Strategi ini didasarkan pada kesenjangan multi-frame timeframe rata-rata, melacak tren lini tengah panjang, menggunakan mode pelacakan posisi selisih, untuk mencapai pertumbuhan indeks dana. Keuntungan terbesar dari strategi ini adalah dapat menangkap tren lini tengah panjang, melakukan pelacakan bertahap, sehingga mendapatkan keuntungan tambahan.
Ini adalah logika dasar dari strategi ini.
Secara keseluruhan, strategi ini sangat cocok untuk menangkap tren lini panjang dalam situasi pasar, dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran bertahap, dapat memperoleh keuntungan tambahan yang sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan risiko dan keuntungan. Di samping itu, ada juga risiko operasi tertentu yang perlu dikendalikan dengan cara menyesuaikan parameter, dan lain-lain.
start: 2023-12-27 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-03 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Coinrule
strategy(shorttitle='Pyramiding Entry On Early Trends',title='Pyramiding Entry On Early Trends (by Coinrule)', overlay=false, pyramiding= 7, initial_capital = 1000, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 20, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1)
//Backtest dates
fromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month")
fromDay = input(defval = 10, title = "From Day")
fromYear = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year")
thruMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "Thru Month")
thruDay = input(defval = 1, title = "Thru Day")
thruYear = input(defval = 2112, title = "Thru Year")
showDate = input(defval = true, title = "Show Date Range")
start = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00) // backtest start window
finish = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59) // backtest finish window
window() => true // create function "within window of time"
//MA inputs and calculations
inSignal=input(9, title='MAfast')
inlong1=input(100, title='MAslow')
inlong2=input(200, title='MAlong')
MAfast= sma(close, inSignal)
MAslow= sma(close, inlong1)
MAlong= sma(close, inlong2)
Bullish = crossover(close, MAfast)
longsignal = (Bullish and MAfast > MAslow and MAslow < MAlong and window())
//set take profit
ProfitTarget_Percent = input(3)
Profit_Ticks = (close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick
//set take profit
LossTarget_Percent = input(3)
Loss_Ticks = (close * (LossTarget_Percent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick
//Order Placing
strategy.entry("Entry 1", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 0) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 2", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 1) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 3", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 2) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 4", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 3) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 5", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 4) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 6", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 5) and longsignal)
strategy.entry("Entry 7", strategy.long, when = (strategy.opentrades == 6) and longsignal)
if (strategy.position_size > 0)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 1", from_entry = "Entry 1", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 2", from_entry = "Entry 2", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 3", from_entry = "Entry 3", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 4", from_entry = "Entry 4", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 5", from_entry = "Entry 5", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 6", from_entry = "Entry 6", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)
strategy.exit(id="Exit 7", from_entry = "Entry 7", profit = Profit_Ticks, loss = Loss_Ticks)