Component Configuration

The “Component Configuration” option of the strategy interface parameters is used to set controls corresponding to the 5 parameter types on the platform, enhancing functionality and simplifying design.

5 types of components supported by interface parameters: - Number parameters Supported component types: input box control (default), time selector control, and sliding input bar control. - Boolean (true/false) parameters Only switch controls are supported (default). - String parameters Supported component types: input box control (default), text box control, time selector control, color selector control, currency, and trading code. - Selected parameters Supported component types: drop-down box control (default), segment controller control, currency, and trading code. - String parameters Only supports encrypted input box controls (default).

In addition to setting the control type corresponding to the interface parameters, you can also set the grouping and filtering of the interface parameters. - Grouping In the “Group” input box of the component configuration, you can enter a name for a label to group several strategy interface parameters into a group label (replacing the platform’s old function “Strategy Grouping”). - Filter In the “Filter” input box of the component configuration, you can enter the filter judgment expression to control whether the interface parameters are effective (replacing the platform’s old function “Parameter Dependency”). The filter is empty by default, and no parameter conditions are filtered; you can set: a > b, a == 1, a, !a, a >= 1 && a <= 10, a > b, etc. The current parameters are available when the filter condition is true. - When a parameter has a filter set: a == 1, the availability of the parameter depends on the value of the parameter a. The parameter is available when the parameter a is equal to 1, otherwise it is not available. - When a parameter has a filter set: a >= 1 && a <= 10, it means the filtering condition is: a is greater than or equal to 1, and a is less than or equal to 10. The parameter is available if this condition is met, otherwise it is not available. - When a parameter has a filter set: !a, it means the filtering condition is: not a; a can be a Boolean value or a numeric value (!0 indicates a true value).