
The talib.BBANDS() function is used to calculate Bollinger Bands.

The return value of the talib.BBANDS() function is: a two-dimensional array. The array contains three elements which are: the upper line array, the middle line array, and the lower line array. array

talib.BBANDS(inReal) talib.BBANDS(inReal, optInTimePeriod) talib.BBANDS(inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDevUp) talib.BBANDS(inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDevUp, optInNbDevDn) talib.BBANDS(inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInNbDevUp, optInNbDevDn, optInMAType)

The inReal parameter is used to specify the K-line data. inReal true {@struct/Record Record} structure arrays, numeric arrays The optInTimePeriod parameter is used to set the period, the default value is 5. optInTimePeriod false number The optInNbDevUp parameter is used to set the upline multiplier, the default value is 2. optInNbDevUp false number The optInNbDevDn parameter is used to set the lower line multiplier, the default value is 2. optInNbDevDn false number The optInMAType parameter is used to set the mean type, the default value is 0. optInMAType false number

function main() {
    var records = exchange.GetRecords()
    var ret = talib.BBANDS(records)
import talib
def main():
    records = exchange.GetRecords()
    ret = talib.BBANDS(records.Close)
void main() {
    auto records = exchange.GetRecords();
    auto ret = talib.BBANDS(records);

The BBANDS() function is described in the talib library documentation as: BBANDS(Records[Close],Time Period = 5,Deviations up = 2,Deviations down = 2,MA Type = 0) = [Array(outRealUpperBand),Array(outRealMiddleBand),Array(outRealLowerBand)]