Esta estrategia permite el juicio y el seguimiento de la tendencia mediante la combinación del uso de varias medias SMA de diferentes períodos. La idea central es: comparar las direcciones de subida y bajada de los SMA de diferentes períodos, para juzgar la tendencia; hacer más cuando se usa SMA de período más largo en SMA de período corto; hacer un hueco cuando se usa SMA de período más largo en SMA de período corto.
La estrategia combina varias líneas medias de SMA de ciclo, lo que permite un juicio efectivo de la dirección de la tendencia del mercado y genera una señal de comercio cuantitativa. Al mismo tiempo, la aplicación de ZeroLagEMA mejora la fluidez de la estrategia. En general, la estrategia implementa una estrategia de comercio cuantitativa basada en el seguimiento de la tendencia.
start: 2024-01-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-03 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Forex MA Racer - SMA Performance /w ZeroLag EMA Trigger", shorttitle = "FX MA Racer (5x SMA, 2x zlEMA)", overlay=false )
// === INPUTS ===
hr0 = input(defval = true, title = "=== SERIES INPUTS ===")
smaSource = input(defval = close, title = "SMA Source")
sma1Length = input(defval = 10, title = "SMA 1 Length")
sma2Length = input(defval = 20, title = "SMA 2 Length")
sma3Length = input(defval = 50, title = "SMA 3 Length")
sma4Length = input(defval = 100, title = "SMA 4 Length")
sma5Length = input(defval = 200, title = "SMA 5 Length")
smaDirSpan = input(defval = 4, title = "SMA Direction Span")
zlmaSource = input(defval = close, title = "ZeroLag EMA Source")
zlmaFastLength = input(defval = 9, title = "ZeroLag EMA Fast Length")
zlmaSlowLength = input(defval = 21, title = "ZeroLag EMA Slow Length")
hr1 = input(defval = true, title = "=== PLOT TIME LIMITER ===")
useTimeLimit = input(defval = true, title = "Use Start Time Limiter?")
// set up where we want to run from
startYear = input(defval = 2018, title = "Start From Year", minval = 0, step = 1)
startMonth = input(defval = 02, title = "Start From Month", minval = 0,step = 1)
startDay = input(defval = 01, title = "Start From Day", minval = 0,step = 1)
startHour = input(defval = 00, title = "Start From Hour", minval = 0,step = 1)
startMinute = input(defval = 00, title = "Start From Minute", minval = 0,step = 1)
hr2 = input(defval = true, title = "=== TRAILING STOP ===")
useStop = input(defval = false, title = "Use Trailing Stop?")
slPoints = input(defval = 200, title = "Stop Loss Trail Points", minval = 1)
slOffset = input(defval = 400, title = "Stop Loss Trail Offset", minval = 1)
// === /INPUTS ===
// === SERIES SETUP ===
// Fast ZeroLag EMA
zema1=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaFastLength)
zema2=ema(zema1, zlmaFastLength)
// Slow ZeroLag EMA
zema3=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaSlowLength)
zema4=ema(zema3, zlmaSlowLength)
// Simple Moving Averages
period10 = sma(close, sma1Length)
period20 = sma(close, sma2Length)
period50 = sma(close, sma3Length)
period100 = sma(close, sma4Length)
period200 = sma(close, sma5Length)
// === /SERIES SETUP ===
// === PLOT ===
// colors of plotted MAs
p1 = (close < period10) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p2 = (close < period20) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p3 = (close < period50) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p4 = (close < period100) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p5 = (close < period200) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
plot(period10, title='10 Period', color = p1, linewidth=1)
plot(period20, title='20 Period', color = p2, linewidth=2)
plot(period50, title='50 Period', color = p3, linewidth=4)
plot(period100, title='100 Period', color = p4, linewidth=6)
plot(period200, title='200 Period', color = p5, linewidth=10)
// === /PLOT ===
//BFR = BRFIB ? (maFast+maSlow)/2 : abs(maFast - maSlow)
// === STRATEGY ===
// calculate SMA directions
direction10 = rising(period10, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period10, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction20 = rising(period20, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period20, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction50 = rising(period50, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period50, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction100 = rising(period100, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period100, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction200 = rising(period200, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period200, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
// conditions
// SMA Direction Trigger
dirUp = direction10 > 0 and direction20 > 0 and direction100 > 0 and direction200 > 0
dirDn = direction10 < 0 and direction20 < 0 and direction100 < 0 and direction200 < 0
longCond = (period10>period20) and (period20>period50) and (period50>period100) and dirUp//and (close > period10) and (period50>period100) //and (period100>period200)
shortCond = (period10<period20) and (period20<period50) and dirDn//and (period50<period100) and (period100>period200)
longExit = crossunder(zlemaFast, zlemaSlow) or crossunder(period10, period20)
shortExit = crossover(zlemaFast, zlemaSlow) or crossover(period10, period20)
// entries and exits
startTimeOk() =>
// get our input time together
inputTime = timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute)
// check the current time is greater than the input time and assign true or false
timeOk = time > inputTime ? true : false
// last line is the return value, we want the strategy to execute if..
// ..we are using the limiter, and the time is ok -OR- we are not using the limiter
r = (useTimeLimit and timeOk) or not useTimeLimit
if( true )
// entries
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when = longCond)
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when = shortCond)
// trailing stop
if (useStop)
strategy.exit("XL", from_entry = "long", trail_points = slPoints, trail_offset = slOffset)
strategy.exit("XS", from_entry = "short", trail_points = slPoints, trail_offset = slOffset)
// exits
strategy.close("long", when = longExit)
strategy.close("short", when = shortExit)
// === /STRATEGY ===