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Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2023-12-05 11:03:37


Strategi perdagangan kuantitatif yang menggunakan sistem EMA untuk menentukan arah tren, indikator ADX untuk menentukan kekuatan tren dan menggabungkan penyaringan volume perdagangan untuk masuk


Strategi ini pertama-tama menggunakan 5 EMA dari periode yang berbeda untuk menilai arah tren harga. Ketika semua 5 EMA naik, itu dinilai sebagai pembentukan tren bullish. Ketika semua 5 EMA jatuh, itu dinilai sebagai pembentukan tren bearish.

Ini kemudian menggunakan indikator ADX untuk menilai kekuatan tren. Ketika garis DI + lebih tinggi dari garis DI- dan nilai ADX melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan, itu dinilai sebagai tren bullish yang kuat. Ketika garis DI lebih tinggi dari garis DI + dan nilai ADX melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan, itu dinilai sebagai tren bearish.

Pada saat yang sama, terobosan dalam volume perdagangan digunakan untuk konfirmasi tambahan, yang mengharuskan volume perdagangan K-line saat ini lebih besar dari kelipatan tertentu dari volume rata-rata selama periode, sehingga menghindari entri yang salah dalam posisi volume rendah.

Dikombinasikan dengan penilaian komprehensif arah tren, kekuatan tren dan volume perdagangan, logika pembukaan panjang dan pendek dari strategi ini terbentuk.


  1. Menggunakan sistem EMA untuk menilai arah tren lebih dapat diandalkan daripada EMA tunggal.

  2. Menggunakan indikator ADX untuk menilai kekuatan tren menghindari entri yang salah ketika tidak ada tren yang jelas.

  3. Mekanisme penyaringan volume perdagangan memastikan dukungan volume perdagangan yang cukup dan meningkatkan keandalan strategi.

  4. Penghakiman komprehensif multi-kondisi membuat sinyal pembukaan lebih tepat dan dapat diandalkan.

  5. Jumlah parameter strategi yang relatif besar memungkinkan peningkatan kinerja melalui optimasi parameter yang berkelanjutan.

Risiko dan Solusi

  1. Di pasar yang terikat rentang, EMA, ADX dan penilaian lainnya dapat memberikan sinyal yang salah, mengakibatkan kerugian yang tidak perlu.

  2. Kondisi penyaringan volume perdagangan mungkin terlalu ketat, kehilangan peluang pasar.

  3. Frekuensi perdagangan yang dihasilkan oleh strategi dapat relatif tinggi. Perhatian harus diberikan pada pengelolaan uang dan ukuran posisi tunggal harus dikendalikan dengan tepat.

Arahan Optimasi

  1. Uji kombinasi parameter yang berbeda untuk menemukan parameter optimal untuk meningkatkan kinerja strategi.

  2. Tambahkan indikator lain seperti MACD, KDJ untuk dikombinasikan dengan EMA dan ADX untuk membentuk penilaian posisi terbuka yang lebih kuat dan komprehensif.

  3. Tambahkan strategi stop loss untuk mengendalikan risiko lebih lanjut.

  4. Mengoptimalkan strategi manajemen posisi untuk mencapai manajemen modal yang lebih ilmiah.


Dengan secara komprehensif mempertimbangkan arah tren harga, kekuatan tren dan informasi volume perdagangan, strategi ini membentuk aturan pembukaan untuk menghindari beberapa perangkap umum sampai batas tertentu dan memiliki keandalan yang relatif kuat.

start: 2022-11-28 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-04 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © BabehDyo


strategy("EMA/ADX/VOL-CRYPTO KILLER [15M]", overlay = true, pyramiding=1,initial_capital = 10000, default_qty_type= strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, calc_on_order_fills=false, slippage=0,commission_type=strategy.commission.percent,commission_value=0.03)

//SOURCE =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

src                 =                   input(open,                             title="  Source")

// Inputs ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

//ADX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ADX_options         =                   input("MASANAKAMURA",                   title="  Adx Type",                                       options = ["CLASSIC", "MASANAKAMURA"],                                            group="ADX")
ADX_len             =                   input(21,                               title="  Adx Length",                                     type=input.integer, minval = 1,                                                   group="ADX")
th                  =                   input(20,                               title="  Adx Treshold",                                   type=input.float, minval = 0, step = 0.5,                                         group="ADX")


Length_ema1 = input(8,  title="  1-EMA Length", minval=1)
Length_ema2 = input(13, title="  2-EMA Length", minval=1)
Length_ema3 = input(21, title="  3-EMA Length", minval=1)
Length_ema4 = input(34, title="  4-EMA Length", minval=1)
Length_ema5 = input(55, title="  5-EMA Length", minval=1)

// Range Filter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

per_                =                   input(15,                               title="  Period",                                             minval=1,                                                                       group = "Range Filter")
mult                =                   input(2.6,                              title="  mult.",                                              minval=0.1, step = 0.1,                                                         group = "Range Filter")

// Volume ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

volume_f            =                   input(3.2,                              title="  Volume mult.",                                       minval = 0, step = 0.1,                                                         group="Volume")
sma_length          =                   input(20,                               title="  Volume lenght",                                      minval = 1,                                                                     group="Volume")

volume_f1            =                   input(1.9,                              title="  Volume mult. 1",                                       minval = 0, step = 0.1,                                                         group="Volume")
sma_length1          =                   input(22,                               title="  Volume lenght 1",                                      minval = 1,                                                                     group="Volume")

//TP PLOTSHAPE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tp_long0            =                   input(0.9,                              title="  % TP Long",                                        type = input.float,     minval = 0,     step = 0.1,                           group="Target Point") 
tp_short0           =                   input(0.9,                              title="  % TP Short",                                       type = input.float,     minval = 0,     step = 0.1,                           group="Target Point") 

// SL PLOTSHAPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sl0                 =                   input(4.2,                              title="  % Stop loss",                                        type = input.float,     minval = 0,     step = 0.1,                             group="Stop Loss")

//INDICATORS =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================


calcADX(_len) =>
    up              =                                                                                                                       change(high)
	down            =                                                                                                                      -change(low)
	plusDM          =                                                                                                                       na(up)   ? na : (up > down and up > 0   ? up   : 0)
    minusDM         =                                                                                                                       na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
	truerange       =                                                                                                                       rma(tr, _len)
	_plus           =                                                                                                                       fixnan(100 * rma(plusDM, _len)  / truerange)
	_minus          =                                                                                                                       fixnan(100 * rma(minusDM, _len) / truerange)
	sum             =                                                                                                                       _plus + _minus
	_adx            =                                                                                                                       100 * rma(abs(_plus - _minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), _len)
calcADX_Masanakamura(_len) =>
    SmoothedTrueRange                   =                                                                                                   0.0
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus     =                                                                                                   0.0
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus    =                                                                                                   0.0
    TrueRange                           =                                                                                                   max(max(high - low, abs(high - nz(close[1]))), abs(low - nz(close[1])))
    DirectionalMovementPlus             =                                                                                                   high - nz(high[1]) > nz(low[1]) - low ? max(high - nz(high[1]), 0) : 0
    DirectionalMovementMinus            =                                                                                                   nz(low[1]) - low > high - nz(high[1]) ? max(nz(low[1]) - low, 0)   : 0
    SmoothedTrueRange                   :=                                                                                                  nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) /_len) + TrueRange
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus     :=                                                                                                  nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])  - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])  / _len) + DirectionalMovementPlus
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus    :=                                                                                                  nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) / _len) + DirectionalMovementMinus
    DIP                                 =                                                                                                   SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus  / SmoothedTrueRange * 100
    DIM                                 =                                                                                                   SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100
    DX                                  =                                                                                                   abs(DIP-DIM) / (DIP+DIM)*100
    adx                                 =                                                                                                   sma(DX, _len)
[DIPlusC,DIMinusC,ADXC] =                                                                                                                   calcADX(ADX_len) 
[DIPlusM,DIMinusM,ADXM] =                                                                                                                   calcADX_Masanakamura(ADX_len)

DIPlus                  =                                                                                                                   ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? DIPlusC    : DIPlusM
DIMinus                 =                                                                                                                   ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? DIMinusC   : DIMinusM
ADX                     =                                                                                                                   ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? ADXC       : ADXM
L_adx                   =                                                       DIPlus > DIMinus and ADX > th
S_adx                   =                                                       DIPlus < DIMinus and ADX > th


xPrice = close
EMA1 = ema(xPrice, Length_ema1)
EMA2 = ema(xPrice, Length_ema2)
EMA3 = ema(xPrice, Length_ema3)
EMA4 = ema(xPrice, Length_ema4)
EMA5 = ema(xPrice, Length_ema5)
L_ema			=							EMA1 < close and  EMA2 < close and  EMA3  < close and  EMA4  < close and  EMA5  < close
S_ema			=							EMA1 > close and  EMA2 > close and  EMA3  > close and  EMA4  > close and  EMA5  > close

// Range Filter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var bool L_RF = na,  var bool S_RF = na

Range_filter(_src, _per_, _mult)=>
    var float _upward   =                                                                                                                   0.0
    var float _downward =                                                                                                                   0.0
    wper                =                                                                                                                   (_per_*2) - 1
    avrng               =                                                                                                                   ema(abs(_src - _src[1]), _per_)
    _smoothrng          =                                                                                                                   ema(avrng, wper)*_mult
    _filt               =                                                                                                                   _src
    _filt               :=                                                                                                                  _src > nz(_filt[1]) ? ((_src-_smoothrng) < nz(_filt[1]) ? nz(_filt[1]) : (_src-_smoothrng)) : ((_src+_smoothrng) > nz(_filt[1]) ? nz(_filt[1]) : (_src+_smoothrng))
    _upward             :=                                                                                                                  _filt > _filt[1] ? nz(_upward[1]) + 1 : _filt < _filt[1] ? 0 : nz(_upward[1])
    _downward           :=                                                                                                                  _filt < _filt[1] ? nz(_downward[1]) + 1 : _filt > _filt[1] ? 0 : nz(_downward[1])
[smoothrng, filt, upward, downward] = Range_filter(src, per_, mult)
hband                   =                                                                                                                   filt + smoothrng
lband                   =                                                                                                                   filt - smoothrng
L_RF                    :=                                                      high > hband and upward > 0
S_RF                    :=                                                      low < lband and downward > 0

// Volume -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Volume_condt            =                                                       volume > sma(volume,sma_length)*volume_f
Volume_condt1           =                                                       volume > sma(volume,sma_length1)*volume_f1

//STRATEGY ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

var bool longCond = na, var bool shortCond = na
var int CondIni_long = 0, var int CondIni_short = 0
var bool _Final_longCondition = na, var bool _Final_shortCondition = na
var float last_open_longCondition = na, var float last_open_shortCondition = na
var int last_longCondition = na, var int last_shortCondition = na
var int last_Final_longCondition = na, var int last_Final_shortCondition = na
var int nLongs = na, var int nShorts = na

L_1     =                                                                       L_adx and Volume_condt  and L_RF and L_ema
S_1     =                                                                       S_adx and Volume_condt  and S_RF and S_ema

L_2     =                                                                       L_adx and  L_RF and L_ema and Volume_condt1
S_2     =                                                                       S_adx and  S_RF and S_ema and Volume_condt1

L_basic_condt       =         L_1 or L_2
S_basic_condt       =         S_1 or S_2

longCond                :=                                                      L_basic_condt
shortCond               :=                                                      S_basic_condt

CondIni_long                := longCond[1]              ? 1 :                   shortCond[1] ? -1 :                             nz(CondIni_long[1]                                          )
CondIni_short               := longCond[1]              ? 1 :                   shortCond[1] ? -1 :                             nz(CondIni_short[1]                                         )
longCondition               = (longCond[1]              and                                                                     nz(CondIni_long[1])                 == -1                   )
shortCondition              = (shortCond[1]             and                                                                     nz(CondIni_short[1])                ==  1                   )

//POSITION PRICE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var float sum_long = 0.0, var float sum_short = 0.0
var float Position_Price = 0.0

last_open_longCondition     :=                      longCondition               ? close[1]      : nz(last_open_longCondition[1]                     )
last_open_shortCondition    :=                      shortCondition              ? close[1]      : nz(last_open_shortCondition[1]                    )
last_longCondition          :=                      longCondition               ? time          : nz(last_longCondition[1]                          )
last_shortCondition         :=                      shortCondition              ? time          : nz(last_shortCondition[1]                         )
in_longCondition            =                       last_longCondition          >           last_shortCondition
in_shortCondition           =                       last_shortCondition         >           last_longCondition
last_Final_longCondition    :=                      longCondition               ? time                                                  :    nz(last_Final_longCondition[1]                 )
last_Final_shortCondition   :=                      shortCondition              ? time                                                  :    nz(last_Final_shortCondition[1]                )
nLongs                      :=                      nz(nLongs[1]                                                                                                                            )
nShorts                     :=                      nz(nShorts[1]                                                                                                                           )
if longCondition
    nLongs                  :=                      nLongs                      + 1
    nShorts                 := 0
    sum_long                :=                      nz(last_open_longCondition) +           nz(sum_long[1])
    sum_short               := 0.0
if shortCondition
    nLongs                  := 0
    nShorts                 :=                      nShorts + 1
    sum_short               :=                      nz(last_open_shortCondition)+ nz(sum_short[1])
    sum_long                := 0.0
Position_Price              :=                      nz(Position_Price[1])

Position_Price              :=                      longCondition               ?       sum_long/nLongs         :       shortCondition      ?       sum_short/nShorts       :       na


var bool long_tp = na, var bool short_tp = na
var int last_long_tp = na, var int last_short_tp = na
var bool Final_Long_tp = na, var bool Final_Short_tp = na
var bool Final_Long_sl0 = na, var bool Final_Short_sl0 = na
var bool Final_Long_sl = na, var bool Final_Short_sl = na
var int last_long_sl = na, var int last_short_sl = na

tp_long             =       ((nLongs  > 1)              ?                       tp_long0  / nLongs              :           tp_long0)                       / 100
tp_short            =       ((nShorts > 1)              ?                       tp_short0 / nShorts             :           tp_short0)                      / 100
long_tp             := high                             >                       (fixnan(Position_Price)         *           (1 + tp_long))                  and                 in_longCondition
short_tp            := low                              <                       (fixnan(Position_Price)         *           (1 - tp_short))                 and                 in_shortCondition
last_long_tp        :=      long_tp                     ?                       time : nz(last_long_tp[1])
last_short_tp       :=      short_tp                    ?                       time : nz(last_short_tp[1])
Final_Long_tp       :=      (long_tp                    and                     last_longCondition              >           nz(last_long_tp[1])             and                 last_longCondition  > nz(last_long_sl[1]))
Final_Short_tp      :=      (short_tp                   and                     last_shortCondition             >           nz(last_short_tp[1])            and                 last_shortCondition > nz(last_short_sl[1]))
L_tp                 =      iff(Final_Long_tp,                                  fixnan(Position_Price)          *           (1 + tp_long)                   ,                   na) 
S_tp                 =      iff(Final_Short_tp,                                 fixnan(Position_Price)          *           (1 - tp_short)                  ,                   na) 

//TP SIGNALS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tplLevel            = (in_longCondition                 and 
                      (last_longCondition               >                       nz(last_long_tp[1]))            and 
                      (last_longCondition               >                       nz(last_long_sl[1]))            and not Final_Long_sl[1])                   ? 
                      (nLongs > 1)                      ? 
                      (fixnan(Position_Price)           *                       (1 + tp_long))                  :               (last_open_longCondition    *              (1 + tp_long)) : na
tpsLevel            = (in_shortCondition                and 
                      (last_shortCondition              >                       nz(last_short_tp[1]))           and 
                      (last_shortCondition              >                       nz(last_short_sl[1]))           and not Final_Short_sl[1])                  ? 
                      (nShorts > 1)                     ? 
                      (fixnan(Position_Price)           *                       (1 - tp_short))                 :               (last_open_shortCondition   *             (1 - tp_short)) : na

//SL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Risk                = sl0
Percent_Capital     = 99

sl                  =  in_longCondition  ?  min(sl0,(((Risk) * 100) / (Percent_Capital *  max(1, nLongs))))  : 
                       in_shortCondition ?  min(sl0,(((Risk) * 100) / (Percent_Capital *  max(1, nShorts)))) : sl0
Normal_long_sl      =               ((in_longCondition                and low                             <= ((1 - (sl / 100))    *               (fixnan(Position_Price)))))
Normal_short_sl     =               ((in_shortCondition               and high                            >= ((1 + (sl / 100))    *               (fixnan(Position_Price)))))  
last_long_sl        :=              Normal_long_sl      ? time : nz(last_long_sl[1])
last_short_sl       :=              Normal_short_sl     ? time : nz(last_short_sl[1])
Final_Long_sl       :=              Normal_long_sl      and last_longCondition              > nz(last_long_sl[1])               and last_longCondition  > nz(last_long_tp[1])  and not Final_Long_tp
Final_Short_sl      :=              Normal_short_sl     and last_shortCondition             > nz(last_short_sl[1])              and last_shortCondition > nz(last_short_tp[1]) and not Final_Short_tp

//RE-ENTRY ON TP-HIT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if Final_Long_tp                    or                                          Final_Long_sl
    CondIni_long    :=                                                          -1
    sum_long        :=                                                          0.0
    nLongs          :=                                                          na
if Final_Short_tp                   or                                          Final_Short_sl
    CondIni_short   :=                                                          1
    sum_short       :=                                                          0.0
    nShorts         :=                                                          na

// Colors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bar_color = in_longCondition ? #009688 : in_shortCondition ? #f06292 :
barcolor                                                                        (color = Bar_color)


plot(L_tp,                                                  title = "TP_L",                 style = plot.style_cross,                                                                 color = color.fuchsia,                          linewidth = 7   )
plot(S_tp,                                                  title = "TP_S",                 style = plot.style_cross,                                                                 color = color.fuchsia,                          linewidth = 7   )

//Price plots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plot((nLongs > 1) or (nShorts > 1) ? Position_Price : na, title = "Price", color = in_longCondition ? color.aqua :, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_cross)
plot(tplLevel,                      title="Long TP ",               style = plot.style_cross,                                                                   color=color.fuchsia,                                                                                      linewidth = 1               )
plot(tpsLevel,                      title="Short TP ",              style = plot.style_cross,                                                                   color=color.fuchsia,                                                                                        linewidth = 1               )


plotshape(Final_Long_tp,            title="TP Long Signal",         style = shape.triangledown,                     location=location.abovebar,               ,            size=size.tiny ,          text="TP",   ,               transp = 0                  ) 
plotshape(Final_Short_tp,           title="TP Short Signal",        style = shape.triangleup,                     location=location.belowbar,               ,          size=size.tiny ,            text="TP", ,             transp = 0                  ) 

plotshape(longCondition,            title="Long",                   style=shape.triangleup,                 location=location.belowbar,               ,           size=size.tiny ,                                                           transp = 0                  )
plotshape(shortCondition,           title="Short",                  style=shape.triangledown,               location=location.abovebar,               ,            size=size.tiny ,                                                           transp = 0                  )

// Backtest  ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

if                                                                              L_basic_condt
    strategy.entry                                                              ("LONG", strategy.long )
if                                                                              S_basic_condt
    strategy.entry                                                              ("SHORT", strategy.short )
strategy.exit("TP_L", "LONG", profit = (abs((last_open_longCondition  * (1 + tp_long)) - last_open_longCondition) / syminfo.mintick), limit = nLongs >= 1 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_long) : na, loss = (abs((last_open_longCondition*(1-(sl/100)))-last_open_longCondition)/syminfo.mintick))

strategy.exit("TP_S", "SHORT", profit = (abs((last_open_shortCondition * (1 - tp_short)) - last_open_shortCondition) / syminfo.mintick), limit = nShorts >= 1 ? strategy.position_avg_price*(1-(tp_short)) : na, loss     = (abs((last_open_shortCondition*(1+(sl/100)))-last_open_shortCondition)/syminfo.mintick))

//By BabehDyo

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