Stratégie d'indicateur de momentum RSI basée sur l'interpolation polynomiale

Date de création: 2024-01-12 13:46:53 Dernière modification: 2024-01-12 13:46:53
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Stratégie d’indicateur de momentum RSI basée sur l’interpolation polynomiale


La stratégie utilise le Delta-RSI, l’indicateur de dynamique du RSI, basé sur des valeurs d’intervalles polynomials pour générer un signal de transaction. Le Delta-RSI traite le RSI de manière lisse par une méthode de régression polynomial locale, obtenant la derivate de temps d’une étape du RSI, utilisée comme indicateur de dynamique. La stratégie ajoute un filtre basé sur l’ATR, le rendement et le RSI, qui peut filtrer une partie des signaux de faux coups.

Le principe

L’indicateur central de la stratégie est le Delta-RSI. Les étapes de calcul sont les suivantes:

  1. Entrez une séquence de temps RSI dont la longueur est la période rsi_l
  2. RSI adapté à une fenêtre coulissante de longueur window en utilisant une méthode de mise en valeur polynomial
  3. Calculer le coefficient de la courbe d’adéquation à un degré au point actuel, le Delta-RSI
  4. Le delta-RSI est à 0 pour acheter et à 0 pour vendre.
  5. Il est également possible de combiner la ligne de signal Delta-RSI pour générer un signal de transaction

Les stratégies de filtrage des signaux à l’aide des filtres ATR, volume et RSI:

  1. Filtre ATR: l’ATR du cycle N actuel est supérieur à l’ATR du cycle M, indiquant une hausse des fluctuations
  2. Filtre de transaction: le volume de transaction actuel est supérieur à N fois le volume de transaction moyen de la période M
  3. Filtre RSI: le RSI est supérieur à la barre 1 et inférieur à la barre 2, filtrant les zones de survente

Les avantages

Cette stratégie présente les avantages suivants:

  1. L’indicateur Delta-RSI est plus sensible et permet de détecter les retournements de tendance plus tôt.
  2. Ajout de filtres qui peuvent filtrer la plupart des faux signaux et améliorer la qualité du signal
  3. Des valeurs d’insertion et des paramètres de filtrage multivariés personnalisables pour s’adapter à différents environnements de marché
  4. Vous pouvez faire plus de temps libre pour répondre à vos préférences personnelles
  5. Un arrêt de perte réglable pour contrôler les pertes et les bénéfices simples

Les risques

La stratégie présente également les risques suivants:

  1. Une mauvaise configuration des paramètres peut entraîner une sur-glissage ou une sur-filtration
  2. Risque de perte de positions multiples ou de positions vides
  3. Le stop-loss est trop large et peut augmenter les pertes individuelles.

Ces risques peuvent être contrôlés et réduits en optimisant les paramètres, en ajustant les conditions de filtrage et en définissant des arrêts plus stricts.

Direction d’optimisation

Cette stratégie peut être optimisée:

  1. Optimisation des paramètres du modèle Delta-RSI pour améliorer l’effet d’adaptation
  2. Augmentation du filtrage adaptatif basé sur l’apprentissage automatique
  3. Paramètres définis en fonction des variétés
  4. Des méthodes telles que l’ajout d’un portefeuille de modèles améliorent la stabilité


La stratégie exploite les caractéristiques de haute sensibilité de l’indicateur Delta-RSI, associée à un mécanisme de filtrage strict, pour améliorer la qualité de la stratégie dans la mesure où les risques sont maîtrisés. Grâce à l’optimisation continue des paramètres et des modèles, il est prévu d’étendre davantage le rendement positif de la stratégie, qui est une stratégie de trading quantitative efficace.

Code source de la stratégie
start: 2024-01-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-11 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © tbiktag
// Delta-RSI Oscillator Strategy With Filters
// This is a version of the Delta-RSI Oscillator Strategy compatible with 
// the Strategy Tester.
// This version also allows filtering the trade signals generated by Delts-RSI
// by means of volatility (defined by ATR), relative volume and RSI(14).
// Delta-RSI (© tbiktag) is a smoothed time derivative of the RSI designed
// as a momentum indicator. For the original publication, see link below:
// D-RSI model parameters:
// RSI Length: The timeframe of the RSI that serves as an input to D-RSI.
// Frame Length: The length of the lookback frame used for local regression.
// Polynomial Order: The order of the local polynomial function used to interpolate 
// the RSI.
// Trade signals are generated based on three optional conditions:
// - Zero-crossing: bullish when D-RSI crosses zero from negative to positive 
// values (bearish otherwise)
// - Signal Line Crossing: bullish when D-RSI crosses from below to above the signal 
// line (bearish otherwise)
// - Direction Change: bullish when D-RSI was negative and starts ascending 
// (bearish otherwise)
strategy(title="Delta-RSI Strategy with Filters", shorttitle = "D-RSI with filters", overlay = true)

// ---Subroutines---
matrix_get(_A,_i,_j,_nrows) =>
    // Get the value of the element of an implied 2d matrix
    // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]]
    // _i :: integer: row number
    // _j :: integer: column number
    // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in the implied 2d matrix

matrix_set(_A,_value,_i,_j,_nrows) =>
    // Set a value to the element of an implied 2d matrix
    // _A :: array, changed on output: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]]
    // _value :: float: the new value to be set
    // _i :: integer: row number
    // _j :: integer: column number
    // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in the implied 2d matrix

transpose(_A,_nrows,_ncolumns) =>
    // Transpose an implied 2d matrix
    // input:
    // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]]
    // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in _A
    // _ncolumns :: integer: number of columns in _A
    // output:
    // _AT :: array: pseudo 2d matrix with implied dimensions: _ncolums x _nrows
    var _AT = array.new_float(_nrows*_ncolumns,0)
    for i = 0 to _nrows-1
        for j = 0 to _ncolumns-1
            matrix_set(_AT, matrix_get(_A,i,j,_nrows),j,i,_ncolumns)

multiply(_A,_B,_nrowsA,_ncolumnsA,_ncolumnsB) => 
    // Calculate scalar product of two matrices
    // input: 
    // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix
    // _B :: array: pseudo 2d matrix
    // _nrowsA :: integer: number of rows in _A
    // _ncolumnsA :: integer: number of columns in _A
    // _ncolumnsB :: integer: number of columns in _B
    // output:
    // _C:: array: pseudo 2d matrix with implied dimensions _nrowsA x _ncolumnsB
    var _C = array.new_float(_nrowsA*_ncolumnsB,0)
    int _nrowsB = _ncolumnsA
    float elementC= 0.0
    for i = 0 to _nrowsA-1
        for j = 0 to _ncolumnsB-1
            elementC := 0
            for k = 0 to _ncolumnsA-1
                elementC := elementC + matrix_get(_A,i,k,_nrowsA)*matrix_get(_B,k,j,_nrowsB)

vnorm(_X,_n) =>
    //Square norm of vector _X with size _n
    float _norm = 0.0
    for i = 0 to _n-1
        _norm := _norm + pow(array.get(_X,i),2)

qr_diag(_A,_nrows,_ncolumns) => 
    //QR Decomposition with Modified Gram-Schmidt Algorithm (Column-Oriented)
    // input:
    // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]]
    // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in _A
    // _ncolumns :: integer: number of columns in _A
    // output:
    // _Q: unitary matrix, implied dimenstions _nrows x _ncolumns
    // _R: upper triangular matrix, implied dimansions _ncolumns x _ncolumns
    var _Q = array.new_float(_nrows*_ncolumns,0)
    var _R = array.new_float(_ncolumns*_ncolumns,0)
    var _a = array.new_float(_nrows,0)
    var _q = array.new_float(_nrows,0)
    float _r = 0.0
    float _aux = 0.0
    //get first column of _A and its norm:
    for i = 0 to _nrows-1
    _r := vnorm(_a,_nrows)
    //assign first diagonal element of R and first column of Q
    for i = 0 to _nrows-1
    if _ncolumns != 1
        //repeat for the rest of the columns
        for k = 1 to _ncolumns-1
            for i = 0 to _nrows-1
            for j = 0 to k-1
                //get R_jk as scalar product of Q_j column and A_k column:
                _r := 0
                for i = 0 to _nrows-1
                    _r := _r + matrix_get(_Q,i,j,_nrows)*array.get(_a,i)
                //update vector _a
                for i = 0 to _nrows-1
                    _aux := array.get(_a,i) - _r*matrix_get(_Q,i,j,_nrows)
            //get diagonal R_kk and Q_k column
            _r := vnorm(_a,_nrows)
            for i = 0 to _nrows-1
pinv(_A,_nrows,_ncolumns) =>
    //Pseudoinverse of matrix _A calculated using QR decomposition
    // Input: 
    // _A:: array: implied as a (_nrows x _ncolumns) matrix 
    //.             _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(_ncolumns-1)]]
    // Output: 
    // _Ainv:: array implied as a (_ncolumns x _nrows) matrix 
    //              _A = [[row_0],[row_1],...,[row_(_nrows-1)]]
    // ----
    // First find the QR factorization of A: A = QR,
    // where R is upper triangular matrix.
    // Then _Ainv = R^-1*Q^T.
    // ----
    [_Q,_R] = qr_diag(_A,_nrows,_ncolumns)
    _QT = transpose(_Q,_nrows,_ncolumns)
    // Calculate Rinv:
    var _Rinv = array.new_float(_ncolumns*_ncolumns,0)
    float _r = 0.0
    if _ncolumns != 1
        for j = 1 to _ncolumns-1
            for i = 0 to j-1
                _r := 0.0
                for k = i to j-1
                    _r := _r + matrix_get(_Rinv,i,k,_ncolumns)*matrix_get(_R,k,j,_ncolumns)
            for k = 0 to j-1
    _Ainv = multiply(_Rinv,_QT,_ncolumns,_ncolumns,_nrows)

norm_rmse(_x, _xhat) =>
    // Root Mean Square Error normalized to the sample mean
    // _x.   :: array float, original data
    // _xhat :: array float, model estimate
    // output
    // _nrmse:: float
    float _nrmse = 0.0
    if array.size(_x) != array.size(_xhat)
        _nrmse := na
        int _N = array.size(_x)
        float _mse = 0.0
        for i = 0 to _N-1
            _mse := _mse + pow(array.get(_x,i) - array.get(_xhat,i),2)/_N
        _xmean = array.sum(_x)/_N
        _nrmse := sqrt(_mse) /_xmean

diff(_src,_window,_degree) =>
    // Polynomial differentiator
    // input:
    // _src:: input series
    // _window:: integer: wigth of the moving lookback window
    // _degree:: integer: degree of fitting polynomial
    // output:
    // _diff :: series: time derivative
    // _nrmse:: float: normalized root mean square error
    // Vandermonde matrix with implied dimensions (window x degree+1)
    // Linear form: J = [ [z]^0, [z]^1, ... [z]^degree], 
    //              with z = [ (1-window)/2 to (window-1)/2 ] 
    var _J = array.new_float(_window*(_degree+1),0)
    for i = 0 to _window-1 
        for j = 0 to _degree
    // Vector of raw datapoints:
    var _Y_raw = array.new_float(_window,na)
    for j = 0 to _window-1
    // Calculate polynomial coefficients which minimize the loss function
    _C = pinv(_J,_window,_degree+1)
    _a_coef = multiply(_C,_Y_raw,_degree+1,_window,1)
    // For first derivative, approximate the last point (i.e. z=window-1) by 
    float _diff = 0.0
    for i = 1 to _degree
        _diff := _diff + i*array.get(_a_coef,i)*pow(_window-1,i-1)
    // Calculates data estimate (needed for rmse)
    _Y_hat = multiply(_J,_a_coef,_window,_degree+1,1)
    float _nrmse = norm_rmse(_Y_raw,_Y_hat)

/// --- main ---
degree = input(title="Polynomial Order", group = "Model Parameters:",
              inline = "linepar1", type = input.integer, defval=3, minval = 1)
rsi_l = input(title = "RSI Length", group = "Model Parameters:", 
              inline = "linepar1", type = input.integer, defval = 21, minval = 1,
              tooltip="The period length of RSI that is used as input.")
window = input(title="Length ( > Order)", group = "Model Parameters:",
              inline = "linepar2", type = input.integer, defval=50, minval = 2)
signalLength = input(title="Signal Length", group = "Model Parameters:",
              inline = "linepar2", type=input.integer, defval=9,
              tooltip="The signal line is a EMA of the D-RSI time series.")
islong = input(title = "Long", group = "Allowed Entries:",
              inline = "lineent",type = input.bool, defval = true)
isshort = input(title = "Short", group = "Allowed Entries:",
              inline = "lineent", type = input.bool, defval= true)
buycond = input(title="Buy", group = "Entry and Exit Conditions:", 
              inline = "linecond",type = input.string, defval="Signal Line Crossing", 
              options=["Zero-Crossing", "Signal Line Crossing","Direction Change"])
sellcond = input(title="Sell", group = "Entry and Exit Conditions:", 
              inline = "linecond",type = input.string, defval="Signal Line Crossing", 
              options=["Zero-Crossing", "Signal Line Crossing","Direction Change"])
endcond = input(title="Exit", group = "Entry and Exit Conditions:", 
              inline = "linecond",type = input.string, defval="Signal Line Crossing", 
              options=["Zero-Crossing", "Signal Line Crossing","Direction Change"])
filterlong =input(title = "Long Entries", inline = 'linefilt', group = 'Apply Filters to', 
               type = input.bool, defval = true)
filtershort =input(title = "Short Enties", inline = 'linefilt', group = 'Apply Filters to', 
               type = input.bool, defval = true)
filterend =input(title = "Exits", inline = 'linefilt', group = 'Apply Filters to', 
               type = input.bool, defval = true)
usevol =input(title = "", inline = 'linefiltvol', group = 'Relative Volume Filter:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
rvol = input(title = "Volume >", inline = 'linefiltvol', group = 'Relative Volume Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 1)
len_vol = input(title = "Avg. Volume Over Period", inline = 'linefiltvol', group = 'Relative Volume Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 30, minval = 1,
               tooltip="The current volume must be greater than N times the M-period average volume.")
useatr =input(title = "", inline = 'linefiltatr', group = 'Volatility Filter:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
len_atr1 = input(title = "ATR", inline = 'linefiltatr', group = 'Volatility Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 5, minval = 1)
len_atr2 = input(title = "> ATR", inline = 'linefiltatr', group = 'Volatility Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 30, minval = 1,
               tooltip="The N-period ATR must be greater than the M-period ATR.")
usersi =input(title = "", inline = 'linersi', group = 'Overbought/Oversold Filter:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
rsitrhs1 = input(title = "", inline = 'linersi', group = 'Overbought/Oversold Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 0, minval=0, maxval=100)
rsitrhs2 = input(title = "< RSI (14) >", inline = 'linersi', group = 'Overbought/Oversold Filter:', 
               type = input.integer, defval = 100, minval=0, maxval=100,
               tooltip="RSI(14) must be in the range between N and M.")
issl =  input(title = "SL", inline = 'linesl1', group = 'Stop Loss / Take Profit:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
slpercent =  input(title = ", %", inline = 'linesl1', group = 'Stop Loss / Take Profit:', 
               type = input.float, defval = 10, minval=0.0)
istrailing =  input(title = "Trailing", inline = 'linesl1', group = 'Stop Loss / Take Profit:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
istp =  input(title = "TP", inline = 'linetp1', group = 'Stop Loss / Take Profit:', 
               type = input.bool, defval = false)
tppercent =  input(title = ", %", inline = 'linetp1', group = 'Stop Loss / Take Profit:', 
               type = input.float, defval = 20)
fixedstart =input(title="", group = "Fixed Backtest Period Start/End Dates:",
              inline = "linebac1", type = input.bool, defval = true)
backtest_start=input(title = "", type = input.time, inline = "linebac1", 
              group = "Fixed Backtest Period Start/End Dates:",
              defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2017 13:30 +0000"),
              tooltip="If deactivated, backtest staring from the first available price bar.")
fixedend =  input(title="", group = "Fixed Backtest Period Start/End Dates:",
              inline = "linebac2", type = input.bool, defval = false)
backtest_end =input(title = "", type = input.time, inline = "linebac2", 
              group = "Fixed Backtest Period Start/End Dates:",
              defval = timestamp("30 Dec 2080 23:30 +0000"),
              tooltip="If deactivated, backtesting ends at the last available price bar.")

if window < degree
    window := degree+1

src = rsi(close,rsi_l)
[drsi,nrmse] = diff(src,window,degree)
signalline = ema(drsi, signalLength)

// Conditions for D-RSI
dirchangeup = (drsi>drsi[1]) and (drsi[1]<drsi[2]) and drsi[1]<0.0
dirchangedw = (drsi<drsi[1]) and (drsi[1]>drsi[2]) and drsi[1]>0.0
crossup = crossover(drsi,0.0)
crossdw = crossunder(drsi,0.0)
crosssignalup = crossover(drsi,signalline)
crosssignaldw = crossunder(drsi,signalline)

// D-RSI signals
drsilong = (buycond=="Direction Change"?dirchangeup:(buycond=="Zero-Crossing"?crossup:crosssignalup)) 
drsishort= (sellcond=="Direction Change"?dirchangedw:(sellcond=="Zero-Crossing"?crossdw:crosssignaldw)) 
drisendlong = (endcond=="Direction Change"?dirchangedw:(endcond=="Zero-Crossing"?crossdw:crosssignaldw)) 
drisendshort= (endcond=="Direction Change"?dirchangeup:(endcond=="Zero-Crossing"?crossup:crosssignalup)) 

// Filters
rsifilter = usersi?(rsi(close,14) > rsitrhs1 and rsi(close,14) < rsitrhs2):true
volatilityfilter = useatr?(atr(len_atr1) > atr(len_atr2)):true
volumefilter = usevol?(volume > rvol*sma(volume,len_vol)):true
totalfilter = volatilityfilter and volumefilter and rsifilter

//Filtered signals
golong  = drsilong  and islong  and (filterlong?totalfilter:true) 
goshort = drsishort and isshort and (filtershort?totalfilter:true)
endlong  = drisendlong and (filterend?totalfilter:true)
endshort = drisendlong and (filterend?totalfilter:true)

// Backtest period
//backtest_start = timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear, startMonth, startDate, 0, 0)
//backtest_end = timestamp(syminfo.timezone, endYear, endMonth, endDate, 0, 0)
isinrange = true

// Entry price / Take profit / Stop Loss
startprice = valuewhen(condition=golong or goshort, source=close, occurrence=0)
pm = golong?1:goshort?-1:1/sign(strategy.position_size)
takeprofit = startprice*(1+pm*tppercent*0.01)
// fixed stop loss
stoploss = startprice * (1-pm*slpercent*0.01)
// trailing stop loss
if istrailing and strategy.position_size>0
    stoploss := max(close*(1 - slpercent*0.01),stoploss[1])
else if istrailing and strategy.position_size<0
    stoploss := min(close*(1 + slpercent*0.01),stoploss[1])

tpline = plot(takeprofit,,transp=100, title="TP")
slline = plot(stoploss,, transp=100, title="SL")
p1 = plot(close,transp=100,color=color.white, title="Dummy Close")
fill(p1, tpline,, transp=istp?70:100, title="TP")
fill(p1, slline,,   transp=issl?70:100, title="SL")

// Backtest: Basic Entry and Exit Conditions
if golong and isinrange and islong
    strategy.entry("long",   true )
    alert("D-RSI Long " + syminfo.tickerid, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) 
if goshort and isinrange and isshort
    strategy.entry("short",  false)
    alert("D-RSI Short " + syminfo.tickerid, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) 
if endlong
    strategy.close("long",  alert_message="Close Long")
    alert("D-RSI Exit Long " + syminfo.tickerid, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) 
if endshort
    strategy.close("short", alert_message="Close Short")
    alert("D-RSI Exit Short " + syminfo.tickerid, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) 

// Exit via SL or TP
strategy.exit(id="sl/tp long", from_entry="long", stop=issl?stoploss:na, 
              limit=istp?takeprofit:na, alert_message="Close Long")
strategy.exit(id="sl/tp short",from_entry="short",stop=issl?stoploss:na, 
              limit=istp?takeprofit:na, alert_message="Stop Loss Short")

// Close if outside the range
if (not isinrange)