이동 평균 크로스 포스 전략

저자:차오장, 날짜: 2023-10-09 17:03:23


이 전략은 이동평균의 교차를 기반으로 한 멀티스페이스 의사결정 시스템이다. 전략은 다양한 유형의 이동평균을 선택할 수 있으며, 장기 단기 이동평균 파라미터를 구성하여 구매 및 판매 신호를 생성할 수 있다. 또한 전략은 트렌드 필터 옵션을 제공하여 거래 신호가 트렌드 방향과 일치하도록 요구한다.

전략적 원칙

이 전략의 핵심 논리는 두 개의 이동평균의 교차에 기반하여 거래 신호를 생성합니다. 구체적으로:

  • 짧은 이동 평균에서 긴 이동 평균을 통과하면 구매 신호가 생성됩니다.
  • 짧은 이동 평균 아래로 이동하는 긴 이동 평균을 통과하면 파는 신호가 발생합니다.

또한, 정책은 간단한 이동 평균 (SMA), 지수 이동 평균 (EMA), 가중 이동 평균 (WMA), 그리고 양적 이동 평균 (VWMA) 을 포함한 네 가지 이동 평균 유형의 선택이 제공됩니다. 사용자는 단기 및 장기 평균의 유형을 자유롭게 구성할 수 있습니다.

또한, 전략은 세 가지 동작 모드를 제공합니다: 더하기, 빈, 그리고 모든 빈. 이것은 사용자가 시장 환경에 따라 다른 거래 방향을 선택할 수 있도록합니다.

마지막으로, 전략은 트렌드 필터 기능을 추가했다. 이 기능은 거래 신호가 트렌드 방향과 일치해야하거나 신호를 무시해야 한다고 요구한다. 구체적으로, 옵션이 ' Above'로 설정되면 가격이 트렌드 일평선보다 높을 때만 멀티 헤드 신호가 생성되며, 옵션이 ' Below'로 설정되면 가격이 트렌드 일평선보다 낮을 때만 빈 헤드 신호가 생성된다.

전략적 장점

이 전략의 가장 큰 장점은 parametric 및 flexible이다. 이동 평균은 가장 기본적인 기술 지표로서, 양적 거래에서 널리 사용된다. 이 전략은 사용자가 다양한 시장 환경에 적용할 수 있는 변수를 유연하게 조정할 수 있도록 매우 구성 가능한 이동 평균 교차 시스템을 제공합니다.

특히 이 전략의 장점은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 여러 이동 평균자책점 유형을 선택하여 이동 평균자책점 매개 변수를 조정하여 시스템을 최적화 할 수 있습니다.
  • 시장의 다양한 주기 특성에 맞게 길고 짧은 평균 라인 파라미터를 구성할 수 있습니다.
  • 불리한 일방적인 시장을 피하기 위해 다중 거래 방향을 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 트렌드 필터를 추가하거나 트렌드 불리한 거래를 줄이는 것을 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 전략 논리는 간단하고 명확하고 이해하기 쉽고 최적화됩니다.

전체적으로, 이 전략은 매우 유연하고 사용자 정의 가능한 이동 평균 크로스 시스템이며, 사용자는 어떤 고정된 패턴에 국한되지 않고 시장에 대한 자신의 판단에 따라 조정할 수 있습니다.

전략적 위험

이 전략의 주요 위험은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. 지연 지표로서의 이동 평균은 가격 변화를 놓칠 위험이 있습니다.
  2. 부적절하게 구성된 파라미터 조합은 너무 많은 거래로 인해 수익을 줄일 수 있습니다.
  3. 특정 시장 패턴을 고정적으로 사용하며 시장 전환의 위험을 감수 할 수 있습니다.

이 전략은 이러한 위험을 해결하기 위해 다음과 같은 해결책을 제공합니다.

  1. 양력 지표, 변동률 지표 등 다른 예측 지표와 함께 가격 변화를 발견합니다.
  2. 손실보다 더 많은 수익을 창출하고 거래 주파수를 제어하는 최적화된 매개 변수 조합
  3. 동적 조정 전략 매개 변수, 시장에서 트렌드에서 전체로 변화하는 시간에 적응

전략적 최적화 방향

이 전략은 다음과 같은 몇 가지 차원에서 최적화 될 수 있습니다:

  1. 시스템 효율성을 높이기 위해 다른 기술 지표를 추가합니다.
  2. 단금 손실을 통제하기 위해 중단 손실 전략을 추가합니다.
  3. 기계 학습 알고리즘에 기반한 동적 최적화 파라미터 조합
  4. 단순한 이동평균보다는 시장 구조에 기반한 방식으로 추세를 판단하는 방법을 추가합니다.
  5. 변동률 지표와 결합하여 역동적으로 조정하는 포지션 관리

이러한 최적화로 시스템이 더 나은 위험 관리 메커니즘, 더 높은 안정성, 그리고 시장 변화에 더 잘 적응할 수 있는 능력을 가질 수 있다.


이 이동 평균 교차 전략은 매우 전형적인 경향을 따르는 전략이다. 그것은 간단하고 유연하며 이해하기 쉽으며, 매우 구성 가능한 거래 시스템을 제공합니다. 사용자는 시장 상황에 따라 적절한 이동 평균 조합을 선택하고, 매개 변수를 조정하고, 멀티 스페이스 거래 방향을 구성할 수 있습니다. 물론 사용자는 또한 다른 기술 지표를 추가하여 시스템을 더 포괄적이고 신뢰할 수있는 양적 거래 전략으로 부양할 수 있습니다.

start: 2023-09-08 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-08 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © GlobalMarketSignals

strategy("GMS: Moving Average Crossover Strategy", overlay=true)

LongShort = input(title="Long Only or Short Only or Both?", type=input.string, defval="Both", options=["Both", "Long Only", "Short Only"])
MAs1 = input(title="Which Moving Average? (1)", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "VWMA"])
MAs2 = input(title="Which Moving Average? (2)", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "VWMA"])
MA1 = input(title="Moving Average Length 1", type = input.integer ,defval=10)
MAL2 = input(title="Moving Average Length 2", type = input.integer ,defval=20)
AboveBelow = input(title="Trend SMA Filter?", type=input.string, defval="Above", options=["Above", "Below", "Don't Include"])
TLen = input(title="Trend SMA Length", type = input.integer ,defval=200)

///////LONG ONLY////////


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    


if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

///////SHORT ONLY///////


if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

/////// BOTH ///////////


if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Above" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close>sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Below" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) and close<sma(close,TLen))
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))  

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(sma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))    

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(ema(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(vwma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2))) 
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "WMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),wma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),sma(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),ema(close,MAL2)))
if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelow == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "WMA" and MAs2 == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = crossover(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2)) )
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = crossunder(wma(close,MA1),vwma(close,MAL2))) 

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