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The GetNodeList method is used to get the list of dockers under the FMZ Quant Trading Platform account corresponding to the API KEY in the request.

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "result": {
            "all": 1,
            "nodes": [{
                "build": "3.7",
                "city": "...",
                "created": "2024-11-08 09:21:08",
                "date": "2024-11-08 16:37:16",
                "forward": "...",
                "guid": "...",
                "host": "",
                "id": 123,
                "ip": "...",
                "is_owner": true,
                "loaded": 0,
                "name": "MacBook-Pro-2.local",
                "online": true,
                "os": "darwin/amd64",
                "peer": "...",
                "public": 0,
                "region": "...",
                "tunnel": false,
                "version": "...",
                "wd": 0
        "error": null

Description of the return value fields (the literal meaning is obvious and will not be repeated): - all: The number of dockers associated with the current account. - nodes: Records the docker node details. - build: Version number. - city: The city where you locating. - is_owner: true indicates a private docker, false indicates a public docker. - loaded: Load, the number of strategy instances. - public: 0 indicates a private docker, 1 indicates a public docker. - region: Geographical location. - version: Detailed version information of the docker. - wd: Whether to enable offline alarm, 0 means not enabled. The one-click deployment docker contains some additional information. The fields start with the prefixes ecs_ and unit_, which records the relevant information of the one-click deployment docker server (operator name, configuration, status, etc.), billing cycle, price and other information, which will not be repeated here.

No parameter

Ways of Verification GetRobotGroupList