この戦略は,トレンド方向を特定し,取引を行うために二重指標を組み合わせます.第一に,短期トレンドを判断するために2つの移動平均 (高速および中間) のクロスオーバーを使用します.第二に,チャネル範囲と長期移動平均を使用して主なトレンド方向を決定します. 2つの判断が一貫している場合にのみ取引信号が生成されます.複数の指標を使用するハイブリッド戦略は,誤った信号を効果的にフィルターし,安定性を向上させることができます.
戦略は判断のための3つの指標を使用します.まず,短期トレンドを決定するために,高速EMA (26期) と中期EMA (50期) の黄金十字と死亡十字;次に,中期トレンドを判断するためにチャネル範囲を計算;最後に,長期SMA (200期) を計算し,主要なトレンド方向を決定するために価格と比較します.すべての3つの判断が一貫している場合にのみ,取引シグナルが生成されます.
短期トレンドを決定するために,高速移動平均と中移動平均のクロスオーバー (上昇傾向の黄金クロス,下落傾向の死亡クロス).
誤った信号を効果的にフィルタリングし,安定性を向上させる. 取引信号は単一のメトリックからのエラーを避けるために複数の指標から検証を必要とするからです.
パラメータ設定リスク. MA 期間とチャネル範囲は適切な設定が必要で,不適切な設定はトレンドを検出できず,過剰な偽信号を引き起こす可能性があります.
適応型ストップ損失メカニズムを追加します. 動的ストップ損失レベルを調節します.
重要な点でのボリューム指標を 支援する.資本効率を向上させるため,ボリュームによるポジションサイズ判断.
エントリーロジックを最適化する. 単一のエントリーリスクを減らすためにコスト平均を伴う段階的なエントリーを検討する.
機械学習モデルを組み合わせ モデルの強さと適性を判断する 神経ネットワークを導入します
/*backtest start: 2023-11-19 00:00:00 end: 2023-12-19 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 // Indicator to combines: // Trend Channel[Gu5] (SMA 200) + // EMA's cross (26, 50 ) + // Golden Cross (50, 200) // Author: @gu5tavo71 08/2019 // v2.3.6, 2022.02.18 // Trend Channel [Gu5] // Author: @gu5tavo71 08/2019 // // This source code is subject to these terms: // Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) // https://www.safecreative.org/work/2202190517452-mix1-ema-cross-trend-channel-gu5- // You are free to: // Share, copy and redistribute this script // Adapt, transform and build on this script // Under the following terms: // Non-commercial: You cannot sell my indicator. You can't sell my work. // Attribution: If you post part of my code, you must give me proper credit // // I am using part of this code published by @PineCoders and Public Library // Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. // For purpose educate only. Use at your own risk. strategy(title = 'Mix1 : Ema Cross + Trend Channel [Gu5] - Backtest', shorttitle = 'Mix01', overlay = true, initial_capital = 100, default_qty_value = 100, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, commission_value = 0.075, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, format = format.price, precision = 2, process_orders_on_close = true) // --------- Inputs "==============================" | i_maSrc = input.source (close, 'MA Source' , group = 'EMAs') i_maFast1 = input.int (26, 'EMA Fast' , group = 'EMAs') i_maFast2 = input.int (50, 'EMA Medium' , group = 'EMAs') i_maLen = input.int (200, 'MA Trend' , group = 'Trend Channel') o_maLen1 = 'EMA' o_maLen2 = 'SMA' i_maLenSel = input.string (o_maLen2, 'MA Type' , group = 'Trend Channel', options = [o_maLen1, o_maLen2], tooltip = "EMA or SMA") i_htf = input.timeframe ('', 'Select Higher Timeframe' , tooltip = 'Only for MA Trend' , group = 'Trend Channel') i_rangeLen = input.float (0.618, 'Channel Range Length' , tooltip = 'ATR of the MA Trend', group = 'Trend Channel') i_slOn = input.bool (false, '■ Stop Loss On/Off' , group = 'Stop Loss') i_sl = input.float (2.618, 'SL %' , step = 0.1, group = 'Stop Loss') i_periodSw = input.bool (true, '■ Period On/Off' , group = 'Period') o_start = timestamp ( '2020-01-01 00:00 GMT-3' ) o_end = timestamp ( '2099-12-31 00:00 GMT-3' ) i_periodStar = input (o_start, 'Start Time' , group = 'Period') i_periodEnd = input (o_end, 'End Time' , group = 'Period') o_posSel1 = 'Only Long' o_posSel2 = 'Only Short' o_posSel3 = 'Both' i_posSel = input.string (o_posSel3, 'Position Type' , group = 'Strategy', options = [o_posSel1, o_posSel2, o_posSel3], tooltip = "Only Long, Only short or Both") o_typeS1 = 'Strategy 1' o_typeS2 = 'Strategy 2' i_typeS = input.string (o_typeS2, 'Strategy Type' , group = 'Strategy', options = [o_typeS1, o_typeS2], tooltip = "Strategy 1:\nLong, when the price (close) crosses the ema.\nStrategy 2:\nLong, only when ema goes up") i_barColOn = input.bool (true, '■ Bar Color On/Off' , group = 'Display') i_alertOn = input.bool (false, '■ Alert On/Off' , group = 'Display') i_channelOn = input.bool (false, '■ Channel Range On/Off' , tooltip = 'If the price (close) is over than the channel, the trend is bullish. If the price is under, bearish. And if the price is in the channel, it is in range', group = 'Display') i_goldenOn = input.bool (false, '■ Golden Cross On/Off' ) o_alert = '{{strategy.order.comment}}' i_alert = input.string (o_alert, 'Setting alert' , tooltip = 'For Alerts, just copy {{strategy.order.comment}} and paste in alert window.', group = 'Display') // --------- Calculations maFast1 = ta.ema(i_maSrc, i_maFast1) maFast2 = ta.ema(i_maSrc, i_maFast2) maDir = maFast1 > maFast2 ? 1 : -1 maTrend = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, i_htf, i_maLenSel == "SMA" ? ta.sma(close, i_maLen)[1] : ta.ema(close, i_maLen)[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) //No repaint maTrendDir = i_maSrc >= maTrend ? 1 : -1 rangeAtr = ta.atr(i_maLen) * i_rangeLen rangeTop = maTrend + rangeAtr rangeBot = maTrend - rangeAtr rangeCh = (open <= rangeTop or close <= rangeTop) and (open >= rangeBot or close >= rangeBot) trendDir = i_typeS == 'Strategy 1' ? rangeCh ? 0 : maTrendDir == 1 and maDir == 1 and maTrend > maFast2 ? 0 : maTrendDir == -1 and maDir == -1 and maTrend < maFast2 ? 0 : maTrendDir == 1 and maDir == 1 ? 1 : maTrendDir == -1 and maDir == -1 ? -1 : 0 : rangeCh ? 0 : maTrendDir == 1 and maDir == 1 ? 1 : maTrendDir == -1 and maDir == -1 ? -1 : 0 GCross = i_goldenOn ? ta.crossover (maFast2, maTrend) : na DCross = i_goldenOn ? ta.crossunder(maFast2, maTrend) : na period = true // Set initial values condition = 0.0 entryLong = trendDir == 1 and i_posSel != 'Only Short' and (i_periodSw ? period : true) entryShort = trendDir == -1 and i_posSel != 'Only Long' and (i_periodSw ? period : true) exitLong = (trendDir != 1 or maDir == -1) and condition[1] == 1 and i_posSel != 'Only Short' and (i_periodSw ? period : true) exitShort = (trendDir != -1 or maDir == 1) and condition[1] == -1 and i_posSel != 'Only Long' and (i_periodSw ? period : true) closeCond = exitLong or exitShort // Stop Loss (sl) slEntry = close * i_sl / 100 slTop = close + slEntry slBot = close - slEntry slTopBuff = ta.valuewhen(condition[1] != 1 and entryLong, slBot, 0) slBotBuff = ta.valuewhen(condition[1] != -1 and entryShort, slTop, 0) slLine = condition[1] == -1 and entryLong ? slTopBuff : condition[1] == 1 and entryShort ? slBotBuff : condition[1] == 1 or entryLong ? slTopBuff : condition[1] == -1 or entryShort ? slBotBuff : na slTopCross = condition[1] == 1 and ta.crossunder(close, slLine) or high > slLine and low < slLine slBotCross = condition[1] == -1 and ta.crossover (close, slLine) or high > slLine and low < slLine slExit = i_slOn ? slTopCross or slBotCross : na // Conditions condition := condition[1] != 1 and entryLong ? 1 : condition[1] != -1 and entryShort ? -1 : condition[1] != 0 and slExit ? 0 : condition[1] != 0 and exitLong ? 0 : condition[1] != 0 and exitShort ? 0 : nz(condition[1]) long = condition[1] != 1 and condition == 1 short = condition[1] != -1 and condition == -1 xl = condition[1] == 1 and exitLong and not slExit xs = condition[1] == -1 and exitShort and not slExit sl = condition[1] != 0 and slExit // --------- Colors c_green = #006400 //Green c_greenLight = #388e3c //Green Light c_red = #8B0000 //Red c_redLight = #b71c1c //Red Light c_emas = xl ? color.new(color.orange, 99) : xs ? color.new(color.orange, 99) : trendDir == 1 and maDir == 1 ? color.new(c_green, 99) : trendDir == -1 and maDir == -1 ? color.new(c_red, 99) : color.new(color.orange, 99) c_maFill = xl ? color.new(color.orange, 70) : xs ? color.new(color.orange, 70) : trendDir == 1 and maDir == 1 ? color.new(c_green, 70) : trendDir == -1 and maDir == -1 ? color.new(c_red, 70) : color.new(color.orange, 70) c_maTrend = trendDir == 0 ? color.new(color.orange, 0) : trendDir == 1 and maTrend[1] < maTrend ? color.new(c_green, 0) : trendDir == 1 and maTrend[1] >= maTrend ? color.new(c_greenLight, 0) : trendDir == -1 and maTrend[1] < maTrend ? color.new(c_redLight, 0) : trendDir == -1 and maTrend[1] >= maTrend ? color.new(c_red, 0) : na c_ch = trendDir == 0 ? color.new(color.orange, 50) : trendDir == 1 ? color.new(c_green, 50) : trendDir == -1 ? color.new(c_red, 50) : na c_slLineUp = ta.rising (slLine, 1) c_slLineDn = ta.falling(slLine, 1) c_slLine = c_slLineUp ? na : c_slLineDn ? na : color.red c_barCol = trendDir == 0 ? color.new(color.orange, 0) : trendDir == 1 and open <= close ? color.new(c_green, 0) : trendDir == 1 and open > close ? color.new(c_greenLight, 0) : trendDir == -1 and open >= close ? color.new(c_red, 0) : trendDir == -1 and open < close ? color.new(c_redLight, 0) : color.new(color.orange, 0) // --------- Plots p_maFast1 = plot( maFast1, title = 'EMA Fast 1', color = c_emas, linewidth = 1) p_maFast2 = plot( maFast2, title = 'EMA Fast 2', color = c_emas, linewidth = 2) fill( p_maFast1, p_maFast2, title = 'EMAs Fill', color = c_maFill) plot( maTrend, title = 'SMA Trend', color = c_maTrend, linewidth = 3) p_chTop = plot( i_channelOn ? rangeTop : na, title = 'Top Channel', color = c_maTrend, linewidth = 1) p_chBot = plot( i_channelOn ? rangeBot : na, title = 'Bottom Channel', color = c_maTrend, linewidth = 1) fill( p_chTop, p_chBot, title = 'Channel', color = c_ch) plot( i_slOn and condition != 0 ? slLine : na, title = 'Stop Loss Line', color = c_slLine, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr) // --------- Alerts barcolor(i_barColOn ? c_barCol : na) plotshape( i_alertOn and long ? high : na, title = 'Long Label', text = 'Long', textcolor = color.white, color = color.new(c_green, 0), style = shape.labelup, size = size.normal, location = location.belowbar) plotshape( i_alertOn and short ? low : na, title = 'Short Label', text = 'Short', textcolor = color.white, color = color.new(c_red, 0), style = shape.labeldown, size = size.normal, location = location.abovebar) plotshape( i_alertOn and (xl or xs) ? close : na, title = 'Close Label', text = 'Close', textcolor = color.orange, color = color.new(color.orange, 0), style = shape.xcross, size = size.small, location = location.absolute) plotshape( i_alertOn and sl ? slLine : na, title = 'Stop Loss', text = 'Stop\nLoss', textcolor = color.orange, color = color.new(color.orange, 0), style = shape.xcross, size = size.small, location = location.absolute) plotshape( i_alertOn and i_goldenOn and GCross ? maTrend : na, title = 'Golden Cross Label', text = 'Golden\nCross', textcolor = color.white, color = color.new(color.orange, 0), style = shape.labelup, size = size.normal, location = location.absolute) plotshape( i_alertOn and i_goldenOn and DCross ? maTrend : na, title = 'Death Cross Label', text = 'Death\nCross', textcolor = color.white, color = color.new(color.orange, 0), style = shape.labeldown, size = size.normal, location = location.absolute) bgcolor( i_periodSw and not period ? color.new(color.gray, 90) : na, title = 'Session') // --------- Backtest if long and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, comment = 'long') if short and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short, comment = 'short') strategy.exit( id = 'XL', from_entry = 'Long', stop = i_slOn ? slLine : na) strategy.exit( id = 'XS', from_entry = 'Short', stop = i_slOn ? slLine : na) strategy.close( 'Long', comment = 'Close', when = xl) strategy.close( 'Short', comment = 'Close', when = xs)