Estrategia de seguimiento de tendencias basada en EMA de retardo cero

Fecha de creación: 2023-09-20 14:30:03 Última modificación: 2023-09-20 14:30:03
Copiar: 3 Número de Visitas: 413

Descripción general

Esta estrategia es una estrategia típica de seguimiento de tendencias. Utiliza una estrategia de EMA de cero-lag para determinar la dirección de la tendencia, combinada con mecanismos de stop loss, stop loss y rebote móviles para realizar operaciones de seguimiento de tendencias.

Principio de estrategia

  1. Calcular el EMA de cero retraso rápido y el EMA de cero retraso lento. Utilizan precios suavizados de diferentes períodos, respectivamente.

  2. Cuando la línea rápida atraviesa la línea lenta, se genera una señal de multitoque; cuando la línea rápida atraviesa la línea lenta, se genera una señal de vacío.

  3. Establezca una línea móvil de stop loss después de entrar en el mercado, siga los precios más altos / más bajos y controle el riesgo.

  4. Configurar una línea de parada móvil que se retira cuando el precio alcanza una cierta proporción.

  5. El contador de apertura de posiciones permite un mecanismo de acumulación similar a la recuperación de ganancias.

Análisis de las ventajas

  1. La EMA de Zero-Lag tiene una menor respuesta a la demora y puede capturar cambios de tendencia más rápidamente.

  2. Las estrategias de doble EMA son más sencillas, intuitivas y fáciles de juzgar.

  3. La configuración de la parada de pérdidas es razonable y permite un buen control de las pérdidas individuales.

  4. El mecanismo de acrecentamiento puede obtener más ganancias cuando la tendencia se expande.

Análisis de riesgos

  1. La configuración incorrecta de los parámetros puede causar que el stop loss sea demasiado radical o conservador.

  2. La elección incorrecta de indicadores para juzgar la tendencia puede perder el momento de cambiar la tendencia.

  3. El mecanismo de acopio podría ampliar las pérdidas generales si la tendencia se revirtiera.

  4. Hay que ajustar los parámetros para las diferentes variedades, para evitar la sobreadaptación a una determinada variedad.

Dirección de optimización

  1. Prueba diferentes parámetros de la EMA para encontrar la combinación de parámetros más adecuada

  2. Optimizar el Stop Loss Stop Loss para encontrar el equilibrio entre la rentabilidad y el control de riesgos.

  3. Ajuste de la lógica de alza de la posición, limitando el número máximo de posiciones abiertas en un solo sentido.

  4. Aumentar otros indicadores técnicos para filtrar la entrada y mejorar la calidad de la señal.

  5. Cierre las operaciones en un período de tiempo específico, evitando períodos de tiempo que puedan generar señales erróneas.

  6. Los parámetros de prueba para las diferentes características de las variedades, para mejorar la estabilidad.


La estrategia en general es estable y tiene una buena relación de riesgo y ganancias. La optimización de parámetros, el filtrado auxiliar y otros medios pueden aumentar aún más el efecto de la estrategia. También es necesario estar alerta a los errores de señal que pueden aparecer en situaciones individuales. En general, el marco de la estrategia está bien diseñado y se espera que la optimización de ajustes continuos se convierta en una estrategia de seguimiento de tendencias para obtener ganancias estables.

Código Fuente de la Estrategia
// Learn more about Autoview and how you can automate strategies like this one here:
strategy("MP ZeroLag EMA", "MP 0 Strat", overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000, currency=currency.USD, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1)
//bgcolor ( color=black, transp=40, title='Blackground', editable=true)
//* Backtesting Period Selector | Component *//
testStartYear = input(2018, "Backtest Start Year")
testStartMonth = input(3, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,00,00)
testStopYear = input(77777777, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(11, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(15, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)
testPeriod() => true
//* Put your strategy logic below *//
// === INPUTS ===
zlmaSource      = input(defval = close, title = "ZeroLag EMA Source")
zlmaFastLength  = input(defval = 8, title = "ZeroLag EMA Fast Length")
zlmaSlowLength  = input(defval = 21, title = "ZeroLag EMA Slow Length")

// === /INPUTS ===
// === SERIES SETUP ===
// Fast ZeroLag EMA
zema1=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaFastLength)
zema2=ema(zema1, zlmaFastLength)
// Slow ZeroLag EMA
zema3=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaSlowLength)
zema4=ema(zema3, zlmaSlowLength)
// Plots and Conditions
plot(zlemaFast, title='Fast ZeroLag EMA', color = yellow, linewidth=4)
plot(zlemaSlow, title='Slow ZeroLag EMA', color = fuchsia, linewidth=4)

// Long/Short Logic
longLogic = crossover(zlemaFast,zlemaSlow) ? 1 : 0
shortLogic = crossunder(zlemaFast,zlemaSlow) ? 1 : 0
//* Strategy Component *//
isLong = input(false, "Longs Only")
isShort = input(false, "Shorts Only")
isFlip = input(false, "Flip the Opens")
long = longLogic
short = shortLogic
if isFlip
    long := shortLogic
    short := longLogic
    long := longLogic
    short := shortLogic
if isLong
    long := long
    short := na
if isShort
    long := na
    short := short
//======[ Signal Count ]======//
sectionLongs = 0
sectionLongs := nz(sectionLongs[1])
sectionShorts = 0
sectionShorts := nz(sectionShorts[1])
if long
    sectionLongs := sectionLongs + 1
    sectionShorts := 0
if short
    sectionLongs := 0
    sectionShorts := sectionShorts + 1
//======[ Pyramiding ]======//
pyrl = input(1, "Pyramiding less than") // If your count is less than this number
pyre = input(0, "Pyramiding equal to") // If your count is equal to this number
pyrg = input(1000000, "Pyramiding greater than") // If your count is greater than this number
longCondition = long and sectionLongs <= pyrl or long and sectionLongs >= pyrg or long and sectionLongs == pyre ? 1 : 0
shortCondition = short and sectionShorts <= pyrl or short and sectionShorts >= pyrg or short and sectionShorts == pyre ? 1 : 0
//======[ Entry Prices ]======//
last_open_longCondition = na
last_open_shortCondition = na
last_open_longCondition := longCondition ? close : nz(last_open_longCondition[1])
last_open_shortCondition := shortCondition ? close : nz(last_open_shortCondition[1])
//======[ Open Order Count ]======//
sectionLongConditions = 0
sectionLongConditions := nz(sectionLongConditions[1])
sectionShortConditions = 0
sectionShortConditions := nz(sectionShortConditions[1])
if longCondition
    sectionLongConditions := sectionLongConditions + 1
    sectionShortConditions := 0
if shortCondition
    sectionLongConditions := 0
    sectionShortConditions := sectionShortConditions + 1
//======[ Position Check (long/short) ]======//
last_longCondition = na
last_shortCondition = na
last_longCondition := longCondition ? time : nz(last_longCondition[1])
last_shortCondition := shortCondition ? time : nz(last_shortCondition[1])
in_longCondition = last_longCondition > last_shortCondition
in_shortCondition = last_shortCondition > last_longCondition
//======[ Position Averages ]======//
totalLongs = 0.0
totalLongs := nz(totalLongs[1])
totalShorts = 0.0
totalShorts := nz(totalShorts[1])
averageLongs = 0.0
averageLongs := nz(averageLongs[1])
averageShorts = 0.0
averageShorts := nz(averageShorts[1])
if longCondition
    totalLongs := totalLongs + last_open_longCondition
    totalShorts := 0.0
if shortCondition
    totalLongs := 0.0
    totalShorts := totalShorts + last_open_shortCondition
averageLongs := totalLongs / sectionLongConditions
averageShorts := totalShorts / sectionShortConditions
//======[ Trailing Stop ]======//
isTS = input(false, "Trailing Stop")
tsi = input(1300, "Activate Trailing Stop Price (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
ts = input(400, "Trailing Stop (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
last_high = na
last_low = na
last_high_short = na
last_low_short = na
last_high := not in_longCondition ? na : in_longCondition and (na(last_high[1]) or high > nz(last_high[1])) ? high : nz(last_high[1])
last_high_short := not in_shortCondition ? na : in_shortCondition and (na(last_high[1]) or high > nz(last_high[1])) ? high : nz(last_high[1])
last_low := not in_shortCondition ? na : in_shortCondition and (na(last_low[1]) or low < nz(last_low[1])) ? low : nz(last_low[1])
last_low_short := not in_longCondition ? na : in_longCondition and (na(last_low[1]) or low < nz(last_low[1])) ? low : nz(last_low[1])
long_ts = isTS and not na(last_high) and low <= last_high - last_high / 100 * ts and longCondition == 0 and last_high >= averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tsi
short_ts = isTS and not na(last_low) and high >= last_low + last_low / 100 * ts and shortCondition == 0 and last_low <= averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi
//======[ Take Profit ]======//
isTP = input(true, "Take Profit")
tp = input(300, "Take Profit (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
long_tp = isTP and close > averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp and not longCondition
short_tp = isTP and close < averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp and not shortCondition
//======[ Stop Loss ]======//
isSL = input(false, "Stop Loss")
sl = input(750, "Stop Loss (%). Divided by 100 (1 = 0.01%)") / 100
long_sl = isSL and close < averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl and longCondition == 0
short_sl = isSL and close > averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl and shortCondition == 0
//======[ Close Signals ]======//
longClose = long_tp or long_sl or long_ts  ? 1 : 0
shortClose = short_tp or short_sl or short_ts ? 1: 0
//======[ Plot Colors ]======//
longCloseCol = na
shortCloseCol = na
longCloseCol := long_tp ? purple : long_sl ? maroon : long_ts ? blue : longCloseCol[1]
shortCloseCol := short_tp ? purple : short_sl ? maroon : short_ts ? blue : shortCloseCol[1]
tpColor = isTP and in_longCondition ? purple : isTP and in_shortCondition ? purple : white
slColor = isSL and in_longCondition ? red : isSL and in_shortCondition ? red : white
//======[ Strategy Plots ]======//
plot(isTS and in_longCondition ? averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tsi : na, "Long Trailing Activate", blue, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTS and in_longCondition and last_high >= averageLongs +  averageLongs / 100 * tsi ? last_high - last_high / 100 * ts : na, "Long Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=3)
plot(isTS and in_shortCondition ? averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi : na, "Short Trailing Activate", blue, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTS and in_shortCondition and last_low <= averageShorts - averageShorts/ 100 * tsi ? last_low + last_low / 100 * ts : na, "Short Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=3)
plot(isTP and in_longCondition and last_high < averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp ? averageLongs + averageLongs / 100 * tp : na, "Long TP", tpColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isTP and in_shortCondition and last_low > averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp ? averageShorts - averageShorts / 100 * tp : na, "Short TP", tpColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isSL and in_longCondition and last_low_short > averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl ? averageLongs - averageLongs / 100 * sl : na, "Long SL", slColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
plot(isSL and in_shortCondition and last_high_short < averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl ? averageShorts + averageShorts / 100 * sl : na, "Short SL", slColor, style=3, linewidth=2)
//======[ Alert Plots ]======//
// Old Signal Plots
//plot(longCondition, "Long", green)
//plot(shortCondition, "Short", red)
//plot(longClose, "Long Close", longCloseCol)
//plot(shortClose, "Short Close", shortCloseCol)
// New Signal Plots
//plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Long", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=green, size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Short", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=red, size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(series=longClose, title="Long Close", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=blue, size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(series=shortClose, title="Short Close", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=purple, size=size.tiny)
//alertcondition(condition=longCondition, title="Long", message="")
//alertcondition(condition=shortCondition, title="Short", message="")
//alertcondition(condition=longClose, title="Long Close", message="")
//alertcondition(condition=shortClose, title="Short Close", message="")
//======[ Reset Variables ]======//
if longClose or not in_longCondition
    averageLongs := 0
    totalLongs := 0.0
    sectionLongs := 0
    sectionLongConditions := 0
if shortClose or not in_shortCondition
    averageShorts := 0
    totalShorts := 0.0
    sectionShorts := 0
    sectionShortConditions := 0
//======[ Strategy Entry and Exits ]======//
if testPeriod()
    strategy.entry("Long", 1, when=longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short", 0,  when=shortCondition)
    strategy.close("Long", when=longClose)
    strategy.close("Short", when=shortClose)

//temainput  = input(24, minval=1, title="Fast TEMA")
//hullinput = input(39, minval=1, title="Slow hullMA")
//rmainput = input(48, minval=1, title="RMA (BB Signal)")
//bblength = input(20, minval=1, title="BB Length")
//mult = input(1.5, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="BB stdev Mult")
//src = input(defval=close, type=source, title="Source")

//Moving Average Params

//hullma = wma(2*wma(close, hullinput/2)-wma(close, hullinput), round(sqrt(hullinput)))

//ema = ema(close, temainput)
//ema1 = ema(ema, temainput)
//ema2 = ema(ema1, temainput)
//tema = 3 * (ema - ema1) + ema2

//rma = ema(close, 96)

//basis = sma(tema, bblength)
//dev = mult * stdev(tema, bblength)
//upper = basis + dev
//lower = basis - dev

//Color Swaps
//ribbon = tema>=hullma ? #c0fff4 : #ffbcc8
//bandcolor = rma>=basis ? #ffbcc8 : #c0fff4

//plot(basis, title="Bollinger Band Basis", color=red, transp=0)
//upband = plot(upper, color=#ffbcc8, transp=100, editable=false)
//downband = plot(lower, color=#ffbcc8, transp=100, editable=false)

//temap = plot(tema, title="TEMA", color=white, transp=100, editable=false)
//emap = plot(hullma, title="EMA", color=white, transp=100, editable=false)
//fill (temap, emap, color=ribbon, title="MA Ribbon", transp=50)
//fill(upband, downband, title="Bollinger Band Background", color=bandcolor)

///////END NEW

///--------New, DW Art----------

per = input(defval=34, title="Lookback Period")

//Current Resolution
res = input(defval=30, title="Resolution")

ndev = input(defval=7, minval=0, maxval=7, title="Number of Fibonacci Volatility Deviations")


src  = close
dsrc = high - low

//Periods Per Annum
ppa = (1440/res)*365

//Periodic Volatility
Si = log(close/close[1])
Sm = avg(Si, per)
pv = (sqrt((sum(pow((Si - Sm), 2), per))/(per*ppa)))

//Price Geometric Moving Averages
lmean = log(src)
smean = sum(lmean,per)
gma   = exp(smean/per)
lmeand = log(dsrc)
smeand = sum(lmeand,per)
gmad   = exp(smeand/per)

dev  = gmad*pv
ud1  = gma + dev
dd1  = gma - dev
ud2  = gma + dev*2
dd2  = gma - dev*2
ud3  = gma + dev*3
dd3  = gma - dev*3
ud5  = gma + dev*5
dd5  = gma - dev*5
ud8  = gma + dev*8
dd8  = gma - dev*8
ud13 = gma + dev*13
dd13 = gma - dev*13
ud21 = gma + dev*21
dd21 = gma - dev*21
u1  = (ndev==1) or (ndev==2) or (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud1 : na
d1  = (ndev==1) or (ndev==2) or (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd1 : na
u2  = (ndev==2) or (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud2 : na
d2  = (ndev==2) or (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd2 : na
u3  = (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud3 : na
d3  = (ndev==3) or (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd3 : na
u5  = (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud5 : na
d5  = (ndev==4) or (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd5 : na
u8  = (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud8 : na
d8  = (ndev==5) or (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd8 : na
u13 = (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? ud13 : na
d13 = (ndev==6) or (ndev==7) ? dd13 : na
u21 = (ndev==7) ? ud21 : na
d21 = (ndev==7) ? dd21 : na


gp = plot(gma, color=black, title="GMA")

u21p = plot(u21, color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 21", transp=100)
u13p = plot(u13, color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 13", transp=100)
u8p  = plot(u8,  color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 8",  transp=100)
u5p  = plot(u5,  color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 5",  transp=100)
u3p  = plot(u3,  color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 3",  transp=100)
u2p  = plot(u2,  color=lime, title="Upper Deviation x 2",  transp=100)
u1p  = plot(u1,  color=lime, title="Uper Deviation",       transp=100)
d1p  = plot(d1,  color=red,  title="Lower Deviation",      transp=100)
d2p  = plot(d2,  color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 2",  transp=100)
d3p  = plot(d3,  color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 3",  transp=100)
d5p  = plot(d5,  color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 5",  transp=100)
d8p  = plot(d8,  color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 8",  transp=100)
d13p = plot(d13, color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 13", transp=100)
d21p = plot(d21, color=red,  title="Lower Deviation x 21", transp=100)

fill(u21p, gp, color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u13p, gp, color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u8p, gp,  color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u5p, gp,  color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u3p, gp,  color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u2p, gp,  color=silver, transp=90)
fill(u1p, gp,  color=silver, transp=90)
fill(d1p, gp,  color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d2p, gp,  color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d3p, gp,  color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d5p, gp,  color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d8p, gp,  color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d13p, gp, color=silver,  transp=90)
fill(d21p, gp, color=silver,  transp=90)