
The exchange.GetTickers() function is used to get exchange aggregated ticker data (the array of {@struct/Ticker Ticker} structure). exchange returns ticker data for all trading pairs when it is a spot exchange object; exchange returns ticker data for all contracts when it is a futures exchange object.

The exchange.GetTickers() function returns an array of {@struct/Ticker Ticker} structures when it succeeds in requesting data, and null when it fails. {@struct/Ticker Ticker} arrays, null values


function main() {
    var tickers = exchange.GetTickers()
    if (tickers && tickers.length > 0) {
        Log("Number of tradable items on the exchange:", tickers.length)
def main():
    tickers = exchange.GetTickers()
    if tickers and len(tickers) > 0:
        Log("Number of tradable items on the exchange:", len(tickers))
void main() {
    auto tickers = exchange.GetTickers();
    if (tickers.Valid && tickers.size() > 0) {
        Log("Number of tradable items on the exchange:", tickers.size());

Call the exchange.GetTickers() function to obtain aggregated market data.

start: 2024-05-21 00:00:00
end: 2024-09-05 00:00:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

function main() {
    var arrSymbol = ["ADA_USDT", "LTC_USDT", "ETH_USDT", "SOL_USDT"]
    // Before requesting other trading pair market data, call Get Tickers
    var tickers1 = exchange.GetTickers()
    var tbl1 = {type: "table", title: "tickers1", cols: ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"], rows: []}
    for (var ticker of tickers1) {
        tbl1.rows.push([ticker.Symbol, ticker.High, ticker.Open, ticker.Low, ticker.Last, ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell, ticker.Time, ticker.Volume])
    // Request market data for other trading pairs
    for (var symbol of arrSymbol) {

    // Call GetTickers again
    var tickers2 = exchange.GetTickers()
    var tbl2 = {type: "table", title: "tickers2", cols: ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"], rows: []}
    for (var ticker of tickers2) {
        tbl2.rows.push([ticker.Symbol, ticker.High, ticker.Open, ticker.Low, ticker.Last, ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell, ticker.Time, ticker.Volume])

    LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify([tbl1, tbl2]) +  "`")
start: 2024-05-21 00:00:00
end: 2024-09-05 00:00:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

import json

def main():
    arrSymbol = ["ADA_USDT", "LTC_USDT", "ETH_USDT", "SOL_USDT"]
    tickers1 = exchange.GetTickers()
    tbl1 = {"type": "table", "title": "tickers1", "cols": ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"], "rows": []}
    for ticker in tickers1:
        tbl1["rows"].append([ticker["Symbol"], ticker["High"], ticker["Open"], ticker["Low"], ticker["Last"], ticker["Buy"], ticker["Sell"], ticker["Time"], ticker["Volume"]])
    for symbol in arrSymbol:
    tickers2 = exchange.GetTickers()
    tbl2 = {"type": "table", "title": "tickers2", "cols": ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"], "rows": []}
    for ticker in tickers2:
        tbl2["rows"].append([ticker["Symbol"], ticker["High"], ticker["Open"], ticker["Low"], ticker["Last"], ticker["Buy"], ticker["Sell"], ticker["Time"], ticker["Volume"]])
    LogStatus("`" + json.dumps([tbl1, tbl2]) +  "`")
start: 2024-05-21 00:00:00
end: 2024-09-05 00:00:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

json tickerToJson(const Ticker& ticker) {
    json arrJson;


    return arrJson;

void main() {
    std::string arrSymbol[] = {"ADA_USDT", "LTC_USDT", "ETH_USDT", "SOL_USDT"};
    auto tickers1 = exchange.GetTickers();
    json tbl1 = R"({
        "type": "table", 
        "cols": ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"],
        "rows": []
    tbl1["title"] = "tickers1";
    for (const auto& ticker : tickers1) {
        json arrJson = tickerToJson(ticker);
    for (const std::string& symbol : arrSymbol) {
    auto tickers2 = exchange.GetTickers();
    json tbl2 = R"({
        "type": "table", 
        "cols": ["Symbol", "High", "Open", "Low", "Last", "Buy", "Sell", "Time", "Volume"],
        "rows": []
    tbl2["title"] = "tickers2";
    for (const auto& ticker : tickers2) {
        json arrJson = tickerToJson(ticker);
    json tbls = R"([])"_json;
    LogStatus("`" + tbls.dump() + "`");

Use the spot exchange object and call the exchange.GetTickers() function in the backtest system. Before calling any market function, GetTickers only returns the ticker data of the current default trading pair. After calling the market function, it returns the ticker data of all requested varieties. You can refer to the following test example:

  • This function requests the exchange to aggregate tickers interface, no need to set up trading pairs, contract code before calling. It only returns the tickers of the online trading varieties on the exchange.
  • The backtesting system supports this function.
  • Exchange objects that do not provide an aggregated ticker interface do not support this function.
  • This function does not support option contracts.

Exchanges that do not support the exchange.GetTickers() function:

Function Name Unsupported Spot Exchanges Unsupported Futures Exchanges
GetTickers Zaif / WOO / Gemini / Coincheck / BitFlyer / Bibox Futures_WOO / Futures_dYdX / Futures_Deribit / Futures_Bibox / Futures_Aevo

{@struct/Ticker Ticker}, {@fun/Market/exchange.GetTicker exchange.GetTicker}