이 전략은 거래량, 변동성, 폐쇄 가격 위치, 추세 등과 같은 요소를 종합적으로 고려하여 거래 기회를 식별합니다.
이 전략의 핵심 아이디어는 거래량, 폐쇄 지위, 변동성 범위 및 기타 요소의 비정상적인 돌파구를 결합하여 입점 및 출구 지점을 식별하는 것입니다.
특히, 전략은 일정 기간 동안의 평균 거래량을 계산한다. 현재 기간의 거래량이 비정상적인 돌파구를 나타낼 때, 트렌드 반전을 나타낼 수 있다. 또한, 종료 가격이 변동성 범위의 상부 또는 하부 경계 근처에 있다면, 이는 또한 가능한 트렌드 반전을 의미한다. 거래량과 종료 위치를 결합함으로써, 잠재적 진입 및 출구 지점을 초기 판단할 수 있다.
거래 신호를 확인하기 위해, 이 전략은 변동성 범위를 고려하기도 한다. 만약 현재 변동성이 한 기간 동안의 평균 수준을 넘어서면, 그것은 거래 신호의 첫 번째 조건을 형성한다. 그 다음, 상승 바의 폐쇄 가격이 증가하는 볼륨과 함께 변동성 범위의 하반도에 떨어지면, 판매 신호가 생성된다. 반대로, 하락 바의 폐쇄 가격이 감소하는 볼륨과 함께 변동성 범위의 상반부에 있다면, 구매 신호가 생성된다.
또한, 이 전략은 또한 전체 추세를 결정하기 위해 이동 평균을 사용합니다. 중장기 추세를 반전하는 것은 또한 거래 신호를 생성하는 조건으로 작용합니다.
위의 지표를 통합함으로써 이 전략은 시장 진입점과 출구점을 효과적으로 식별할 수 있습니다.
이 전략의 가장 큰 장점은 의사 결정에 대해 여러 요인을 고려하여 거래 신호를 더 신뢰할 수 있다는 것입니다. 주요 장점은 다음과 같습니다.
이 전략에는 몇 가지 위험도 있습니다.
이 전략이 최적화 될 수있는 주요 측면:
이 전략은 다양한 요인을 고려하여 거래 기회를 식별합니다. 이점은 포괄적인 신호 메커니즘과 안정적인 성능에 있으며 주요 위험은 매개 변수 조정 및 부정확한 주요 트렌드 예측에서 발생합니다. 머신 러닝과 같은 일부 기술은 미래에 더 많은 최적화를 위해 적용 될 수 있습니다. 전반적으로 이것은 건전한 합리성과 유망한 실용적인 성능이있는 전략입니다.
/*backtest start: 2023-12-12 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-11 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=3 strategy("volume spread analysis ", overlay=true) volavg = sma(volume,40) c= close l=low h=high v=volume volmean = stdev(volavg,30) volupband3 = volavg + 3*volmean volupband2 = volavg + 2*volmean volupband1 = volavg + 1*volmean voldnband1 = volavg -1*volmean voldnband2 = volavg -2*volmean midprice = (high+low)/2 spread = (high-low) avgspread = sma(spread,80) avgspreadbar = spread > avgspread widerangebar = spread>(1.5*avgspread) narrowrangebar = spread<(0.7*avgspread) lowvolume = volume<volume[1] and volume<volume[2] upbar = close>close[1] downbar = close<close[1] highvolume = volume>volume[1] and volume[1]>volume[2] closefactor = close-low clsposition = spread/closefactor closeposition = iff(closefactor==0,avgspread,clsposition) vb = volume>volavg or volume>volume[1] upclose = close>=((spread*0.7)+low)// close is above 70% of the bar downclose = close<=((spread*0.3)+low)// close is below the 30% of the bar aboveclose = close>((spread*0.5)+low)// close is between 50% and 70% of the bar belowclose = close<((spread*0.5)+low)// close is between 50% and 30% of the bar midclose = close>((spread*0.3)+low) and c<((spread*0.7)+l)// close is between 30% and 70% of the bar verylowclose = closeposition>4//close is below 25% of the bar veryhighclose = closeposition<1.35// close is above 80% of the bar closepos = iff(close<=((spread*0.2)+low),1,iff(close<=((spread*0.4)+low),2,iff(close<=((spread*0.6)+low),3,iff(close<=((spread*0.8)+low),4,5)))) // 1 = downclose, 2 = belowclose, 3 = midclose, 4 = aboveclose, 5 = upclose volpos = iff(volume>volavg*2,1,iff(volume>volavg*1.3,2,iff(volume>volavg,3,iff(volume<volavg and volume>volavg*0.7,4,5)))) //// 1 = very high, 2 = high, 3 = above average, 4 = less than average, 5 = low freshgndhi = close > highestbars(h,5) freshgndlo = close < lowestbars(l,5) //========================trend estimation ========================= //jtrend=sma(close,5) //trendlongterm = linreg(jtrend,40) //trendmediumterm = linreg(jtrend,10) //trendshortterm = linreg(jtrend,3) //tls=linreg(jtrend,3) minperiodsrwist = input(title="short term min periods", defval=2, minval=1) maxperiodsrwist = input(title="short term max periods", defval=8, minval=1) minperiodsrwilt = input(title="long term min periods", defval=10, minval=1) maxperiodsrwilt = input(title="long term max periods", defval=40, minval=1) rwhmins = (high - nz(low[minperiodsrwist])) / (atr(minperiodsrwist) * sqrt(minperiodsrwist)) rwhmaxs = (high - nz(low[maxperiodsrwist])) / (atr(maxperiodsrwist) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwist)) rwhs = max( rwhmins, rwhmaxs ) rwlmins = (nz(high[minperiodsrwist]) - low) / (atr(minperiodsrwist) * sqrt(minperiodsrwist)) rwlmaxs = (nz(high[maxperiodsrwist]) - low) / (atr(maxperiodsrwist) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwist)) rwls = max( rwlmins, rwlmaxs ) rwhminl = (high - nz(low[minperiodsrwilt])) / (atr(minperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(minperiodsrwilt)) rwhmaxl = (high - nz(low[maxperiodsrwilt])) / (atr(maxperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt)) rwhl = max( rwhminl, rwhmaxl ) rwlminl = (nz(high[minperiodsrwilt]) - low) / (atr(minperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(minperiodsrwilt)) rwlmaxl = (nz(high[maxperiodsrwilt]) - low) / (atr(maxperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt)) rwll = max( rwlminl, rwlmaxl ) ground = rwhs sky = rwls j = rwhs-rwls k = rwhl-rwll j2 = rwhl k2 = rwll ja = cross(j,1) jb = cross(1,j) jc = cross(-1,j) jd = cross(j,-1) j2a = cross(j2,1) j2b = cross(1,j2) k2a = cross(k2,1) k2b = cross(1,k2) upmajoron = j > 1 and ja[1] upmajoroff = j < 1 and jb[1] upminoron = j2 > 1 and j2a[1] upminoroff = j2 < 1 and j2b[1] dnmajoron = j < -1 and jc[1] dnmajoroff = j > -1 and jd[1] dnminoron = k2 > 1 and k2a[1] dnminoroff = k2 < 1 and k2b[1] upimd = iff(ground > 1, 1,0) dnimd = iff(sky > 1, 1, 0) upmajor = iff(j>1,1,iff(j<(-1),-1,0)) upminor = iff(j2>1,1,-1) dnminor = iff(k2>1,1,-1) //======================================================================| Buy_stop = lowest(low[1],5) - atr(20)[1] plot(Buy_stop, color=red, title="buy_stoploss") Sell_stop = highest(high[1],5) + atr(20)[1] plot(Sell_stop, color=green, title="sell_stoploss") //======================================================================| //upthrustbar = widerangebar and downclose and upimd==1 and high>high[1] //wrb and uhs and fresh ground nut = widerangebar and downclose and freshgndhi and highvolume // new signal bc = widerangebar and aboveclose and volume == highest(volume,60) and upmajor==1 // new signal upthrustbar = widerangebar and (closepos==1 or closepos==2) and upminor>0 and high>high[1] and (upimd>0or upmajor>0) and volpos <4// after minor up trend upthrustbartrue = widerangebar and closepos==1 and upmajor>0 and high>high[1] and volpos <4//occurs after a major uptrend upthrustcond1 = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and not narrowrangebar upthrustcond2 = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and volpos == 2 upthrustcond3 = upthrustbar and volpos ==1 toprevbar = volume[1]>volavg and upbar[1] and widerangebar[1] and downbar and downclose and widerangebar and upmajor>0 and high==highest(high,10) pseudoupthrust = upbar[1] and high>high[1] and volume[1]>1.5*volavg and downbar and downclose and not upthrustbar pseudoutcond = pseudoupthrust[1] and downbar and downclose and not upthrustbar trendchange = upbar[1] and high==highest(high,5) and downbar and (downclose or midclose) and volume>volavg and upmajor>0 and upimd>0 and not widerangebar and not pseudoupthrust nodemandbarut = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and ((upminor>0 and upimd>0)or (upminor<0 and upminor>0))//in a up market nodemandbardt = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and (upminor<=0or upimd<=0)// in a down or sidewayss market nosupplybar = downbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos<3 and ((upminor<1 and upimd<1)or (upminor>0 and upimd<1)) lowvoltest = low==lowest(low,5) and upclose and lowvolume//lowvolume and l<low[1] and upclose lowvoltest1 = low==lowest(low,5) and volume<volavg and low<low[1] and upclose and upminor>0 and upmajor>0// and widerangebar lowvoltest2 = lowvoltest[1] and upbar and upclose sellcond1 = (upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3) sellcond2 = sellcond1[1]==0 sellcond = sellcond1 and sellcond2 strengthdown0 = upmajor<0 and volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0// strength after a long down trend strengthdown = volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upimd<=00 and upminor<0// strength after a down trend strengthdown1 = upmajor<0 and volume>(volavg*1.5) and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0//strength after downtrend . high volume strengthdown2 = upimd<=0 and volume[1]<volavg and upbar and veryhighclose and volpos<4 buycond1 = strengthdown or strengthdown1 buycond = upbar and buycond1[1] stopvolume = low==lowest(low,5) and (upclose or midclose) and v>1.5*volavg and upmajor<0 revupthrust = upmajor<0 and upbar and upclose and volume>volume[1] and volume>volavg and widerangebar and downbar[1] and downclose[1] and upminor<0 effortup = high>high[1] and low>low[1] and close>close[1] and close>=((high-low)*0.7+low) and spread>avgspread and volpos<4//and open<=((high-low)*0.3+low) effortupfail = effortup[1] and (upthrustbar or upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3 or (downbar and avgspreadbar)) effortdown = high<high[1] and low<low[1] and close<close[1] and close<=((high-low)*0.25+low) and widerangebar and volume>volume[1]//o>=((high-low)*0.75+ effortdownfail = effortdown[1] and ((upbar and avgspreadbar)or revupthrust or buycond1) upflag = (sellcond or buycond or effortup or effortupfail or stopvolume or effortdown or effortdownfail or revupthrust or nodemandbardt or nodemandbarut or nosupplybar or lowvoltest or lowvoltest1 or lowvoltest2 or bc) bullbar = (volume>volavg or volume>volume[1]) and closeposition <2 and upbar and not upflag bearbar = vb and downclose and downbar and spread>avgspread and not upflag buy = (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 burely = strengthdown1 and stopvolume[1]or (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 //buy = effortup and lowvoltest2[1] //sell = upthrustbartrue sell = effortup[1] and effortupfail and upthrustcond3 and upthrustbartrue and toprevbar strategy.entry("simpleBuy", strategy.long, when= (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 ) strategy.close("simpleBuy",when=upthrustbartrue ) //strategy.entry("simpleSell", strategy.short,when= upthrustbartrue ) //strategy.close("simpleSell",when= (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2) //|============================================================================================| //data = close >= open //plotshape(true, style=shape.flag, color=data ? green : red) plotshape((upthrustbar or upthrustbartrue) ,title="upthrustbaro" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.huge,color=red ) //plotshape(toprevbar ,title="toprevbar" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape((pseudoupthrust) ,title="(pseudoupthrus" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape((upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2) ,title="upthrustcond1" ,style=shape.triangleup ,size=size.small,color=red ) plotshape(trendchange ,title="trendchange" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape((nodemandbardt) ,title="(nodemandbardt" ,style=shape.square ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape(nosupplybar ,title="nosupplybar" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=blue) plotshape(revupthrust ,title="revupthrust" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.huge,color=green ) //plotshape((upthrustbar or upthrustbartrue) ,title="upthrustbaro" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape((upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2) ,title="upthrustcond1" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=white ) //plotshape((pseudoupthrust) ,title="(pseudoupthrus" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(nodemandbarut ,title="nodemandbarut" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape(nodemandbarut ,title="nodemandbarut" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(nodemandbardt ,title="nodemandbardt" ,style=shape.diamond ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(nosupplybar ,title="nosupplybar" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=blue ) plotshape(lowvoltest ,title="lowvoltest" ,style=shape.triangleup ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(lowvoltest2 ,title="lowvoltest2" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(strengthdown ,title="strengthdown" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=green) //plotshape(strengthdown ,title="strengthdown" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=lime ) //plotshape(strengthdown2 ,title="strengthdown2" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=silver ) //plotshape(strengthdown2 ,title="strengthdown2" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape(stopvolume ,title="stopvolume" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(stopvolume ,title="stopvolume" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) plotshape(effortup ,title="effortup" ,style=shape.diamond ,size=size.small,color=lime ) plotshape(effortupfail ,title="effortupfail" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(effortupfail ,title="effortupfail" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=white ) plotshape(effortdown ,title="effortdown" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=red ) plotshape(effortdownfail ,title="effortdownfail" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(effortdownfail ,title="effortdownfail" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=white ) //plotshape(buycond ,title="buycond" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(sellcond ,title="sellcond" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape((nut) ,title="(nut)" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.small,color=lime ) //plotshape((bc ) ,title="(bc" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape(buy ,title="buy" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=white )