Playing games

Author: Inventors quantify - small dreams, Created: 2017-04-24 11:16:27, Updated:

Playing games

Professor Yang gave a quiz, and each student in the class, each from 0 to 100, chose a number, and the person closest to 2/3 of the average won. He said that 66 people are a schoolboy. They live entirely by instinct and never by their minds. They can be friends, but not teammates. Those who say 33 are hypocrites. Assuming they are most commonly random, the mean is 50, and 2/3 of the mean is 33. The person who says 0 is a learner. Whether it is any one number, if the same strategy is chosen, then 2/3 of 2/3 of 2/3... ends up being 0. Do you think the school will win?

  • ### ## The game

This depends on how many of your teammates are a student, how many are a fake student, how many are a student. This is not a theoretical problem, it is a real one.

A really smart person, knowing that the correct answer is 0, will deliberately give a 20 or 30 more answer. Because the world is not made up of smart people, 30 is not the correct answer, but it is often the winning answer.

Chess is a game that involves competition, opponents, losers, winners, and losers. Chess, football, war, speculation, and playing cards are all games of chance.

Investing is not a gamble, it is for the purpose of getting a return on investment, not a bad price. Spending is spending. Spending, if you speak colloquially, is legally taking money out of people's pockets and putting it in your own pockets.

Gambling mindset can be very different from our normal way of thinking, it is confrontational, win or lose, depending not only on yourself, but also on your opponent.

The human study of war is the most common game, and thinking about war can be used directly in speculation.

  • The characteristics of the mindset of Bojong, I summarize as follows:

    • 1.要了解自己的能力,也要了解对手的能力。“知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每战必殆。”《孙子兵法》讲得已经够透彻了。不了解市场的波动规律而自认为自己掌握了市场的规律,就是不知彼不知已的表现。既了解自己的能力范围和承受能力,又了解市场的波动规律,进而判断出是否是自己的那盘菜,就是知己知彼的表现,注意文章猜数字的“能赢”答案。

    • 2.能否获胜,自己的能力固然重要,但对手的表现也是决定胜负的关键因素。投机市场中,每个人都有赚钱做得顺的时候,也都有不断亏钱的时候。关键是能识别出市场的状态,进而管住自己的手以确定是否采取行动。俗话说,投机市场中机会是等出来的,就是如果市场不出现自己要的状态,那介入就是强迫市场给自己机会,结果可想而知。“胜可知,而不可为”。要想在市场中赚钱,不是自己自拉自唱就行,需要市场给机会,自己抓住机会,自己和市场良性互动,契合市场节奏,与市场共舞!

    • 3.防守是第一位。投机市场中,输了本钱,就没有机会了。而投机市场,是一个博弈的市场,这意味着相同的策略,因为外界环境和对手不同,结果不一样。所以,失手是经常的事。但有本钱,耐心等待,市场总会有机会。所以,不管什么样的机会,首先要看自己损失的大小,能否承担的住。

    • 4.能否获胜,在于对手犯错误的时候能否抓住机会。投机市场中,出了机会,不能及时抓住;出了自己擅长的形态,缩手缩脚,赚钱都是不可能的。如果市场不给机会,持币就是唯一正确的选择。而什么样的形态是自己的机会,取决于自己的交易系统,或者自己有把握的、有胜算的交易机会是什么样的。

    • 5.没有绝招。投机是博弈的游戏,只有对的策略,没有永久能获胜的招数。市场在变化,赚钱的招数也在变化。

    • 6.凯恩斯选美理论。别猜你认为最漂亮的美女能够拿冠军,而应该猜大家会选哪个美女做冠军。即便那个女孩很丑,只要大家都投她的票,你就应该选她。不是你认为,而是大众青睐的股票,才能上涨。其实,就是顺应市场,那只股票形成上涨趋势,买入那只。你的钱在市场面前,太过渺小,要想赚钱,就应该顺应市场。赚钱是目的,不是迎合自己的喜好。那是一个骗局,但大众都买入,你怎么办?众人皆醉唯我独醒,不是回事;而应该是众人皆醉我也醉,在大家醒来之前离场。泡沫是骗局,但是泡沫是最好的做多获取暴利的机会。当然,泡沫破之前,要及时出来。

    In the bull market, some people shouted at 4000 and some thought they would break the previous high of 6124.

    4000 may be the high that some pessimists think, and above 6124 is the high that some optimists think is possible. But this market is neither all pessimists nor all optimists. So the market will find a high in between.

    If you look at the trend with the gambler's mind, the high or low of the trend is unpredictable, it comes out in a constant trial, and no one knows where the top and bottom are. A high-level person can only say the top and bottom areas. This is already very good.

    From the perspective of gambling, in the bull market, a bunch of people who don't normally look at stocks have all been killed in the market, so many monkeys, your opponent is so weak, of course it's a great time to make money.

    Buffett has said that if you play a few rounds of cards and you don't know who's not going to play, then you're the one. This, from a gambler's point of view, is probably the only option if you don't find a low-level player.

  • In addition to the above, there is a lot of money being spent on buying and selling, like ALL IN on a coffee table, which is a manifestation of the gambler mentality.

There are a few things that are different from the game's thinking:

    1. Gambler thinking. Whether it is buying a lottery or gambling, the reason for buying is to hit the lottery, believing themselves to be lucky. Like in casinos, gamblers do not miss any chance of handing out a card. Professional gamblers count cards, and decide the size of the bet based on the probability of winning.
    1. Causal reasoning ─ which is to say, what kind of antecedents there are, what kind of consequences there are ─ is suitable for the study of the natural sciences in which no one participates, because laws are discovered not to change ─ but speculative markets, when laws are published is the day the laws fail ─ and, speculative markets, the same strategy, the same form, will produce different results.

Author: thick and thin hair Source: known
