Maklumat output dalam bar status sistem backtesting atau halaman perdagangan langsung.
LogStatus ((...msgs)
adalah kandungan output, dan parametermsg
boleh lulus lebih daripada satu.
string, nombor, bool, objek, array, mana-mana jenis yang disokong oleh sistem seperti null.
function main() {
LogStatus('This is a general status alert')
LogStatus('This is a status alert in red font #ff0000')
LogStatus('This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line')
def main():
LogStatus('This is a general status alert')
LogStatus('This is a status alert in red font #ff0000')
LogStatus('This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line')
void main() {
LogStatus("This is a general status alert");
LogStatus("This is a status alert in red font #ff0000");
LogStatus("This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line");
Ia menyokong menetapkan warna kandungan output:
function main() {
var table = {type: 'table', title: 'Position information', cols: ['Column 1', 'Column 2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
// JSON serialization with the ` character on both sides, as a complex message format (support tables currently)
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
// Table information can also appear in multiple rows
LogStatus('First line of message\n`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`\n third line of message')
// It supports multiple tables at the same time, will be displayed in a group with TAB
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify([table, table]) + '`')
// You can also construct a button in the form, and use the GetCommand strategy to receive the contents of the cmd attribute
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'Position operations',
cols: ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['abc', 'def', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}]
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
// Or construct a separate button
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify({'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}) + '`')
// Customizable button style (bootstrap's button attribute)
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify({'type':'button', 'class': 'btn btn-xs btn-danger', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {"type": "table", "title": "Position information", "cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2"], "rows": [["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')
LogStatus('First line of message\n`' + json.dumps(table) + '`\n third line of message')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps([table, table]) + '`')
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Position operations",
"cols" : ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}]
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps({"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}) + '`')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps({"type": "button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}) + '`')
void main() {
json table = R"({"type": "table", "title": "Position information", "cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2"], "rows": [["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("First line of message\n`" + table.dump() + "`\n third line of message");
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + arr.dump() + "`");
table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Position operations",
"cols" : ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}]
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("`" + R"({"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"})"_json.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("`" + R"({"type": "button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"})"_json.dump() + "`");
Contoh output data dalam bar status:
function main() {
var table = {
type: "table",
title: "status bar button style",
cols: ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
rows: [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`")
import json
def main():
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "status bar button style",
"cols": ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
"rows": [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "status bar button style",
"cols": ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
"rows": [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Ia menyokong untuk merancang kawalan butang dalam bar status (struktur butang lama):
function main() {
var table = {
type: "table",
title: "Status bar button disable, description function test",
cols: ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
rows: []
var button1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"}
var button2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": true}
var button3 = {"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": false}
table.rows.push([button1, button2, button3])
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`")
import json
def main():
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Status bar button disable, description function test",
"cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
"rows": []
button1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"}
button2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": True}
button3 = {"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": False}
table["rows"].append([button1, button2, button3])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "Status bar button disable, description function test",
"cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
"rows": []
json button1 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"})"_json;
json button2 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": true})"_json;
json button3 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": false})"_json;
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Tetapkan tidak aktif, fungsi penerangan butang bar status (struktur butang lama):
function test1() {
Log("Calling custom functions")
function main() {
while (true) {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'operation',
cols: ['column1', 'column2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['a', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': "CoverAll",
'name': 'Close out positions'
['b', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': 10,
'name': 'Send values'
['c', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': _D(),
'name': 'Calling functions'
['d', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': 'test1',
'name': 'Calling custom functions'
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", '`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
var str_cmd = GetCommand()
if (str_cmd) {
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd)
if(str_cmd == "test1") {
import json
def test1():
Log("Calling custom functions")
def main():
while True:
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows": [
["a", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "CoverAll",
"name": "Close out positions"
["b", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": 10,
"name": "Send values"
["c", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": _D(),
"name": "Calling functions"
["d", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "test1",
"name": "Calling custom functions"
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
str_cmd = GetCommand()
if str_cmd:
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd)
if str_cmd == "test1":
void test1() {
Log("Calling custom functions");
void main() {
while(true) {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows": [
["a", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "CoverAll",
"name": "Close out positions"
["b", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": 10,
"name": "Send values"
["c", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "",
"name": "Calling functions"
["d", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "test1",
"name": "Calling custom functions"
table["rows"][2][2]["cmd"] = _D();
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + table.dump() + "`");
auto str_cmd = GetCommand();
if(str_cmd != "") {
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd);
if(str_cmd == "test1") {
Dalam kombinasi denganGetCommand()
fungsi, membina fungsi interaksi butang bar status (struktur butang lama):
function main() {
var tbl = {
type: "table",
title: "operation",
cols: ["column1", "column2"],
rows: [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
while (true) {
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("cmd:", cmd)
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2"],
"rows": [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
while True:
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
Log("cmd:", cmd)
void main() {
json tbl = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2"],
"rows": [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + tbl.dump() + "`");
while(true) {
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if(cmd != "") {
Log("cmd:", cmd);
Data input juga disokong apabila membina butang bar status untuk interaksi, dan arahan interaksi ditangkap olehGetCommand()
fungsi akhirnya. Tambahinput
item (struktur butang lama) kepada struktur data kawalan butang dalam bar status, sebagai contoh, menambah"input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}
kepada{"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position"}
akan menyebabkan popup dengan kawalan kotak input muncul apabila butang diklik (nilai lalai dalam kotak input adalah 1, yang merupakan data yang ditetapkan olehdefValue
Anda boleh memasukkan data yang akan dihantar bersama dengan perintah butang. Sebagai contoh, apabila kod ujian berikut dijalankan, selepas mengklik butang "open positionGetCommand()
fungsi akan kemudian menangkap mesej:open:111
function main() {
var tbl = {
type: "table",
title: "Demonstrate grouping button control",
cols: ["operation"],
rows: []
// Creating a grouping button control structure
var groupBtn = {
type: "button",
cmd: "open",
name: "open positions",
group: [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": true}
// test button 1
var testBtn1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."}
var testBtn2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}
// Add groupBtn to tbl
// It supports multiple buttons in a cell of a status bar table, i.e. the data in a cell is an array of button structures: [testBtn1, testBtn2].
tbl.rows.push([[testBtn1, testBtn2]])
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + JSON.stringify(groupBtn) + "`")
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("cmd:", cmd)
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Demonstrate grouping button control",
"cols": ["operation"],
"rows": []
groupBtn = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "open positions",
"group": [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": True}
testBtn1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."}
testBtn2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}
tbl["rows"].append([[testBtn1, testBtn2]])
while True:
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + json.dumps(groupBtn) + "`")
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
Log("cmd:", cmd)
void main() {
json tbl = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "Demonstrate grouping button control",
"cols": ["operation"],
"rows": []
json groupBtn = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "open positions",
"cmd": "open",
"group": [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": true}
json testBtn1 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."})"_json;
json testBtn2 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}})"_json;
tbl["rows"].push_back({{testBtn1, testBtn2}});
while(true) {
LogStatus("`" + tbl.dump() + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + groupBtn.dump() + "`");
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if(cmd != "") {
Log("cmd:", cmd);
Ia menyokong untuk kawalan butang yang dikelompokkan (struktur butang lama), secara berfungsi konsisten denganbutang bar status yang menyokong kemasukan dataPerintah interaktif akhirnya ditangkap olehGetCommand()
Perbezaan adalah bahawa dengan"group"
tetapan medan, apabila butang diklik untuk mencetuskan interaksi, dialog yang muncul pada halaman mengandungi satu setkumpulankawalan input yang ditubuhkan untuk memasukkan sekumpulan data sekaligus.
Beberapa perkara yang perlu diperhatikan mengenai"group"
medan dalam struktur kawalan butang bar status dan kawalan butang kumpulan:
harta dalam kumpulan hanya menyokong empat jenis berikut, dandefValue
property adalah nilai lalai.
simbol untuk memisahkan setiap pilihan dalam kotak dropdown seperti yang ditetapkan.
"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1"
tetapan, yang menjadikanharga perdagangankawalan input hanya tersedia apabilaorderJeniskawalan drop-down dipilih sebagaiPerintah Terhad.|
simbol untuk memisahkan kandungan penerangan dalam bahasa Cina dan
, description
dalam kumpulan danname
, description
dalam struktur butang tidak mempunyai definisi yang sama walaupun mereka mempunyai nama medan yang sama.
dalam kumpulan juga berbeza dari definisiname
dalam input.Log("cmd:", cmd)
pernyataan dalam ujian contoh berikut:cmd: open:{"orderType":1,"tradePrice":99,"orderAmount":"99","boolean":true}
, iaitu, apa yang dikembalikan olehGetCommand()
fungsi apabila interaksi berlaku:open:{"orderType":1,"tradePrice":99,"orderAmount":"99","boolean":true}
sifat kawalan butang hanya menyokong:"button"
Pengendali butang yang menyokong data input, iaitu kawalan denganinput
set harta,type
harta dalam maklumat konfigurasiinput
medan menyokong pelbagai jenis kawalan.
Rujuk kepada contoh berikut:function main() {
// Status bar button control (set input field to implement) testBtn1 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set options, using the defValue field to set the default options. This is different from the other examples in this chapter, which use defValue to set the options directly.
var testBtn1 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn1",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn1",
input: {name: "testBtn1ComboBox", type: "selected", options: ["A", "B"], defValue: 1}
Status bar button control (set input field implementation) testBtn2 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set the options, options field in the options field not only supports the string,
the use of the ```{text: "description", value: "value"}``` structure is also supported. Use the defValue field to set the default option, which can be multiple choice (multiple choice via array structure). Multiple choice requires setting the additional field multiple to a true value.
var testBtn2 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn2",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn2",
input: {
name: "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
type: "selected",
description: "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
options: [{text: "Option A", value: "A"}, {text: "Option B", value: "B"}, {text: "Option C", value: "C"}],
defValue: ["A", "C"],
multiple: true
// Status bar grouping button control (set group field implementation) testBtn3 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set options, also supports the direct use of defValue set options.
var testBtn3 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn3",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn3",
group: [
{name: "comboBox1", label: "labelComboBox1", description: "Dropdown box 1", type: "selected", defValue: 1, options: ["A", "B"]},
{name: "comboBox2", label: "labelComboBox2", description: "Dropdown box 2", type: "selected", defValue: "A|B"},
{name: "comboBox3", label: "labelComboBox3", description: "Dropdown box 3", type: "selected", defValue: [0, 2], multiple: true, options: ["A", "B", "C"]},
name: "comboBox4",
label: "labelComboBox4",
description: "Dropdown box 4",
type: "selected",
defValue: ["A", "C"],
multiple: true,
options: [{text: "Option A", value: "A"}, {text: "Option B", value: "B"}, {text: "Option C", value: "C"}, {text: "Option D", value: "D"}]
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn1) + "`\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn2) + "`\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn3) + "`\n")
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
import json
def main():
testBtn1 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn1",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn1",
"input": {"name": "testBtn1ComboBox", "type": "selected", "options": ["A", "B"], "defValue": 1}
testBtn2 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn2",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn2",
"input": {
"name": "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
"type": "selected",
"description": "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}],
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": True
testBtn3 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn3",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn3",
"group": [
{"name": "comboBox1", "label": "labelComboBox1", "description": "Dropdown box 1", "type": "selected", "defValue": 1, "options": ["A", "B"]},
{"name": "comboBox2", "label": "labelComboBox2", "description": "Dropdown box 2", "type": "selected", "defValue": "A|B"},
{"name": "comboBox3", "label": "labelComboBox3", "description": "Dropdown box 3", "type": "selected", "defValue": [0, 2], "multiple": True, "options": ["A", "B", "C"]},
"name": "comboBox4",
"label": "labelComboBox4",
"description": "Dropdown box 4",
"type": "selected",
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": True,
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}, {"text": "Option D", "value": "D"}]
while True:
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(testBtn1) + "`\n", "`" + json.dumps(testBtn2) + "`\n", "`" + json.dumps(testBtn3) + "`\n")
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
void main() {
json testBtn1 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn1",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn1",
"input": {"name": "testBtn1ComboBox", "type": "selected", "options": ["A", "B"], "defValue": 1}
json testBtn2 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn2",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn2",
"input": {
"name": "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
"type": "selected",
"description": "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}],
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": true
json testBtn3 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn3",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn3",
"group": [
{"name": "comboBox1", "label": "labelComboBox1", "description": "Dropdown box 1", "type": "selected", "defValue": 1, "options": ["A", "B"]},
{"name": "comboBox2", "label": "labelComboBox2", "description": "Dropdown box 2", "type": "selected", "defValue": "A|B"},
{"name": "comboBox3", "label": "labelComboBox3", "description": "Dropdown box 3", "type": "selected", "defValue": [0, 2], "multiple": true, "options": ["A", "B", "C"]},
"name": "comboBox4",
"label": "labelComboBox4",
"description": "Dropdown box 4",
"type": "selected",
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": true,
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}, {"text": "Option D", "value": "D"}]
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + testBtn1.dump() + "`\n", "`" + testBtn2.dump() + "`\n", "`" + testBtn3.dump() + "`\n");
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if (cmd != "") {
Apabila butang bar status kumpulan kawalan (dilaksanakannya dengan menetapkangroup
medan) dan kawalan butang bar status (diwujudkan dengan menetapkaninput
medan) diklik untuk mencetuskan interaksi (struktur butang lama), kawalan kotak drop-down dalam kotak dialog yang muncul di halaman juga menyokong pelbagai pilihan. Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara merancang kawalan kotak drop-down dengan pelbagai pilihan pilihan:
var symbols = ["BTC_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.swap", "LTC_USDT.swap", "BNB_USDT.swap", "SOL_USDT.swap"]
function createBtn(tmp, group) {
var btn = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tmp))
_.each(group, function(eleByGroup) {
return btn
function main() {
var arrManager = []
_.each(symbols, function(symbol) {
"symbol": symbol,
// Btn
var tmpBtnOpen = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "Open a position and place an order",
"group": [{
"type": "selected",
"name": "tradeType",
"label": "Order type",
"description": "Market order, limit order",
"default": 0,
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"options": ["Market order", "Limit order"],
"required": true,
}, {
"type": "selected",
"name": "direction",
"label": "Trading direction",
"description": "Buy, sell",
"default": "buy",
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"render": "segment",
"required": true,
"options": [{"name": "buy", "value": "buy"}, {"name": "sell", "value": "sell"}],
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "price",
"label": "price",
"description": "The price of the order",
"group": "Trading setup",
"filter": "tradeType==1",
"settings": {
"required": true,
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "amount",
"label": "Order quantity",
"description": "Order quantity",
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"required": true,
while (true) {
var tbl = {"type": "table", "title": "dashboard", "cols": ["symbol", "actionOpen"], "rows": []}
_.each(arrManager, function(m) {
var btnOpen = createBtn(tmpBtnOpen, [{"type": "string", "name": "symbol", "label": "Trading instruments", "default": m["symbol"], "settings": {"required": true}}])
tbl["rows"].push([m["symbol"], btnOpen])
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("Receive interaction:", cmd)
// Parsing interaction messages: open:{"symbol":"LTC_USDT.swap","tradeType":0,"direction":"buy","amount":111}
// According to the first colon: the previous instruction determines which button template triggers the message
var arrCmd = cmd.split(":", 2)
if (arrCmd[0] == "open") {
var msg = JSON.parse(cmd.slice(5))
Log("Trading instruments:", msg["symbol"], ", Trading direction:", msg["direction"], ", Order type:", msg["tradeType"] == 0 ? "Market order" : "Limit order", msg["tradeType"] == 0 ? ", Order price: current market price" : ", Order price:" + msg["price"], ", Order quantity:", msg["amount"])
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
import json
symbols = ["BTC_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.swap", "LTC_USDT.swap", "BNB_USDT.swap", "SOL_USDT.swap"]
def createBtn(tmp, group):
btn = json.loads(json.dumps(tmp))
for eleByGroup in group:
btn["group"].insert(0, eleByGroup)
return btn
def main():
arrManager = []
for symbol in symbols:
arrManager.append({"symbol": symbol})
# Btn
tmpBtnOpen = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "Open a position and place an order",
"group": [{
"type": "selected",
"name": "tradeType",
"label": "Order type",
"description": "Market order, limit order",
"default": 0,
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"options": ["Market order", "Limit order"],
"required": True,
}, {
"type": "selected",
"name": "direction",
"label": "Trading direction",
"description": "Buy, sell",
"default": "buy",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"settings": {
"render": "segment",
"required": True,
"options": [{"name": "买入", "value": "buy"}, {"name": "卖出", "value": "sell"}],
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "price",
"label": "price",
"description": "The price of the order",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"filter": "tradeType==1",
"settings": {
"required": True,
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "amount",
"label": "Order quantity",
"description": "Order quantity",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"settings": {
"required": True,
while True:
tbl = {"type": "table", "title": "dashboard", "cols": ["symbol", "actionOpen"], "rows": []}
for m in arrManager:
btnOpen = createBtn(tmpBtnOpen, [{"type": "string", "name": "symbol", "label": "交易品种", "default": m["symbol"], "settings": {"required": True}}])
tbl["rows"].append([m["symbol"], btnOpen])
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd != "" and cmd != None:
Log("Receive interaction:", cmd)
# Parsing interaction messages: open:{"symbol":"LTC_USDT.swap","tradeType":0,"direction":"buy","amount":111}
# According to the first colon: the previous instruction determines which button template triggers the message
arrCmd = cmd.split(":")
if arrCmd[0] == "open":
msg = json.loads(cmd[5:])
Log("Trading instruments:", msg["symbol"], ", Trading direction:", msg["direction"], ", Order type:", "Market order" if msg["tradeType"] == 0 else "Limit order", ", Order price: current market price" if msg["tradeType"] == 0 else ", Order price:" + str(msg["price"]), ", Order quantity:", msg["amount"])
# Output status bar information
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
// Omit...
Gunakan struktur butang terkini untuk membina butang dalam jadual bar status. Apabila mengklik butang untuk mencetuskan interaksi, tetingkap pop-up pelbagai kawalan akan muncul. Untuk butiran lanjut, sila rujuk:Panduan Pengguna - Kawalan Interaktif dalam Bar Status.
function main() {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'position operation',
cols: ['column1', 'column2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['abc', 'def', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'close positions'}]
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
// Add a row of data, merge the first and second cells, and output the ticker variable in the merged cell
table.rows.push([{body : JSON.stringify(ticker), colspan : 2}, "abc"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "position operation",
"cols" : ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close positions"}]
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
table["rows"].append([{"body": json.dumps(ticker), "colspan": 2}, "abc"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "position operation",
"cols" : ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close positions"}]
auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
json jsonTicker = R"({"Buy": 0, "Sell": 0, "High": 0, "Low": 0, "Volume": 0, "Last": 0, "Time": 0})"_json;
jsonTicker["Buy"] = ticker.Buy;
jsonTicker["Sell"] = ticker.Sell;
jsonTicker["Last"] = ticker.Last;
jsonTicker["Volume"] = ticker.Volume;
jsonTicker["Time"] = ticker.Time;
jsonTicker["High"] = ticker.High;
jsonTicker["Low"] = ticker.Low;
json arr = R"([{"body": {}, "colspan": 2}, "abc"])"_json;
arr[0]["body"] = jsonTicker;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Gabungan mendatar sel dalam jadual yang dibuat olehLogStatus()
function main() {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'table demo',
cols: ['columnA', 'columnB', 'columnC'],
rows: [
['A1', 'B1', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'C1'}]
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
var name = exchange.GetName()
table.rows.push([{body : "A2 + B2:" + JSON.stringify(ticker), colspan : 2}, "C2"])
table.rows.push([{body : "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name, rowspan : 3}, "B3", "C3"])
// A3 is merged by the first cell in the previous row
table.rows.push(["B4", "C4"])
// A2 is merged by the first cell of the previous row
table.rows.push(["B5", "C5"])
table.rows.push(["A6", "B6", "C6"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "table demo",
"cols" : ["columnA", "columnB", "columnC"],
"rows" : [
["A1", "B1", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "C1"}]
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
name = exchange.GetName()
table["rows"].append([{"body": "A2 + B2:" + json.dumps(ticker), "colspan": 2}, "C2"])
table["rows"].append([{"body": "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name, "rowspan": 3}, "B3", "C3"])
table["rows"].append(["B4", "C4"])
table["rows"].append(["B5", "C5"])
table["rows"].append(["A6", "B6", "C6"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "table demo",
"cols" : ["columnA", "columnB", "columnC"],
"rows" : [
["A1", "B1", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "C1"}]
// For testing purposes, the code is short and easy to read, and the constructed data is used here
json jsonTicker = R"({"High": 0, "Low": 0, "Buy": 0, "Sell": 0, "Last": 0, "Time": 0, "Volume": 0})"_json;
auto name = exchange.GetName();
json arr1 = R"([{"body": "", "colspan": 2}, "C2"])"_json;
arr1[0]["body"] = "A2 + B2:" + jsonTicker.dump();
json arr2 = R"([{"body": "", "rowspan": 3}, "B3", "C3"])"_json;
arr2[0]["body"] = "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name;
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["B4", "C4"])"_json);
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["B5", "C5"])"_json);
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["A6", "B6", "C6"])"_json);
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Secara menegak menggabungkan sel-sel dalam jadual yang digambar olehLogStatus()
function main() {
var table1 = {type: 'table', title: 'table1', cols: ['column1', 'column2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
var table2 = {type: 'table', title: 'table2', cols: ['column1', 'column2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify([table1, table2]) + '`')
import json
def main():
table1 = {"type": "table", "title": "table1", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
table2 = {"type": "table", "title": "table2", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps([table1, table2]) + "`")
void main() {
json table1 = R"({"type": "table", "title": "table1", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
json table2 = R"({"type": "table", "title": "table2", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + arr.dump() + "`");
Tampilan halaman jadual bar status:
function main(){
var tab1 = {
type : "table",
title : "table1",
cols : ["1", "2"],
rows : []
var tab2 = {
type : "table",
title : "table2",
cols : ["1", "2", "3"],
rows : []
var tab3 = {
type : "table",
title : "table3",
cols : ["A", "B", "C"],
rows : []
tab1.rows.push(["jack", "lucy"])
tab2.rows.push(["A", "B", "C"])
tab3.rows.push(["A", "B", "C"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(tab1) + '`\n' +
'`' + JSON.stringify(tab2) + '`\n' +
'`' + JSON.stringify(tab3) + '`')
import json
def main():
tab1 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table1",
"cols": ["1", "2"],
"rows": []
tab2 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table2",
"cols": ["1", "2", "3"],
"rows": []
tab3 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table3",
"cols": ["A", "B", "C"],
"rows": []
tab1["rows"].append(["jack", "lucy"])
tab2["rows"].append(["A", "B", "C"])
tab3["rows"].append(["A", "B", "C"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tab1) + "`\n" +
"`" + json.dumps(tab2) + "`\n" +
"`" + json.dumps(tab3) + "`")
void main() {
json tab1 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table1",
"cols": ["1", "2"],
"rows": []
json tab2 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table2",
"cols": ["1", "2", "3"],
"rows": []
json tab3 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table3",
"cols": ["A", "B", "C"],
"rows": []
tab1["rows"].push_back(R"(["jack", "lucy"])"_json);
tab2["rows"].push_back(R"(["A", "B", "C"])"_json);
tab3["rows"].push_back(R"(["A", "B", "C"])"_json);
LogStatus("`" + tab1.dump() + "`\n" +
"`" + tab2.dump() + "`\n" +
"`" + tab3.dump() + "`");
Selain memaparkan jadual dalam halaman, pelbagai jadual juga boleh dipaparkan dalam susunan dari atas ke bawah:
function main() {
var tbl = {
type : "table",
title : "test scroll",
scroll : "auto",
cols : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
rows : []
for (var i = 1 ; i < 100 ; i++) {
tbl.rows.push([i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i])
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "test scroll",
"scroll" : "auto",
"cols" : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
"rows" : []
for index in range(1, 100):
i = str(index)
tbl["rows"].append([i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "test scroll",
"scroll" : "auto",
"cols" : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
"rows" : []
for (int index = 1; index < 100; ++index) {
std::string i = std::to_string(index);
table["rows"].push_back({i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i});
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Sokongan untuk menetapkan mod gulungan mendatar dan menegak jadual bar status.scroll
atribut kepada"auto"
, apabila bilangan baris menegak jadual bar status melebihi 20 baris, kandungan akan digulung.scroll
atribut boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan masalah keterlambatan menulis sejumlah besar data dalam bar status semasa perdagangan langsung.
Keluaran maklumat dariLogStatus()
fungsi apabila perdagangan langsung berjalan tidak disimpan ke pangkalan data perdagangan langsung, tetapi ia mengemas kini bar status perdagangan langsung semasa sahaja.
fungsi menyokong percetakanbase64
imej berkod, bermula dengan`
dan berakhir dengan`
fungsi menyokong lulusmatplotlib.pyplot
objek terus ke dalamPython
, selagi objek itu mengandungisavefig
kaedah, ia boleh dihantar sebagai parameter kepadaLogStatus()
fungsi, contohnya:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
Apabila strategi berjalan perdagangan langsung, jika anda pergi melalui sejarah pada halaman perdagangan langsung, bar status akan tidur dan berhenti mengemas kini. Hanya data bar status akan disegerakan apabila log berada di halaman pertama. Ia menyokong outputbase64
gambar dikodkan dalam bar status, dan ia juga menyokong outputbase64
Gambar yang dikodkan dalam jadual yang dipaparkan dalam bar status. Oleh kerana data rentetan gambar yang dikodkan biasanya sangat panjang, kod sampel tidak ditunjukkan.
{@fun/Global/GetCommand GetCommand}
LogProfitReset EnableLog