他の技術指標とは異なり,Ease of Movement Valueは価格,量,人気の変化を反映する技術である.これは価格と量の変化を組み合わせる技術である. 価格変動指標を形成する単位量の価格変化を測定する. 市場が人気を得て取引が活発になったとき,購入信号を提示する. 取引量が低く,市場エネルギーが尽きようとしているとき,販売信号を提示する.
ステップ1: mov_mid を計算する
ステップ1: 戦略の枠組みを作成する
# Strategy main function
def onTick():
# Program entry
def main():
while True: # Enter infinite loop mode
onTick() # execution strategy main function
Sleep(1000) # sleep for 1 second
FMZ.COMローテーション訓練モードを採用します. まず,main
函数,a を書くwhile
def get_position():
position = 0 # The number of assigned positions is 0
position_arr = _C(exchange.GetPosition) # Get array of positions
if len(position_arr)> 0: # If the position array length is greater than 0
for i in position_arr: # Traverse the array of positions
if i['ContractType'] =='IH000': # If the position symbol is equal to the subscription symbol
if i['Type']% 2 == 0: # if it is long position
position = i['Amount'] # Assign a positive number of positions
position = -i['Amount'] # Assign the number of positions to be negative
return position # return position quantity
この戦略では 維持を容易にするため リアルタイムでの位置数だけを使いますget_position
exchange.SetContractType('IH000') # Subscribe to futures variety
bars_arr = exchange.GetRecords() # Get K-line array
if len(bars_arr) <10: # If the number of K lines is less than 10
変数を使用します. 変数式は,bars_arr
bar1 = bars_arr[-2] # Get the previous K-line data
bar2 = bars_arr[-3] # get the previous K-line data
# Calculate the value of mov_mid
mov_mid = (bar1['High'] + bar1['Low']) / 2-(bar2['High'] + bar2['Low']) / 2
if bar1['High'] != bar1['Low']: # If the dividend is not 0
# Calculate the value of ratio
ratio = (bar1['Volume'] / 10000) / (bar1['High']-bar1['Low'])
ratio = 0
# If the value of ratio is greater than 0
if ratio> 0:
emv = mov_mid / ratio
emv = 0
ステップ 5: 注文を出す
current_price = bars_arr[-1]['Close'] # latest price
position = get_position() # Get the latest position
if position> 0: # If you are holding long positions
if emv <0: # If the current price is less than teeth
exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Sell(round(current_price-0.2, 2), 1) # close long position
if position <0: # If you are holding short positions
if emv> 0: # If the current price is greater than the teeth
exchange.SetDirection("closesell") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Buy(round(current_price + 0.2, 2), 1) # close short position
if position == 0: # If there is no holding position
if emv> 0: # If the current price is greater than the upper lip
exchange.SetDirection("buy") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Buy(round(current_price + 0.2, 2), 1) # open long position
if emv <0: # if the current price is smaller than the chin
exchange.SetDirection("sell") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Sell(round(current_price-0.2, 2), 1) # open short position
オーダーを出す前に,我々は2つのデータを決定する必要があります. 1つはオーダーの価格であり,もう1つは現在のポジションの状態です. オーダーを出す価格は非常に簡単です.get_position
最後に,位置は EMV とゼロ軸の位置関係に応じて開閉されます.
バックテスト ログ
# Backtest configuration
start: 2019-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2020-01-01 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_CTP","currency":"FUTURES"}]
def get_position():
position = 0 # The number of assigned positions is 0
position_arr = _C(exchange.GetPosition) # Get array of positions
if len(position_arr)> 0: # If the position array length is greater than 0
for i in position_arr: # Traverse the array of positions
if i['ContractType'] =='IH000': # If the position symbol is equal to the subscription symbol
if i['Type']% 2 == 0: # if it is long position
position = i['Amount'] # Assign a positive number of positions
position = -i['Amount'] # Assign the number of positions to be negative
return position # return position quantity
# Strategy main function
def onTick():
# retrieve data
exchange.SetContractType('IH000') # Subscribe to futures
bars_arr = exchange.GetRecords() # Get K-line array
if len(bars_arr) <10: # If the number of K lines is less than 10
# Calculate emv
bar1 = bars_arr[-2] # Get the previous K-line data
bar2 = bars_arr[-3] # get the previous K-line data
# Calculate the value of mov_mid
mov_mid = (bar1['High'] + bar1['Low']) / 2-(bar2['High'] + bar2['Low']) / 2
if bar1['High'] != bar1['Low']: # If the dividend is not 0
# Calculate the value of ratio
ratio = (bar1['Volume'] / 10000) / (bar1['High']-bar1['Low'])
ratio = 0
# If the value of ratio is greater than 0
if ratio> 0:
emv = mov_mid / ratio
emv = 0
# Placing orders
current_price = bars_arr[-1]['Close'] # latest price
position = get_position() # Get the latest position
if position> 0: # If you are holding long positions
if emv <0: # If the current price is less than teeth
exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Sell(round(current_price-0.2, 2), 1) # close long position
if position <0: # If you are holding short positions
if emv> 0: # If the current price is greater than the teeth
exchange.SetDirection("closesell") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Buy(round(current_price + 0.2, 2), 1) # close short position
if position == 0: # If there is no holding position
if emv> 0: # If the current price is greater than the upper lip
exchange.SetDirection("buy") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Buy(round(current_price + 0.2, 2), 1) # open long position
if emv <0: # if the current price is smaller than the chin
exchange.SetDirection("sell") # Set the trading direction and type
exchange.Sell(round(current_price-0.2, 2), 1) # open short position
# Program entry
def main():
while True: # Enter infinite loop mode
onTick() # execution strategy main function
Sleep(1000) # sleep for 1 second