A host is a program that manages a quantitative bot and is responsible for complex data requests, data reception, network links, log retransmission, etc.; a host can simultaneously manage up to 10 robots, and can specify which robots will run under a different host. An inventor's account can run multiple hosts, so the strength of an inventor's quantitative platform is that it can run many robots simultaneously.
There are many advantages to using a distributed host, first, it is more secure. Just a week ago, the inventor quantification website was attacked by a DDOS attack, causing the site to be unlocked and users to be unable to log in for almost an hour. An hour can cause huge losses for the financial industry. But the inventor quantification platform's robots were not affected at all.
Users can choose a flexible cloud server according to their needs (each has advantages, it is recommended to choose a cloud server if you consider security and stability). What is a cloud server?Baudouin knows
# 重要的一点,注意 所选择的 服务器 是不是能访问到需要访问的交易所服务器。
# 选择合适的 机房 (地区),机房网络稳定很重要,例如:香港(阿里云)等。
It's been uploaded to the QQ group.The TrusteeIn theAli YunDeployment video on the server. Remote logon to MAC systemAli YunVideo and Windows system remote landingAli YunThe video of the incident.
How to access the Add an Administrator tab page
Add an administrator to the page
The old version of the page:
The new page:
It is recommended to use either CentOS or Ubuntu.
Deployment is simple, using SSH (SSH tools, Apple computers can use SSH commands directly, Windows computers can use the software PUTTY) to log in to Linux remotely, and the software can be used to access the server. For deployment steps, see the QQ Group Sharing document.
# 按视频操作时,如果提示找不到 screen 命令,如:
# bash:command screen not found
# 说明没有 安装 screen ,可以用以下命令 安装:
# yum install screen ,然后一路选择 y 。
# 安装完成 重新按照 视频中的命令试一下。
The deployment steps are consistent with the deployment steps for remote SSH sign-in in Linux (cloud server deployment hosts), see QQ Group Sharing document.
# 按视频操作时,如果提示找不到 screen 命令,如:
# bash:command screen not found
# 说明没有 安装 screen ,可以用以下命令 安装:
# yum install screen ,然后一路选择 y 。
# 安装完成 重新按照 视频中的命令试一下。
Direct downloadThe editors of the publication,
After uncompressing, a robot executable appears, opens the MAC terminal bar, all the way to the cd switch directory to the robot executable directory.
Follow the tips on the Add Administrator page
Linux, Mac, ...
./robot -s rpcs@a.botvs.com:9902/1792802 -p 登录密码 # 此条 字符串 每个用户唯一, 复制此条字符串。
如果显示不能执行, 请试下: chmod +x robot
要保持robot长期在后台运行, 请配合nohup命令使用
To switch to the directory where the robot is located, paste the following string:
# Login OK, SID: 40674, PID: 1549, Name: XXX
It's a success. Of course, this command-line window cannot be closed.
SSH remotely logs in to the cloud server on Windows.
Open browser login on cloud server Inventor quantification, open plugin add host plugin page (as shown above) download required
The deployed host (separated from the command line version and the interface version) uses the interface version that corresponds to the system bits if the command line is not used.
When the download is complete, unzip, double-click to run the robot, and the program can be executed, in the interface shown by the robot program. Enter the address bar.
# Windows 界面版
# 输入地址 rpcs@a.botvs.com:9902/2502672 与 发明者量化 的登录密码即可使用
This is the address of the rpcs@a.botvs.com:9902⁄2502672In the password input box, enter the inventor quantification account number.The password
# Login OK, SID: 40674, PID: 1549, Name: XXX
It's a good thing that it's working.
This is consistent with the deployment steps after SSH login in Windows (cloud server deployment host).
The -v parameter can be used to query version information and support exchange information before running the command line version manager.
windows system
cd command to the directory where the robot.exe program is located.
robot.exe -v
Linux 、Mac
cd commands to the directory where the robot program is located.
./robot -v
The following graph shows:
Here is the information from the administrator of this version.