

last_open_longCondition = na
last_open_shortCondition = na
last_open_longCondition := longCondition ? close : nz(last_open_longCondition[1])
last_open_shortCondition := shortCondition ? close : nz(last_open_shortCondition[1])

//======[ Open Order Count ]======//

sectionLongConditions = 0
sectionLongConditions := nz(sectionLongConditions[1])
sectionShortConditions = 0
sectionShortConditions := nz(sectionShortConditions[1])

if longCondition
    sectionLongConditions := sectionLongConditions + 1
    sectionShortConditions := 0

if shortCondition
    sectionLongConditions := 0
    sectionShortConditions := sectionShortConditions + 1
//======[ Position Check (long/short) ]======//

last_longCondition = na
last_shortCondition = na
last_longCondition := longCondition ? time : nz(last_longCondition[1])
last_shortCondition := shortCondition ? time : nz(last_shortCondition[1])

in_longCondition = last_longCondition > last_shortCondition
in_shortCondition = last_shortCondition > last_longCondition

//======[ Position Averages ]======//

totalLongs = 0.0
totalLongs := nz(totalLongs[1])
totalShorts = 0.0
totalShorts := nz(totalShorts[1])
averageLongs = 0.0
averageLongs := nz(averageLongs[1])
averageShorts = 0.0
averageShorts := nz(averageShorts[1]) 

if longCondition
    totalLongs := totalLongs + last_open_longCondition
    totalShorts := 0.0

if shortCondition
    totalLongs := 0.0
    totalShorts := totalShorts + last_open_shortCondition

averageLongs := totalLongs / sectionLongConditions
averageShorts := totalShorts / sectionShortConditions

//======[ Trailing Stop ]======//

isTS = input(false, "Trailing Stop")
tsi = input(100, "Activate Trailing Stop Price (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100 
ts = input(100, "Trailing Stop (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100

last_high = na
last_low = na
last_high_short = na
last_low_short = na
last_high := not in_longCondition ? na : in_longCondition and (na(last_high[1]) or high > nz(last_high[1])) ? high : nz(last_high[1])
last_high_short := not in_shortCondition ? na : in_shortCondition and (na(last_high[1]) or high > nz(last_high[1])) ? high : nz(last_high[1])
last_low := not in_shortCondition ? na : in_shortCondition and (na(last_low[1]) or low < nz(last_low[1])) ? low : nz(last_low[1])
last_low_short := not in_longCondition ? na : in_longCondition and (na(last_low[1]) or low < nz(last_low[1])) ? low : nz(last_low[1])

long_ts = isTS and not na(last_high) and low <= last_high - last_high / 100 * ts and longCondition == 0 and last_high >= averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tsi
short_ts = isTS and not na(last_low) and high >= last_low + last_low / 100 * ts and shortCondition == 0 and last_low <= averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi

//======[ Take Profit ]======//

isTP = input(true, "Take Profit")
tp = input(33, "Take Profit (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
long_tp = isTP and close > averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp and not longCondition
short_tp = isTP and close < averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp and not shortCondition

//======[ Stop Loss ]======//

isSL = input(true, "Stop Loss")
sl = input(55, "Stop Loss (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
long_sl = isSL and close < averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl and longCondition == 0
short_sl = isSL and close > averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl and shortCondition == 0

//======[ Close Signals ]======//

longClose = long_tp or long_sl or long_ts ? 1 : 0
shortClose = short_tp or short_sl or short_ts ? 1: 0

//======[ Plot Colors ]======//

longCloseCol = na
shortCloseCol = na
longCloseCol := long_tp ? purple : long_sl ? maroon : long_ts ? blue : longCloseCol[1]
shortCloseCol := short_tp ? purple : short_sl ? maroon : short_ts ? blue : shortCloseCol[1]
tpColor = isTP and in_longCondition ? purple : isTP and in_shortCondition ? purple : white
slColor = isSL and in_longCondition ? red : isSL and in_shortCondition ? red : white

//======[ Strategy Plots ]======//

plot(isTS and in_longCondition ? averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tsi : na, "Long Trailing Activate", blue, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTS and in_longCondition and last_high >= averageLongs +  averageLongs / 100 * tsi ? last_high - last_high / 100 * ts : na, "Long Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=3)
plot(isTS and in_shortCondition ? averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi : na, "Short Trailing Activate", blue, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTS and in_shortCondition and last_low <= averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi ? last_low + last_low / 100 * ts : na, "Short Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=3)
plot(isTP and in_longCondition and last_high < averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp ? averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp : na, "Long TP", tpColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTP and in_shortCondition and last_low > averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp ? averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp : na, "Short TP", tpColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isSL and in_longCondition and last_low_short > averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl ? averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl : na, "Long SL", slColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isSL and in_shortCondition and last_high_short < averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl ? averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl : na, "Short SL", slColor, style=3, linewidth=2)

//======[ Alert Plots ]======//

// plot(longCondition, "Long", green)
// plot(shortCondition, "Short", red)
// plot(longClose, "Long Close", longCloseCol)
// plot(shortClose, "Short Close", shortCloseCol)

//======[ Reset Variables ]======//

if longClose or not in_longCondition
    averageLongs := 0
    totalLongs := 0.0
    sectionLongs := 0
    sectionLongConditions := 0

if shortClose or not in_shortCondition
    averageShorts := 0
    totalShorts := 0.0
    sectionShorts := 0
    sectionShortConditions := 0

//======[ Strategy Entry and Exits ]======//

if testPeriod()
    strategy.entry("Long", 1, when=longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short", 0,  when=shortCondition)
    strategy.close("Long", when=longClose)
    strategy.close("Short", when=shortClose)
