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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-04-26 15:46:42







  1. 计算ATR指标,用于衡量市场波动率。当前ATR值大于前一个ATR值的1.2倍时,表明市场处于高波动状态。

  2. 判断当前成交量是否大于50个周期的成交量简单移动平均线。这个条件用于确保在成交量较大的情况下进行交易,以提高交易的可靠性。

  3. 计算当前交易日的价格范围(最高价 - 最低价),并判断其是否大于0.005。这个条件用于确保在价格波动较大的情况下进行交易,以获取更多的潜在利润。

  4. 使用两个简单移动平均线(5日和20日)来判断市场趋势。当5日均线在20日均线之上时,表明市场处于多头趋势;反之则表明市场处于空头趋势。

  5. 判断是否出现新的催化剂,即当前收盘价是否高于开盘价。这个条件用于确保在出现新的利好因素时进行交易,以提高交易的成功率。

  6. 当以上所有条件都满足时,根据市场趋势(多头或空头)生成相应的交易信号(买入或卖出)。

  7. 对于多头交易,当快速均线下穿慢速均线时,平仓退出;对于空头交易,当快速均线上穿慢速均线时,平仓退出。


  1. 多因素综合判断:该策略综合考虑了市场波动率、成交量、价格范围、技术指标和新的催化剂等多个因素,能够全面评估市场状况和潜在的交易机会,提高交易信号的可靠性。

  2. 适应性强:通过使用ATR指标来衡量市场波动率,该策略可以适应不同的市场环境。在波动率较高时,该策略会自动调整交易条件,以应对市场的变化。

  3. 风险控制:该策略设置了明确的进场和出场条件,有助于控制交易风险。同时,通过考虑成交量和价格范围等因素,该策略可以避免在市场流动性不足或波动过小的情况下进行交易,进一步降低风险。

  4. 趋势跟踪:通过使用简单移动平均线来判断市场趋势,该策略可以跟踪市场的主要方向,并根据趋势的变化及时调整交易策略,提高交易的准确性。

  5. 自动化交易:该策略可以实现自动化交易,减少人为干预和情绪影响,提高交易效率和一致性。


  1. 参数优化风险:该策略涉及多个参数,如ATR周期、波动率因子、成交量简单移动平均线周期等。这些参数的选择对策略性能有重要影响,参数设置不当可能导致策略失效或表现不佳。因此,需要对参数进行优化和测试,以找到最佳的参数组合。

  2. 过拟合风险:该策略使用了多个条件来生成交易信号,可能存在过拟合的风险。过拟合会导致策略在历史数据上表现良好,但在实际交易中表现不佳。为了降低过拟合风险,可以使用样本外数据进行测试,并对策略进行稳健性检验。

  3. 市场风险:该策略主要适用于趋势明显、波动率较高的市场环境。在市场趋势不明显或波动率较低时,该策略的表现可能会受到影响。此外,该策略也受到黑天鹅事件、政策变化等外部因素的影响,这些因素可能导致策略失效。

  4. 交易成本风险:该策略为日内交易策略,交易频率较高,可能会产生较高的交易成本,如滑点、手续费等。这些成本会侵蚀策略的利润,降低策略的整体表现。因此,在实际应用中,需要考虑交易成本的影响,并对策略进行相应的优化。

  5. 流动性风险:该策略的交易信号依赖于多个条件,如成交量、价格范围等。在市场流动性不足的情况下,这些条件可能无法满足,导致策略无法产生有效的交易信号。因此,在应用该策略时,需要选择流动性较好的市场和交易标的。


  1. 动态调整参数:考虑使用自适应算法或机器学习方法,根据市场状况的变化自动调整策略参数,以适应不同的市场环境,提高策略的稳健性和适应性。

  2. 引入风险管理措施:在策略中引入风险管理措施,如止损、仓位管理等,以控制潜在的损失。同时,可以考虑使用波动率调整的仓位管理方法,根据市场波动率的高低动态调整仓位大小,以控制风险。

  3. 优化交易信号:可以考虑引入其他技术指标或市场因素,如相对强弱指数(RSI)、市场情绪指标等,以优化交易信号的生成。此外,还可以使用机器学习算法,如支持向量机(SVM)、随机森林等,来训练和优化交易信号。

  4. 改进止盈止损策略:目前该策略使用简单移动平均线交叉来判断出场条件,可以考虑引入更加复杂的止盈止损策略,如追踪止损、波动率止损等,以更好地保护利润和控制风险。

  5. 加入市场微观结构分析:考虑将市场微观结构分析纳入策略,如分析订单流、买卖盘深度等,以获取更多的市场信息,提高交易决策的准确性。

  6. 结合基本面分析:将基本面分析与技术分析相结合,考虑宏观经济指标、行业趋势、公司财务数据等因素,以获取更全面的市场信息,提高策略的可靠性和稳健性。





This strategy is an intraday scalable volatility trading strategy based on day trading. It combines multiple technical indicators and market conditions, including volatility, volume, price range, technical indicators, and new catalysts, to identify potential long and short trading opportunities. The strategy uses the ATR indicator to measure market volatility and determines whether to trade based on the level of volatility. At the same time, the strategy also considers factors such as trading volume, price range, technical indicators, and new catalysts to improve the reliability of trading signals.

Strategy Principle

The core principle of this strategy is to use multiple factors such as market volatility, trading volume, price range, technical indicators, and new catalysts to comprehensively judge market trends and potential trading opportunities. Specifically, the strategy uses the following steps to generate trading signals:

  1. Calculate the ATR indicator to measure market volatility. When the current ATR value is greater than 1.2 times the previous ATR value, it indicates that the market is in a high volatility state.

  2. Determine whether the current trading volume is greater than the simple moving average of the trading volume over 50 periods. This condition is used to ensure that trading is carried out when the trading volume is relatively large, to improve the reliability of trading.

  3. Calculate the price range (highest price - lowest price) of the current trading day and determine whether it is greater than 0.005. This condition is used to ensure that trading is carried out when the price fluctuation is relatively large, to obtain more potential profits.

  4. Use two simple moving averages (5-day and 20-day) to judge the market trend. When the 5-day average is above the 20-day average, it indicates that the market is in a bullish trend; otherwise, it indicates that the market is in a bearish trend.

  5. Determine whether a new catalyst has appeared, that is, whether the current closing price is higher than the opening price. This condition is used to ensure that trading is carried out when there are new favorable factors, to increase the success rate of trading.

  6. When all of the above conditions are met, generate corresponding trading signals (buy or sell) according to the market trend (bullish or bearish).

  7. For long trades, when the fast moving average crosses below the slow moving average, close the position and exit; for short trades, when the fast moving average crosses above the slow moving average, close the position and exit.

Strategy Advantages

  1. Comprehensive multi-factor judgment: The strategy comprehensively considers multiple factors such as market volatility, trading volume, price range, technical indicators, and new catalysts, which can comprehensively evaluate market conditions and potential trading opportunities, and improve the reliability of trading signals.

  2. Strong adaptability: By using the ATR indicator to measure market volatility, the strategy can adapt to different market environments. When volatility is high, the strategy automatically adjusts trading conditions to cope with market changes.

  3. Risk control: The strategy sets clear entry and exit conditions, which helps to control trading risks. At the same time, by considering factors such as trading volume and price range, the strategy can avoid trading when market liquidity is insufficient or volatility is too small, further reducing risks.

  4. Trend tracking: By using simple moving averages to judge market trends, the strategy can track the main direction of the market and adjust trading strategies in a timely manner according to changes in trends, improving the accuracy of trading.

  5. Automated trading: The strategy can achieve automated trading, reducing human intervention and emotional impact, and improving trading efficiency and consistency.

Strategy Risks

  1. Parameter optimization risk: The strategy involves multiple parameters, such as the ATR period, volatility factor, simple moving average period of trading volume, etc. The selection of these parameters has an important impact on strategy performance, and improper parameter settings may lead to strategy failure or poor performance. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize and test the parameters to find the best parameter combination.

  2. Overfitting risk: The strategy uses multiple conditions to generate trading signals, which may have the risk of overfitting. Overfitting may cause the strategy to perform well on historical data but perform poorly in actual trading. To reduce the risk of overfitting, out-of-sample data can be used for testing and robustness testing of the strategy.

  3. Market risk: The strategy is mainly applicable to market environments with obvious trends and high volatility. When market trends are not obvious or volatility is low, the performance of the strategy may be affected. In addition, the strategy is also affected by external factors such as black swan events and policy changes, which may cause the strategy to fail.

  4. Transaction cost risk: The strategy is an intraday trading strategy with a high trading frequency, which may generate high transaction costs, such as slippage and commission. These costs will erode the profits of the strategy and reduce the overall performance of the strategy. Therefore, in practical applications, it is necessary to consider the impact of transaction costs and optimize the strategy accordingly.

  5. Liquidity risk: The trading signals of the strategy depend on multiple conditions, such as trading volume, price range, etc. In the case of insufficient market liquidity, these conditions may not be met, resulting in the strategy not being able to generate effective trading signals. Therefore, when applying the strategy, it is necessary to select markets and trading targets with good liquidity.

Optimization Direction

  1. Dynamic parameter adjustment: Consider using adaptive algorithms or machine learning methods to automatically adjust strategy parameters according to changes in market conditions, to adapt to different market environments and improve the robustness and adaptability of the strategy.

  2. Introduce risk management measures: Introduce risk management measures in the strategy, such as stop loss and position management, to control potential losses. At the same time, consider using volatility-adjusted position management methods to dynamically adjust position size according to the level of market volatility to control risk.

  3. Optimize trading signals: Consider introducing other technical indicators or market factors, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI), market sentiment indicators, etc., to optimize the generation of trading signals. In addition, machine learning algorithms such as support vector machines (SVM) and random forests can be used to train and optimize trading signals.

  4. Improve stop-profit and stop-loss strategies: At present, the strategy uses simple moving average crossover to determine exit conditions. More complex stop-profit and stop-loss strategies, such as trailing stop loss and volatility stop loss, can be considered to better protect profits and control risks.

  5. Incorporate market microstructure analysis: Consider incorporating market microstructure analysis into the strategy, such as analyzing order flow, order book depth, etc., to obtain more market information and improve the accuracy of trading decisions.

  6. Combine fundamental analysis: Combine fundamental analysis with technical analysis, considering factors such as macroeconomic indicators, industry trends, company financial data, etc., to obtain more comprehensive market information and improve the reliability and robustness of the strategy.


This strategy is an intraday scalable volatility trading strategy based on multi-factor analysis, which generates long and short trading signals by comprehensively considering factors such as market volatility, trading volume, price range, technical indicators, and new catalysts. The advantages of the strategy are strong adaptability, clear risk control measures, and strong trend tracking ability. At the same time, there are

start: 2024-03-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-03-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Intraday Scalping Strategy with Exit Conditions", shorttitle="ISS", overlay=true)

// Define Volatility based on ATR for intraday
atrPeriod = 10
atrValue = atr(atrPeriod)
volatilityFactor = 1.2
highVolatility = atrValue > volatilityFactor * atrValue[1]

// Define Volume conditions for intraday
volumeCondition = volume > sma(volume, 50)

// Define Price Range for intraday
range = high - low

// Define Technical Indicator (SMA example) for intraday
smaFast = sma(close, 5)
smaSlow = sma(close, 20)
isBullish = smaFast > smaSlow

// Define New Catalyst condition for intraday (example)
newCatalyst = close > open

// Combine all conditions for entry in intraday
enterLong = highVolatility and volumeCondition and range > 0.005 and isBullish and newCatalyst
enterShort = highVolatility and volumeCondition and range > 0.005 and not isBullish and newCatalyst

// Submit entry orders based on conditions
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=enterLong)
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when=enterShort)

// Define exit conditions
exitLong = crossover(smaFast, smaSlow) // Example exit condition for long position
exitShort = crossunder(smaFast, smaSlow) // Example exit condition for short position

// Submit exit orders based on conditions
strategy.close("Buy", when=exitLong)
strategy.close("Sell", when=exitShort)

