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Estrategia de optimización de parada de seguimiento dinámica basada en la nube Ichimoku

El autor:¿ Qué pasa?, Fecha: 2023-12-29 14:40:47
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Resumen general

La idea central de esta estrategia es combinar la estrategia de la Nube de Ichimoku y el mecanismo de parada de seguimiento dinámico para lograr salidas de parada de pérdida más eficientes.


Los módulos principales de esta estrategia incluyen:

  1. Módulo de indicadores de la nube de Ichimoku

    Calcule el indicador Ichimoku Cloud a través de Fisher Transform y Stoch para determinar las tendencias del mercado y las señales comerciales.

  2. Modulo dinámico de pérdida de parada

    Calcular dinámicamente los puntos de parada de pérdida basados en ATR y RSI para lograr una parada de pérdida dinámica.

  3. Módulo de seguimiento de parada de seguimiento

    Establezca puntos de stop loss fijos y salga de las posiciones cuando el precio alcance los puntos de stop loss.

Análisis de ventajas

La mayor ventaja de esta estrategia es la excelente capacidad de control de riesgos. El mecanismo dinámico de stop loss puede establecer un rango de stop loss apropiado basado en la volatilidad del mercado para evitar efectivamente las pérdidas causadas por el deslizamiento excesivo y seguir mejor las tendencias que la stop loss fija. Además, el indicador Ichimoku Cloud puede filtrar algunas operaciones ruidosas y determinar los puntos de entrada y salida de manera confiable.

Análisis de riesgos

Los principales riesgos de esta estrategia son el establecimiento inadecuado del punto de stop loss puede causar salidas excesivamente agresivas. Además, el uso de parámetros demasiado agresivos puede causar operaciones con una sierra de hierro demasiado frecuentes. Para mitigar estos riesgos, los parámetros deben establecerse razonablemente para evitar una magnitud móvil excesiva.

Direcciones de optimización

El espacio de optimización de esta estrategia se centra principalmente en:

  1. Optimización de parámetros de la nube Ichimoku para encontrar mejores combinaciones de parámetros para determinar tendencias.

  2. Optimización dinámica del parámetro de pérdida de parada para encontrar un rango de pérdida de parada más equilibrado.

  3. Añadir un módulo de dimensionamiento de posiciones basado en la volatilidad para ajustar las posiciones basadas en la volatilidad del mercado.

A través de la búsqueda de parámetros y la optimización de reglas, se pueden obtener mayores rendimientos ajustados al riesgo de esta estrategia.


Esta estrategia combina la nube Ichimoku y las técnicas de stop de seguimiento dinámico, que pueden determinar con precisión las tendencias del mercado para las decisiones de tiempo, y también ajusta dinámicamente el rango de stop loss para controlar eficazmente los riesgos.

start: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-28 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("IFTS+TS Strategy Overlay ", overlay=true, pyramiding = 0, calc_on_order_fills = false, commission_type =  strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0.0454, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)

stochlength=input(19, "Stoch & ATR Length")
wmalength=input(4, title="Smooth")
ul = input(82.05,step=0.01, title="UP line")
dl = input(19,step=0.01, title="DOWN line")
uts = input(true, title="Use trailing stop")
rts = input(false, title="Re-enter after trailing stop")
tsi = input(title="trailing stop actiation pips",defval=245)                                                                       
tso = input(title="trailing stop offset pips",defval=20)
udts = input(true, title="Use dynamic trailing stop start")
mpl2 = input(68.3,step=0.05, title="Multiplier for Dynamic TS start X*ATR")
udto = input(true, title="Use dynamic trailing stop offset")
mpl = input(1,step=0.01, title="Multiplier for Dynamic TS offset X*ATR")
occ = input(1, title="Occurancy for dynamic TS")
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")  
resCustom = input(title="Timeframe",defval="30")
hma = input(title="Plot Hull MA", defval=true)
pl = input(title="Plot all", defval=true)

v1=0.1*(stoch(close, high, low, stochlength)-50)
v2=wma(v1, wmalength)
res = useCurrentRes ? timeframe.period : resCustom
k=security(syminfo.tickerid, res, k1, barmerge.lookahead_off)


//stc=(stoch(close, high, low, stochlength))

//v3=0.1*(stoch(low, low, low, stochlength)-50)
//v4=wma(v3, wmalength)
//k2=security(syminfo.tickerid, res, k3, barmerge.lookahead_off)
//stl=(stoch(low, low, low, stochlength))

//v5=0.1*(stoch(high, high, high, stochlength)-50)
//v6=wma(v5, wmalength)
//k4=security(syminfo.tickerid, res, k5, barmerge.lookahead_off)
//sth=(stoch(high, high, high, stochlength))


hg=security(syminfo.tickerid, res, hg1, barmerge.lookahead_off)
lw=security(syminfo.tickerid, res, lw1, barmerge.lookahead_off)

sell = crossunder(k,ul)? 1 : 0
buy = crossover(k,dl)? 1 : 0

var countred = 0
if sell == 1
    countred := 1
if buy == 1
    countred := 0

var countgreen = 0
if buy == 1
    countgreen := 1
if sell == 1
    countgreen := 0

long=countgreen[1]==0 and countgreen==1 ? 1 : 0
short=countred[1]==0 and countred==1 ? 1 : 0
col = k>=k[1] ? color.aqua : color.red
col1 = countred[2]==1 ? na : #00FF00
col2 = countgreen[2]==1 ? na : #FF0000
col3 = countred[2]==1 ? na : color.yellow
col4 = countgreen[2]==1 ? na : color.yellow
dif = n1[1]-n3
dif1 = dif>dif[1] and dif[1]>dif[2] ? na: #00FF00 //uptrend - green
dif3 = n4-n1[1]
dif2 = dif3>dif3[1] and dif3[1]>dif3[2] ? na: #FF0000  //downtrend - red
dif4 = (dif>dif[1] and dif[1]>dif[2]) == (dif3>dif3[1] and dif3[1]>dif3[2]) ? #FFFF00: na //trend change - yellow

dtso1 = sma(atr(stochlength),2)*100
dtso=security(syminfo.tickerid, "1", dtso1,barmerge.lookahead_on)*mpl
dtsi = rsi(atr(stochlength),stochlength)/mpl2*tsi
dtsiv = valuewhen(long or short, dtsi, occ)
dtsov = valuewhen(long or short, dtso, occ)
dtsil1 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and udts? open+(dtsiv/100) : na
dtsis1 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and udts? open-(dtsiv/100) : na
dtsil = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and udts? open+(dtsiv/100) : fixnan(dtsil1[1])
dtsis = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and udts? open-(dtsiv/100) : fixnan(dtsis1[1])
dtsol1 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and udto? dtsil-(dtsov/100) : na
dtsos1 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and udto? dtsis+(dtsov/100) : na
dtsol = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and udto? dtsil-(dtsov/100) : fixnan(dtsol1[1])
dtsos = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and udto? dtsis+(dtsov/100) : fixnan(dtsos1[1])
tsil1 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts? open+(tsi/100) : na
tsis1 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts? open-(tsi/100) : na
tsil = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts? open+(tsi/100) : fixnan(tsil1[1])
tsis = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts? open-(tsi/100) : fixnan(tsis1[1])
tsol21 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts and udto? open+(tsi/100)-(dtsov/100) : na
tsos21 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts and udto? open-(tsi/100)+(dtsov/100) : na
tsol2 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts and udto? open+(tsi/100)-(dtsov/100) : fixnan(tsol21[1])
tsos2 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udts and udto? open-(tsi/100)+(dtsov/100) : fixnan(tsos21[1])
tsol1 = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udto? tsil-(tso/100) : na
tsos1 = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udto? tsis+(tso/100) : na
tsol = countred[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udto? tsil-(tso/100) : fixnan(tsol1[1])
tsos = countgreen[2]==1 and pl and uts and not udto? tsis+(tso/100) : fixnan(tsos1[1])

// ltsos = (short==1) and udto and pl? label.new(bar_index, high[1]+close*0.006,  text="os "+tostring(round(dtsov)), color=color.white, size=size.small) : na
// ltsol = (long==1) and udto and pl? label.new(bar_index, low[1]-close*0.006,  text="os "+tostring(round(dtsov)), color=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_labelup) : na
// ltsis = (short==1) and udts and pl? label.new(bar_index, high[1]+close*0.008, text="st "+tostring(round(dtsiv)), color=color.white, size=size.small) : na
// ltsil = (long==1) and udts and pl? label.new(bar_index, low[1]-close*0.008,  text="st "+tostring(round(dtsiv)), color=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_labelup) : na
//lk = k>ul and pl? label.new(bar_index, high, text=tostring(round(k)), color=col, size=size.small) :na
//lk2 = k<dl and pl? label.new(bar_index, high, text=tostring(round(k)), color=col, size=size.small) :na
//lk3 = k>dl and k<ul and pl? label.new(bar_index, high, text=tostring(round(k)), color=color.white, size=size.small) :na

//ltson = udto==true and pl? label.new(bar_index, 75, text="os "+tostring(round(dtso)), color=color.yellow, size=size.small) :na
//ltsin = udts==true and pl? label.new(bar_index, 0, text="st "+tostring(round(dtsi)), color=color.yellow, size=size.small) :na

plot(dtsil, color=col1, transp = 0, title = "dynamic ts stop long level")
plot(dtsis, color=col2, transp = 0, title = "dynamic ts stop short level")
plot(dtsol, color=col3, transp = 30, title = "dynamic ts offset long level")
plot(dtsos, color=col4, transp = 30, title = "dynamic ts offset short level")
plot(tsol2, color=col3, transp = 30, title = "const start + dynamic ts offset long level")
plot(tsos2, color=col4, transp = 30, title = "const start + dynamic ts offset short level")
plot(tsil, color=col1, transp = 0, title = "const ts stop long level")
plot(tsis, color=col2, transp = 0, title = "const ts stop short level")
plot(tsol, color=col3, transp = 30, title = "const ts stop offset long level")
plot(tsos, color=col4, transp = 30, title = "const ts stop offset short level")
plotarrow(pl==true? long : na, colorup = color.teal, transp=0, title = "buy arrow")
plotarrow(pl==true? -short : na, colordown = color.red, transp=0, title = "sell arrow")
p1 = plot(pl==true?hg : na, color=color.green, transp=100, editable=false)
p2 = plot(pl==true?lw : na, color=color.red, transp=100, editable=false)
p3 = plot(pl==true?lwos : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, transp=100, editable=false)
p4 = plot(pl==true?hgob : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, transp=100, editable=false)
fill(p1,p4, color=color.green, transp=75, title = "highest price levels")
fill(p2,p3, color=color.red, transp=75, title = "lowest price levels")
mab=plot(hma and pl ? n1 : na,color=#000000, linewidth=5, transp=0, title = "Background HMA line") //black
ma=plot(hma and pl ? n1 : na,color=dif1, linewidth=3, transp=10, title = "HMA uptrend line") //green
ma2=plot(hma and pl ? n1 : na,color=dif2, linewidth=3, transp=20, title = "HMA downtrend line")//red
ma3=plot(hma and pl ? n1 : na,color=dif4, linewidth=3, transp=10, title = "HMA reverse trend line") //yellow
// ldl = long[1]==1 and uts and udts? line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index, dtsil, color=#00FF00, width = 1) : na
// lds = short[1]==1 and uts and udts? line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index, dtsis, color=#FF0000, width = 1) : na
// ll = long[1]==1 and uts and not udts? line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index, tsil, color=#00FF00, width = 1) : na
// ls = short[1]==1 and uts and not udts? line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index, tsis, color=#FF0000, width = 1) : na

strategy.entry("BUY", strategy.long, when = buy)
strategy.entry("SELL", strategy.short, when = sell)

if (rts)
    strategy.entry("BUY", strategy.long, when = countgreen==1 and dif1==#00FF00)
    strategy.entry("SELL", strategy.short, when = countred==1 and dif2==#FF0000)

if  (uts)
    strategy.exit("Close BUY with TS","BUY", trail_points = tsi, trail_offset = tso)
    strategy.exit("Close SELL with TS","SELL", trail_points = tsi, trail_offset = tso)

    if  (udto)
        strategy.exit("Close BUY with TS","BUY", trail_points = tsi, trail_offset = dtsov)
        strategy.exit("Close SELL with TS","SELL", trail_points = tsi, trail_offset = dtsov)
    if  (udts)
        strategy.exit("Close BUY with TS","BUY", trail_points = dtsiv, trail_offset = tso)
        strategy.exit("Close SELL with TS","SELL", trail_points = dtsiv, trail_offset = tso)
    if  (udto and udts)
        strategy.exit("Close BUY with TS","BUY", trail_points = dtsiv, trail_offset = dtsov)
        strategy.exit("Close SELL with TS","SELL", trail_points = dtsiv, trail_offset = dtsov)
