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Inventors Quantified Exchange Platforms General Protocol Access Guide

Author: Inventors quantify - small dreams, Created: 2024-10-29 14:37:56, Updated: 2024-11-12 21:58:55



The inventor quantified trading platform supports a large number of cryptocurrency exchanges and encapsulates the mainstream exchanges on the market. However, there are still many exchanges that are not encapsulated, and users who need to use these exchanges can access them through the inventor quantified general protocol. Not limited to cryptocurrency exchanges, any supportRESTAgreement orFIXThe platforms of the protocol are also accessible.

This article will focus on:RESTProtocol access, for example, explains how to use the inventor's Quantified Trading Platform General Protocol to encapsulate and access the OKX Exchange API. This article refers to the REST General Protocol unless otherwise specified.

  • The workflow of the General Agreement is as follows: Request process: Policy instances running on the trustee -> General protocols -> Exchange API Response process: Exchange API -> General protocols -> Policy instances running on the custodian

1 Configure the exchange

Inventors of Quantitative Trading Platforms Configure their Exchanges:


  • Choose the protocol: Choose the "General Protocol".
  • Service address: The General Protocol Program is essentially an RPC service This is why it is necessary to specify the service address, port, etc. clearly when configuring the exchange.托管者上运行的策略实例 -> 通用协议程序In the process, the trustee knows where to access the protocol procedure. For example: protocol is usually run on the same device (server) as the host, so the service address is written to the localhost, and the port is used for an unoccupied system.
  • Access Key: 托管者上运行的策略实例 -> 通用协议程序In the process, exchange configuration information is passed on.
  • Secret Key: 托管者上运行的策略实例 -> 通用协议程序In the process, exchange configuration information is passed on.
  • This is not the first time. The inventor quantifies the exchange's object tags on the trading platform, which are used to identify an exchange object.

A screenshot of the OKX plug-in configuration that was made public in the article is below:


OKX's secret key configuration information:

accessKey:  accesskey123    // accesskey123 这些并不是实际秘钥,仅仅是演示
secretKey:  secretkey123
passphrase: passphrase123

2. Deploy hosts and common protocols (plugins)

  • 1st, the administrator Any strategy that runs on the inventor's Quantitative Trading Platform must have a host deployed, and the specific deployment host can refer to the platform tutorial, which is not discussed here.

  • 2, General protocol program (plugin) The host and the general protocol are usually deployed on the same device, and the general protocol ((service)) program can be written in any language to design, and this article is written in Python3 and can be executed directly (as with running any Python program) (pre-configured Python environment). Of course, there is also support for running python programs on FMZ, and the general protocol can also be run as a hard drive to provide inventors with a quantified trading platform for unpackaged exchange API access. After the General Protocol procedure is run, start listening: general protocol procedures, a specific path can be used, for example/OKXI have to go to work.

3, Policy instance requests the FMZ API function

When the FMZ platform's API function is called in the policy, the UTP receives a request from the host. Debugging tools can also be tested using the platform, such as:

Debugging tools page:

function main() {
    return exchange.GetTicker("LTC_USDT")

Callingexchange.GetTicker()Function, the general protocol processor receives the request:

  • access_key: The exchange secret key configured when the platform "configures the exchange" in the above text
  • secret_key: The secret key of the exchange configured when the platform "configures the exchange" in the text above
  • method: Related to calling the interface in the policy, callingexchange.GetTicker()I'm not going to lie.methodI mean,ticker
  • Nonce: The time when the request was made.
  • Params: Parameters that are relevant when an interface call occurs in the policy, in this caseexchange.GetTicker()When called, the relevant parameters are:{"symbol":"LTC_USDT"}

4, General protocol procedure to access the exchange interface

When a protocol processor receives a request from a trustee, it can know the following information from the information carried in the request: the platform API function (including parameter information) requested by the policy, the secret key of the exchange, etc.

Based on this information, the general protocol program can access the exchange's interface, obtain the required data or perform certain operations.

Usually exchange interfaces have methods such as GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, divided into public and private interfaces.

  • Public Interface: Interface that does not require signature verification, requested directly in the general protocol procedure.
  • Private interfaces: Interfaces that require signature verification, which require a signature in a general protocol process, and then request API interfaces from these exchanges.

The General Protocol process receives exchange interface response data for further processing, which constitutes the data expected by the custodian (see below). Refer to OKX spot exchange, a custom protocol implementation of the OKX class in the Python General Protocol paradigmGetTickerGetAccountLet's say that we have an even function.

5. The protocol processor returns the data to the host

When a general protocol program accesses an exchange's API interface, performs certain operations or obtains certain data, it needs to feed back the results to the custodian.

Feedback to the administrator data varies depending on the interface the policy calls from, and is first divided into two categories:

  • The exchange interface was successfully invoked by the General Protocol process:

      "data": null,  // "data" can be of any type 
      "raw": null    // "raw" can be of any type 
    • data: the specific structure of the field and the request received by the general protocol processormethodRelated, the data structures that are used to construct the final return of the FMZ platform API function are listed below.
    • raw: This field can pass raw data to the exchange API response, such asexchange.GetTicker()The ticker structure that the function returns, recorded in the Info field of the ticker structure israwFields anddataThe data of the fields; the API functions of the platform, some of which do not require this data.
  • Failed to call the exchange interface (business error, network error, etc.)

      "error": ""    // "error" contains an error message as a string
    • error: error message, which is displayed in the error log of the page log area of the FMZ platform hard disk, debugging tool etc.;

The following is a summary of the general protocol response data received by the demonstration strategy program:

// FMZ平台的调试工具中测试
function main() {
    Log(exchange.GetTicker("USDT"))       // 交易对不完整,缺少BaseCurrency部分,需要通用协议插件程序返回报错信息: {"error": "..."}


Data structure agreements in the common protocol

The above is a brief process for the general protocol program involved in accessing the FMZ unwrapped exchange API, which only explains the call in the FMZ platform debugging process when a function is created. The following details the interaction of all platform API functions.

The platform encapsulates the common functionality of the various exchanges and unifies them into a function, such as the GetTicker function, which requests the current market information of a certain variety, which is basically the API available to all exchanges. So when the policy instance accesses the API interface encapsulated by the platform, the administrator sends a request to the "General Protocol" plugin (as mentioned above):

    "access_key": "xxx",
    "method": "ticker",
    "nonce": 1730275031047002000,
    "params": {"symbol":"LTC_USDT"},
    "secret_key": "xxx"

When an API function (such as GetTicker) that is wrapped in a different inventor platform is called in the policy, the request format that the host sends to the universal protocol will also be different.methodandparams◦ When designing a general protocol, use the following principles:methodThe following are the request-response scenarios for all interfaces.

The spot market

For example, the current trading pair is:ETH_USDTThe data that the administrator expects to be responded to by the protocol is written primarily in the data field, and a raw field can be added to record the raw data of the exchange interface.

  • GetTicker

    • method field: ticker tick
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": {
            "symbol": "ETH_USDT",      // 对应GetTicker函数返回的Ticker结构中的Symbol字段
            "buy": "2922.18",          // ...对应Buy字段
            "sell": "2922.19", 
            "high": "2955", 
            "low": "2775.15", 
            "open": "2787.72", 
            "last": "2922.18", 
            "vol": "249400.888156", 
            "time": "1731028903911"
        "raw": {}                      // 可以增加一个raw字段记录交易所API接口应答的原始数据
  • GetDepth

    • method field: depth
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data" : {
            "time" : 1500793319499,
            "asks" : [
                [1000, 0.5], [1001, 0.23], [1004, 2.1]
                // ... 
            "bids" : [
                [999, 0.25], [998, 0.8], [995, 1.4]
                // ... 
  • GetTrades

    • method field: shelltrades shell
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
                "id": 12232153,
                "time" : 1529919412968,
                "price": 1000,
                "amount": 0.5,
                "type": "buy",             // "buy"、"sell"、"bid"、"ask"
            }, {
                "id": 12545664,
                "time" : 1529919412900,
                "price": 1001,
                "amount": 1,
                "type": "sell",
            // ...
  • GetRecords

    • method field: method records
    • Params field:
        "period":"60",          // 60分钟
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
                // "Time":1500793319000,"Open":1.1,"High":2.2,"Low":3.3,"Close":4.4,"Volume":5.5
                [1500793319, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
                [1500793259, 1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04, 5.05],
                // ...
  • GetMarkets What to do

    • method field:
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
  • GetTickers What to do

    • method field:
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
  • GetAccount

    • method field: accounts
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
            {"currency": "TUSD", "free": "3000", "frozen": "0"}, 
            {"currency": "BTC", "free": "0.2482982056277609", "frozen": "0"}, 
            // ...
  • GetAssets

    • method field: addassets add
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
            {"currency": "TUSD", "free": "3000", "frozen": "0"},
            {"currency": "BTC", "free": "0.2482982056277609", "frozen": "0"}, 
            // ...
  • CreateOrder / Buy / Sell

    • method field: shelltrade shell
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": {
            "id": "BTC-USDT,123456"
  • GetOrders

    • method field: orders
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
                "id": "ETH-USDT,123456",
                "symbol": "ETH_USDT",
                "amount": 0.25,
                "price": 1005,
                "deal_amount": 0,
                "avg_price": "1000",
                "type": "buy",         // "buy"、"sell"
                "status": "pending",   // "pending", "pre-submitted", "submitting", "submitted", "partial-filled"
            // ...
  • GetOrder

    • method field: ordered array
    • Params field:
        "id":"ETH-USDT,123456",       // 策略中调用:exchange.GetOrder("ETH-USDT,123456")
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": {
            "id": "ETH-USDT,123456",
            "symbol": "ETH_USDT"
            "amount": 0.15,
            "price": 1002,
            "status": "pending",    // "pending", "pre-submitted", "submitting", "submitted", "partial-filled", "filled", "closed", "finished", "partial-canceled", "canceled"
            "deal_amount": 0,
            "type": "buy",          // "buy"、"sell"
            "avg_price": 0,         // 如果交易所没有提供,在处理时可以赋值为0
  • GetHistoryOrders

    • method field: order history order
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": [
                "id": "ETH-USDT,123456",
                "symbol": "ETH_USDT",
                "amount": 0.25,
                "price": 1005,
                "deal_amount": 0,
                "avg_price": 1000,
                "type": "buy",       // "buy"、"sell"
                "status": "filled",  // "filled"
            // ...
  • CancelOrder

    • method field: cancel
    • Params field:
    • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:
        "data": true    // 只要该JSON中没有error字段,都默认为撤单成功
  • IO

    exchange.IO函数用于直接访问交易所接口,例如我们以GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending, 参数:instType=SPOT,instId=ETH-USDTFor example:

  // 策略实例中调用
  exchange.IO("api", "GET", "/api/v5/trade/orders-pending", "instType=SPOT&instId=ETH-USDT")
  • method field:"__api_/api/v5/trade/orders-pending"The contents of the method field begin with _api_, indicating that this is triggered by a call to the exchange.IO function in the policy instance.

  • Params field:

    {"instId":"ETH-USDT","instType":"SPOT"}   // instType=SPOT&instId=ETH-USDT编码的参数会被还原为JSON

  • The data that the trustee expects the protocol to respond to:

        "data": {"code": "0", "data": [], "msg": ""}    // data属性值为交易所API:GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending 应答的数据
  • Other Other Inventor Platform API functions used in the policy instance, such as:exchange.Go()exchange.GetRawJSON()For example, functions don't need to be wrapped, the way they are called, and the functions don't change.

Futures exchanges

In addition to the functions supported by all over-the-counter exchanges, there are also a number of futures exchange-specific API functions.

What to do

  • GetPositions
  • SetMarginLevel
  • GetFundings

Python version common protocol example

The REST General Protocol plug-in accesses the OKX exchange REST API interface and is packaged as a spot exchange object. Request and response data encapsulation is implemented in a public interface. Implementation of a private interface for signing, requesting and responding data wrapping. This example is primarily for testing learning, with the rest of the interface using simulated data to respond directly to the host for testing.

import http.server
import socketserver
import json
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import argparse
import ssl
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64

from datetime import datetime

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

class BaseProtocol:
    ERR_NOT_SUPPORT = {"error": "not support"}

    def __init__(self, apiBase, accessKey, secretKey):
        self._apiBase = apiBase
        self._accessKey = accessKey
        self._secretKey = secretKey

    def _httpRequest(self, method, path, query="", params={}, addHeaders={}):
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6', 
            'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'

        # add headers
        for key in addHeaders:
            headers[key] = addHeaders[key]

        if method == "GET":
            url = f"{self._apiBase}{path}?{query}" if query != "" else f"{self._apiBase}{path}"
            req = urllib.request.Request(url, method=method, headers=headers)
            url = f"{self._apiBase}{path}"
            req = urllib.request.Request(url, json.dumps(params, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8'), method=method, headers=headers)
        print(f'send request by protocol: {self.exName}, req:', req.method, req.full_url, req.headers,, "\n")

            with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as resp:
                data = json.loads(
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            data = {"error": "Invalid JSON response"}
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
            data = {"error": f"HTTP error: {e.code}"}
        except urllib.error.URLError as e:
            data = {"error": f"URL error: {e.reason}"}
        except Exception as e:
            data = {"error": f"Exception occurred: {str(e)}"}

        print(f'protocol response received: {self.exName}, resp:', data, "\n")

        return data

    def GetTickers(self):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetMarkets(self):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetTicker(self, symbol):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetDepth(self, symbol=""):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetTrades(self, symbol=""):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetRecords(self, symbol, period, limit):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetAssets(self):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetAccount(self):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def CreateOrder(self, symbol, side, price, amount):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetOrders(self, symbol=""):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetOrder(self, orderId):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def CancelOrder(self, orderId):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetHistoryOrders(self, symbol, since, limit):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetPostions(self, symbol=""):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def SetMarginLevel(self, symbol, marginLevel):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def GetFundings(self, symbol=""):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

    def IO(self, params):
        return self.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT

class ProtocolFactory:
    def createExWrapper(apiBase, accessKey, secretKey, exName) -> BaseProtocol:
        if exName == "OKX":
            return CustomProtocolOKX(apiBase, accessKey, secretKey, exName)
            raise ValueError(f'Unknown exName: {exName}')

class CustomProtocolOKX(BaseProtocol):
    CustomProtocolOKX - OKX API Wrapper

    # TODO: add information.

    def __init__(self, apiBase, accessKey, secretKey, exName):
        secretKeyList = secretKey.split(",")
        self.exName = exName
        self._x_simulated_trading = 0
        if len(secretKeyList) > 1:
            self._passphrase = secretKeyList[1]
            if len(secretKeyList) > 2:
                if secretKeyList[2] == "simulate":
                    self._x_simulated_trading = 1
            raise ValueError(f"{self.exName}: invalid secretKey format.")
        super().__init__(apiBase, accessKey, secretKeyList[0])

    def getCurrencys(self, symbol):
        baseCurrency, quoteCurrency = "", ""
        arrCurrency = symbol.split("_")
        if len(arrCurrency) == 2:
            baseCurrency = arrCurrency[0]
            quoteCurrency = arrCurrency[1]
        return baseCurrency, quoteCurrency

    def getSymbol(self, instrument):
        arrCurrency = instrument.split("-")
        if len(arrCurrency) == 2:
            baseCurrency = arrCurrency[0]
            quoteCurrency = arrCurrency[1]
            raise ValueError(f"{self.exName}: invalid instrument: {instrument}")
        return f'{baseCurrency}_{quoteCurrency}'

    def callUnsignedAPI(self, httpMethod, path, query="", params={}):
        return self._httpRequest(httpMethod, path, query, params)

    def callSignedAPI(self, httpMethod, path, query="", params={}):
        strTime = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] + 'Z'
        if httpMethod == "GET":
            jsonStr = json.dumps(params, separators=(',', ':')) if len(params) > 0 else ""
            jsonStr = json.dumps(params, separators=(',', ':')) if len(params) > 0 else "{}"
        message = f'{strTime}{httpMethod}{path}{jsonStr}'
        if httpMethod == "GET" and query != "":
            message = f'{strTime}{httpMethod}{path}?{query}{jsonStr}'
        mac =, encoding='utf8'), bytes(message, encoding='utf-8'), digestmod='sha256')
        signature = base64.b64encode(mac.digest())
        headers = {}
        if self._x_simulated_trading == 1:
            headers["x-simulated-trading"] = str(self._x_simulated_trading)
        headers["OK-ACCESS-KEY"] = self._accessKey
        headers["OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE"] = self._passphrase
        headers["OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP"] = strTime        
        headers["OK-ACCESS-SIGN"] = signature
        return self._httpRequest(httpMethod, path, query, params, headers)

    # Encapsulates requests to the exchange API.
    def GetTicker(self, symbol):
        GET /api/v5/market/ticker , param: instId 

        baseCurrency, quoteCurrency = self.getCurrencys(symbol)
        if baseCurrency == "" or quoteCurrency == "":
            return {"error": "invalid symbol"}

        path = "/api/v5/market/ticker"
        query = f'instId={baseCurrency}-{quoteCurrency}'
        data = self.callUnsignedAPI("GET", path, query=query)
        if "error" in data.keys() and "data" not in data.keys():
            return data

        ret_data = {}
        if data["code"] != "0" or not isinstance(data["data"], list):
            return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}
        for tick in data["data"]:
            if not all(k in tick for k in ("instId", "bidPx", "askPx", "high24h", "low24h", "vol24h", "ts")):
                return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}

            ret_data["symbol"] = self.getSymbol(tick["instId"])
            ret_data["buy"] = tick["bidPx"]
            ret_data["sell"] = tick["askPx"]
            ret_data["high"] = tick["high24h"]
            ret_data["low"] = tick["low24h"]
            ret_data["open"] = tick["open24h"]
            ret_data["last"] = tick["last"]
            ret_data["vol"] = tick["vol24h"]
            ret_data["time"] = tick["ts"]

        return {"data": ret_data, "raw": data}

    def GetDepth(self, symbol):
        TODO: Implementation code
        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = {            
            "time" : 1500793319499,
            "asks" : [
                [1000, 0.5], [1001, 0.23], [1004, 2.1]
            "bids" : [
                [999, 0.25], [998, 0.8], [995, 1.4]
        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetTrades(self, symbol):
        TODO: Implementation code

        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = [
                "id": 12232153,
                "time" : 1529919412968,
                "price": 1000,
                "amount": 0.5,
                "type": "buy",
            }, {
                "id": 12545664,
                "time" : 1529919412900,
                "price": 1001,
                "amount": 1,
                "type": "sell",

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetRecords(self, symbol, period, limit):
        TODO: Implementation code

        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = [
            [1500793319, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
            [1500793259, 1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04, 5.05],

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetMarkets(self):
        TODO: Implementation code

        ret_data = {}

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetTickers(self):
        TODO: Implementation code

        ret_data = {}

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetAccount(self):
        GET /api/v5/account/balance

        path = "/api/v5/account/balance"
        data = self.callSignedAPI("GET", path)

        ret_data = []
        if data["code"] != "0" or "data" not in data or not isinstance(data["data"], list):
            return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}
        for ele in data["data"]:
            if "details" not in ele or not isinstance(ele["details"], list):
                return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}
            for detail in ele["details"]:
                asset = {"currency": detail["ccy"], "free": detail["availEq"], "frozen": detail["ordFrozen"]}
                if detail["availEq"] == "":
                    asset["free"] = detail["availBal"]
        return {"data": ret_data, "raw": data}

    def GetAssets(self):
        TODO: Implementation code
        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = [
            {"currency": "TUSD", "free": "3000", "frozen": "0"},
            {"currency": "BTC", "free": "0.2482982056277609", "frozen": "0"}

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def CreateOrder(self, symbol, side, price, amount):
        TODO: Implementation code
        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = {
            "id": "BTC-USDT,123456"

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetOrders(self, symbol):
        GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending  instType SPOT instId  after limit
        baseCurrency, quoteCurrency = self.getCurrencys(symbol)
        if baseCurrency == "" or quoteCurrency == "":
            return {"error": "invalid symbol"}

        path = "/api/v5/trade/orders-pending"
        after = ""
        limit = 100

        ret_data = []
        while True:
            query = f"instType=SPOT&instId={baseCurrency}-{quoteCurrency}&limit={limit}"
            if after != "":
                query = f"instType=SPOT&instId={baseCurrency}-{quoteCurrency}&limit={limit}&after={after}"
            data = self.callSignedAPI("GET", path, query=query)
            if data["code"] != "0" or not isinstance(data["data"], list):
                return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}
            for ele in data["data"]:
                order = {}

                order["id"] = f'{ele["instId"]},{ele["ordId"]}'
                order["symbol"] = f'{baseCurrency}-{quoteCurrency}'
                order["amount"] = ele["sz"]
                order["price"] = ele["px"]
                order["deal_amount"] = ele["accFillSz"]
                order["avg_price"] = 0 if ele["avgPx"] == "" else ele["avgPx"]
                order["type"] = "buy" if ele["side"] == "buy" else "sell"
                order["state"] = "pending"

                after = ele["ordId"]

            if len(data["data"]) < limit:

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetOrder(self, orderId):
        TODO: Implementation code
        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = {
            "id": "ETH-USDT,123456",
            "symbol": "ETH_USDT",
            "amount": 0.15,
            "price": 1002,
            "status": "pending",
            "deal_amount": 0,
            "type": "buy",
            "avg_price": 0,

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def GetHistoryOrders(self, symbol, since, limit):
        TODO: Implementation code

        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = [
                "id": "ETH-USDT,123456",
                "symbol": "ETH_USDT",
                "amount": 0.25,
                "price": 1005,
                "deal_amount": 0,
                "avg_price": 1000,
                "type": "buy",
                "status": "filled"

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def CancelOrder(self, orderId):
        TODO: Implementation code

        # Mock data for testing.
        ret_data = True

        return {"data": ret_data}

    def IO(self, httpMethod, path, params={}):
        if httpMethod == "GET":
            query = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            data = self.callSignedAPI(httpMethod, path, query=query)
            data = self.callSignedAPI(httpMethod, path, params=params)
        if data["code"] != "0":
            return {"error": json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)}

        return {"data": data}

class HttpServer(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request_body = None
        self.request_path = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def log_message(self, format, *args):

    def _sendResponse(self, body):
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')

    def do_GET(self):
        # The FMZ.COM custom protocol only send GET method request
        self._sendResponse({"error": "not support GET method."})

    def do_POST(self):
            json: success, {"data": ...}
            json: error,   {"error": ...}

        contentLen = int(self.headers['Content-Length'])
        self.request_body =
        self.request_path = self.path
        exName = self.request_path.lstrip("/")

        # Print the request received from the FMZ.COM robot
        print(f"--------- request received from the FMZ.COM robot: --------- \n {self.requestline} | Body: {self.request_body} | Headers: {self.headers} \n")

            data = json.loads(self.request_body)
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            data = {"error": self.request_body.decode('utf-8')}

        # fault tolerant
        if not all(k in data for k in ("access_key", "secret_key", "method", "params")):
            data = {"error": "missing required parameters"}

        respData = {}
        accessKey = data["access_key"]
        secretKey = data["secret_key"]
        method = data["method"]
        params = data["params"]
        exchange = ProtocolFactory.createExWrapper("", accessKey, secretKey, exName)

        if method == "ticker":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"]).upper()
            respData = exchange.GetTicker(symbol)
        elif method == "depth":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"]).upper()
            respData = exchange.GetDepth(symbol)
        elif method == "trades":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"]).upper()
            respData = exchange.GetTrades(symbol)
        elif method == "records":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"]).upper()
            period = int(params["period"])
            limit = int(params["limit"])
            respData = exchange.GetRecords(symbol, period, limit)
        elif method == "accounts":
            respData = exchange.GetAccount()
        elif method == "assets":
            respData = exchange.GetAssets()
        elif method == "trade":
            amount = float(params["amount"])
            price = float(params["price"])
            symbol = str(params["symbol"])
            tradeType = str(params["type"])
            respData = exchange.CreateOrder(symbol, tradeType, price, amount)
        elif method == "orders":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"]).upper()
            respData = exchange.GetOrders(symbol)
        elif method == "order":
            orderId = str(params["id"])
            respData = exchange.GetOrder(orderId)
        elif method == "historyorders":
            symbol = str(params["symbol"])
            since = int(params["since"])
            limit = int(params["limit"])
            respData = exchange.GetHistoryOrders(symbol, since, limit)
        elif method == "cancel":
            orderId = str(params["id"])
            respData = exchange.CancelOrder(orderId)
        elif method[:6] == "__api_":
            respData = exchange.IO(self.headers["Http-Method"], method[6:], params)
            respData = {"error": f'invalid method: {method}'}

        # Print the response to send to FMZ.COM robot
        print(f"response to send to FMZ.COM robot: {respData} \n")


if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run a FMZ.COM custom protocol plugin.")
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=6666, help="Port to run the server on.")
    parser.add_argument("--address", type=str, default="localhost", help="Address to bind the server to.")
    args = parser.parse_args() 

    with socketserver.TCPServer((args.address, args.port), HttpServer) as httpd:
        print(f"running... {args.address}:{args.port}", "\n")
