Estratégia de acompanhamento de tendências com base em médias móveis

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Estratégia de acompanhamento de tendências com base em médias móveis

Visão geral

A estratégia é uma estratégia simples de acompanhamento de tendências baseada em médias móveis. Ela julga a direção da tendência atual e a duração da tendência, comparando a relação de tamanho das médias móveis de diferentes períodos.

Princípio da estratégia

A estratégia usa quatro médias móveis de diferentes períodos: a linha de 5 dias, a linha de 10 dias, a linha de 15 dias e a linha de 25 dias. Estas quatro médias são chamadas MA1, MA2, MA3 e MA4. Entre elas, MA1 é a mais curta e MA4 a mais longa.

Quando MA1>MA2>MA3>MA4 indica que o preço está em uma tendência ascendente, então faça mais; quando MA1

A abertura de uma posição a mais e a menos também precisa simultaneamente atender ao filtro de stop loss do ATR, ou seja, o valor do ATR é maior do que a média móvel simples de 40 ciclos do ATR, o que evita que a oscilação do preço emite um sinal falso após uma hora.

Vantagens estratégicas

A estratégia tem as seguintes vantagens:

  1. A ideia é simples, fácil de entender e implementar.
  2. O uso de múltiplos grupos de médias móveis para determinar a direção da tendência é confiável.
  3. A definição de um ponto de parada de perda permite um controle efetivo sobre o máximo de perdas em uma única transação.
  4. O filtro ATR de deterioração evita que os movimentos de preços emitam sinais errados após uma hora.

Análise de Riscos

A estratégia também apresenta os seguintes riscos:

  1. O mercado está em uma fase de grande agitação e pode gerar sinais errados.
  2. A configuração inadequada dos parâmetros (por exemplo, o período de mediana) pode levar a uma estratégia pouco eficaz.
  3. Não se tem em conta o impacto das notícias básicas e importantes sobre o preço.

Para reduzir esses riscos, os parâmetros podem ser apropriadamente otimizados ou outras condições de filtro podem ser adicionadas para aumentar a estabilidade da estratégia.

Direção de otimização

A estratégia é orientada para otimizar:

  1. Teste diferentes combinações de parâmetros de média móvel para encontrar o melhor.
  2. Adicionar filtros de outros indicadores técnicos, como MACD, KDJ e outros para determinar a confiabilidade do sinal.
  3. Aumentar a filtragem de volume de transações, apenas se o volume de transações for maior.
  4. Optimização de parâmetros de variedades de acordo com as diferenças de parâmetros de diferentes variedades.
  5. Aumentar os sinais de julgamento de algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina.


A estratégia em geral é uma estratégia de acompanhamento de tendência mais simples, que determina a direção da tendência através de médias móveis e define um stop loss razoável para controlar o nível de risco. Há muito espaço para otimização da estratégia, e a estabilidade e a lucratividade da estratégia podem ser aumentadas ainda mais por meio de ajustes de parâmetros e filtros adicionais.

Código-fonte da estratégia
start: 2023-01-17 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-23 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © fpemehd
// @version=5

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                   |   STRATEGY  |
// # ========================================================================= #

strategy(title = 'MA Simple Strategy with SL & TP & ATR Filters',
      shorttitle = 'MA Strategy',
      overlay = true,
      pyramiding = 0,
      default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity,
      default_qty_value = 100,
      commission_type  = strategy.commission.percent,
      commission_value = 0.1,
      initial_capital = 100000,
      max_lines_count = 150,
      max_labels_count = 300)

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Inputs
// # ========================================================================= #

// 1. Time
i_start = input (defval = timestamp("20 Jan 1990 00:00 +0900"), title = "Start Date", tooltip = "Choose Backtest Start Date", inline = "Start Date", group = "Time" ) 
i_end = input (defval = timestamp("20 Dec 2030 00:00 +0900"), title = "End Date", tooltip = "Choose Backtest End Date", inline = "End Date", group = "Time" ) 
c_timeCond = true

// 2. Inputs for direction: Long? Short? Both? 
i_longEnabled = input.bool(defval = true , title = "Long?", tooltip = "Enable Long Position Trade?", inline = "Long / Short", group = "Long / Short" )
i_shortEnabled = input.bool(defval = true , title = "Short?", tooltip = "Enable Short Position Trade?", inline = "Long / Short", group = "Long / Short" )

// 3. Use Filters? What Filters?
i_ATRFilterOn = input.bool(defval = true , title = "ATR Filter On?", tooltip = "ATR Filter On?", inline = "ATR Filter", group =  "Filters") 
i_ATRSMALen = = 40 , title = "SMA Length for ATR SMA", minval = 1 , maxval = 100000 , step = 1 , tooltip = "ATR should be bigger than this", inline = "ATR Filter", group = "Filters") 

// 3. Shared inputs for Long and Short
//// 3-1. Inputs for Stop Loss Type: normal? or trailing? 
//// If trailing, always trailing or trailing after take profit order executed?
i_useSLTP = input.bool(defval =  true, title = "Enable SL & TP?", tooltip = "", inline = "Enable SL & TP & SL Type", group = "Shared Inputs") 
i_tslEnabled = input.bool(defval = false , title = "Enable Trailing SL?", tooltip = "Enable Stop Loss & Take Profit? \n\Enable Trailing SL?", inline = "Enable SL & TP & SL Type", group = "Shared Inputs") 
// i_tslAfterTP = input.bool(defval = true , title = "Enable Trailing SL after TP?", tooltip = "Enable Trailing SL after TP?", inline = "Trailing SL Execution", group = "Shared Inputs") 
i_slType = input.string(defval = "ATR", title = "Stop Loss Type", options = ["Percent", "ATR"], tooltip = "Stop Loss based on %? ATR?", inline = "Stop Loss Type", group = "Shared Inputs") 
i_slATRLen = = 14, title = "ATR Length", minval = 1 , maxval = 200 , step = 1, inline = "Stop Loss ATR", group = "Shared Inputs")  
i_tpType = input.string(defval = "R:R", title = "Take Profit Type", options = ["Percent", "ATR", "R:R"], tooltip = "Take Profit based on %? ATR? R-R ratio?", inline = "Take Profit Type", group = "Shared Inputs") 

//// 3-2. Inputs for Quantity
i_tpQuantityPerc = input.float(defval = 50, title = 'Take Profit Quantity %', minval = 0.0, maxval = 100, step = 1.0, tooltip = '% of position when tp target is met.', group = 'Shared Inputs')

// 4. Inputs for Long Stop Loss & Long Take Profit

i_slPercentLong = input.float(defval = 3, title = "SL Percent", tooltip = "", inline = "Percent > Long Stop Loss / Take Profit Percent", group = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpPercentLong = input.float(defval = 3, title = "TP Percent", tooltip = "Long Stop Loss && Take Profit Percent?", inline = "Percent > Long Stop Loss / Take Profit Percent", group = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_slATRMultLong = input.float(defval = 3, title = "SL ATR Multiplier", minval = 1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "", inline = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit ATR", group = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpATRMultLong = input.float(defval = 3, title = "TP ATR Multiplier", minval = 1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "ATR > Long Stop Loss && Take Profit ATR Multiplier? \n\Stop Loss = i_slATRMultLong * ATR (i_slATRLen) \n\Take Profit = i_tpATRMultLong * ATR (i_tpATRLen)", inline = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit ATR", group = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpRRratioLong = input.float(defval = 1.8, title = "R:R Ratio", minval = 0.1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "R:R Ratio > Risk Reward Ratio? It will automatically set Take Profit % based on Stop Loss", inline = "R:R Ratio", group = "Long Stop Loss / Take Profit") 

// 5. Inputs for Short Stop Loss & Short Take Profit
i_slPercentShort = input.float(defval = 3, title = "SL Percent", tooltip = "", inline = "Percent > Short Stop Loss / Take Profit Percent", group = "Short Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpPercentShort = input.float(defval = 3, title = "TP Percent", tooltip = "Short Stop Loss && Take Profit Percent?", inline = "Percent > Short Stop Loss / Take Profit Percent", group = "Short Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_slATRMultShort = input.float(defval = 3, title = "SL ATR Multiplier", minval = 1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "", inline = "ATR > Short Stop Loss / Take Profit ATR", group = "Short Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpATRMultShort = input.float(defval = 3, title = "TP ATR Multiplier", minval = 1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "ATR > Short Stop Loss && Take Profit ATR Multiplier? \n\Stop Loss = i_slATRMultShort * ATR (i_slATRLen) \n\Take Profit = i_tpATRMultShort * ATR (i_tpATRLen)", inline = "ATR > Short Stop Loss / Take Profit ATR", group = "Short Stop Loss / Take Profit") 
i_tpRRratioShort = input.float(defval = 1.8, title = "R:R Ratio", minval = 0.1 , maxval = 200 , step = 0.1, tooltip = "R:R Ratio > Risk Reward Ratio? It will automatically set Take Profit % based on Stop Loss", inline = "R:R Ratio", group = "Short Stop Loss / Take Profit") 

// 6. Inputs for logic
i_MAType = input.string(defval = "RMA", title = "MA Type", options = ["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "RMA", "VWMA", "SWMA", "ALMA", "VWAP"], tooltip = "Choose MA Type", inline = "MA Type", group = 'Strategy') 
i_MA1Len = = 5, title = 'MA 1 Length', minval = 1, inline = 'MA Length', group = 'Strategy')
i_MA2Len = = 10, title = 'MA 2 Length', minval = 1, inline = 'MA Length', group = 'Strategy')
i_MA3Len = = 15, title = 'MA 3 Length', minval = 1, inline = 'MA Length', group = 'Strategy')
i_MA4Len = = 25, title = 'MA 4 Length', minval = 1, inline = 'MA Length', group = 'Strategy')
i_ALMAOffset = input.float(defval = 0.7 , title = "ALMA Offset Value", tooltip = "The Value of ALMA offset", inline = "ALMA Input", group = 'Strategy')
i_ALMASigma = input.float(defval = 7 , title = "ALMA Sigma Value", tooltip = "The Value of ALMA sigma", inline = "ALMA Input", group = 'Strategy')

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Entry, Close Logic
// # ========================================================================= #

bool i_ATRFilter = ta.atr(length = i_slATRLen) >= ta.sma(source = ta.atr(length = i_slATRLen), length = i_ATRSMALen) ? true : false

// calculate Technical Indicators for the Logic

getMAValue (source, length, almaOffset, almaSigma) => 
    switch i_MAType 
        'SMA' => ta.sma(source = source, length = length) 
        'EMA' => ta.ema(source = source, length = length) 
        'WMA' => ta.wma(source = source, length = length) 
        'HMA' => ta.hma(source = source, length = length) 
        'RMA' => ta.rma(source = source, length = length) 
        'SWMA' => ta.swma(source = source) 
        'ALMA' => ta.alma(series = source, length = length, offset = almaOffset, sigma = almaSigma) 
        'VWMA' => ta.vwma(source = source, length = length) 
        'VWAP' => ta.vwap(source = source)
        => na 

float c_MA1 = getMAValue(close, i_MA1Len, i_ALMAOffset, i_ALMASigma)
float c_MA2 = getMAValue(close, i_MA2Len, i_ALMAOffset, i_ALMASigma)
float c_MA3 = getMAValue(close, i_MA3Len, i_ALMAOffset, i_ALMASigma)
float c_MA4 = getMAValue(close, i_MA4Len, i_ALMAOffset, i_ALMASigma)

// Logic: 정배열 될 떄 들어가
var ma1Color =, 0)
plot(series = c_MA1, title = 'SMA 1', color = ma1Color, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_line)
var ma2Color =, 0)
plot(series = c_MA2, title = 'SMA 2', color = ma2Color, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_line)
var ma3Color =, 0)
plot(series = c_MA3, title = 'SMA 3', color = ma3Color, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_line)
var ma4Color =, 0)
plot(series = c_MA4, title = 'SMA 4', color = ma4Color, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_line)

bool openLongCond = (c_MA1 >= c_MA2 and c_MA2 >= c_MA3 and c_MA3 >= c_MA4) 
bool openShortCond = (c_MA1 <= c_MA2 and c_MA2 <= c_MA3 and c_MA3 <= c_MA4)

bool openLong = i_longEnabled and openLongCond and (not i_ATRFilterOn or i_ATRFilter)
bool openShort = i_shortEnabled and openShortCond and (not i_ATRFilterOn or i_ATRFilter)

openLongCondColor = openLongCond ? =, transp = 80) : na
bgcolor(color = openLongCondColor)
ATRFilterColor = i_ATRFilter ? =, transp = 80) : na 
bgcolor(color = ATRFilterColor)

bool enterLong = openLong and not (strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades-1) > 0)
bool enterShort = openShort and not (strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades-1) < 0)

bool closeLong = i_longEnabled and (c_MA1[1] >= c_MA2[1] and c_MA2[1] >= c_MA3[1] and c_MA3[1] >= c_MA4[1]) and not (c_MA1 >= c_MA2 and c_MA2 >= c_MA3 and c_MA3 >= c_MA4) 
bool closeShort = i_shortEnabled and (c_MA1[1] <= c_MA2[1] and c_MA2[1] <= c_MA3[1] and c_MA3[1] <= c_MA4[1]) and not (c_MA1 <= c_MA2 and c_MA2 <= c_MA3 and c_MA3 <= c_MA4)

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Position, Status Conrtol
// # ========================================================================= #

// longisActive: New Long || Already Long && not closeLong, short is the same
bool longIsActive = enterLong or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) > 0 and not closeLong
bool shortIsActive = enterShort or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) < 0 and not closeShort

// before longTPExecution: no trailing SL && after longTPExecution: trailing SL starts
// longTPExecution qunatity should be less than 100% 
bool longTPExecuted = false
bool shortTPExecuted = false

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Long Stop Loss Logic
// # ========================================================================= #
float openAtr = ta.valuewhen(enterLong or enterShort, ta.atr(i_slATRLen), 0)

f_getLongSL (source) => 
    switch i_slType
        'Percent' => source * (1 - (i_slPercentLong/100))
        'ATR' => source - i_slATRMultLong * openAtr
        => na

var float c_longSLPrice = na
c_longSLPrice := if (longIsActive)
    if (enterLong)
        c_stopPrice = f_getLongSL(i_tslEnabled ? high : strategy.opentrades.entry_price(trade_num = strategy.opentrades - 1))
        math.max(c_stopPrice, nz(c_longSLPrice[1]))

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Short Stop Loss Logic
// # ========================================================================= #
f_getShortSL (source) => 
    switch i_slType
        'Percent' => source * (1 + (i_slPercentShort)/100)
        'ATR' => source + i_slATRMultShort * openAtr
        => na

var float c_shortSLPrice = na
c_shortSLPrice := if (shortIsActive)
    if (enterShort)
        f_getShortSL (close)
        c_stopPrice = f_getShortSL(i_tslEnabled ? low : strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1))
        math.min(c_stopPrice, nz(c_shortSLPrice[1], 999999.9))

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Long Take Profit Logic
// # ========================================================================= #

f_getLongTP () => 
    switch i_tpType
        'Percent' => close * (1 + (i_tpPercentLong/100))
        'ATR' => close + i_tpATRMultLong * openAtr
        'R:R' => close + i_tpRRratioLong * (close - f_getLongSL(close))
        => na

var float c_longTPPrice = na
c_longTPPrice := if (longIsActive and not longTPExecuted)
    if (enterLong)
        nz(c_longTPPrice[1], f_getLongTP())

longTPExecuted := strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) > 0 and (longTPExecuted[1] or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) < strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1)[1] or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1)[1] == 0 and high >= c_longTPPrice)

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Short Take Profit Logic
// # ========================================================================= #

f_getShortTP () => 
    switch i_tpType
        'Percent' => close * (1 - (i_tpPercentShort/100))
        'ATR' => close - i_tpATRMultShort * openAtr
        'R:R' => close - i_tpRRratioShort * (close - f_getLongSL(close))
        => na

var float c_shortTPPrice = na
c_shortTPPrice := if (shortIsActive and not shortTPExecuted)
    if (enterShort)
        nz(c_shortTPPrice[1], f_getShortTP())

shortTPExecuted := strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) < 0 and (shortTPExecuted[1] or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1) > strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1)[1] or strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades - 1)[1] == 0 and low <= c_shortTPPrice)

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Make Orders
// # ========================================================================= #

if (c_timeCond)
    if (enterLong)
        strategy.entry(id = "Long Entry", direction = strategy.long , comment = 'Long(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Started', alert_message = 'Long(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Started')

    if (enterShort)
        strategy.entry(id = "Short Entry", direction = strategy.short , comment = 'Short(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Started', alert_message = 'Short(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Started')

    if (closeLong)
        strategy.close(id = 'Long Entry', comment = 'Close Long', alert_message = 'Long: Closed at market price')

    if (closeShort)
        strategy.close(id = 'Short Entry', comment = 'Close Short', alert_message = 'Short: Closed at market price')

    if (longIsActive and i_useSLTP)
        strategy.exit(id = 'Long Take Profit / Stop Loss', from_entry = 'Long Entry', qty_percent = i_tpQuantityPerc, limit = c_longTPPrice, stop = c_longSLPrice, alert_message = 'Long(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Take Profit or Stop Loss executed')
        strategy.exit(id = 'Long Stop Loss', from_entry = 'Long Entry', stop = c_longSLPrice, alert_message = 'Long(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Stop Loss executed')
    if (shortIsActive and i_useSLTP)
        strategy.exit(id = 'Short Take Profit / Stop Loss', from_entry = 'Short Entry', qty_percent = i_tpQuantityPerc, limit = c_shortTPPrice, stop = c_shortSLPrice, alert_message = 'Short(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Take Profit or Stop Loss executed')
        strategy.exit(id = 'Short Stop Loss', from_entry = 'Short Entry', stop = c_shortSLPrice, alert_message = 'Short(' + syminfo.ticker + '): Stop Loss executed')

// # ========================================================================= #
// #                          Plot
// # ========================================================================= #

var posColor =, 0)
plot(series = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1), title = 'Position', color = posColor, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr)

var stopLossColor =, 0)
plot(series = c_longSLPrice, title = 'Long Stop Loss', color = stopLossColor, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr, offset = 1)
plot(series = c_shortSLPrice, title = 'Short Stop Loss', color = stopLossColor, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr, offset = 1)

longTPExecutedColor = longTPExecuted ? =, transp = 80) : na 
//bgcolor(color = longTPExecutedColor) 
shortTPExecutedColor = shortTPExecuted ? =, transp = 80) : na 
//bgcolor(color = shortTPExecutedColor) 
// isPositionOpenedColor = strategy.opentrades.size(strategy.opentrades-1) != 0 ? = color.yellow, transp = 90) : na 
// bgcolor(color = isPositionOpenedColor) 

var takeProfitColor =, 0)
plot(series = c_longTPPrice, title = 'Long Take Profit', color = takeProfitColor, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr, offset = 1)
plot(series = c_shortTPPrice, title = 'Short Take Profit', color = takeProfitColor, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr, offset = 1)