
Send an email.

A successful email delivery returns a true value, e.g., true, and a failed delivery returns a false value, e.g., false. bool

Mail(smtpServer, smtpUsername, smtpPassword, mailTo, title, body)

Used to specify the SMTP service address of the email sender. smtpServer true string Used to specify the email address of the email sender. smtpUsername true string The SMTP password for the email sender’s mailbox. smtpPassword true string Used to specify the email address of the email recipient. mailTo true string Email title. title true string Email body. body true string

function main(){
    Mail("", "", "password", "", "title", "body")
def main():
    Mail("", "", "password", "", "title", "body")
void main() {
    Mail("", "", "password", "", "title", "body");

The smtpPassword parameter sets the password for the SMTP service, not the mailbox password. When setting the smtpServer parameter, if you need to change the port, you can add the port number directly in the parameter smtpServer. For example: QQ mail, which is available for testing. If an error is reported: unencryped connection, you need to modify the smtpServer of the Mail function. The parameter format is: ssl://, for example, the ssl method of SMTP for QQ mail: ssl:// or smtp:// It does not work in the backtesting system.

{@fun/Global/Mail_Go Mail_Go}