Исходный код стратегии
# TableTemplet
import json
listener = {}
class Table():
"""docstring for Table"""
def __init__(self):
self.tb = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Table",
"cols" : [],
"rows" : []
def SetColRow(self, col_index, row_index, row):
if (type(col_index) is int) and (type(row_index) is int) :
if (col_index > len(self.tb["cols"])) or (row_index > len(self.tb["rows"])) :
Log("索引超出范围!col_index:", col_index, "row_index:", row_index)
else :
self.tb["rows"][row_index - 1][col_index - 1] = row
else :
Log("col_index:", col_index, "row_index:", row_index)
raise "SetColRow 参数错误!"
def SetBtn(self, col_index, row_index, cmd, name, callback):
global listener
if (type(col_index) is int) and (type(row_index) is int) :
if (col_index > len(self.tb["cols"])) or (row_index > len(self.tb["rows"])) :
Log("索引超出范围!col_index:", col_index, "row_index:", row_index)
else :
self.tb["rows"][row_index - 1][col_index - 1] = {"type" : "button", "cmd" : cmd, "name" : name}
listener[cmd] = callback
else :
Log("col_index:", col_index, "row_index:", row_index)
raise "SetColRow 参数错误!"
def SetRows(self, row_index, Rows):
def SetCols(self, Cols):
self.tb["cols"] = Cols
def GetRows(self, row_index):
if (type(row_index) is int) and (row_index < len(self.tb["rows"])) :
return self.tb["rows"][row_index - 1]
else :
Log("参数错误! 或者 参数索引超出范围!")
def Init(self, title, col_length, row_length):
self.tb["title"] = title
for i in range(1, row_length + 1) :
if i == 1 :
for n in range(1, col_length + 1) :
for m in range(1, col_length + 1) :
self.tb["rows"][i - 1].append(str(i) + "/" + str(m))
class CreateTableManager():
"""docstring for CreateTableManager"""
def __init__(self): # CreateTableManager 构造函数
self.tables = [] # 用于储存 table 对象
def GetTable(self, index):
if type(index) is int :
return self.tables[index]
elif type(index) is str :
for i in range(len(self.tables)) :
if self.tables[i]["title"] == index:
return self.tables[i]
else :
Log("GetTable参数:", index)
raise "GetTable 参数错误!"
def AddTable(self, title, col_length, row_length): # cols, rows
tb = Table()
tb.Init(title, col_length, row_length)
return tb
def UpdateCMD(self):
global listener
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd :
cmdList = cmd.split(":")
if len(cmdList) == 2 : # 增加了 对于 主策略 交互的 冲突 检测。
Log("接收到 TableTemplet 模板以外的 交互命令!", cmdList)
if listener[cmd] :
else :
Log("TableTemplet 模板中找不到名为:" + cmd + "的命令")
def LogStatus(self, before, end):
LogStatus(before + '\n`' + json.dumps(self.tables) + '`\n' + end)
# 导出函数
ext.CreateTableManager = CreateTableManager
# 测试代码
def test1(cmd): # 用作函数回调
Log(_D(), cmd)
def main():
account = exchange.GetAccount()
array1 = ["aa", "bb", "cc"]
array2 = [1, 2, 4, 55]
TbM = ext.CreateTableManager()
tb1 = TbM.AddTable("tb1", 6, 7)
tb1.SetColRow(3, 4, "hello")
tb1.SetColRow(3, 5, 12)
tb1.SetColRow(3, 6, account)
tb1.SetColRow(3, 7, array1)
tb1.SetColRow(3, 2, array2)
tb1.SetBtn(3, 1, "Cover", "平仓", test1) # 由于 python 没有多行 匿名函数(如JS 的 function(){...})所以可以声明普通函数传入。
tb_1 = TbM.GetTable(0)
tb_2 = TbM.GetTable("tb1")
Log(tb_2, "#FF0000")
tb1_row1 = tb1.GetRows(1)
tb1_row1[0] = "修改"
x = 0
# tb2
tb2 = TbM.AddTable("tb2", 4, 4)
while True :
x = x + 1
tb1_row1[0] = _D()
tb1.SetCols([x + 1, x + 2, x + 3, x + 4, x + 5, x + 6])
TbM.LogStatus("begin", "end")