Imagine a strategy that can be as stable as a rock in the violent fluctuations of the digital currency market, and can bring you continuous positive returns regardless of bull or bear markets. Does it sound like a fantasy? Actually, it is not. The currency-based double short-selling fee arbitrage strategy is such an “earning effortlessly” tool.
By utilizing the unique properties of currency-based contracts and the funding rate mechanism cleverly, this strategy can not only obtain stable returns in a bull market, but also avoid risks in a bear market effectively, achieving a steady return across market period. The “cash preservation” feature of currency-based contracts allows the total value of the strategy to remain stable even if market prices fluctuate significantly. The funding rate, as the core mechanism of perpetual contracts, provides an additional source of profits for the strategy. In this article, we will deeply analyze the core logic, implementation process, and advantages and disadvantages of the currency-based short-selling strategy to help investors understand how to achieve “earning effortlessly” through this strategy in the digital currency market. Whether you are a novice in quantitative trading or an experienced investor, this strategy is worth your in-depth understanding and trial.
The unit of the currency-based contract is measured in sheets, and the value of each sheet is fixed (for example, 1 contract of BTC is worth 100 USD, and 10 USD of ETH). This feature means that in the case of 1x leverage, even if the market price fluctuates greatly, there will be no liquidation in theory.
Assuming the current price is 100 USD, 10 currency-Based short contracts are opened, and their value is equal to 100 USD, which is converted into 1 unit of coin:
1. Price drop:
The number of coins held becomes 2, and the total value remains: 2*50=100 USD
2. Price increase:
The number of coins held becomes 0.5, and the total value remains: 0.5*200=100 USD
Therefore, to a certain extent, the total value of short selling in the currency-based remains stable, which is a cash preservation operation. So where does the profits of the strategy come from? Let us introduce the next concept: funding rate .
In the currency-based short-selling strategy, the funding rate is one of the core drivers of the strategy’s returns, and its characteristics and changes affect the strategy’s stability and profitability directly. By utilizing the characteristics of the funding rate properly, the strategy can maintain good performance in different market environments, but it is also necessary to pay attention to its potential limitations.
Funding rate is a regulatory mechanism in the perpetual contract market, which aims to balance the holding costs of both long and short parties and prevent the perpetual contract price from deviating from the spot price for a long time. In fact, if you have studied CFA, you will still remember the original name of the perpetual contract, swap. The design inspiration of the funding rate mechanism of the perpetual contract is largely derived from the Interest Rate Swap in traditional finance. In an interest rate swap, the two parties exchange interest payments regularly based on the agreed interest rate (such as fixed interest rate and floating interest rate) to hedge the risk of interest rate fluctuations. Similarly, the funding rate mechanism of the perpetual contract also balances the holding costs of both long and short parties by paying or collecting fees regularly to ensure that the gap between the contract price and the spot price is not too large.
The introduction of funding rate is essentially to solve the basis problem between perpetual contracts and spot prices. When the perpetual contract price is higher than the spot price, the funding rate is positive, and the long position pays the short position; when the perpetual contract price is lower than the spot price, the funding rate is negative, and the short position pays the long position. This mechanism not only draws on the core concept of interest rate swaps, but also combines the characteristics of the digital currency market to form a unique market regulation tool. In the field of digital currency, its main features include:
1. Determined by market supply and demand : The funding rate is determined by the supply and demand relationship between longs and shorts in the market, and is the result of the game between long and short forces. 2. Periodic payment : The funding rate is paid at a certain period (such as 8 hours), and the fees are transferred between long and short positions. 3. Sentiment reflection : A positive funding rate usually indicates that market sentiment is bullish and the perpetual contract price is higher than the spot price; a negative funding rate indicates that market sentiment is bearish and the perpetual contract price is lower than the spot price.
daily profits = 10,000*0.02%*3=6USDT
This source of profits is relatively stable and has little to do with price fluctuations.
As Zinan have said, in the initial stage of strategy construction, it is necessary to understand the source of profits and risk of the strategy. Based on the above, we know that the total value of currency-based short selling is to remain stable, so the source of profits is funding rate arbitrage. Some students may be curious, will the funding rate continue to bring stable positive returns? We perform data analysis in the [Database] module:
toDateTime(Time / 1000) AS Time, -- Convert milliseconds timestamp to timestamp
SUM(Rate) OVER (PARTITION BY Exchange, Symbol ORDER BY Time) AS CumulativeRate -- Calculate the accumulated Rate
Exchange = '{{exchange}}'
AND Symbol = '{{symbol}}'
The dynamic parameters use Binance exchange, and the contract selects the Bitcoin standard (btc_usd) contract to display the cumulative funding rate. It can be seen that from 2020 to now, the funding rate returns has shown a steady increase, with a cumulative 5-year returns of up to 50%. Although it cannot be compared with the income of hundreds or thousands, it is more stable, so we can sort out the profit source of this strategy.
In the currency-based short-selling strategy, the funding rate is the key source of profit. Since the units of currency-based contracts are fixed, even if the market price fluctuates, the change in the contract value of the short seller is usually controllable, so the funding rate becomes the main source of profit for the strategy. The following is the specific impact of the funding rate on the strategy:
1. Bull market phase (Positive funding rate)
2. Bear market phase (Negative funding rate)
Through the analysis of these two market environments, it can be seen that the profit and risk of the currency-based short-selling strategy are mainly affected by the funding rate. When the funding rate is positive in the bull market, short sellers can benefit from it; while in the bear market, although the funding rate is negative, the strategy still has a strong ability to preserve value because the change in contract value is controllable.
A robust strategy framework is the key to successful implementation of a strategy. It provides a clear execution framework to ensure that the strategy can operate stably under various market conditions and effectively respond to risks and fluctuations. Here we refer to Xiaocao’s U-standard multi-currency contract strategy framework and make some modifications and improvements to the currency-based.
start: 2020-08-14 00:00:00
end: 2025-01-20 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_OKX","currency":"BTC_USD"}]
import time
import json
# Global variables, storing data
SYMBOLS = 'BTC' # SYMBOLS represents the currency to be traded, in the format of "BTC,ETH,LTC"
QUOTO = 'USD' # QUOTO is the base currency, and the currency standard is USD
INTERVAL = 5 # INTERVAL represents the interval of the loop
ICEMONEY = 2000 # Iceberg order amount
ROLLINGNUM = 1 # Rolling profit increase quantity
Info = {
'trade_symbols': SYMBOLS.split(','), # Trading currency
'base_coin': QUOTO, # Base currency
'ticker': {}, # Ticker data
'order': {}, # Order information
'account': {}, # Account information
'precision': {}, # Precision information
'position': {}, # Position information
'time': {}, # Time-related data
'count': {}, # Counter
'interval': INTERVAL # Loop interval
# Initialize the strategy
def InitInfo():
# Initialize time data and control the update time
Info['time'] = {
'update_ticker_time': 0, # Update ticker time
'update_pos_time': 0, # Update position time
'update_profit_time': 0, # Update profit time
'update_account_time': 0, # Update account information time
'update_status_time': 0, # Update status time
'last_loop_time': 0, # The time of the last main loop
'loop_delay': 0, # Loop delay
'start_time': time.time() # Start time
# Initialize the data of each transaction currency
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
Info['account'][symbol] = {
'init_balance': 0, # Initial balance
'margin_balance': 0, # Margin balance
'margin_used': 0, # Margin_used
'margin_free': 0, # Available margin
'profit': 0, # Total profits
'profit_rate': 0, # Profit rate
'unrealised_profit': 0, # Unrealized profit
} # Initialize account information, initial balance is 0
Info['ticker'][symbol] = {'last': 0, 'ask': 0, 'bid': 0} # ticker
Info['order'][symbol] = { # order information
'buy': {'id': 0, 'price': 0, 'amount': 0},
'sell': {'id': 0, 'price': 0, 'amount': 0}
Info['position'][symbol] = { # position information
'amount': 0, 'hold_price': 0, 'unrealised_profit': 0, 'open_time': 0, 'value': 0
Info['precision'][symbol] = {} # The precision information is initialized to empty
Info['position'][symbol] = { # position information
'amount': 0, 'hold_price': 0, 'unrealised_profit': 0, 'open_time': 0, 'value': 0
# Get precision information
def GetPrecision():
# Get market information from exchanges
# The backtest system needs to obtain market information before obtaining market information. The live trading system can ignore this.
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
curcontract = symbol + '_' + QUOTO + '.swap'
exchange_info = exchange.GetMarkets()
# Traverse all trading pairs in the market
for pair, data in exchange_info.items():
symbol = pair.split('_')[0] # The format of perpetual contract trading pairs is BTC_USDT.swap
# Check whether the trading pair is the currency we want to trade, whether the base currency matches, and whether it is a perpetual contract
if symbol in Info['trade_symbols'] and pair.split('.')[0].endswith(Info['base_coin']) and pair.endswith('swap'):
# Get the precision information of the trading pair
Info['precision'][symbol] = {
'tick_size': data['TickSize'], # Price precision
'amount_size': data['AmountSize'], # Quantity precision
'price_precision': data['PricePrecision'], # Price decimal places precision
'amount_precision': data['AmountPrecision'], # Number of decimal places of precision
'min_qty': data['MinQty'], # Minimum order quantity
'max_qty': data['MaxQty'], # Maximum order quantity
'min_notional': data['MinNotional'], # Minimum transaction amount
'ctVal': data['CtVal'] # Contract value, such as 1 contract represents 100 USD
Log(f"Initialize currency information: {symbol}, "
f"Price precision: {Info['precision'][symbol]['tick_size']}, "
f"Quantity precision: {Info['precision'][symbol]['amount_size']}, "
f"Price decimal places precision: {Info['precision'][symbol]['price_precision']}, "
f"Number of decimal places of precision: {Info['precision'][symbol]['amount_precision']}, "
f"Minimum order quantity: {Info['precision'][symbol]['min_qty']}, "
f"Maximum order quantity: {Info['precision'][symbol]['max_qty']}, "
f"Minimum transaction amount: {Info['precision'][symbol]['min_notional']}, "
f"Contract value: {Info['precision'][symbol]['ctVal']}")
# Update ticker information
def UpdateTicker():
# Record the current update timestamp
Info['time']['update_ticker_time'] = time.time() * 1000 # Use time.time() to get the current time stamp
# Traverse the obtained market data
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
curcontract = symbol + '_' + QUOTO + '.swap'
data = exchange.GetTicker(curcontract)
if not data:
Log("Failed to obtain ticker", GetLastError())
# Update the bid, ask and last traded price of the ticker
Info['ticker'][symbol]['ask'] = float(data['Sell']) # Ask price
Info['ticker'][symbol]['bid'] = float(data['Buy']) # Bid price
Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'] = float(data['Last']) # Last traded price
# Update account information
def UpdateAccount():
# Traverse all transaction currencies and update account information
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
curcontract = symbol + '_' + QUOTO # Combine the currency type and the quoted currency to form a contract identifier
exchange.SetCurrency(curcontract) # Set the current contract
# Get account information
account = exchange.GetAccount()
# If the account information acquisition fails, log it and end the function
if account is None:
Log(curcontract, ": Failed to update account")
# Calculation account key information
# 'Stocks': Available balance, 'FrozenStocks': Frozen balance, 'Equity': Total equity, 'UPnL': Unrealized profit and loss, Difference between U-Balance
Info['account'][symbol]['margin_used'] = account['Equity'] - account['Stocks'] # Margin-used
Info['account'][symbol]['margin_balance'] = account['Equity'] # Current account total equity
Info['account'][symbol]['margin_free'] = account['Stocks'] # Current available balance
Info['account'][symbol]['unrealised_profit'] = account['UPnL'] # Unrealized profit and loss
# Read the account initial balance dictionary from global storage
accDict = _G("init_balance")
if accDict is None:
accDict = {} # If the global storage is empty, it is initialized to an empty dictionary
# Initialize the account initial balance (set only on the first running)
if not Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance']:
# If the global storage has a record and the balance is greater than 0, use the record as the initial balance
if accDict and accDict.get(symbol) and accDict[symbol] > 0:
Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'] = round(accDict[symbol], 2)
# Otherwise, the current margin balance is used as the initial balance
Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'] = Info['account'][symbol]['margin_balance'] * Info['ticker'][symbol]['last']
accDict[symbol] = Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'] # Update global storage
_G("init_balance", accDict)
# Calculate account profit and profit rate
Info['account'][symbol]['profit'] = round(Info['account'][symbol]['margin_balance'] * Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'] - Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'], 2) # Current profit
Info['account'][symbol]['profit_rate'] = round((100 * Info['account'][symbol]['profit']) / Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'], 2) # Current profit margin (percent)
# Update position information
def UpdatePosition():
# Get perpetual contract position information
# Call the interface to obtain the position information of the specified currency
pos = exchange.GetPositions(Info['base_coin'] + ".swap")
# Record the update time of position information (unit: milliseconds)
Info['time']['update_pos_time'] = time.time() * 1000
# Initialize position information
# Create default position information for each trading currency
position_info = {symbol: {'amount': 0, 'hold_price': 0, 'unrealised_profit': 0} for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']}
# Traverse the acquired position information and update the position data of the corresponding currency
for data in pos:
# Extract part of the currency name (Symbol) as an identifier
symbol = data['Symbol'].split("_")[0]
# Filter out currencies that are not in the specified base currency or are not in the trading list
if not data['Symbol'].split(".")[0].endswith(Info['base_coin']) or symbol not in Info['trade_symbols']:
# Update position information to distinguish between long and short positions (via the Type field)
position_info[symbol] = {
'amount': data['Amount'] if data['Type'] == 0 else -data['Amount'], # Longs are positive, shorts are negative
'hold_price': data['Price'], # Position holding price
'unrealised_profit': data['Profit'] # Unrealized profit and loss
# Initialize the position statistics for each currency
# long: long position value, short: short position value, total: total position value, leverage: leverage ratio
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
Info['count'][symbol] = {'long': 0, 'short': 0, 'total': 0, 'leverage': 0}
# Traverse the updated position information
for symbol, info in position_info.items():
# Calculate position change
deal_volume = abs(info['amount'] - Info['position'][symbol]['amount'])
# Calculate the direction of change (positive number means increase in position, negative number means decrease in position)
direction = 1 if info['amount'] - Info['position'][symbol]['amount'] > 0 else -1
# If the position changes, record the transaction information
if deal_volume:
# Get the transaction price (buy or sell)
deal_price = Info['order'][symbol]['buy']['price'] if direction == 1 else Info['order'][symbol]['sell']['price']
# Print position update log
"Position update:",
round(Info['position'][symbol]['amount'], 1),
" -> ",
round(info['amount'], 1),
", Buy" if direction == 1 else ", Sell",
", transaction price:",
", Cost price:",
round(Info['position'][symbol]['hold_price'], Info['precision'][symbol]['price_precision']),
# Update position information
Info['position'][symbol]['amount'] = info['amount'] # Update position amount
Info['position'][symbol]['hold_price'] = info['hold_price'] # Update position price
Info['position'][symbol]['value'] = round(Info['position'][symbol]['amount'] * Info['precision'][symbol]['ctVal'], 2) # Position value
Info['position'][symbol]['unrealised_profit'] = info['unrealised_profit'] # Update unrealized profit and loss
# Counting the value of long and short positions
if Info['position'][symbol]['amount'] > 0:
# If long, increase the long position value
Info['count'][symbol]['long'] += abs(Info['position'][symbol]['value'])
# If short, increase the short position value
Info['count'][symbol]['short'] += abs(Info['position'][symbol]['value'])
# Calculate the total value of the position (based on the latest price)
Info['count'][symbol]['total'] = round((Info['count'][symbol]['long'] + Info['count'][symbol]['short']) / Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'], 2)
# Calculate leverage (ratio of total position value to account margin)
Info['count'][symbol]['leverage'] = round(Info['count'][symbol]['total'] / Info['account'][symbol]['margin_balance'], 2)
# Order function
def Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg):
pair = f"{symbol}_{Info['base_coin']}.swap" # Construct the trading pair name
ret = exchange.CreateOrder(pair, direction, price, amount, msg) # Execute order operation
# Determine whether the order is successful
if ret:
Info['order'][symbol][direction]['id'] = ret # Record the order ID
Info['order'][symbol][direction]['price'] = price # Record order price
Log('Record order price: ', price, direction, Info['order'][symbol][direction]['price'], )
Log(f"{symbol} {direction} {price} {amount} Abnormal order") # Output exception information
# Transaction function
def Trade(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg):
# Adjust price based on minimum price change
price = round(price - (price % Info['precision'][symbol]['tick_size']), Info['precision'][symbol]['price_precision'])
# Calculating the adjusted number of transactions
amount = amount / Info['precision'][symbol]['ctVal'] # Calculate the actual number of contracts
amount = round(amount - (amount % Info['precision'][symbol]['amount_size']), Info['precision'][symbol]['amount_precision'])
# Limit the maximum number of transactions
if Info['precision'][symbol]['max_qty'] > 0:
amount = min(amount, Info['precision'][symbol]['max_qty'])
new_order = False
# If the new price differs from the previous order price by more than 0.0001, place a new order
if Info['order'][symbol][direction]['price'] > 0 and abs(price - Info['order'][symbol][direction]['price']) / price > 0.0001:
Log('The order is already held and the order price has changed')
new_order = True
# If the transaction quantity is 0 or the current order ID is 0, cancel the order
if amount <= 0 or Info['order'][symbol][direction]['id'] == 0:
Log('New order generated')
new_order = True
# If a new order is needed
if new_order:
# If there is an existing order, cancel it
if Info['order'][symbol][direction]['id'] != 0:
Info['order'][symbol][direction]['id'] = 0
Info['order'][symbol][direction]['price'] = 0
Log('Order cancellation successful:', symbol)
# If the latency of updating the position or ticker is too high, the order will not be placed.
#if (time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['update_pos_time'] > 2 * Info['interval'] * 1000 or
# time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['update_ticker_time'] > 2 * Info['interval'] * 1000):
# Log('Position update time', time.time() * 1000, Info['time']['update_pos_time'], time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['update_pos_time'])
# Log('Ticker update time', time.time() * 1000, Info['time']['update_ticker_time'], time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['update_ticker_time'])
# Log('Latency is too high')
# return
# If the order amount or quantity is too small, the order will not be placed.
if price * amount <= Info['precision'][symbol]['min_notional'] or amount < Info['precision'][symbol]['min_qty']:
Log(f"{symbol} Order quantity is too small", price * amount)
# Execute order operation
Log('order:', symbol)
Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg)
# Update state function
def UpdateStatus():
# Update status time
Info['time']['update_status_time'] = time.time() * 1000
# Account information form
table1 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Account information",
"cols": [
"Currency", "Initial equity", "Real-time equity", "Available balance",
"Total return", "Rate of return"
"rows": [],
# Traverse each trading pair and fill in the trading pair information
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
symbol, # Currency
round(Info['account'][symbol]['init_balance'], 2), # Initial equity
round(Info['account'][symbol]['margin_balance'] * Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'], 2), # Real-time equity
round(Info['account'][symbol]['margin_free'] * Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'], 2), # Available balance
round(Info['account'][symbol]['profit'], 2), # Total profits
str(Info['account'][symbol]['profit_rate']) + "%" # Yield
# Trading pair information table
table2 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Trading pair information",
"cols": [
"Currency", "Direction", "Quantity", "Position price", "Position value",
"Current price"
"rows": [],
# Traverse each trading pair and fill in the trading pair information
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
symbol, # Currency
"LONG" if Info['position'][symbol]['amount'] > 0 else "SHORT", # Direction
Info['position'][symbol]['amount'], # Amount
round(Info['position'][symbol]['hold_price'], Info['precision'][symbol]['price_precision']), # Position price
round(Info['position'][symbol]['value'], 2), # Position value
round(Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'], Info['precision'][symbol]['price_precision']) # Current price
# Output status log
f"Initialization time: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(Info['time']['start_time']))}\n",
f"`{json.dumps(table1)}`\n" + f"`{json.dumps(table2)}`\n",
f"Loop delay: {str(Info['time']['loop_delay']) + 'ms'}\n",
f"Last execution time: {_D()}\n"
totalprofit = 0
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
totalprofit += Info['account'][symbol]['profit']
# Update account information every 10 seconds
if time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['update_profit_time'] > 10 * 1000:
LogProfit(round(totalprofit, 3), '&') # Output profit log
Info['time']['update_profit_time'] = time.time() * 1000 # Update profit time
def MakeOrder():
# Traverse all trading pairs
for symbol in Info['trade_symbols']:
availBal = Info['account'][symbol]['margin_free'] * Info['ticker'][symbol]['last'] #Amount available
sell_price = Info['ticker'][symbol]['ask'] #Sell price
if availBal > ICEMONEY: #The available amount is greater than the number of iceberg orders, and the position is opened
Trade(symbol, "sell", sell_price, ICEMONEY, symbol) # Execute a buy operation
elif availBal > ROLLINGNUM * Info['precision'][symbol]['ctVal']: #The available profit is greater than the rolling increase in position quantity, and orders are placed gradually.
Trade(symbol, "sell", sell_price, ROLLINGNUM * Info['precision'][symbol]['ctVal'], symbol) # Execute a buy operation
def OnTick():
# Update ticker information
# Update account information
# Update position information
# Execute order operation
# Update status information
def main():
LogReset(0) # Log reset
Log('Strategy start#0000ff')
# Initialization information
InitInfo() # Initialize currency information
GetPrecision() # Get accuracy information
exchange.SetMarginLevel(1) # Set leverage ratio
while True: # Infinite loop
loop_start_time = time.time() * 1000 # Get the current time (milliseconds)
# Check whether the last loop time and the set interval time have passed
if time.time() * 1000 - Info['time']['last_loop_time'] > Info['interval'] * 1000:
OnTick() # Calling the OnTick function
# Update the last loop time
Info['time']['last_loop_time'] = time.time() * 1000
# Calculate the delay time of the current loop
Info['time']['loop_delay'] = time.time() * 1000 - loop_start_time
# Pause for 5 milliseconds to avoid excessive consumption of CPU resources
The strategy is based on simple variable definitions and implements rolling position additions and status monitoring through modular functions.
- SYMBOLS : The trading currency (such as “BTC”). - QUOTO : Base currency, usually USD. - INTERVAL : The time interval between strategy period. - ICEMONEY : Initial order amount, used for iceberg orders. - ROLLINGNUM : The number of positions added after rolling profits.
The following is a brief description of each functional module:
1. The initialization function (InitInfo) It is used to load trading currency information and initial account status.
2. GetPrecision information Get the minimum order unit and contract value for each trading pair through the exchange API.
3. Update Ticker Obtain the current market conditions regularly, including the best bid price, best ask price and the latest price.
4. Account and position updates (UpdateAccount, UpdatePosition) Synchronize account balances and position information in real time, providing a basis for trading decisions.
5. Trading and order management (Order, Trade) Unify order placement and execution functions, supporting limit order and market order operations.
6. Status monitoring (UpdateStatus) Track the strategy operation status, including current profit and loss and unfulfilled orders.
The core of the strategy lies in the initial position building (iceberg position building) and rolling position increase (controlled by the rolling position increase parameter ROLLINGNUM). The following is a detailed description of the specific logic:
1. Initial position check : Verify whether the account balance is greater than the initial iceberg position amount (ICEMONEY). If the conditions are met, open positions in batches gradually to reduce excessive price slippage caused by one-time position opening. 2. Rolling position increase strategy : According to the profitability of the account (funding rate profits), increase the position reasonably, optimize the profits through rolling position increase, so as to improve the overall profitability of the strategy.
According to the strategy backtest results, we can see that the strategy has obtained stable profits in multiple market periods, especially in the bull market where the funding rate is positive for a long time. Therefore, this strategy is very suitable for large fund management to a certain extent. Its low volatility and stable returns can meet the dual needs of large funds for risk control and return stability. At the same time, the strategy adopts 1x leverage to avoid the risk of liquidation caused by high leverage, further enhancing its security.
1. The strategy is simple and easy to execute. The logic is clear and no complicated calculations are required. It is suitable for large fund management of hedge funds or individual investors.
2. Strong risk resistance The 1x leverage can avoid the risk of liquidation, and the currency-based characteristics ensure that the value of the US dollar remains constant, regardless of large market fluctuations.
3. Stable profits In the bull market, the funding rate profits is high and has strong scalability. The currency obtained can be used for other investments (such as staking).
1. Strong dependence on currency and tickers This is a flaw. When the funding rate of a currency is positive for a long time (shorts pay longs), such as BNB contracts, use [Database] module to select BNB currency-based contracts. We can see that due to the settings of the exchange, the funding rate is accumulated to a negative value. In addition, when the big cycle is in a long-term bear market (2022) and the funding rate is negative, the profits may not cover the cost of running the strategy.
2. Insufficient strategy rigidity The current strategy does not include dynamic adjustment logic, such as the lack of response measures (such as stop loss or take profit strategies) when switching between bull and bear markets.
3. Limited profit Suitable for “earning effortlessly” to collect fees, unable to capture excess returns in large fluctuations, and in some cases, the yield is not as good as traditional bond funds.
The currency-based one-time short-selling fee arbitrage strategy fully utilizes the special properties of currency-based contracts and provides a low-risk solution for capital preservation and stable appreciation. However, in the face of different market stages, the strategy needs to have a certain degree of flexibility to cope with the fluctuations and potential risks of funding rates. Future optimization directions may include:
But in essence, this strategy has some contradictions . The initial assumption of the strategy is that the digital currency market is in a long-term bull market, and shorting the currency-based contract can maintain a stable cash flow and obtain funding rate profits. However, if we assume that the market is in a long-term bull market, why not just choose to hoard coins (hlod) and wait for the steady rise of Bitcoin? Of course, for strategies that pursue stable returns, this strategy is still reliable. The goal of this article is mainly to introduce this design idea and provide a quantitative investment strategy framework, on which everyone can further improve and optimize it. I hope that this strategy can become an effective tool for digital currency quantitative investors.
How to Build a Universal Multi-Currency Trading strategy Quickly after FMZ Upgrade
Warm reminder : Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market. Investors are advised to fully understand the strategy logic and risks, reasonably allocate funds according to their own risk tolerance, and strictly control positions and leverage. The content of this article is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice.