Bot News Push

Push settings page, you can set the message push to be turned on.

Push settings

  • Mobile (App) When mobile app push is enabled, push messages from the bot program are pushed to the FMZ Quant mobile app.
  • E-mail You need to verify your email address to enable email push, and you can receive push messages from the live trading program through verification.
  • WebHook Enable WebHook push, e.g. set the push address to:{body}. When the bot program sends a push message, it sends a request (only supports GET method) to the set address{body} and the push message is replaced in the {body} position.

Push messages in strategy - JavaScript/TypeScript/Python/C++ Use the Log() function in the strategy code and functions that can output log information in the log area, such as: exchange.CreateOrder(), exchange.CancelOrder(), etc. Pass an additional parameter "@" to these functions (that is, add an additional parameter in addition to the necessary parameters), for example: Log("This is a pushed message", "@"), then the output log information can be pushed, and the platform will push the message according to the “Push Settings”. - PINE Language/MyLanguage In the “Trading Library” parameters of the PINE language/MyLanguage strategy integration, you can enable transaction log push, which will be automatically pushed after the transaction action is triggered. - Blockly Select the Message Push module in the “Tools” column to push the specified information.

There is a frequency limit for message push, and the specific restriction rules are as follows: within a 20-second period of live trading, only the last push message will be retained and pushed, and other messages will be filtered and not pushed.