La idea central de esta estrategia es maximizar el valor del seguimiento de la pérdida móvil, complementado con filtros y métodos de parada para optimizar la entrada. La forma Y en el nombre de la estrategia representa la forma cruzada de la línea de señal de la estrategia.
Esta estrategia se basa principalmente en la estrategia del explorador PMax de KivancOzbilgic, con algunas modificaciones.
PMax calculado basado en ATR y la media móvil. Genera una señal de compra cuando el precio cruza PMax.
Incorpora el indicador T3 y el precio como filtro para asegurar la entrada en una tendencia al alza.
Configuración del método de parada: configure la estrategia de doble BAND para determinar la primera parada; luego, mediante la estrategia de la cuchara, para determinar las paradas y los puntos de parada posteriores.
El indicador MOST ayuda a juzgar las tendencias para reducir las inversiones innecesarias.
La estrategia PMax en sí misma tiene la ventaja de evitar la búsqueda de alto stop loss, y el mecanismo de stop loss móvil es más favorable para reducir el DD.
El doble filtro asegura la entrada sólo en la tendencia al alza, evitando falsas rupturas.
La configuración de múltiples puntos de parada permite una mayor flexibilidad en las ganancias.
El indicador MOST asegura que sólo se realicen operaciones múltiples y se evite el comercio inverso.
El PMax es algo retrasado en sí mismo, y es fácil que se pierda la primera brecha.
El exceso de configuración de filtros también puede hacer que se pierda el punto de entrada de oro.
Si se pone el tope demasiado optimista, los pedidos no se cumplen.
Las operaciones individuales son difíciles de rentabilizar en variedades con alta volatilidad.
Los indicadores MACD de la clase de adherencia pueden ser probados para determinar el desvío a corto plazo para determinar el momento de entrada.
Se puede probar un filtro simplificado, conservando solo un indicador de filtro.
Se puede agregar un mecanismo de frenado de ajuste automático, ajustando el punto de frenado posterior según la volatilidad y la dinámica de la rentabilidad.
Se puede probar el vacío permitido y ajustar la proporción de posición según el filtro.
La estrategia en su conjunto toma el juicio de entrada como el núcleo de PMax y diseña una multicapa de filtros y métodos de frenado para optimizar, obteniendo mejores ganancias en las variedades de tendencia. En el futuro, mediante la simplificación de los filtros, la optimización de la configuración de frenado y el ajuste adecuado de la administración de la posición, la estrategia puede ser optimizada para optimizar Parameter madura, adaptarse a más variedades, y obtener un mejor rendimiento en el disco real.
start: 2022-12-04 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-10 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © KivancOzbilgic
//developer: @KivancOzbilgic
//author: @enesyetkin
strategy("Y-Profit Maximizer Strategy with Exit Points", shorttitle="Y-PMax Strategy with Exit Points", overlay=true,, default_qty_value=10000, initial_capital=10000, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.1, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent)
baslik1 = input(title="-------------------- PMax Ayarları -------------------", defval=false)
src = input(hl2, title="Kaynak")
Periods = input(title="ATR uzunluğu", type=input.integer, defval=10)
Multiplier = input(title="ATR Multiplier", type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=3.0)
mav = input(title="Moving Average Tipi", defval="VAR", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"])
length =input(13, "Moving Average uzunluğu", minval=1)
filtrelemeacik = input(title="Filtreleme Açık/Kapalı", type=input.bool, defval=false)
filtreleme = input(title="Filtreleme T3/Src (T3 Açık/Src Kapalı)", type=input.bool, defval=false)
changeATR= input(title="ATR Hesaplama Yöntemi Değişsin mi?", type=input.bool, defval=true)
showsupport = input(title="Moving Average i göster?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
showsignalsk = input(title="Al Sat Sinyallerini göster?", type=input.bool, defval=true)
showsignalsc = input(title="Fiyat/Pmax kesişim sinyallerini göster?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
highlighting = input(title="Bulut Açık/Kapalı?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
baslik4 = input(title="-------------------- T3 Ayarları --------------------", defval=false)
length1 = input(89, "T3 Uzunluğu")
length2 = input(5, "T3 Filter Uzunluğu")
a1 = input(0.84, "T3 Volume Faktörü")
a13 = 0.84
length12 = input(5, "Fibo T3 Uzunluğu")
a12 = input(0.618, "T3 Fİbo Volume Faktörü")
T31Show = input(title="T3 ü göster?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
T32Show = input(title= "T3 filtreyi göster?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
T3FiboLine = input(false, title="T3 Fibonacci Oranlı Çizgiler?")
shownum = true
baslik7 = input(title="---------------- Take Profit Ayarları --------------", defval=false)
len = input(25, "Yılan Genişliği")
domcycle = input(20, minval=10, title="Dominant Döngü Genişliği")
rapida = input(8, "Hızlı Ort")
lenta = input(26, "Yavaş Ort")
stdv = input(0.8, "Genişlik")
tpfiltre = input(false, title="TP Filtresi avg2/avg4?")
tplevelshow = input(false, title="TP Level ve Exit Level Sayım Açık Kapalı?")
tp1show = input(false, title="Erken TP Açık Kapalı")
baslik8 = input(title="------------------- MOST Ayarları ------------------", defval=false)
AP2 = input(defval=8,title="Length",minval=1)
AF2 = input(defval=2,title="Percent",minval=0.1)/100
mav1 = input(title="Moving Average Tipi", defval="ZLEMovA", options=["EMovA","ZLEMovA"])
plotbuysell = input(true, "Al Sat Etiketleri", input.bool)
///T3 1&2
e1 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length1)
e2 = ema(e1, length1)
e3 = ema(e2, length1)
e4 = ema(e3, length1)
e5 = ema(e4, length1)
e6 = ema(e5, length1)
c1 = -a1 * a1 * a1
c2 = 3 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c3 = -6 * a1 * a1 - 3 * a1 - 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c4 = 1 + 3 * a1 + a1 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1
T3 = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3
e13 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length2)
e23 = ema(e13, length2)
e33 = ema(e23, length2)
e43 = ema(e33, length2)
e53 = ema(e43, length2)
e63 = ema(e53, length2)
c13 = -a13 * a13 * a13
c23 = 3 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13 * a13
c33 = -6 * a13 * a13 - 3 * a13 - 3 * a13 * a13 * a13
c43 = 1 + 3 * a13 + a13 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13
T33 = c13 * e63 + c23 * e53 + c33 * e43 + c43 * e33
atr2 = sma(tr, Periods)
atr= changeATR ? atr(Periods) : atr2
vud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0
vdd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0
wwalpha = 1/ length
WWMA = 0.0
WWMA := wwalpha*src + (1-wwalpha)*nz(WWMA[1])
zxLag = length/2==round(length/2) ? length/2 : (length - 1) / 2
zxEMAData = (src + (src - src[zxLag]))
ZLEMA = ema(zxEMAData, length)
lrc = linreg(src, length, 0)
lrc1 = linreg(src,length,1)
lrs = (lrc-lrc1)
TSF = linreg(src, length, 0)+lrs
getMA(src, length) =>
ma = 0.0
if mav == "SMA"
ma := sma(src, length)
if mav == "EMA"
ma := ema(src, length)
if mav == "WMA"
ma := wma(src, length)
if mav == "TMA"
ma := sma(sma(src, ceil(length / 2)), floor(length / 2) + 1)
if mav == "VAR"
ma := VAR
if mav == "WWMA"
ma := WWMA
if mav == "ZLEMA"
ma := ZLEMA
if mav == "TSF"
ma := TSF
if mav == "T3"
ma := T3
MAvg=getMA(src, length)
longStop = MAvg - Multiplier*atr
longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
longStop := MAvg > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop
shortStop = MAvg + Multiplier*atr
shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
shortStop := MAvg < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop
dir = 1
dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
dir := dir == -1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir
PMax = dir==1 ? longStop: shortStop
zxLag1 = AP2/2==round(AP2/2) ? AP2/2 : (AP2 - 1) / 2
zxEMAData1 = (src_most + (src_most - src_most[zxLag1]))
ZLEMA1 = ema(zxEMAData1, AP2)
getMA1(src, length) =>
ma1 = 0.0
if mav1 == "EMovA"
ma1 := ema(close, 8)
if mav1 == "ZLEMovA"
ma1 := ZLEMA1
Trail1 = getMA1(src, length)
SL2 = Trail1*AF2 // Stop Loss
Trail2 = 0.0
Trail2 := iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]>nz(Trail2[1],0),max(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2),iff(Trail1<nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]<nz(Trail2[1],0),min(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1+SL2),iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2,Trail1+SL2)))
Buy = crossover(Trail1, Trail2)
Sell = crossunder(Trail1, Trail2)
SR=(iff(Trail1 > Trail2 ,1, iff(Trail2 > Trail1,-1,0)))
////T3 TILLSON 1
col1 = T3 > T3[1]
col3 = T3 < T3[1]
col4 = T33 > T33[1]
col5 = T33 < T33[1]
color_1 = col1 ? : col3 ? : color.yellow
color_4 = col4 ? : col5 ? : color.yellow
e12 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length12)
e22 = ema(e12, length12)
e32 = ema(e22, length12)
e42 = ema(e32, length12)
e52 = ema(e42, length12)
e62 = ema(e52, length12)
c12 = -a12 * a12 * a12
c22 = 3 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c32 = -6 * a12 * a12 - 3 * a12 - 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c42 = 1 + 3 * a12 + a12 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12
T32 = c12 * e62 + c22 * e52 + c32 * e42 + c42 * e32
col12 = T32 > T32[1]
col32 = T32 < T32[1]
h = ema(high, len)
l = ema(low, len)
hp = h / h[len]
lp = l / l[len]
avg = avg(hp, lp)
havg = ema(highest(avg, len), len)
lavg = ema(lowest(avg, len), len)
avg2 = avg(havg, lavg)
avg3 = avg(havg, avg2)
avg4 = avg(havg, avg3)
dif = havg - avg2
ust = havg + dif
alt = lavg - dif
///BB on MACD
SDev = 0.0
banda_supe = 0.0
banda_inf = 0.0
m_rapida = ema(close,rapida)
m_lenta = ema(close,lenta)
BBMacd = m_rapida - m_lenta
Avg = ema(BBMacd,9)
SDev := stdev(BBMacd,9)
banda_supe := Avg + stdv * SDev
banda_inf := Avg - stdv * SDev
color2 = col12 ? : col32 ? color.purple : color.yellow
TS1 = plot(Trail1, "ExMov", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? : color.yellow, linewidth=2)
TS2 = plot(Trail2, "Most", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? :, linewidth=2)
tp1 = tpfiltre ? crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe) and (avg>avg2) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[10]) > nz(PMax[10]) : crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe) and (avg>avg4) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[15]) > nz(PMax[15])
plotshape(tp1 and tp1show, title="TP1", text="TP1", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.aqua, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plot(T31Show ? T3 : na, color=color_1, linewidth=3, title="T3")
plot(T32Show ? T33 : na, color=color_4, linewidth=3, title="T3 Filter")
plot(T3FiboLine and T32 ? T32 : na, color=color2, linewidth=2, title="T3fibo")
plot(showsupport ? MAvg : na, color=#0585E1, linewidth=2, title="Moving Avg Line")
pALL=plot(PMax,, linewidth=2, title="PMax", transp=100)
alertcondition(crossover(MAvg, PMax), title="1- Alım Sinyali", message="{{ticker}}, kapanış fiyatı = {{close}} için Alım Sinyali!")
alertcondition(crossunder(MAvg, PMax), title="2- Satım Sinyali", message="{{ticker}}, kapanış fiyatı = {{close}} için Satım Sinyali!")
buySignalk = filtrelemeacik ? filtreleme ? (crossover(MAvg, PMax) and T33>T3) : (crossover(MAvg, PMax) and src>T3): crossover(MAvg, PMax)
plotshape(buySignalk and showsignalsk ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="AL", text="AL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
sellSignallk = crossunder(MAvg, PMax)
plotshape(sellSignallk and showsignalsk ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sat", text="SAT", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
buySignalc = crossover(src, PMax)
plotshape(buySignalc and showsignalsc ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="AL-Fiyat", text="AL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
sellSignallc = crossunder(src, PMax)
plotshape(sellSignallc and showsignalsc ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sat-Fiyat", text="SAT", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
mPlot = plot(ohlc4, title="", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0,display=display.none)
longFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg>PMax ? : na) : na
shortFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg<PMax ? : na) : na
fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Yükseliş Trend Bulutu", color=longFillColor)
fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Düşüş Trend Bulutu", color=shortFillColor)
tplevel = 0
//tplevel := tp1 ? nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : sellSignallk ? 0 : 0
//tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 9 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 8 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 7 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 6 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 5 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 4 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 3 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 5 : nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 6 : nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 7 : nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 8 : nz(tplevel[1])==9 ? 9 : 1
tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Trail1 < Trail2 ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : 1
exitlevel = 0
exitlevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 2 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 3 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 4 : Sell and nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 5: nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(exitlevel[1])==5 ? 5: 1
plotchar(tplevel==0 and tplevelshow, char='0',
plotchar(tplevel==1 and tplevelshow , char='1',
plotchar(tplevel==2 and tplevelshow, char='2',
plotshape(exitlevel==0 and tplevelshow , text='0', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(exitlevel==1 and tplevelshow , text='1', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(exitlevel==2 and tplevelshow , text='2', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(exitlevel==3 and tplevelshow , text='3', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(exitlevel==4 and tplevelshow , text='4', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(exitlevel==5 and tplevelshow , text='5', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown,
plotshape(nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel>=2, title="TP", text="TP", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.lime, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
if (buySignalk)
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==2
strategy.exit ("Exit1", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 33.3)
//if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==3
// strategy.exit ("Exit2", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 33.3)
if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==3
strategy.exit ("Exit2", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 50)
if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==4
strategy.exit ("Exit3", from_entry="Buy", limit=close)
if (sellSignallk)