Fungsi utama dari strategi ini adalah untuk melacak dan menampilkan kinerja pendapatan setiap bulan secara real time. Ini akan memperbarui keuntungan dan kerugian spesifik setiap bulan secara real time dalam sebuah tabel.
Strategi ini memungkinkan pelacakan kinerja pendapatan bulanan melalui langkah-langkah berikut:
Ini adalah langkah-langkah dasar dan cara kerjanya.
Strategi pelacakan kinerja keuntungan dan kerugian bulanan ini memiliki beberapa keuntungan:
Strategi ini juga memiliki beberapa risiko:
Risiko dapat dikurangi dengan melakukan hal berikut:
Strategi ini dapat dioptimalkan dalam beberapa hal:
Optimisasi ini dapat membuat strategi lebih baik dan lebih kuat, dan pengalaman pengguna akan lebih baik.
Strategi ini menggunakan cara array dan tabel, untuk mencapai fungsi inti dari real-time pelacakan dan menampilkan hasil setiap bulan. Sangat sederhana, efisien, dan mudah digunakan. Ada beberapa keuntungan, tetapi ada juga beberapa risiko yang perlu dihindari. Dengan beberapa pengoptimalan logika dan kinerja komputasi, strategi ini dapat menjadi lebih sempurna dan kuat.
start: 2023-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-07 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
strategy("Monthly Performance", overlay=true)
period = input(20, "Length")
longCondition = close > high[20] //ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28))
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("My Long Entry Id", strategy.long)
shortCondition = close < low[20] //ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28))
if (shortCondition)
strategy.entry("My Short Entry Id", strategy.short)
// Copy below code to end of the desired strategy script
// monthly pnl performance by Dr. Maurya @MAURYA_ALGO_TRADER //
show_performance = input.bool(true, 'Show Monthly Monthly Performance ?', group='Monthly Performance')
dash_loc_mp = input("Bottom Right","Location" ,options=["Top Right","Bottom Right","Top Left","Bottom Left", "Middle Right","Bottom Center"] ,group='Monthly Performance', inline = "performance")
text_size_mp = input('Small',"Size" ,options=["Tiny","Small","Normal","Large"] ,group='Monthly Performance', inline = "performance")
var table_position_mp = dash_loc_mp == 'Top Left' ? position.top_left :
dash_loc_mp == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left :
dash_loc_mp == 'Middle Right' ? position.middle_right :
dash_loc_mp == 'Bottom Center' ? position.bottom_center :
dash_loc_mp == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right : position.bottom_right
var table_text_size_mp = text_size_mp == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny :
text_size_mp == 'Small' ? size.small :
text_size_mp == 'Normal' ? size.normal : size.large
text_c = color.white
// var bool new_month = na
new_month = ta.change(month) //> 0 ? true : false
newest_month = new_month and strategy.closedtrades >= 1
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
// profit
only_profit = strategy.netprofit
initial_balance = strategy.initial_capital
// month number
var int month_number = na
month_number := (ta.valuewhen(newest_month, month(time), 0)) //and month(time) > 1 ? (ta.valuewhen(newest_month, month(time), 0) - 1) : 12 //1 to 12
var int month_time = na
month_time := ta.valuewhen(newest_month, time, 0) - 2419200000
var int m_counter = 0
if newest_month
m_counter += 1
// current month values
var bool new_year = na
new_year := ta.change(year)
curr_m_pnl = only_profit - nz(ta.valuewhen(newest_month, only_profit, 0), 0)
curr_m_number = newest_month ? ta.valuewhen(newest_month, month(time), 0) : month(time)
curr_y_pnl = (only_profit - nz(ta.valuewhen(new_year, only_profit, 0),0))
var float [] net_profit_array = array.new_float()
var int [] month_array = array.new_int()
var int [] month_time_array = array.new_int()
if newest_month
array.push(net_profit_array, only_profit)
array.push(month_array, month_number)
array.push(month_time_array, month_time)
var float [] y_pnl_array = array.new_float()
var int [] y_number_array = array.new_int()
var int [] y_time_array = array.new_int()
newest_year = ta.change(year) and strategy.closedtrades >= 1
get_yearly_pnl = nz(ta.valuewhen(newest_year, strategy.netprofit, 0) - nz(ta.valuewhen(newest_year, strategy.netprofit, 1), 0), 0)
get_m_year = ta.valuewhen(newest_year, year(time), 1)
get_y_time = ta.valuewhen(newest_year, time, 0)
if newest_year
array.push(y_pnl_array, get_yearly_pnl)
array.push(y_number_array, get_m_year)
array.push(y_time_array, get_y_time)
var float monthly_profit = na
var int column_month_number = na
var int row_month_time = na
var testTable = = table_position_mp, columns = 14, rows = 40, bgcolor = color.rgb(7, 226, 242, 38), border_color = color.white, border_width = 1)
if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory and show_performance
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 0, row = 0, text = "YEAR", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 1, row = 0, text = "JAN", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 2, row = 0, text = "FEB", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 3, row = 0, text = "MAR", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 4, row = 0, text = "APR", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 5, row = 0, text = "MAY", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 6, row = 0, text = "JUN", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 7, row = 0, text = "JUL", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 8, row = 0, text = "AUG", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 9, row = 0, text = "SEP", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 10, row = 0, text = "OCT", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 11, row = 0, text = "NOV", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 12, row = 0, text = "DEC", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 13, row = 0, text = "YEAR P/L", text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
for i = 0 to (array.size(y_number_array) == 0 ? na : array.size(y_number_array) - 1)
row_y = year(array.get(y_time_array, i)) - year(array.get(y_time_array, 0)) + 1
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 13, row = row_y, text = str.tostring(array.get(y_pnl_array , i), "##.##") + '\n' + '(' + str.tostring(array.get(y_pnl_array , i)*100/initial_balance, "##.##") + ' %)', bgcolor = array.get(y_pnl_array , i) > 0 ? : array.get(y_pnl_array , i) < 0 ? : color.gray, text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), text_size=table_text_size_mp)
curr_row_y = array.size(month_time_array) == 0 ? 1 : (year(array.get(month_time_array, array.size(month_time_array) - 1))) - (year(array.get(month_time_array, 0))) + 1
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 13, row = curr_row_y, text = str.tostring(curr_y_pnl, "##.##") + '\n' + '(' + str.tostring(curr_y_pnl*100/initial_balance, "##.##") + ' %)', bgcolor = curr_y_pnl > 0 ? : curr_y_pnl < 0 ? : color.gray, text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), text_size=table_text_size_mp)
for i = 0 to (array.size(net_profit_array) == 0 ? na : array.size(net_profit_array) - 1)
monthly_profit := i > 0 ? ( array.get(net_profit_array, i) - array.get(net_profit_array, i - 1) ) : array.get(net_profit_array, i)
column_month_number := month(array.get(month_time_array, i))
row_month_time :=((year(array.get(month_time_array, i))) - year(array.get(month_time_array, 0)) ) + 1
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = column_month_number, row = row_month_time, text = str.tostring(monthly_profit, "##.##") + '\n' + '(' + str.tostring(monthly_profit*100/initial_balance, "##.##") + ' %)', bgcolor = monthly_profit > 0 ? : monthly_profit < 0 ? : color.gray, text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 0, row =row_month_time, text = str.tostring(year(array.get(month_time_array, i)), "##.##"), text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
curr_row_m = array.size(month_time_array) == 0 ? 1 : (year(array.get(month_time_array, array.size(month_time_array) - 1))) - (year(array.get(month_time_array, 0))) + 1
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = curr_m_number, row = curr_row_m, text = str.tostring(curr_m_pnl, "##.##") + '\n' + '(' + str.tostring(curr_m_pnl*100/initial_balance, "##.##") + ' %)', bgcolor = curr_m_pnl > 0 ? : curr_m_pnl < 0 ? : color.gray, text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)
table.cell(table_id = testTable, column = 0, row =curr_row_m, text = str.tostring(year(time), "##.##"), text_color = text_c, text_size=table_text_size_mp)