اس حکمت عملی کا استعمال متعدد فیوچر پلیٹ فارمز جیسے او کے کوئن ، بائننس ، بٹ جیٹ وغیرہ سے فنڈنگ کی شرحوں کو حاصل کرنے اور ان کی نگرانی کرنے کے لئے کیا جاتا ہے۔ یہ متوازی موضوعات کے ذریعہ مختلف تبادلے کے مستقل معاہدے کی منڈیوں کا جائزہ لیتا ہے ، اور فنڈنگ کی شرح کے اعداد و شمار حاصل کرتا ہے ، جبکہ درخواست کی تعدد کو بہتر بنانے کے لئے تاخیر کا طریقہ کار استعمال کرتا ہے۔
یہ مضمون ڈسپلے اور فنڈنگ کی شرح الارم پش افعال کی حمایت کرنے کے لئے حکمت عملی میں کچھ تبدیلیاں کرتا ہے.
اوپن سورس ایڈریس:https://www.fmz.com/strategy/470345
آپ اپنی مخصوص تجارتی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لئے پلیٹ فارم کی فہرست، علامت کی فہرست اور پولنگ وقفہ کو حسب ضرورت ایڈجسٹ کرسکتے ہیں۔
اسکرپٹ کو کئی اہم حصوں میں تقسیم کیا گیا ہے:
// Start the funding rate monitoring thread and create a separate thread for each exchange's funding rate data
function startFundingWorker() {
exchanges.forEach((_, pos) => {
__Thread(function (pos) {
let e = exchanges[pos]
let eName = e.GetName()
// Set request delays for different exchanges to prevent frequent requests from causing throttling
let delaySettings = {
'Futures_OKCoin': 20,
'Futures_Binance': 500,
'Futures_MEXC': 100,
// Need to traverse the list of exchange names for all markets, these exchanges do not support getting all trading pairs at once
let needInterate = ['Futures_OKCoin', 'Futures_Bitget','Futures_OKX', 'Futures_KuCoin', 'Futures_MEXC']
// Set delay based on exchange name
let delay = function () {
let n = delaySettings[eName]
if (n) {
// Set the update interval to update every two minutes
let epoch = 60000 * 2;
let ts = 0;
let fundings = {}
// Infinite loop, get funding rate at fixed intervals
while (true) {
let now = new Date().getTime()
if (now - ts < epoch) {
// If the update cycle is not reached, pause for 1 second and then continue checking
let markets = e.GetMarkets()
if (!markets) {
// If market information cannot be obtained, try again after a delay
// If the exchange is in the list that needs to be traversed, request the funding rate for each market
if (needInterate.includes(eName)) {
for (let symbol in markets) {
if (symbol.includes('.swap') && symbol.includes('_USDT')) {
let ret = e.GetFundings(symbol)
if (ret) {
for (let r of ret) {
fundings[r.Symbol] = r
} else {
// For exchanges not in the traversal list, only request the funding rate of USDT.swap
let ret = e.GetFundings('USDT.swap')
if (ret) {
for (let r of ret) {
fundings[r.Symbol] = r
// Update data timestamp
ts = now
// Stores the exchange's funding rate data
__threadSetData(0, eName+"_funding", fundings)
}, pos)
// Get the funding rate data of the specified exchange
function getFundings(eName) {
let efundings = __threadGetData(0, eName+"_funding")
if (!efundings) {
return null
return efundings
// Update the funding rate table and display it in the log
function UpdateStatus(){
let table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'Funding Rate%',
cols: ['index', 'symbol'], // Initialization column, containing symbol
rows: []
let fundingRates = {};
exchanges.forEach((e) => {
let eName = e.GetName();
if (fundings[eName]) {
for (let symbol in fundings[eName]) {
// Parse short symbol names and remove unnecessary prefixes
let short_symbol = symbol.split('_')[0].replace(/^(100|1000|10000|100000|1000000|10000000)|^(100|1000|10000|100000|1000000|10000000)$/g, '');
let rate = fundings[eName][symbol].Rate;
let day = 24 / (fundings[eName][symbol].Interval / 3600000)
// Initialize symbol data structure
if (!fundingRates[short_symbol]) {
fundingRates[short_symbol] = { total: 0, count: 0, day_rate: {}, next_time: {}, last_time:0};
// Record and push rates that exceed the threshold
if (Math.abs(rate) > 0.01 && Date.now() - fundingRates[short_symbol].last_time > 30*60*1000) {
Log(e.GetName(), symbol, rate, '@')
fundingRates[short_symbol].last_time = Date.now()
fundingRates[short_symbol].total += rate;
fundingRates[short_symbol].day_rate[eName] = _N(rate * day , 6); // Record rates
fundingRates[short_symbol].next_time[eName] = _N((fundings[eName][symbol].Time - Date.now()) / 3600000 , 1) + 'h'
// Added rate columns and next update time columns for each exchange
for (let e of exchanges) {
table.cols.push(e.GetName()+' Rate');
table.cols.push('Next Time');
table.cols.push('Average Rate'); // Add an average rate column
let i = 0;
// Iterate over each symbol and fill in the data
for (let symbol in fundingRates) {
let data = fundingRates[symbol];
if (data.count == 1) {
continue // Symbols containing only a single data point are ignored
let averageRate = data.total / data.count; // Calculate average rate
let row = [i++, symbol];
for (let e of exchanges) {
row.push(data.day_rate[e.GetName()] || null); // Filling the fees of various exchanges
row.push(data.next_time[e.GetName()] || null);
row.push(_N(averageRate, 6)); // Filling average rate
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`');
// Main function, start funding rate monitoring and status update
var fundings = {}
function main() {
startFundingWorker() // Start monitoring threads for each exchange
while (true) {
exchanges.forEach((e) => {
let eName = e.GetName()
let eFundings = getFundings(eName)
fundings[eName] = eFundings
Sleep(15000) // Update every 15 seconds