C++ Strategy Writing Instructions

  1. The main difference between C++ written strategy and JavaScript written strategy is the returned data differences of FMZ Quant Trading Platform API function, such as the exchange.GetTicker() function:
  • JavaScript exchange.GetTicker() returns an object if the call succeeds, or returns null if the call fails (due to the exchange server problems or network problems, etc.).
  function main() {
      var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
      // Determine if the call to "exchange.GetTicker" function failed, and return "null" when it failed
      if (ticker){
  • C++ exchange.GetTicker() returns an object when the call succeeds. If the call fails, the returned object is still an object, which is distinguished from the normal returned object by the attribute Valid.
  void main() {
      auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
      // Determine if the call to "exchange.GetTicker()" function failed and if the "Valid" attribute of the returned object is "false"
      if (ticker.Valid) {
  1. The difference between the main() function in the C++ written strategy and the main() function in the standard C11: The return value of the C++ program’s entry function main() in C11 is of int type. In the C++ written strategy on FMZ platform, the startup function of the strategy is also the function main(). But these two are not the same function, just with the same name. On FMZ platform, the return value of the main() function in the C++ strategy is of void type.
void main() {
    // Use "Test" function to test
    if (!Test("c++")) {
        // Show an exception to stop the program
        Panic("Please download the latest-versioned docker");

    // Determine if the return of all objects is valid with "Valid"
    Log(_N(9.12345, 2));
    Log("use _C", _C(exchange.GetTicker), _C(exchange.GetAccount));