Join the Makers in high-frequency trading strategy

Author: Zero, Created: 2015-06-07 08:29:14, Updated: 2015-06-11 10:32:16

    一般来说在交易的时候,投资者(Investor)都希望买到比较低的价格,卖到比较高的价格。所以从交易的order book来看,理想的情形之下,投资者希望能够买在bid price(买价,内盘价),也希望能够卖在offer price(卖价,外盘价)。
    如果投资者没有马上就要进场的时间压力的话,那么这个投资者便可以在目前order book的bid price挂买入限价单(或是在offer price挂卖出限价单),然后等待著他挂的单子被成交。这时候这个投资者便加入了market maker(造市者)的行列了,因為这时候他在市场上掛的单子是和造市者相同的单子。只是两者的目的不同,造市者希望的是赚取bid & offer之间的价差,而投资者的目的则是用多花一些时间,来换取降低买入股票的成本。详细的流程可以参考下面的图: ![高频交易策略之Join the Makers](/upload/asset/b4dcef4b51a7dfab17a6dedbd622d311aa8650eb.png) 

Some traders who offer VWAP or Algorithm trading programs will also use this strategy to help their customers buy and sell shares. VWAP is an abbreviation for Volume weighted average price, which is one of the basic concepts in algorithmic trading.\(1.00 x \)In the 1.10 market (for example), he can guarantee that he will help the legal entity buy the shares in the company.\(1.05 is the middle price below this.1.06, wherein the time pressure and liquidity of the market determines the time to enter the market); and these traders or algo trading programs use strategies such as join the makers to enter the market.
