This strategy combines multiple factors to form a comprehensive trading strategy. It aims to leverage the advantages of different factors, including:
By combining multiple factors, it seeks to capitalize on the strengths of each factor and reduce the risks associated with relying on a single factor.
The main technical indicators used in this strategy are:
Stoch.RSI - A stochastic oscillator applied to RSI values rather than price. It identifies overbought/oversold levels.
RSI - Relative Strength Index, gauges overbought/oversold conditions. Above 70 is overbought, below 30 is oversold.
Double Strategy - Combines Stochastic and RSI for trading signals. Buy when Stochastic %K crosses below %D and RSI crosses below oversold level. Sell when the opposite occurs.
CM Williams Vix Fix - Calculates percentile range of price volatility over lookback period. Signals potential reversals when threshold is breached.
DMI - Directional Movement Index. Uses +DI/-DI differential to determine trend direction/strength.
By integrating signals from these indicators, the strategy provides a more robust system to identify trends and turning points.
This strategy combines strengths of Stoch.RSI, RSI, Double Strategy, CM Williams Vix Fix and DMI. It provides more comprehensive signals but also complicates parameter optimization. Further enhancements around optimizing parameters, filtering unique factors, and defining trading rules can improve robustness. Long-term viability and robustness still require rigorous validation. Overall it provides a good example of multifactor systems worth learning from.
start: 2023-10-18 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-25 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This is a simple combination of integrated and published scripts, useful
// if you don't have a PRO account and want to bypass the 3 indicator limit.
// It includes:
// 1) Stoch.RSI
// 2) Relative strenght index
// 3) Stochastic + RSI, Double Strategy (by ChartArt)
// 4) CM_Williams_Vix_Fix Finds Market Bottoms (by ChrisMoody)
// 5) Directional Movement Index (DMI)
// For more details about 3) and 4) check the original scripts.
strategy(title="Stoch.RSI+RSI+DoubleStrategy+CMWilliamsVixFix+DMI", shorttitle="Stoch.RSI+RSI+DoubleStrategy+CMWilliamsVixFix+DMI")
smoothK = input(3, minval=1, title="Stochastic %K Smoothing")
smoothD = input(3, minval=1, title="Stochastic %K Moving Average")
lengthRSI = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI Lenght")
lengthStoch = input(14, minval=1, title="Stochastic Lenght")
RSIprice = close
rsi1 = rsi(RSIprice, lengthRSI)
k = sma(stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, lengthStoch), smoothK)
d = sma(k, smoothD)
plot(k, color=blue, linewidth=2)
plot(d, color=silver, linewidth=2)
h0 = hline(80)
h1 = hline(20)
fill(h0, h1, color=purple, transp=78)
up = rma(max(change(RSIprice), 0), lengthRSI)
down = rma(-min(change(RSIprice), 0), lengthRSI)
rsi2 = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
plot(rsi2, color=fuchsia, linewidth=2)
// band0 = hline(70, linestyle=dotted)
// band1 = hline(30, linestyle=dotted)
// fill(band0, band1, color=purple, transp=100)
StochOverBought = input(80, title="Stochastic overbought condition")
StochOverSold = input(20, title="Stochastic oversold condition")
ks = sma(stoch(close, high, low, lengthStoch), smoothK)
ds = sma(k, smoothD)
RSIOverBought = input( 70 , title="RSI overbought condition")
RSIOverSold = input( 30 , title="RSI oversold condition")
vrsi = rsi(RSIprice, lengthRSI)
if (not na(ks) and not na(ds))
if (crossover(ks,ds) and k < StochOverSold)
if (not na(vrsi)) and (crossover(vrsi, RSIOverSold))
strategy.entry("LONG", strategy.long, comment="LONG")
if (crossunder(ks,ds) and ks > StochOverBought)
if (crossunder(vrsi, RSIOverBought))
strategy.entry("SHORT", strategy.short, comment="SHORT")
pd = input(22, title="LookBack Period Standard Deviation High")
bbl = input(20, title="Bollinger Band Length")
mult = input(2.0 , minval=1, maxval=5, title="Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up")
lb = input(50 , title="Look Back Period Percentile High")
ph = input(.85, title="Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
pl = input(1.01, title="Lowest Percentile - 1.10=90%, 1.05=95%, 1.01=99%")
hp = input(false, title="Show High Range (Based on Percentile and LookBack Period)?")
sd = input(false, title="Show Standard Deviation Line?")
wvf = ((highest(close, pd)-low)/(highest(close, pd)))*100
sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, bbl)
midLine = sma(wvf, bbl)
lowerBand = midLine - sDev
upperBand = midLine + sDev
rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph
rangeLow = (lowest(wvf, lb)) * pl
col = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh ? lime : gray
plot(hp and rangeHigh ? rangeHigh : na, title="Range High Percentile", style=line, linewidth=4, color=orange)
plot(hp and rangeLow ? rangeLow : na, title="Range High Percentile", style=line, linewidth=4, color=orange)
plot(wvf, title="Williams Vix Fix", style=columns, linewidth = 4, color=col, transp=85)
plot(sd and upperBand ? upperBand : na, title="Upper Band", style=line, linewidth = 3, color=aqua)
len3 = input(14, minval=1, title="DI Length")
lensig3 = input(14, title="ADX Smoothing", minval=1, maxval=50)
up3 = change(high)
down3 = -change(low)
plusDM3 = na(up3) ? na : (up3 > down3 and up3 > 0 ? up3 : 0)
minusDM3 = na(down3) ? na : (down3 > up3 and down3 > 0 ? down3 : 0)
trur3 = rma(tr, len3)
plus3 = fixnan(100 * rma(plusDM3, len3) / trur3)
minus3 = fixnan(100 * rma(minusDM3, len3) / trur3)
sum3 = plus3 + minus3
adx3 = 100 * rma(abs(plus3 - minus3) / (sum3 == 0 ? 1 : sum3), lensig3)
plot(plus3, color=green, style=circles, linewidth=2, title="+DI")
plot(minus3, color=red, style=circles, linewidth=2, title="-DI")
plot(adx3, color=aqua, style=circles, linewidth=3, title="ADX")