
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2023年10月9日 17:03:23


この戦略は,移動平均線交差に基づいた多空間の意思決定システムである. 戦略は,異なるタイプの移動平均線を選択し,長期短期移動平均線パラメータを配置して,買取および売却信号を生成することができる. さらに,戦略は,トレンドフィルタオプションを提供し,取引信号がトレンド方向に一致することを要求する.



  • 短期移動平均線が長期移動平均線を横切ると,買い信号が生じる.
  • 短期の移動平均線が長期の移動平均線を横切ると売り信号が生じる.

さらに,策略は4つの移動平均線タイプの選択を提供します. シンプルな移動平均線 (SMA),指数移動平均線 (EMA),加重移動平均線 (WMA),量化移動平均線 (VWMA). ユーザーは短期および長期の平均線の種類を自由に組み合わせることができます.






  • 複数の移動平均線タイプを選択し,移動平均線パラメータを調整することでシステムを最適化することができます.
  • 長期短期平均線パラメータを配置し,市場の異なる周期特性に適応する
  • 多空間の取引方向を選択し,不利な一方的な市場を回避する
  • トレンドに不利な取引を減らすためにトレンドフィルターを追加するか選択できます
  • 戦略ロジックはシンプルで明確で,理解し最適化しやすい




  1. 遅延指標としての移動平均線は,価格変化を見逃すリスクをもたらす可能性があります.
  2. 設定の不適切なパラメータ組合せは,過剰な取引を招き,収益を低下させる可能性があります.
  3. 固定的な市場モデルを使用し,市場転換のリスクに直面する可能性があります.


  1. 他の先行指標,例えば量力指標,波動率指標などで価格変動を検出します.
  2. パラメータの組み合わせを最適化し,利益が損失を上回り,取引頻度を制御する
  3. ダイナミックな調整戦略パラメータ,市場がトレンドから全体への変化に間に合う



  1. システム効率を向上させるための他の技術指標,例えば量エネルギー指標,ブリンバンドなどを追加します.
  2. ストップ損失戦略を追加し,単一の損失を制御する
  3. 機械学習アルゴリズムに基づく動的最適化参数組み合わせ
  4. 単純な移動平均線ではなく,市場構造に基づく傾向判断方法を追加する
  5. 波動率指標を組み合わせて動的にポジション管理を調整する



この移動平均交差戦略は,非常に典型的なトレンドフォロー戦略である. シンプルで柔軟で理解しやすいため,高度に構成可能な取引システムを提供している. ユーザーは市場状況に応じて適切な移動平均の組み合わせを選択し,パラメータを調整し,多空間の取引方向を設定し,その他を選択することができます. もちろん,ユーザーは,トレンドフォローの優位性を維持しながら,他の技術指標を追加することで,システムを豊かにし,より包括的で信頼性の高い定量化取引戦略になります.

start: 2023-09-08 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-08 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © GlobalMarketSignals

strategy("GMS: Moving Average Crossover Strategy", overlay=true)

LongShort = input(title="Long Only or Short Only or Both?", type=input.string, defval="Both", options=["Both", "Long Only", "Short Only"])
MAs1 = input(title="Which Moving Average? (1)", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "VWMA"])
MAs2 = input(title="Which Moving Average? (2)", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "VWMA"])
MA1 = input(title="Moving Average Length 1", type = input.integer ,defval=10)
MAL2 = input(title="Moving Average Length 2", type = input.integer ,defval=20)
AboveBelow = input(title="Trend SMA Filter?", type=input.string, defval="Above", options=["Above", "Below", "Don't Include"])
TLen = input(title="Trend SMA Length", type = input.integer ,defval=200)

///////LONG ONLY////////


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

///////SHORT ONLY///////


if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

/////// BOTH ///////////


if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2))) 
