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Schauen Sie sich zunächst den ursprünglichen Bericht an: der verbesserte Bericht:
Die Strategie wurde seit 4 Tagen öffentlich geteilt. Die frühe Phase lief sehr gut, mit hohen Renditen und wenigen Rückschlägen, so dass viele Benutzer einen sehr hohen Hebel nutzen, um eine Rendite von 10% pro Tag zu wetten. Wie im ersten Bericht angegeben, gibt es jedoch keine perfekte Strategie. Kurzverkauf über Anstieg und Kauf über Falltrend nutzen die Eigenschaften von Altcoins, um zusammen zu steigen und zu fallen. Wenn sich eine Währung aus einem einzigartigen Trend bewegt, wird sie viele Haltepositionen akkumulieren. Obwohl ein gleitender Durchschnitt verwendet wurde, um den Anfangspreis zu verfolgen, bestehen die Risiken immer noch. Dieser Bericht quantifiziert hauptsächlich die spezifischen Risiken und warum der empfohlene Parameter trade_value für 3% der Gesamtmittel verantwortlich ist.
Um den Code hervorzuheben, haben wir in diesem Teil vorgerückt, jeder sollte zuerst versuchen, den folgenden Code auszuführen (beginnend mit dem Import Bibliotheken Teil).
Um zu simulieren, gehen wir davon aus, dass es 20 Währungen gibt, müssen jedoch nur BTC und ETH hinzufügen und BTC verwenden, um 19 Währungen mit konstanten Preisen darzustellen. ETH repräsentiert die Währung mit unabhängiger Trendwährung. Da es sich nur um eine Simulation handelt, ist es nicht notwendig, den Anfangspreis hier durch gleitenden Durchschnitt zu verfolgen, vorausgesetzt, dass der Preis schnell steigt.
Zuerst simulieren Sie die Situation, in der der Preis einer einzelnen Währung weiter steigt. Stop_loss zeigt an, dass der Stop-Loss abweicht. Hier handelt es sich nur um eine Simulation. Die tatsächliche Situation wird intermittierende Retracement haben, es wird nicht so schlecht sein wie die Simulation.
Angenommen, es gibt keine Rücknahme zu dieser Währung, wenn die Stop-Loss-Abweichung 0,41 beträgt, ist ETH zu diesem Zeitpunkt um 44% gestiegen, und die Ergebnisse verloren schließlich 7 Mal den Handelswert, dh trade_value * 7. Wenn trade_value auf 3% des Gesamtbetrags festgelegt wird, dann ist der Verlust = Gesamtbetrag * 0,03 * 7. Der maximale Rückgriff beträgt etwa 0,03 * 7 = 21%.
Sie können Ihre eigene Risikotoleranz anhand der folgenden Ergebnisse einschätzen.
btc_price = [1]*500 # Bitcoin price, always unchanged
eth_price = [i/100. for i in range(100,500)] # Ethereum, up 1% in one cycle
for stop_loss in [i/1000. for i in range(10,1500,50)]:
e = Exchange(['BTC','ETH'],initial_balance=10000,commission=0.0005,log=False)
trade_value = 300 # 300 transactions
for i in range(200):
index = (btc_price[i]*19+eth_price[i])/20. # index
e.Update(i,{'BTC':btc_price[i], 'ETH':eth_price[i]})
diff_btc = btc_price[i] - index # deviation
diff_eth = eth_price[i] - index
btc_value = e.account['BTC']['value']*np.sign(e.account['BTC']['amount'])
eth_value = e.account['ETH']['value']*np.sign(e.account['ETH']['amount'])
aim_btc_value = -trade_value*round(diff_btc/0.01,1)*19 # Here BTC replaces 19 currencies
aim_eth_value = -trade_value*round(diff_eth/0.01,1)
if aim_btc_value - btc_value > 20:
e.Buy('BTC',btc_price[i],(aim_btc_value - btc_value)/btc_price[i])
if aim_eth_value - eth_value < -20 and diff_eth < stop_loss:
e.Sell('ETH',eth_price[i], (eth_value-aim_eth_value)/eth_price[i],diff_eth)
if diff_eth > stop_loss and eth_value < 0: # Stop loss
stop_price = eth_price[i]
e.Buy('ETH',eth_price[i], (-eth_value)/eth_price[i],diff_eth)
print('Currency price:',stop_price,' Stop loss deviation:', stop_loss,'Final balance:',e.df['total'].iloc[-1], ' Multiple of losing trade volume:',round((e.initial_balance-e.df['total'].iloc[-1])/300,1))
Currency price: 1.02 Stop loss deviation: 0.01 Final balance: 9968.840396 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.1
Currency price: 1.07 Stop loss deviation: 0.06 Final balance: 9912.862738 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.3
Currency price: 1.12 Stop loss deviation: 0.11 Final balance: 9793.616067 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.7
Currency price: 1.17 Stop loss deviation: 0.16 Final balance: 9617.477263 Multiple of losing trade volume: 1.3
Currency price: 1.23 Stop loss deviation: 0.21 Final balance: 9337.527299 Multiple of losing trade volume: 2.2
Currency price: 1.28 Stop loss deviation: 0.26 Final balance: 9051.5166 Multiple of losing trade volume: 3.2
Currency price: 1.33 Stop loss deviation: 0.31 Final balance: 8721.285267 Multiple of losing trade volume: 4.3
Currency price: 1.38 Stop loss deviation: 0.36 Final balance: 8350.582251 Multiple of losing trade volume: 5.5
Currency price: 1.44 Stop loss deviation: 0.41 Final balance: 7856.720861 Multiple of losing trade volume: 7.1
Currency price: 1.49 Stop loss deviation: 0.46 Final balance: 7406.412066 Multiple of losing trade volume: 8.6
Currency price: 1.54 Stop loss deviation: 0.51 Final balance: 6923.898356 Multiple of losing trade volume: 10.3
Currency price: 1.59 Stop loss deviation: 0.56 Final balance: 6411.276143 Multiple of losing trade volume: 12.0
Currency price: 1.65 Stop loss deviation: 0.61 Final balance: 5758.736222 Multiple of losing trade volume: 14.1
Currency price: 1.7 Stop loss deviation: 0.66 Final balance: 5186.230956 Multiple of losing trade volume: 16.0
Currency price: 1.75 Stop loss deviation: 0.71 Final balance: 4588.802975 Multiple of losing trade volume: 18.0
Currency price: 1.81 Stop loss deviation: 0.76 Final balance: 3841.792751 Multiple of losing trade volume: 20.5
Currency price: 1.86 Stop loss deviation: 0.81 Final balance: 3193.215479 Multiple of losing trade volume: 22.7
Currency price: 1.91 Stop loss deviation: 0.86 Final balance: 2525.155765 Multiple of losing trade volume: 24.9
Currency price: 1.96 Stop loss deviation: 0.91 Final balance: 1837.699982 Multiple of losing trade volume: 27.2
Currency price: 2.02 Stop loss deviation: 0.96 Final balance: 988.009942 Multiple of losing trade volume: 30.0
Currency price: 2.07 Stop loss deviation: 1.01 Final balance: 260.639618 Multiple of losing trade volume: 32.5
Currency price: 2.12 Stop loss deviation: 1.06 Final balance: -483.509646 Multiple of losing trade volume: 34.9
Currency price: 2.17 Stop loss deviation: 1.11 Final balance: -1243.486107 Multiple of losing trade volume: 37.5
Currency price: 2.24 Stop loss deviation: 1.16 Final balance: -2175.438384 Multiple of losing trade volume: 40.6
Currency price: 2.28 Stop loss deviation: 1.21 Final balance: -2968.19255 Multiple of losing trade volume: 43.2
Currency price: 2.33 Stop loss deviation: 1.26 Final balance: -3774.613275 Multiple of losing trade volume: 45.9
Currency price: 2.38 Stop loss deviation: 1.31 Final balance: -4594.305499 Multiple of losing trade volume: 48.6
Currency price: 2.44 Stop loss deviation: 1.36 Final balance: -5594.651063 Multiple of losing trade volume: 52.0
Currency price: 2.49 Stop loss deviation: 1.41 Final balance: -6441.474964 Multiple of losing trade volume: 54.8
Currency price: 2.54 Stop loss deviation: 1.46 Final balance: -7299.652662 Multiple of losing trade volume: 57.7
Bei der Simulation der Situation des kontinuierlichen Rückgangs geht der Rückgang mit einer Abnahme des Vertragswerts einher, so dass das Risiko höher ist als der Anstieg, und wenn der Preis fällt, beschleunigt sich die Verluststeigerung. Wenn der Stopp-Loss-Abweichungswert -0,31 beträgt, sinkt der Währungspreis zu diesem Zeitpunkt um 33% und ein Verlust von 6,5 Transaktionen. Wenn der Handelsbetrag trade_value auf 3% des Gesamtbetrags festgelegt wird, beträgt der maximale Retracement etwa 0,03 * 6,5 = 19,5%.
btc_price = [1]*500 # Bitcoin price, always unchanged
eth_price = [2-i/100. for i in range(100,200)] # Ethereum
for stop_loss in [-i/1000. for i in range(10,1000,50)]:
e = Exchange(['BTC','ETH'],initial_balance=10000,commission=0.0005,log=False)
trade_value = 300 # 300 transactions
for i in range(100):
index = (btc_price[i]*19+eth_price[i])/20. # index
e.Update(i,{'BTC':btc_price[i], 'ETH':eth_price[i]})
diff_btc = btc_price[i] - index # deviation
diff_eth = eth_price[i] - index
btc_value = e.account['BTC']['value']*np.sign(e.account['BTC']['amount'])
eth_value = e.account['ETH']['value']*np.sign(e.account['ETH']['amount'])
aim_btc_value = -trade_value*round(diff_btc/0.01,1)*19 # Here BTC replaces 19 currencies
aim_eth_value = -trade_value*round(diff_eth/0.01,1)
if aim_btc_value - btc_value < -20:
e.Sell('BTC',btc_price[i],-(aim_btc_value - btc_value)/btc_price[i])
if aim_eth_value - eth_value > 20 and diff_eth > stop_loss:
e.Buy('ETH',eth_price[i], -(eth_value-aim_eth_value)/eth_price[i],diff_eth)
if diff_eth < stop_loss and eth_value > 0:
e.Sell('ETH',eth_price[i], (eth_value)/eth_price[i],diff_eth)
stop_price = eth_price[i]
print('Currency price:',round(stop_price,2),' Stop loss deviation:', stop_loss,'Final balance:',e.df['total'].iloc[-1], ' Multiple of losing trade volume:',round((e.initial_balance-e.df['total'].iloc[-1])/300,1))
Currency price: 0.98 Stop loss deviation: -0.01 Final balance: 9983.039091 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.1
Currency price: 0.93 Stop loss deviation: -0.06 Final balance: 9922.200148 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.3
Currency price: 0.88 Stop loss deviation: -0.11 Final balance: 9778.899361 Multiple of losing trade volume: 0.7
Currency price: 0.83 Stop loss deviation: -0.16 Final balance: 9545.316075 Multiple of losing trade volume: 1.5
Currency price: 0.77 Stop loss deviation: -0.21 Final balance: 9128.800213 Multiple of losing trade volume: 2.9
Currency price: 0.72 Stop loss deviation: -0.26 Final balance: 8651.260863 Multiple of losing trade volume: 4.5
Currency price: 0.67 Stop loss deviation: -0.31 Final balance: 8037.598952 Multiple of losing trade volume: 6.5
Currency price: 0.62 Stop loss deviation: -0.36 Final balance: 7267.230651 Multiple of losing trade volume: 9.1
Currency price: 0.56 Stop loss deviation: -0.41 Final balance: 6099.457595 Multiple of losing trade volume: 13.0
Currency price: 0.51 Stop loss deviation: -0.46 Final balance: 4881.767442 Multiple of losing trade volume: 17.1
Currency price: 0.46 Stop loss deviation: -0.51 Final balance: 3394.414792 Multiple of losing trade volume: 22.0
Currency price: 0.41 Stop loss deviation: -0.56 Final balance: 1575.135344 Multiple of losing trade volume: 28.1
Currency price: 0.35 Stop loss deviation: -0.61 Final balance: -1168.50508 Multiple of losing trade volume: 37.2
Currency price: 0.29 Stop loss deviation: -0.66 Final balance: -4071.007983 Multiple of losing trade volume: 46.9
Currency price: 0.25 Stop loss deviation: -0.71 Final balance: -7750.361195 Multiple of losing trade volume: 59.2
Currency price: 0.19 Stop loss deviation: -0.76 Final balance: -13618.366286 Multiple of losing trade volume: 78.7
Currency price: 0.14 Stop loss deviation: -0.81 Final balance: -20711.473968 Multiple of losing trade volume: 102.4
Currency price: 0.09 Stop loss deviation: -0.86 Final balance: -31335.965608 Multiple of losing trade volume: 137.8
Currency price: 0.04 Stop loss deviation: -0.91 Final balance: -51163.223715 Multiple of losing trade volume: 203.9
Currency price: 0.04 Stop loss deviation: -0.96 Final balance: -81178.565715 Multiple of losing trade volume: 303.9
# Libraries to import
import pandas as pd
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
price_usdt = pd.read_csv(' ', index_col = 0)
price_usdt.index = pd.to_datetime(price_usdt.index)
price_usdt_norm = price_usdt/price_usdt.fillna(method='bfill').iloc[0,]
price_usdt_btc = price_usdt.divide(price_usdt['BTC'],axis=0)
price_usdt_btc_norm = price_usdt_btc/price_usdt_btc.fillna(method='bfill').iloc[0,]
class Exchange:
def __init__(self, trade_symbols, leverage=20, commission=0.00005, initial_balance=10000, log=False):
self.initial_balance = initial_balance # Initial asset
self.commission = commission
self.leverage = leverage
self.trade_symbols = trade_symbols = ''
self.log = log
self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['margin','total','leverage','realised_profit','unrealised_profit'])
self.account = {'USDT':{'realised_profit':0, 'margin':0, 'unrealised_profit':0, 'total':initial_balance, 'leverage':0, 'fee':0}}
for symbol in trade_symbols:
self.account[symbol] = {'amount':0, 'hold_price':0, 'value':0, 'price':0, 'realised_profit':0, 'margin':0, 'unrealised_profit':0,'fee':0}
def Trade(self, symbol, direction, price, amount, msg=''):
if and self.log:
print('%-20s%-5s%-5s%-10.8s%-8.6s %s'%(str(, symbol, 'buy' if direction == 1 else 'sell', price, amount, msg))
cover_amount = 0 if direction*self.account[symbol]['amount'] >=0 else min(abs(self.account[symbol]['amount']), amount)
open_amount = amount - cover_amount
self.account['USDT']['realised_profit'] -= price*amount*self.commission # Minus handling fee
self.account['USDT']['fee'] += price*amount*self.commission
self.account[symbol]['fee'] += price*amount*self.commission
if cover_amount > 0: # close positions first
self.account['USDT']['realised_profit'] += -direction*(price - self.account[symbol]['hold_price'])*cover_amount # profit
self.account['USDT']['margin'] -= cover_amount*self.account[symbol]['hold_price']/self.leverage # Free margin
self.account[symbol]['realised_profit'] += -direction*(price - self.account[symbol]['hold_price'])*cover_amount
self.account[symbol]['amount'] -= -direction*cover_amount
self.account[symbol]['margin'] -= cover_amount*self.account[symbol]['hold_price']/self.leverage
self.account[symbol]['hold_price'] = 0 if self.account[symbol]['amount'] == 0 else self.account[symbol]['hold_price']
if open_amount > 0:
total_cost = self.account[symbol]['hold_price']*direction*self.account[symbol]['amount'] + price*open_amount
total_amount = direction*self.account[symbol]['amount']+open_amount
self.account['USDT']['margin'] += open_amount*price/self.leverage
self.account[symbol]['hold_price'] = total_cost/total_amount
self.account[symbol]['amount'] += direction*open_amount
self.account[symbol]['margin'] += open_amount*price/self.leverage
self.account[symbol]['unrealised_profit'] = (price - self.account[symbol]['hold_price'])*self.account[symbol]['amount']
self.account[symbol]['price'] = price
self.account[symbol]['value'] = abs(self.account[symbol]['amount'])*price
return True
def Buy(self, symbol, price, amount, msg=''):
self.Trade(symbol, 1, price, amount, msg)
def Sell(self, symbol, price, amount, msg=''):
self.Trade(symbol, -1, price, amount, msg)
def Update(self, date, close_price): # Update assets = date
self.close = close_price
self.account['USDT']['unrealised_profit'] = 0
for symbol in self.trade_symbols:
if np.isnan(close_price[symbol]):
self.account[symbol]['unrealised_profit'] = (close_price[symbol] - self.account[symbol]['hold_price'])*self.account[symbol]['amount']
self.account[symbol]['price'] = close_price[symbol]
self.account[symbol]['value'] = abs(self.account[symbol]['amount'])*close_price[symbol]
self.account['USDT']['unrealised_profit'] += self.account[symbol]['unrealised_profit']
self.account['USDT']['total'] = round(self.account['USDT']['realised_profit'] + self.initial_balance + self.account['USDT']['unrealised_profit'],6)
self.account['USDT']['leverage'] = round(self.account['USDT']['margin']/self.account['USDT']['total'],4)*self.leverage
self.df.loc[] = [self.account['USDT']['margin'],self.account['USDT']['total'],self.account['USDT']['leverage'],self.account['USDT']['realised_profit'],self.account['USDT']['unrealised_profit']]