渐进BB KC趋势策略

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-26 15:10:41

渐进BB KC趋势策略




  1. 计算20周期的布林中轨、上轨和下轨,带宽通过标准差的2倍来规定。
  2. 计算20周期的凯特中轨、上轨和下轨,带宽通过真实波动范围的2.2倍来规定。
  3. 当凯特线上轨上穿布林带上轨,且成交量大于10周期平均量时,做多。
  4. 当凯特线下轨下穿布林带下轨,且成交量大于10周期平均量时,做空。
  5. 开仓后20根K线没有退出,则强制止盈止损退出。
  6. 做多后设置1.5%的止损,做空后设置-1.5%的止损;做多后设置2%的跟踪止损,做空后设置-2%的跟踪止损。



  1. 综合利用布林带和凯特线两种指标的优势,提高了交易信号准确性。
  2. 结合成交量指标,可有效减少市场频繁撞线的无效信号。
  3. 设置止损和跟踪止损机制,能够有效控制风险。
  4. 无效信号后的强制止盈止损设定,可快速止损止盈。


  1. 布林带和凯特线均是以移动均线为基础并结合波动性计算的指标,在震荡行情中容易产生误信号。
  2. 无复利机制,多次被套住可能导致亏损过大。
  3. 反转信号较常见,调整参数后容易丢失趋势机会。 可以适当放宽止损幅度,或加入MACD等辅助指标筛选信号,以减少误信号带来的风险。


  1. 可以测试不同参数对策略收益率的影响,如调整均线长度、标准差倍数等参数。
  2. 可以加入其他指标判断来确定信号,如KDJ指标或MACD指标的辅助。
  3. 可以通过机器学习方法自动优化参数。



start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © jensenvilhelm

strategy("BB and KC Strategy", overlay=true)

// Define the input parameters for the strategy, these can be changed by the user to adjust the strategy
kcLength = input.int(20, "KC Length", minval=1) // Length for Keltner Channel calculation
kcStdDev = input.float(2.2, "KC StdDev") // Standard Deviation for Keltner Channel calculation
bbLength = input.int(20, "BB Length", minval=1) // Length for Bollinger Bands calculation
bbStdDev = input.float(2, "BB StdDev") // Standard Deviation for Bollinger Bands calculation
volumeLength = input.int(10, "Volume MA Length", minval=1) // Length for moving average of volume calculation
stopLossPercent = input.float(1.5, "Stop Loss (%)") // Percent of price for Stop loss 
trailStopPercent = input.float(2, "Trail Stop (%)") // Percent of price for Trailing Stop
barsInTrade = input.int(20, "Bars in trade before exit", minval = 1) // Minimum number of bars in trade before considering exit

// Calculate Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel
[bb_middle, bb_upper, bb_lower] = ta.bb(close, bbLength, bbStdDev) // Bollinger Bands calculation
[kc_middle, kc_upper, kc_lower] = ta.kc(close, kcLength, kcStdDev) // Keltner Channel calculation

// Calculate moving average of volume
vol_ma = ta.sma(volume, volumeLength) // Moving average of volume calculation

// Plotting Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels on the chart
plot(bb_upper, color=color.red) // Bollinger Bands upper line
plot(bb_middle, color=color.blue) // Bollinger Bands middle line
plot(bb_lower, color=color.red) // Bollinger Bands lower line
plot(kc_upper, color=color.rgb(105, 255, 82)) // Keltner Channel upper line
plot(kc_middle, color=color.blue) // Keltner Channel middle line
plot(kc_lower, color=color.rgb(105, 255, 82)) // Keltner Channel lower line

// Define entry conditions: long position if upper KC line crosses above upper BB line and volume is above MA of volume
// and short position if lower KC line crosses below lower BB line and volume is above MA of volume
longCond = ta.crossover(kc_upper, bb_upper) and volume > vol_ma // Entry condition for long position
shortCond = ta.crossunder(kc_lower, bb_lower) and volume > vol_ma // Entry condition for short position

// Define variables to store entry price and bar counter at entry point
var float entry_price = na // variable to store entry price
var int bar_counter = na // variable to store bar counter at entry point

// Check entry conditions and if met, open long or short position
if (longCond)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long) // Open long position
    entry_price := close // Store entry price
    bar_counter := 1 // Start bar counter
if (shortCond)
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short) // Open short position
    entry_price := close // Store entry price
    bar_counter := 1 // Start bar counter

// If in a position and bar counter is not na, increment bar counter
if (strategy.position_size != 0 and na(bar_counter) == false)
    bar_counter := bar_counter + 1 // Increment bar counter

// Define exit conditions: close position if been in trade for more than specified bars
// or if price drops by more than specified percent for long or rises by more than specified percent for short
if (bar_counter > barsInTrade) // Only consider exit after minimum bars in trade
    if (bar_counter >= barsInTrade)
        strategy.close_all() // Close all positions
    // Stop loss and trailing stop
    if (strategy.position_size > 0)
        strategy.exit("Sell", "Buy", stop=entry_price * (1 - stopLossPercent/100), trail_points=entry_price * trailStopPercent/100) // Set stop loss and trailing stop for long position
    else if (strategy.position_size < 0)
        strategy.exit("Buy", "Sell", stop=entry_price * (1 + stopLossPercent/100), trail_points=entry_price * trailStopPercent/100) // Set stop loss and trailing stop for short position
