
This JSON is the data structure returned by the EventLoop() function. The EventLoop() function monitors: 1. Any WebSocket readable data event; 2. Task completion events concurrent with the exchange.Go() and HttpQuery_Go() functions; 3. Message events sent in threads created by the threading.Thread() function in the JavaScript language strategy.

Event sequence number. Seq number Event name. Event string Event thread Id. ThreadId number Event index. Index number nano timestamp. Nano number

Use the exchange.Go() function to make concurrent requests and the event data structure returned by the EventLoop() function.


In the concurrently executed thread of the JavaScript language strategy (created by the threading.Thread() function), when the postMessage() function of the thread object is used to send a message, the EventLoop() function in the thread receiving the message will monitor the following event data structure:


{@fun/Global/EventLoop EventLoop}