La stratégie d'arbitrage intertemporel précédemment écrite nécessite l'entrée manuelle de l'écart de couverture pour l'ouverture et la fermeture des positions.
class Hedge:
'Hedging control class'
def __init__(self, q, e, initAccount, symbolA, symbolB, maPeriod, atrRatio, opAmount):
self.q = q
self.initAccount = initAccount
self.status = 0
self.symbolA = symbolA
self.symbolB = symbolB
self.e = e
self.isBusy = False
self.maPeriod = maPeriod
self.atrRatio = atrRatio
self.opAmount = opAmount
self.records = []
self.preBarTime = 0
def poll(self):
if (self.isBusy or not exchange.IO("status")) or not ext.IsTrading(self.symbolA):
insDetailA = exchange.SetContractType(self.symbolA)
if not insDetailA:
recordsA = exchange.GetRecords()
if not recordsA:
insDetailB = exchange.SetContractType(self.symbolB)
if not insDetailB:
recordsB = exchange.GetRecords()
if not recordsB:
# Calculate the spread price K line
if recordsA[-1]["Time"] != recordsB[-1]["Time"]:
minL = min(len(recordsA), len(recordsB))
rA = recordsA.copy()
rB = recordsB.copy()
count = 0
arrDiff = []
for i in range(minL):
arrDiff.append(rB[i]["Close"] - rA[i]["Close"])
if len(arrDiff) < self.maPeriod:
# Calculate Bollinger Bands indicator
boll = TA.BOLL(arrDiff, self.maPeriod, self.atrRatio)
ext.PlotLine("upper trail", boll[0][-2], recordsA[-2]["Time"])
ext.PlotLine("middle trail", boll[1][-2], recordsA[-2]["Time"])
ext.PlotLine("lower trail", boll[2][-2], recordsA[-2]["Time"])
ext.PlotLine("Closing price spread", arrDiff[-2], recordsA[-2]["Time"])
LogStatus(_D(), "upper trail:", boll[0][-1], "\n", "middle trail:", boll[1][-1], "\n", "lower trail:", boll[2][-1], "\n", "Current closing price spread:", arrDiff[-1])
action = 0
# Signal trigger
if self.status == 0:
if arrDiff[-1] > boll[0][-1]:
Log("Open position A buy B sell", ", A latest price:", recordsA[-1]["Close"], ", B latest price:", recordsB[-1]["Close"], "#FF0000")
action = 2
# Add chart markers
ext.PlotFlag(recordsA[-1]["Time"], "A buy B sell", "Positive")
elif arrDiff[-1] < boll[2][-1]:
Log("Open position A sell B buy", ", A latest price:", recordsA[-1]["Close"], ", B latest price:", recordsB[-1]["Close"], "#FF0000")
action = 1
# Add chart markers
ext.PlotFlag(recordsA[-1]["Time"], "A sell B buy", "Negative")
elif self.status == 1 and arrDiff[-1] > boll[1][-1]:
Log("Close position A buy B sell", ", A latest price:", recordsA[-1]["Close"], ", B latest price:", recordsB[-1]["Close"], "#FF0000")
action = 2
# Add chart markers
ext.PlotFlag(recordsA[-1]["Time"], "A buy B sell", "Close Negative")
elif self.status == 2 and arrDiff[-1] < boll[1][-1]:
Log("Close position A sell B buy", ", A latest price:", recordsA[-1]["Close"], ", B latest price:", recordsB[-1]["Close"], "#FF0000")
action = 1
# Add chart markers
ext.PlotFlag(recordsA[-1]["Time"], "A sell B buy", "Close Positive")
# Execute specific instructions
if action == 0:
self.isBusy = True
tasks = []
if action == 1:
tasks.append([self.symbolA, "sell" if self.status == 0 else "closebuy"])
tasks.append([self.symbolB, "buy" if self.status == 0 else "closesell"])
elif action == 2:
tasks.append([self.symbolA, "buy" if self.status == 0 else "closesell"])
tasks.append([self.symbolB, "sell" if self.status == 0 else "closebuy"])
def callBack(task, ret):
def callBack(task, ret):
self.isBusy = False
if task["action"] == "sell":
self.status = 2
elif task["action"] == "buy":
self.status = 1
self.status = 0
account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
LogProfit(account["Balance"] - self.initAccount["Balance"], account)
self.q.pushTask(self.e, tasks[1][0], tasks[1][1], self.opAmount, callBack)
self.q.pushTask(self.e, tasks[0][0], tasks[0][1], self.opAmount, callBack)
def main():
Log("Connecting to the trading server...")
while not exchange.IO("status"):
Log("Successfully connected to the trading server")
initAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
def callBack(task, ret):
Log(task["desc"], "success" if ret else "failure")
q = ext.NewTaskQueue(callBack)
p = ext.NewPositionManager()
if CoverAll:
Log("Start closing all remaining positions...")
Log("Operation complete")
t = Hedge(q, exchange, initAccount, SA, SB, MAPeriod, ATRRatio, OpAmount)
while True:
Réglage des paramètres de stratégie:
Le cadre global de la stratégie est essentiellement le même que celui de la stratégie deVersion Python de la stratégie de couverture intertemporelle des contrats à terme sur matières premièresLorsque la stratégie est en cours d'exécution, les données de la ligne K des deux contrats sont obtenues, puis la différence de prix est calculée pour calculer l'écart.TA.BOLL
Lorsque l'écart dépasse le rail supérieur de la bande de Bollinger, il sera couvert, et lorsqu'il touche le rail inférieur, il sera opposé à l'opération.
Test de retour:
Cet article est principalement destiné à des fins d'étude. Stratégie complète: