
Structure of market information on traded varieties.

Taking values such as "btcusdt", the Symbol field records the original name of the traded variety on the exchange. Note that the format and definition of this attribute are different from the Symbol field of the {@struct/Ticker Ticker} structure. Symbol string Taking values such as "BTC", the BaseAsset field records the name of the traded currency (i.e.: baseCurrency), which is uniformly uppercase. BaseAsset string Taking values such as "USDT", the QuoteAsset field records the name of the denominated currency (i.e.: quoteCurrency), which is uniformly uppercase. QuoteAsset string Taking values such as 0.01, the TickSize field records the value of the smallest change in the price of the traded item on the exchange. TickSize number Taking values such as 0.01, the AmountSize field records the value of the minimum change in the volume of orders placed on the exchange for that trade. AmountSize number Taking values such as 2, the PricePrecision field records the precision of the price of the traded item on the exchange, indicating that the price is accurate to 2 decimals. PricePrecision number Taking values such as 3, the AmountPrecision field records the precision of the orders placed on the exchange for the traded variety, indicating that the orders are accurate to 3 decimals. AmountPrecision number Taking values such as 0.001, the MinQty field records the minimum order size on the exchange for that trade. MinQty number Taking values such as 1000, the MaxQty field records the maximum number of orders that can be placed on the exchange for that variety of trade. MaxQty number Taking values such as 5, the MinNotional field records the minimum amount of the order placed on the exchange for that variety of trade. MinNotional number Taking values such as 9999999, the MaxNotional field records the maximum amount of orders placed on the exchange for that variety of trade. MaxNotional number The field CtVal records the value of a contract of the trading product on the exchange, in the currency recorded in the CtValCcy field. For example: CtVal is 0.01, CtValCcy is "BTC", which means that a contract is worth 0.01 BTC. CtVal number The field CtValCcy records the value unit of a contract. The value unit of a contract may be: BTC, USD, ETH, etc. CtValCcy number The field Info records the raw data for the species returned by the exchange’s market information interface. Info object

The exchange.GetMarkets() function returns a dictionary containing this Market structure. Due to the different level of support for market information data by each exchange, fields that are not supported by the exchange will be ignored. The values of the above fields are taken from the raw data of the exchange interface, you can also check the content of the Info field.

{@fun/Market/exchange.GetMarkets exchange.GetMarkets}