This strategy combines the Pivot Point SuperTrend indicator and the Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) indicator to generate trading signals by analyzing the price position relative to these two indicators. When the price breaks above the Pivot Point SuperTrend indicator and is higher than the DEMA indicator, a long signal is generated; when the price breaks below the Pivot Point SuperTrend indicator and is lower than the DEMA indicator, a short signal is generated. This strategy can capture the medium to long-term market trends while also responding to short-term price fluctuations.
By combining the Pivot Point SuperTrend indicator and the DEMA indicator, this strategy can effectively capture market trends while also responding to short-term fluctuations. The strategy has advantages such as strong trend-following ability, strong adaptability, and strong risk control ability, but also faces risks such as parameter setting, range-bound markets, and trend reversals. Through parameter optimization, signal filtering, position management, and portfolio optimization, the stability and profitability of the strategy can be further improved to better adapt to different market environments.
start: 2024-05-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-05-31 23:59:59
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Simple Combined Strategy: Pivot Point SuperTrend and DEMA", overlay=true)
// Pivot Point SuperTrend settings
prd =, title="Pivot Point Period", minval=1, maxval=50)
Factor = input.float(3.0, title="ATR Factor", minval=1, step=0.1)
Pd =, title="ATR Period", minval=1)
// Double EMA settings
demaLength =, title="DEMA Length", minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
// Pip settings
pipValue = input.float(0.0001, title="Pip Value")
stopLossPips =, title="Stop Loss (pips)")
takeProfitPips =, title="Take Profit (pips)")
// Pivot Point SuperTrend Calculation
float ph = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
float pl = ta.pivotlow(prd, prd)
var float center = na
if not na(ph)
center := na(center) ? ph : (center * 2 + ph) / 3
if not na(pl)
center := na(center) ? pl : (center * 2 + pl) / 3
Up = center - (Factor * ta.atr(Pd))
Dn = center + (Factor * ta.atr(Pd))
var float TUp = na
var float TDown = na
var int Trend = na
if na(Trend)
TUp := Up
TDown := Dn
Trend := close > Dn ? 1 : -1
TUp := close[1] > TUp[1] ? math.max(Up, TUp[1]) : Up
TDown := close[1] < TDown[1] ? math.min(Dn, TDown[1]) : Dn
Trend := close > TDown[1] ? 1 : close < TUp[1] ? -1 : nz(Trend[1], 1)
Trailingsl = Trend == 1 ? TUp : TDown
linecolor = Trend == 1 ? color.lime :
plot(Trailingsl, color=linecolor, linewidth=2, title="PP SuperTrend")
// Double EMA Calculation
e1 = ta.ema(src, demaLength)
e2 = ta.ema(e1, demaLength)
dema = 2 * e1 - e2
plot(dema, "DEMA",, 0))
// Strategy Logic
longCondition = close > Trailingsl and close > dema and strategy.position_size <= 0
shortCondition = close < Trailingsl and close < dema and strategy.position_size >= 0
// Plot signals
plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Long", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="Long")
plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Short", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="Short")
// Strategy Entry and Exit
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, stop=close - (stopLossPips * pipValue), limit=close + (takeProfitPips * pipValue))
if (shortCondition)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, stop=close + (stopLossPips * pipValue), limit=close - (takeProfitPips * pipValue))
alertcondition(longCondition, title="Long Alert", message="Long Signal")
alertcondition(shortCondition, title="Short Alert", message="Short Signal")