
The exchange.GetMarkets() function is used to get exchange market information.

Dictionary containing the {@struct/Market Market} structure. object


function main() {
    var markets = exchange.GetMarkets()
    var currency = exchange.GetCurrency()

    // Get the current contract code can also use exchange.GetContractType() function
    var ct = "swap"

    var key = currency + "." + ct
    Log(key, ":", markets[key])
def main():
    markets = exchange.GetMarkets()
    currency = exchange.GetCurrency()
    ct = "swap"

    key = currency + "." + ct
    Log(key, ":", markets[key])
void main() {
    auto markets = exchange.GetMarkets();
    auto currency = exchange.GetCurrency();

    auto ct = "swap";
    auto key = currency + "." + ct;
    Log(key, ":", markets[key]);

Example of a call to a futures exchange object:

start: 2023-05-10 00:00:00
end: 2023-05-20 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

function main() {
    var arrSymbol = ["SOL_USDT.swap", "BTC_USDT.quarter", "ETH_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.quarter"]

    var tbl1 = {
        type: "table",
        title: "markets1",
        cols: ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        rows: []

    var markets1 = exchange.GetMarkets()
    for (var key in markets1) {
        var market = markets1[key]
        tbl1.rows.push([key, market.Symbol, market.BaseAsset, market.QuoteAsset, market.TickSize, market.AmountSize, market.PricePrecision, market.AmountPrecision, market.MinQty, market.MaxQty, market.MinNotional, market.MaxNotional, market.CtVal])

    for (var symbol of arrSymbol) {

    var tbl2 = {
        type: "table",
        title: "markets2",
        cols: ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        rows: []

    var markets2 = exchange.GetMarkets()
    for (var key in markets2) {
        var market = markets2[key]
        tbl2.rows.push([key, market.Symbol, market.BaseAsset, market.QuoteAsset, market.TickSize, market.AmountSize, market.PricePrecision, market.AmountPrecision, market.MinQty, market.MaxQty, market.MinNotional, market.MaxNotional, market.CtVal])

    LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify([tbl1, tbl2]) + "`")
start: 2023-05-10 00:00:00
end: 2023-05-20 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

import json

def main():
    arrSymbol = ["SOL_USDT.swap", "BTC_USDT.quarter", "ETH_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.quarter"]

    tbl1 = {
        "type": "table",
        "title": "markets1",
        "cols": ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        "rows": []

    markets1 = exchange.GetMarkets()
    for key in markets1:
        market = markets1[key]
        tbl1["rows"].append([key, market["Symbol"], market["BaseAsset"], market["QuoteAsset"], market["TickSize"], market["AmountSize"], market["PricePrecision"], market["AmountPrecision"], market["MinQty"], market["MaxQty"], market["MinNotional"], market["MaxNotional"], market["CtVal"]])

    for symbol in arrSymbol:

    tbl2 = {
        "type": "table",
        "title": "markets2",
        "cols": ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        "rows": []

    markets2 = exchange.GetMarkets()
    for key in markets2:
        market = markets2[key]
        tbl2["rows"].append([key, market["Symbol"], market["BaseAsset"], market["QuoteAsset"], market["TickSize"], market["AmountSize"], market["PricePrecision"], market["AmountPrecision"], market["MinQty"], market["MaxQty"], market["MinNotional"], market["MaxNotional"], market["CtVal"]])

    LogStatus("`" + json.dumps([tbl1, tbl2]) + "`")
start: 2023-05-10 00:00:00
end: 2023-05-20 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

void main() {
    auto arrSymbol = {"SOL_USDT.swap", "BTC_USDT.quarter", "ETH_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.quarter"};

    json tbl1 = R"({
        "type": "table",
        "title": "markets1",
        "cols": ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        "rows": []

    auto markets1 = exchange.GetMarkets();
    for (auto& [key, market] : markets1.items()) {
        json arrJson = {key, market["Symbol"], market["BaseAsset"], market["QuoteAsset"], market["TickSize"], market["AmountSize"], market["PricePrecision"], market["AmountPrecision"], market["MinQty"], market["MaxQty"], market["MinNotional"], market["MaxNotional"], market["CtVal"]};

    for (const auto& symbol : arrSymbol) {

    json tbl2 = R"({
        "type": "table",
        "title": "markets2",
        "cols": ["key", "Symbol", "BaseAsset", "QuoteAsset", "TickSize", "AmountSize", "PricePrecision", "AmountPrecision", "MinQty", "MaxQty", "MinNotional", "MaxNotional", "CtVal"],
        "rows": []

    auto markets2 = exchange.GetMarkets();
    for (auto& [key, market] : markets2.items()) {
        json arrJson = {key, market["Symbol"], market["BaseAsset"], market["QuoteAsset"], market["TickSize"], market["AmountSize"], market["PricePrecision"], market["AmountPrecision"], market["MinQty"], market["MaxQty"], market["MinNotional"], market["MaxNotional"], market["CtVal"]};

    json tbls = R"([])"_json;
    LogStatus("`" + tbls.dump() + "`");

Use the futures exchange object to call the exchange.GetMarkets() function in the backtesting system. Before calling any market function, GetMarkets only returns the market data of the current default trading pair. After calling the market function, it returns the market data of all requested varieties. You can refer to the following test example:

The exchange.GetMarkets() function returns a dictionary with a key named the name of the trade variety, and for spot fixes formatted as a trading pair, for example:

    "BTC_USDT" : {...},  // The key value is the Market structure
    "LTC_USDT" : {...},  

For futures contract exchanges, as there may be multiple contracts for a single variety, e.g. BTC_USDT trading pairs, there are perpetual contracts, quarterly contracts, and so on. The exchange.GetMarkets() function returns a dictionary with the key name of the pair combined with the contract code, for example:

    "BTC_USDT.swap" : {...},     // The key value is the Market structure
    "BTC_USDT.quarter" : {...}, 
    "LTC_USDT.swap" : {...},
  • The exchange.GetMarkets() function supports live tradings, backtesting system.
  • The exchange.GetMarkets() function returns market information only for the varieties that are traded on line on the exchange.
  • The exchange.GetMarkets() function does not support options contracts.

Exchanges that do not support the exchange.GetMarkets() function:

Function Name Unsupported Spot Exchanges Unsupported Futures Exchanges
GetMarkets Coincheck / Bithumb / BitFlyer

{@struct/Market Market}