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Strategi Dagangan Garis Trend

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tarikh: 2023-11-02 14:14:34

Trend Line Trading Strategy


Strategi ini berdasarkan idea untuk memecahkan tahap sokongan dan rintangan utama dengan mengenal pasti garis aliran naik dan turun utama dalam carta harga dan perdagangan apabila harga memecahkan garis trend. Strategi ini mudah dan boleh dipercayai, sesuai untuk persekitaran pasaran dengan trend yang jelas.

Prinsip Strategi

Strategi ini mengenal pasti titik tinggi dan rendah utama untuk mendapatkan garis sokongan dan rintangan dengan mengira paras tinggi dan rendah garis bar kiri dan kanan.

  1. Penggunaanpivothigh()danpivotlow()fungsi untuk mengesan puncak dan paras rendah utama.

  2. Keluarkan persamaan untuk garis sokongan dan rintangan berdasarkan paras tertinggi dan terendah.

  3. Pergi panjang apabila harga memecahkan di atas rintangan; pergi pendek apabila harga memecahkan di bawah sokongan.

  4. Pilih panjang atau pendek berdasarkan arah trend.

  5. Pilihan untuk membalikkan kedudukan secara langsung apabila pecah berlaku.

  6. Pilihan untuk menggunakan stop loss, mengambil keuntungan, trailing stop loss.

  7. Pilihan untuk stop loss titik ayunan, ATR stop loss, stop loss tetap.

Strategi dagangan hanya berdasarkan trend line breakouts, keseimbangan trend berikut dan pembalikan, mudah dan praktikal.

Analisis Kelebihan

  • Strategi ini agak mudah, mudah difahami dan dilaksanakan.

  • Menggunakan teori pelarian, mempunyai kelebihan kebarangkalian.

  • Boleh menetapkan stop loss dan mengambil keuntungan untuk mengawal risiko.

  • Boleh melaksanakan trend berikut atau pembalikan.

  • Parameter yang boleh dioptimumkan sesuai dengan persekitaran pasaran yang berbeza.

Analisis Risiko

  • Isyarat keluar mungkin ada isyarat palsu.

  • Penempatan stop loss yang tidak betul boleh meningkatkan kerugian.

  • Perdagangan pembalikan berisiko terperangkap.

  • Penyesuaian parameter memerlukan pengalaman, tetapan yang tidak betul mungkin gagal.

  • Penembusan trend murni tidak sesuai untuk pasaran yang terhad.

Risiko boleh dikurangkan dengan mengoptimumkan strategi stop loss, menilai kualiti isyarat, menilai masa pembalikan dan sebagainya.

Arahan pengoptimuman

  • Menilai kebolehpercayaan isyarat pecah untuk meningkatkan ketepatan.

  • Masukkan bunyi untuk memperkuat isyarat.

  • Mengoptimumkan stop loss untuk turun naik pasaran.

  • Menilai masa pembalikan yang optimum.

  • Penyesuaian parameter.

  • Menilai model pelbagai faktor.

  • Menilai gabungan dengan penunjuk lain.


Strategi ini adalah mudah dan praktikal secara keseluruhan, menangkap trend harga melalui penembusan trend yang mudah dan risiko yang boleh diurus. Ia boleh dioptimumkan di pelbagai dimensi untuk memenuhi keadaan pasaran yang lebih banyak, trend yang sangat praktikal mengikuti strategi secara keseluruhan.

start: 2022-10-26 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-01 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © tweakerID and © BacktestRookies

// Using the clever calculations and code by BacktestRookies, here is a strategy that buys 
// when the price breaks above a trendline and sells (or shorts) when it crosses below. 
// This logic can be reversed, which seems to work better with recent market conditions.

strategy("Trendlines Strategy", 

direction = input(0, title = "Strategy Direction", type=input.integer, minval=-1, maxval=1)
strategy.risk.allow_entry_in(direction == 0 ? strategy.direction.all : 
 (direction < 0 ? strategy.direction.short : strategy.direction.long))

// Bought and Sold Boolean Signal
bought = strategy.position_size > strategy.position_size[1] 
 or strategy.position_size < strategy.position_size[1]

/////////////////////// STRATEGY INPUTS ////////////////////////////////////////
title1=input(true, "-----------------Strategy Inputs-------------------")  

leftbars = input(100, minval=1, title='Pivot Detection: Left Bars')
rightbars = input(15, minval=1, title='Pivot Detection: Right Bars')
plotpivots = input(true, title='Plot Pivots')

/////////////////////// BACKTESTER /////////////////////////////////////////////
title2=input(true, "-----------------General Inputs-------------------")  

// Backtester General Inputs
i_SL=input(true, title="Use Stop Loss and Take Profit")
TS=input(false, title="Use Trailing Stop")
i_SLType=input(defval="ATR Stop", title="Type Of Stop", options=["Strategy Stop", "Swing Lo/Hi", "ATR Stop"])
i_SPL=input(defval=10, title="Swing Point Lookback")
i_PercIncrement=input(defval=3, step=.1, title="Swing Point SL Perc Increment")*0.01
i_ATR = input(14, title="ATR Length")
i_ATRMult = input(4, step=.1, title="ATR Multiple")
i_TPRRR = input(2, step=.1, title="Take Profit Risk Reward Ratio")
DPR=input(true, "Allow Direct Position Reverse")
reverse=input(true, "Reverse Trades")

// Swing Points Stop and Take Profit
SwingStopProfit() =>
    LL_price = valuewhen(bought, LL, 0)
    HH_price = valuewhen(bought, HH, 0)
    entry_LL_price = strategy.position_size > 0 ? LL_price : na 
    entry_HH_price = strategy.position_size < 0 ? HH_price : na 
    tp=strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price - entry_LL_price)*i_TPRRR
    stp=strategy.position_avg_price - (entry_HH_price - strategy.position_avg_price)*i_TPRRR
    [entry_LL_price, entry_HH_price, tp, stp]

// ATR Stop
ATRStop() =>
    ATRLong = ohlc4 - ATR
    ATRShort = ohlc4 + ATR
    ATRLongStop = valuewhen(bought, ATRLong, 0)
    ATRShortStop = valuewhen(bought, ATRShort, 0)
    LongSL_ATR_price = strategy.position_size > 0 ? ATRLongStop : na 
    ShortSL_ATR_price = strategy.position_size < 0 ? ATRShortStop : na 
    ATRtp=strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price - LongSL_ATR_price)*i_TPRRR
    ATRstp=strategy.position_avg_price - (ShortSL_ATR_price - strategy.position_avg_price)*i_TPRRR
    [LongSL_ATR_price, ShortSL_ATR_price, ATRtp, ATRstp]
// Strategy Stop
StrategyStop(bought) =>
    float LongStop = na
    float ShortStop = na
    float StratTP = na
    float StratSTP = na
    [LongStop, ShortStop, StratTP, StratSTP]

TrailingStop(SL,SSL) =>
    dif=(valuewhen(strategy.position_size>0 and strategy.position_size[1]<=0, high,0))
    trailOffset     = strategy.position_avg_price - SL
    var tstop = float(na)
    if strategy.position_size > 0
        tstop := high- trailOffset - dif
        if tstop<tstop[1]
        tstop := na
    StrailOffset     = SSL - strategy.position_avg_price
    var Ststop = float(na)
     and strategy.position_size[1]>=0, low,0))
    if strategy.position_size < 0
        Ststop := low+ StrailOffset + Sdif
        if Ststop>Ststop[1]
        Ststop := na
    [tstop, Ststop]
//Stop Loss & Take Profit Switches  
SLTPLogic(LongStop, ShortStop, StratTP, StratSTP, LongSL_ATR_price, ShortSL_ATR_price, ATRtp, ATRstp,
 entry_LL_price, entry_HH_price, tp, stp) =>
    SL= i_SLType == "Swing Lo/Hi" ? entry_LL_price : i_SLType == "ATR Stop" ? LongSL_ATR_price : LongStop
    SSL= i_SLType == "Swing Lo/Hi" ? entry_HH_price : i_SLType == "ATR Stop" ? ShortSL_ATR_price : ShortStop
    TP= i_SLType == "Swing Lo/Hi" ? tp : i_SLType == "ATR Stop" ? ATRtp : StratTP
    STP= i_SLType == "Swing Lo/Hi" ? stp : i_SLType == "ATR Stop" ? ATRstp : StratSTP
    [SL, SSL, TP, STP]

/////////////////////// STRATEGY LOGIC /////////////////////////////////////////

// Pivots
ph = pivothigh(high, leftbars, rightbars)
pl = pivotlow(low, leftbars, rightbars)

phv1 = valuewhen(ph, high[rightbars], 0)
phb1 = valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rightbars], 0)
phv2 = valuewhen(ph, high[rightbars], 1)
phb2 = valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rightbars], 1)

plv1 = valuewhen(pl, low[rightbars], 0)
plb1 = valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rightbars], 0)
plv2 = valuewhen(pl, low[rightbars], 1)
plb2 = valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rightbars], 1)
plotshape(ph,, location=location.abovebar,,  title='Pivot High', offset=-rightbars)
plotshape(pl,,   location=location.belowbar,, title='Pivot Low',  offset=-rightbars)

plot(ph ? high[rightbars] : na,, offset=-rightbars)
plot(pl ? low[rightbars] : na, color=color.purple, offset=-rightbars)

// --------------
    m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
get_y_intercept(m, x1, y1)=>

get_y(m, b, ts)=>
    Y = m * ts + b

int   res_x1 = na
float res_y1 = na
int   res_x2 = na
float res_y2 = na

int   sup_x1 = na
float sup_y1 = na
int   sup_x2 = na
float sup_y2 = na

// Resistance
res_x1 := ph ? phb1 : res_x1[1]
res_y1 := ph ? phv1 : res_y1[1]
res_x2 := ph ? phb2 : res_x2[1]
res_y2 := ph ? phv2 : res_y2[1]

res_m = get_slope(res_x1,res_x2,res_y1,res_y2)
res_b = get_y_intercept(res_m, res_x1, res_y1)
res_y = get_y(res_m, res_b, bar_index)

// Support
sup_x1 := pl ? plb1 : sup_x1[1]
sup_y1 := pl ? plv1 : sup_y1[1]
sup_x2 := pl ? plb2 : sup_x2[1]
sup_y2 := pl ? plv2 : sup_y2[1]

sup_m = get_slope(sup_x1,sup_x2,sup_y1,sup_y2)
sup_b = get_y_intercept(sup_m, sup_x1, sup_y1)
sup_y = get_y(sup_m, sup_b, bar_index)

// plot(line.get_y2(line1))
plot(res_y,, title='Resistance Trendline', linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles)
plot(sup_y, color=color.lime, title='Support Trendline', linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles)

// if ph
//,phv1, bar_index, res_y, style=line.style_dashed,
// if pl
//,plv1, bar_index, sup_y, style=line.style_dashed,
// Breaks
long_break = crossover(close, res_y)
short_break = crossunder(close, sup_y)
plotshape(long_break,  style=shape.triangleup,, size=size.tiny, location=location.belowbar, title='Long Break')
plotshape(short_break, style=shape.triangledown,, size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, title='Short Break')


/////////////////////// FUNCTION CALLS /////////////////////////////////////////

// Stops and Profits
[entry_LL_price, entry_HH_price, tp, stp] = SwingStopProfit()
[LongSL_ATR_price, ShortSL_ATR_price, ATRtp, ATRstp] = ATRStop()
[LongStop, ShortStop, StratTP, StratSTP] = StrategyStop(bought)
[SL, SSL, TP, STP] = SLTPLogic(LongStop, ShortStop, StratTP, StratSTP, 
 LongSL_ATR_price, ShortSL_ATR_price, ATRtp, ATRstp, entry_LL_price, entry_HH_price, tp, stp)
[tstop, Ststop] = TrailingStop(SL,SSL)

// Entries
if reverse
    if not DPR
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when=SELL and strategy.position_size == 0)
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when=BUY and strategy.position_size == 0)
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when=SELL)
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when=BUY)
    if not DPR 
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when=BUY and strategy.position_size == 0)
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when=SELL and strategy.position_size == 0)
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when=BUY)
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when=SELL)
// Exits
if i_SL
    strategy.exit("TP & SL", "long", limit=TP, stop=TS? tstop : SL)
    strategy.exit("TP & SL", "short", limit=STP, stop=TS? Ststop : SSL)

/////////////////////// PLOTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////

plot(i_SL and strategy.position_size > 0 and not TS ? SL : i_SL and 
 strategy.position_size > 0 and TS ? tstop : na , title='SL', style=plot.style_cross,
plot(i_SL and strategy.position_size < 0 and not TS ? SSL : i_SL and 
 strategy.position_size < 0 and TS ? Ststop : na , title='SSL', style=plot.style_cross,
plot(i_SL and strategy.position_size > 0 ? TP : na, title='TP', style=plot.style_cross,
plot(i_SL and strategy.position_size < 0 ? STP : na, title='STP', style=plot.style_cross,

// Draw price action setup arrows
plotshape(BUY ? 1 : na, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, title="Bullish Setup",
plotshape(SELL ? 1 : na, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, title="Bearish Setup",

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