Il s'agit d'une stratégie de trading dynamique complète basée sur plusieurs croisements de moyennes mobiles exponentielles (EMA) et indicateurs de volume-prix. La stratégie génère des signaux de trading en combinant divers indicateurs, notamment des EMA rapides et lents, un prix moyen pondéré par volume (VWAP) et une SuperTrend, tout en incorporant des fenêtres de trading intraday et des seuils de mouvement des prix pour contrôler les points d'entrée et de sortie.
La stratégie utilise des EMA de 5 jours et 13 jours comme indicateurs de tendance principaux. Les positions longues sont déclenchées lorsque l'EMA rapide traverse au-dessus de l'EMA lente avec un prix de clôture au-dessus de VWAP, tandis que les positions courtes sont déclenchées lorsque l'EMA rapide traverse au-dessous de l'EMA lente avec un prix de clôture au-dessous de VWAP. La stratégie intègre également l'indicateur SuperTrend pour la confirmation de la tendance et la détermination du stop-loss. Différentes conditions d'entrée sont définies pour différents jours de négociation, y compris le mouvement des prix par rapport à la clôture du jour précédent et à la gamme haute-basse du jour.
Cette stratégie réalise une combinaison de suivi de tendance et de trading dynamique grâce à l'utilisation complète de plusieurs indicateurs techniques. La conception de la stratégie tient pleinement compte de la diversité du marché en adoptant des règles de trading différenciées pour différents jours de négociation. Grâce à un contrôle strict des risques et à des mécanismes flexibles de prise de profit et de stop-loss, la stratégie démontre une bonne valeur d'application pratique. Les améliorations futures peuvent améliorer la stabilité et la rentabilité de la stratégie en introduisant des indicateurs techniques supplémentaires et en optimisant les paramètres.
/*backtest start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00 end: 2025-01-04 08:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //@version=6 strategy("S1", overlay=true) fastEMA = ta.ema(close, 5) slowEMA = ta.ema(close,13) ema9 = ta.ema(close, 9) ema100 = ta.ema(close, 100) ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5) ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200) ma = ta.sma(close, 50) mult = input.float(defval=3) len = [superTrend, dir] = ta.supertrend(mult, len) vwap1= ta.vwap(hlc3) plot(slowEMA,color = plot(fastEMA,color = plot(vwap1, color = var dailyTaskDone = false var gapdown = false var gapup = false var runup = 0.0 var biggapdown = false var biggapup = false var prevDayClose = 0.0 var todayLow = 0.0 var todayHigh = 0.0 var noBuyNow = false var noSellNow = false var buyPrice = 0.0 var sellPrice = 0.0 var todayBuyDone = false var todaySellDone = false var dragonflyDoji = false var candleCount = 0 var candleCount1 = 0 var lastTrade = 9 var lastFiveCandles = false var lastSevenCandlesS = false var fiveEMACC = 0 candleCount := candleCount + 1 candleCount1 := candleCount1 + 1 if fiveEMACC > 0 fiveEMACC := fiveEMACC + 1 if fiveEMACC == 6 fiveEMACC := 0 if strategy.openprofit == 0 candleCount := 0 if hour == 9 and minute ==15 prevDayClose := close[1] todayLow := low todayHigh := high lastTrade := 9 if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) > close*0.01 gapup := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) < close*0.005*-1 gapdown := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) > 200 biggapup := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) < 200 biggapdown := true if low < todayLow todayLow := low candleCount1 := 0 if high > todayHigh todayHigh := high if close > todayLow + 200 noBuyNow := true if close < todayHigh - 200//0.01*close noSellNow := false lastFiveCandles := (close[4]<open[4] or close[3]<open[3] or close[2] < open[2] or close[1]<open[1]) lastSevenCandlesS := (close[6]>open[6] or close[5]>open[5] or close[4]>open[4] or close[3]>open[3] or close[2] > open[2] or close[1]>open[1]) if hour == 15 dailyTaskDone := false gapdown := false gapup := false biggapup := false biggapdown := false noBuyNow := false noSellNow := false todayLow := 0.0 todayHigh := 0.0 buyPrice := 0.0 sellPrice := 0.0 todayBuyDone := false todaySellDone := false dragonflyDoji := false lastTrade := 9 // if fastEMA < slowEMA and lastTrade == 1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // lastTrade := 9 if fastEMA > slowEMA and lastTrade == 0 and strategy.openprofit==0 lastTrade := 9 buy = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35)) sell= (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10) and not dragonflyDoji and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) // buy = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA > slowEMA))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35)) // sell= (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10) and not dragonflyDoji and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) dragonflyDoji:= false // (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089 or (slowEMA-fastEMA>close*0.00049 and (high[2]>vwap or high[1]>vwap))) if sellPrice != 0 and runup < sellPrice - low runup := sellPrice - low if buyPrice != 0 and runup < high - buyPrice //ourlabel =, y=na, text=tostring(runup), yloc=yloc.belowbar) runup := high - buyPrice NoBuySellTime = (hour == 15) or ((hour==14 and minute>=25)) or (hour==9 and minute<=35) or hour >= 14 //(fiveEMACC > 0 and low < fastEMA and close < vwap1) buyexit = fastEMA<slowEMA or (close<superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 sellexit = slowEMA<fastEMA or (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close>superTrend) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 exitPosition = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 50) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 80) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30) //code such that 2 fastema is > than 2 slowema //exitPosition = (sellPrice!=0 and runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or (candleCount > 18 and strategy.openprofit > 50 and strategy.openprofit < 1000) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.002) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.002) //(runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or if buy and fastEMA>vwap1 and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long) //dailyTaskDone := true if buyPrice == 0.0 fiveEMACC := 1 buyPrice := close //ourlabel =, y=na, text=tostring(todayLow + 500), yloc=yloc.belowbar9 todayBuyDone := true lastTrade := 1 runup := 0.0 if sell and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone // and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (prevDayClose-close)<150)//and not biggapdown strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short) //dailyTaskDone := true if sellPrice == 0.0 fiveEMACC := 1 sellPrice := close todaySellDone := true lastTrade := 0 runup := 0.0 // if ((fastEMA-slowEMA>18 and close>vwap and close[1]>vwap[1] and (not todayBuyDone or candleCount>12)) or (slowEMA-fastEMA>10 and close < vwap and close[1]<vwap[1] and (not todaySellDone or candleCount > 12))) and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel =, y=na, text=tostring(abs(prevDayClose-close)), yloc=yloc.belowbar) IntraDay_SquareOff = minute >=15 and hour >= 15 if true and (IntraDay_SquareOff or exitPosition) strategy.close("buy") strategy.close("sell") buyPrice := 0 sellPrice := 0 runup := 0.0 if buyexit strategy.close("buy") buyPrice := 0 if sellexit strategy.close("sell") sellPrice := 0 buy1 = ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and not gapup) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.0085) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close - todayLow < close*0.012)) and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup sell1= ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.01 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not gapdown and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close)) and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone // if buy1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel =, y=na, text=tostring(fastEMA - slowEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar) // if sell1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel =, y=na, text=tostring(slowEMA - fastEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar) // buy = ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 20) // sell= ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2]) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 20) // buy = (fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) // sell= (fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) // buy = ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 1) // sell= ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 5) // buy = fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2] // sell= fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2] //Daily chart // buyexit = (close + 40 < slowEMA)//rsi > 65 and fastEMA > ema9 // fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2 // sellexit = (close - 40 > slowEMA)//rsi < 35 // and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2 // buyexit = (close < superTrend)// and (close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close < close[1])//and close[2] < vwap1[2]//rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA// fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2 // sellexit = (close > superTrend)// and (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close > close[1]) //and close[2] > vwap1[2]//rsi < 35// and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2 // buyexit = (close < superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close[1] < superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 // sellexit = (close > superTrend and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close[1] > superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000