Эта стратегия всесторонне учитывает такие факторы, как объем торговли, волатильность, ценовая позиция закрытия, тенденция и т. Д. Для выявления торговых возможностей она относится к типичной многофакторной количественной стратегии.
Основная идея этой стратегии заключается в определении точек входа и выхода путем объединения ненормальных прорывов в объеме торговли, закрытии позиции, диапазоне волатильности и других факторов.
В частности, стратегия рассчитывает средний объем торгов за определенный период времени. Когда объем торгов за текущий период показывает значительный ненормальный прорыв, это может указывать на изменение тренда. Кроме того, если цена закрытия близка к верхней или нижней границе диапазона волатильности, это также подразумевает возможное изменение тренда. Объем торгов и закрытие позиции могут быть первоначально оценены.
Для проверки торговых сигналов эта стратегия также учитывает диапазон волатильности. Если текущая волатильность прорывается через средний уровень за определенный период, она формирует первое условие торговых сигналов. Затем, если цена закрытия верхнего бар падает в нижнюю половину диапазона волатильности с увеличением объема, генерируется сигнал продажи. Напротив, если цена закрытия нижнего бар лежит в верхней половине диапазона волатильности с уменьшением объема, то генерируется сигнал покупки.
Кроме того, эта стратегия также использует скользящую среднюю для определения общей тенденции.
Интегрируя вышеуказанные показатели, эта стратегия может эффективно определить точки входа и выхода на рынок.
Наибольшее преимущество этой стратегии заключается в том, что она учитывает множество факторов при принятии решений, что делает торговые сигналы более надежными.
Также есть несколько рисков этой стратегии:
Основные аспекты, в которых эта стратегия может быть оптимизирована:
Эта стратегия определяет торговые шансы с учетом различных факторов. Преимущества заключаются в комплексных механизмах сигнализации и устойчивой производительности, в то время как основные риски возникают из-за настройки параметров и неточного прогнозирования основных трендов. Некоторые методы, такие как машинное обучение, могут быть применены для дальнейшей оптимизации в будущем. В целом, это стратегия со здравым обоснованием и многообещающей практической производительностью.
/*backtest start: 2023-12-12 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-11 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=3 strategy("volume spread analysis ", overlay=true) volavg = sma(volume,40) c= close l=low h=high v=volume volmean = stdev(volavg,30) volupband3 = volavg + 3*volmean volupband2 = volavg + 2*volmean volupband1 = volavg + 1*volmean voldnband1 = volavg -1*volmean voldnband2 = volavg -2*volmean midprice = (high+low)/2 spread = (high-low) avgspread = sma(spread,80) avgspreadbar = spread > avgspread widerangebar = spread>(1.5*avgspread) narrowrangebar = spread<(0.7*avgspread) lowvolume = volume<volume[1] and volume<volume[2] upbar = close>close[1] downbar = close<close[1] highvolume = volume>volume[1] and volume[1]>volume[2] closefactor = close-low clsposition = spread/closefactor closeposition = iff(closefactor==0,avgspread,clsposition) vb = volume>volavg or volume>volume[1] upclose = close>=((spread*0.7)+low)// close is above 70% of the bar downclose = close<=((spread*0.3)+low)// close is below the 30% of the bar aboveclose = close>((spread*0.5)+low)// close is between 50% and 70% of the bar belowclose = close<((spread*0.5)+low)// close is between 50% and 30% of the bar midclose = close>((spread*0.3)+low) and c<((spread*0.7)+l)// close is between 30% and 70% of the bar verylowclose = closeposition>4//close is below 25% of the bar veryhighclose = closeposition<1.35// close is above 80% of the bar closepos = iff(close<=((spread*0.2)+low),1,iff(close<=((spread*0.4)+low),2,iff(close<=((spread*0.6)+low),3,iff(close<=((spread*0.8)+low),4,5)))) // 1 = downclose, 2 = belowclose, 3 = midclose, 4 = aboveclose, 5 = upclose volpos = iff(volume>volavg*2,1,iff(volume>volavg*1.3,2,iff(volume>volavg,3,iff(volume<volavg and volume>volavg*0.7,4,5)))) //// 1 = very high, 2 = high, 3 = above average, 4 = less than average, 5 = low freshgndhi = close > highestbars(h,5) freshgndlo = close < lowestbars(l,5) //========================trend estimation ========================= //jtrend=sma(close,5) //trendlongterm = linreg(jtrend,40) //trendmediumterm = linreg(jtrend,10) //trendshortterm = linreg(jtrend,3) //tls=linreg(jtrend,3) minperiodsrwist = input(title="short term min periods", defval=2, minval=1) maxperiodsrwist = input(title="short term max periods", defval=8, minval=1) minperiodsrwilt = input(title="long term min periods", defval=10, minval=1) maxperiodsrwilt = input(title="long term max periods", defval=40, minval=1) rwhmins = (high - nz(low[minperiodsrwist])) / (atr(minperiodsrwist) * sqrt(minperiodsrwist)) rwhmaxs = (high - nz(low[maxperiodsrwist])) / (atr(maxperiodsrwist) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwist)) rwhs = max( rwhmins, rwhmaxs ) rwlmins = (nz(high[minperiodsrwist]) - low) / (atr(minperiodsrwist) * sqrt(minperiodsrwist)) rwlmaxs = (nz(high[maxperiodsrwist]) - low) / (atr(maxperiodsrwist) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwist)) rwls = max( rwlmins, rwlmaxs ) rwhminl = (high - nz(low[minperiodsrwilt])) / (atr(minperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(minperiodsrwilt)) rwhmaxl = (high - nz(low[maxperiodsrwilt])) / (atr(maxperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt)) rwhl = max( rwhminl, rwhmaxl ) rwlminl = (nz(high[minperiodsrwilt]) - low) / (atr(minperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(minperiodsrwilt)) rwlmaxl = (nz(high[maxperiodsrwilt]) - low) / (atr(maxperiodsrwilt) * sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt)) rwll = max( rwlminl, rwlmaxl ) ground = rwhs sky = rwls j = rwhs-rwls k = rwhl-rwll j2 = rwhl k2 = rwll ja = cross(j,1) jb = cross(1,j) jc = cross(-1,j) jd = cross(j,-1) j2a = cross(j2,1) j2b = cross(1,j2) k2a = cross(k2,1) k2b = cross(1,k2) upmajoron = j > 1 and ja[1] upmajoroff = j < 1 and jb[1] upminoron = j2 > 1 and j2a[1] upminoroff = j2 < 1 and j2b[1] dnmajoron = j < -1 and jc[1] dnmajoroff = j > -1 and jd[1] dnminoron = k2 > 1 and k2a[1] dnminoroff = k2 < 1 and k2b[1] upimd = iff(ground > 1, 1,0) dnimd = iff(sky > 1, 1, 0) upmajor = iff(j>1,1,iff(j<(-1),-1,0)) upminor = iff(j2>1,1,-1) dnminor = iff(k2>1,1,-1) //======================================================================| Buy_stop = lowest(low[1],5) - atr(20)[1] plot(Buy_stop, color=red, title="buy_stoploss") Sell_stop = highest(high[1],5) + atr(20)[1] plot(Sell_stop, color=green, title="sell_stoploss") //======================================================================| //upthrustbar = widerangebar and downclose and upimd==1 and high>high[1] //wrb and uhs and fresh ground nut = widerangebar and downclose and freshgndhi and highvolume // new signal bc = widerangebar and aboveclose and volume == highest(volume,60) and upmajor==1 // new signal upthrustbar = widerangebar and (closepos==1 or closepos==2) and upminor>0 and high>high[1] and (upimd>0or upmajor>0) and volpos <4// after minor up trend upthrustbartrue = widerangebar and closepos==1 and upmajor>0 and high>high[1] and volpos <4//occurs after a major uptrend upthrustcond1 = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and not narrowrangebar upthrustcond2 = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and volpos == 2 upthrustcond3 = upthrustbar and volpos ==1 toprevbar = volume[1]>volavg and upbar[1] and widerangebar[1] and downbar and downclose and widerangebar and upmajor>0 and high==highest(high,10) pseudoupthrust = upbar[1] and high>high[1] and volume[1]>1.5*volavg and downbar and downclose and not upthrustbar pseudoutcond = pseudoupthrust[1] and downbar and downclose and not upthrustbar trendchange = upbar[1] and high==highest(high,5) and downbar and (downclose or midclose) and volume>volavg and upmajor>0 and upimd>0 and not widerangebar and not pseudoupthrust nodemandbarut = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and ((upminor>0 and upimd>0)or (upminor<0 and upminor>0))//in a up market nodemandbardt = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and (upminor<=0or upimd<=0)// in a down or sidewayss market nosupplybar = downbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos<3 and ((upminor<1 and upimd<1)or (upminor>0 and upimd<1)) lowvoltest = low==lowest(low,5) and upclose and lowvolume//lowvolume and l<low[1] and upclose lowvoltest1 = low==lowest(low,5) and volume<volavg and low<low[1] and upclose and upminor>0 and upmajor>0// and widerangebar lowvoltest2 = lowvoltest[1] and upbar and upclose sellcond1 = (upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3) sellcond2 = sellcond1[1]==0 sellcond = sellcond1 and sellcond2 strengthdown0 = upmajor<0 and volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0// strength after a long down trend strengthdown = volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upimd<=00 and upminor<0// strength after a down trend strengthdown1 = upmajor<0 and volume>(volavg*1.5) and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0//strength after downtrend . high volume strengthdown2 = upimd<=0 and volume[1]<volavg and upbar and veryhighclose and volpos<4 buycond1 = strengthdown or strengthdown1 buycond = upbar and buycond1[1] stopvolume = low==lowest(low,5) and (upclose or midclose) and v>1.5*volavg and upmajor<0 revupthrust = upmajor<0 and upbar and upclose and volume>volume[1] and volume>volavg and widerangebar and downbar[1] and downclose[1] and upminor<0 effortup = high>high[1] and low>low[1] and close>close[1] and close>=((high-low)*0.7+low) and spread>avgspread and volpos<4//and open<=((high-low)*0.3+low) effortupfail = effortup[1] and (upthrustbar or upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3 or (downbar and avgspreadbar)) effortdown = high<high[1] and low<low[1] and close<close[1] and close<=((high-low)*0.25+low) and widerangebar and volume>volume[1]//o>=((high-low)*0.75+ effortdownfail = effortdown[1] and ((upbar and avgspreadbar)or revupthrust or buycond1) upflag = (sellcond or buycond or effortup or effortupfail or stopvolume or effortdown or effortdownfail or revupthrust or nodemandbardt or nodemandbarut or nosupplybar or lowvoltest or lowvoltest1 or lowvoltest2 or bc) bullbar = (volume>volavg or volume>volume[1]) and closeposition <2 and upbar and not upflag bearbar = vb and downclose and downbar and spread>avgspread and not upflag buy = (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 burely = strengthdown1 and stopvolume[1]or (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 //buy = effortup and lowvoltest2[1] //sell = upthrustbartrue sell = effortup[1] and effortupfail and upthrustcond3 and upthrustbartrue and toprevbar strategy.entry("simpleBuy", strategy.long, when= (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2 ) strategy.close("simpleBuy",when=upthrustbartrue ) //strategy.entry("simpleSell", strategy.short,when= upthrustbartrue ) //strategy.close("simpleSell",when= (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2) //|============================================================================================| //data = close >= open //plotshape(true, style=shape.flag, color=data ? green : red) plotshape((upthrustbar or upthrustbartrue) ,title="upthrustbaro" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.huge,color=red ) //plotshape(toprevbar ,title="toprevbar" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape((pseudoupthrust) ,title="(pseudoupthrus" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape((upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2) ,title="upthrustcond1" ,style=shape.triangleup ,size=size.small,color=red ) plotshape(trendchange ,title="trendchange" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape((nodemandbardt) ,title="(nodemandbardt" ,style=shape.square ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape(nosupplybar ,title="nosupplybar" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=blue) plotshape(revupthrust ,title="revupthrust" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.huge,color=green ) //plotshape((upthrustbar or upthrustbartrue) ,title="upthrustbaro" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape((upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2) ,title="upthrustcond1" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=white ) //plotshape((pseudoupthrust) ,title="(pseudoupthrus" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(nodemandbarut ,title="nodemandbarut" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape(nodemandbarut ,title="nodemandbarut" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(nodemandbardt ,title="nodemandbardt" ,style=shape.diamond ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(nosupplybar ,title="nosupplybar" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=blue ) plotshape(lowvoltest ,title="lowvoltest" ,style=shape.triangleup ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(lowvoltest2 ,title="lowvoltest2" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) //plotshape(strengthdown ,title="strengthdown" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=green) //plotshape(strengthdown ,title="strengthdown" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=lime ) //plotshape(strengthdown2 ,title="strengthdown2" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=silver ) //plotshape(strengthdown2 ,title="strengthdown2" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape(stopvolume ,title="stopvolume" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(stopvolume ,title="stopvolume" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=yellow ) plotshape(effortup ,title="effortup" ,style=shape.diamond ,size=size.small,color=lime ) plotshape(effortupfail ,title="effortupfail" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=blue ) //plotshape(effortupfail ,title="effortupfail" ,style=shape.cross ,size=size.small,color=white ) plotshape(effortdown ,title="effortdown" ,style=shape.triangledown ,size=size.small,color=red ) plotshape(effortdownfail ,title="effortdownfail" ,style=shape.xcross ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(effortdownfail ,title="effortdownfail" ,style=shape.flag ,size=size.small,color=white ) //plotshape(buycond ,title="buycond" ,style=shape.circle ,size=size.small,color=green ) //plotshape(sellcond ,title="sellcond" ,style=shape.arrowup ,size=size.small,color=orange ) //plotshape((nut) ,title="(nut)" ,style=shape.arrowdown ,size=size.small,color=lime ) //plotshape((bc ) ,title="(bc" ,style=shape.labelup ,size=size.small,color=red ) //plotshape(buy ,title="buy" ,style=shape.labeldown ,size=size.small,color=white )