Versi Python dari pustaka gambar garis (kompatibel dengan 2/3)

Tool Python Chart
Tanggal Pembuatan: 2017-04-10 17:20:26 Akhirnya memodifikasi: 2022-03-09 14:04:58
menyalin: 426 Jumlah klik: 3524

Mempermudah logik untuk menggambar garis grafik strategi, dan dapat langsung memanggil fungsi yang terbungkus

  • Dukungan untuk melukis garis ganda
  • Dukungan K-line
  • Mendukung ikon flag kecil
  • Anda juga dapat menambahkan dukungan untuk lebih banyak grafik.

Fungsi yang sama dengan versi JS

Dipindahkan ke JS Versi Garis Garis

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, hubungi Kami di nomor 359706687.

Kode Sumber Strategi
# Python 2/3 兼容版本
import time
chart = None
series = []
labelIdx = {}
preBarTime = 0
preFlagTime = 0
preDotTime = {}

cfg = {
    "tooltip" : {
        "xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"
    "legend" : {
        "enabled" : True
    "plotOptions" : {
        "candlestick" : {
            "color" : "#d75442",
            "upColor" : "#6ba583"
    "rangeSelector" : {
        "buttons" : [{
            "type" : "hour",
            "count" : 1,
            "text" : "1h",
        }, {
            "type" : 'hour',
            "count" : 3,
            "text" : "3h"
        }, {
            "type" : "hour",
            "count" : 8,
            "text" : "8h"
        }, {
            "type" : "all",
            "text" : "All"
        "selected" : 2,
        "inputEnabled" : True
    "series" : series,

def GetCfg():
    global cfg
    return cfg

# 画水平线
def PlotHLine(value = None, label = None, color = None, style = None):
    global cfg, chart
    if ("yAxis" in cfg) == False :
        cfg.setdefault("yAxis", {"plotLines" : []})
    elif ("plotLines" in cfg["yAxis"]) == False :
        cfg["yAxis"].setdefault("plotLines", [])
    obj = {
        "value" : value,
        "color" : color or "red",
        "width" : 2,
        "dashStyle" : style or "Solid",
        "label" : {
            "text" : label or "",
            "align" : "center"
    found = False
    for i in range(len(cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"])) : 
        if cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"][i]["label"]["text"] == label : 
            cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"][i] = obj
            found = True
    if not found :
    if not chart :
        chart = Chart(cfg)
        chart.update(cfg)    # 更新图表
    else :

# 画K线
def PlotRecords(records, title = None):
    global labelIdx, series, preBarTime, chart
    if not chart :
        chart = Chart(cfg)
    if ("candlestick" in labelIdx) == False : 
        cfg["__isStock"] = True
        seriesIdx = len(series)
            "type" : "candlestick",
            "name" : "" if title == None else title,
            "id" : "primary",
            "data" : []
        labelIdx.setdefault("candlestick", seriesIdx)
    else :
        seriesIdx = labelIdx["candlestick"]
    if isinstance(records, dict) and ("Time" in records) == True :
        Bar = records
        if Bar["Time"] == preBarTime :
            chart.add(seriesIdx, [Bar["Time"], Bar["Open"], Bar["High"], Bar["Low"], Bar["Close"]], -1)
        elif Bar["Time"] > preBarTime : 
            preBarTime = Bar.Time
            chart.add(seriesIdx, [Bar["Time"], Bar["Open"], Bar["High"], Bar["Low"], Bar["Close"]])    
    else :
        for i in range(len(records)) :
            if records[i]["Time"] == preBarTime :
                chart.add(seriesIdx, [records[i]["Time"], records[i]["Open"], records[i]["High"], records[i]["Low"], records[i]["Close"]], -1)
            elif records[i]["Time"] > preBarTime :
                preBarTime = records[i]["Time"]
                chart.add(seriesIdx, [records[i]["Time"], records[i]["Open"], records[i]["High"], records[i]["Low"], records[i]["Close"]])
    return chart

# 画指标线
def PlotLine(label, dot, Ntime = None):
    global labelIdx, chart, series, preDotTime
    if not chart :
        cfg.setdefault("xAxis", {
            "type" : "datetime"
        chart = Chart(cfg)
    if (label in labelIdx) == False :
        seriesIdx = len(series)
        preDotTime.setdefault(str(seriesIdx), 0)
        labelIdx[label] = seriesIdx
            "type" : "line",
            "yAxis" : 0,
            "showInLegend" : True,
            "name" : label,
            "data" : [],
            "tooltip" : {"valueDecimals" : 5}
    else :
        seriesIdx = labelIdx[label]
    if Ntime == None :
        Ntime = _N(time.time() * 1000, 0)
    if preDotTime[str(seriesIdx)] != Ntime :
        preDotTime[str(seriesIdx)] = Ntime
        chart.add(seriesIdx, [Ntime, dot])
    else :
        chart.add(seriesIdx, [Ntime, dot], -1)
    return chart

# 画标记
def PlotFlag(time, text, title, shape = "", color = ""):
    global chart, cfg, labelIdx, preFlagTime
    if not chart :
        chart = Chart(cfg)
    label = "flag"
    if (label in labelIdx) == False : 
        seriesIdx = len(series)
        labelIdx[label] = seriesIdx
            "type" : "flags",
            "onSeries" : "primary",
            "data" : []
    else :
        seriesIdx = labelIdx[label]
    obj = {
        "x" : time,
        "color" : color,
        "shape" : shape,
        "title" : title,
        "text" : text
    if preFlagTime != time : 
        preFlagTime = time
        chart.add(seriesIdx, obj)
    else :
        chart.add(seriesIdx, obj, -1)
    return chart

# 设置图表标题
def PlotTitle(title, chartTitle = None):
    global cfg
    if ("subtitle" in cfg) == True : 
        cfg["subtitle"] = {"text" : title}
    else :
        cfg.setdefault("subtitle", {"text" : title})
    if chartTitle != None :
        if (title in cfg) == True :
            cfg["title"] = {"text" : chartTitle}
        else :
            cfg.setdefault("title", {"text" : chartTitle})
    if chart :

# 导出函数
ext.GetCfg = GetCfg
ext.PlotHLine = PlotHLine
ext.PlotRecords = PlotRecords
ext.PlotLine = PlotLine
ext.PlotFlag = PlotFlag
ext.PlotTitle = PlotTitle

# 测试代码
def main():
    isFirst = True
    while True:
        records = exchange.GetRecords()
        if records and len(records) > 0 :
            ext.PlotRecords(records, "BTC")
            if isFirst :
                ext.PlotFlag(records[-1]["Time"], "Start", "S")
                isFirst = False
                ext.PlotHLine(records[-1]["Close"], "Close")
        ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
        if ticker :
            ext.PlotLine("Last", ticker.Last)
            ext.PlotLine("buy", ticker.Buy + 10)
            ext.PlotTitle("Last" + str(ticker.Last))