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Quantifying the coin circle is a new look -- it brings you closer to quantifying the coin circle.

Author: Inventors quantify - small dreams, Created: 2021-06-18 18:24:23, Updated: 2024-12-04 21:16:56


Coin circle quantification trading new look and feel that brings you closer to coin circle quantification (8).

In the previous article, we designed a multi-variety contract difference monitoring strategy together, and in this article we continue to refine this idea. We will see if this idea is feasible, and we will test the strategy design with an OKEX V5 simulation.

The first thing to do is to play through it, the tactics are running, a little excitement!




The overall strategy is designed to be implemented in the simplest way, although it is not too demanding for the processing of details, but it is still possible to learn some small tricks from the code. The overall strategy code is less than 400 lines, reading and understanding will not be very boring. Of course, this is only a test demo, it takes some time to run tests to see.

Back to the strategy design, based on the code in the previous post, the following is added to the strategy:

  • Data persistence design (save data using the _G function, which can be restored after restart)
  • Added grid data structure (used to control hedging) for each monitored contract difference pair
  • Implement a simple hedging function to hedge open positions
  • Added a total gain gain function to calculate floating profit and loss
  • Added some status bar data output displays.

The above is the added functionality, in order to simplify the design, the strategy is only designed to be a positive hedge (empty long-term contract, more short-term contract); the current permanent contract (near term) is a negative rate, it is better to do more permanent contracts, to see if you can increase the point rate gain.

Let the strategy run for a while.

I've been testing it for about 3 days and the price fluctuation is okay.




Some of the gains can be seen in the interest rates.


Share the source code of the strategy below:

var arrNearContractType = strNearContractType.split(",")
var arrFarContractType = strFarContractType.split(",")

var nets = null
var initTotalEquity = null 
var OPEN_PLUS = 1
var COVER_PLUS = 2

function createNet(begin, diff, initAvgPrice, diffUsagePercentage) {
    if (diffUsagePercentage) {
        diff = diff * initAvgPrice
    var oneSideNums = 3
    var up = []
    var down = []
    for (var i = 0 ; i < oneSideNums ; i++) {
        var upObj = {
            sell : false, 
            price : begin + diff / 2 + i * diff

        var j = (oneSideNums - 1) - i
        var downObj = {
            sell : false,
            price : begin - diff / 2 - j * diff
        if (downObj.price <= 0) {  // 价格不能小于等于0 
    return down.concat(up)

function createCfg(symbol) {
    var cfg = {
        extension: {
            layout: 'single', 
            height: 300,
            col: 6
        title: {
            text: symbol
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'
        series: [{
            name: 'plus',
            data: []
    return cfg

function formatSymbol(originalSymbol) {
    var arr = originalSymbol.split("-")
    return [arr[0] + "_" + arr[1], arr[0], arr[1]]

function main() {	
    if (isSimulate) {
    	exchange.IO("simulate", true)  // 切换为模拟环境
    	Log("仅支持OKEX V5 API,切换为OKEX V5 模拟盘:")
    } else {
    	exchange.IO("simulate", false)  // 切换为实盘
    	Log("仅支持OKEX V5 API,切换为OKEX V5 实盘:")
    if (exchange.GetName() != "Futures_OKCoin") {
    	throw "支持OKEX期货"

    // 初始化
    if (isReset) {
        Log("重置所有数据", "#FF0000")

    // 初始化标记
    var isFirst = true 

    // 收益打印周期
    var preProfitPrintTS = 0
    // 总权益
    var totalEquity = 0
    var posTbls = []   // 持仓表格数组

    // 声明arrCfg
    var arrCfg = []
    _.each(arrNearContractType, function(ct) {
    var objCharts = Chart(arrCfg)
    // 创建对象
    var exName = exchange.GetName() + "_V5"
    var nearConfigureFunc = $.getConfigureFunc()[exName]
    var farConfigureFunc = $.getConfigureFunc()[exName]
    var nearEx = $.createBaseEx(exchange, nearConfigureFunc)
    var farEx = $.createBaseEx(exchange, farConfigureFunc)

    // 预先写入需要订阅的合约
    _.each(arrNearContractType, function(ct) {
    _.each(arrFarContractType, function(ct) {

    while (true) {
        var ts = new Date().getTime()
        // 获取行情数据
        var nearTickers = nearEx.getTickers()
        var farTickers = farEx.getTickers()  
        if (!farTickers || !nearTickers) {

        var tbl = {
            type : "table",
            title : "远期-近期差价",
            cols : ["交易对", "远期", "近期", "正对冲", "反对冲"],
            rows : []
        var subscribeFarTickers = []
        var subscribeNearTickers = []
        _.each(farTickers, function(farTicker) {
            _.each(arrFarContractType, function(symbol) {
                if (farTicker.originalSymbol == symbol) {

        _.each(nearTickers, function(nearTicker) {
            _.each(arrNearContractType, function(symbol) {
                if (nearTicker.originalSymbol == symbol) {

        var pairs = []        
        _.each(subscribeFarTickers, function(farTicker) {
            _.each(subscribeNearTickers, function(nearTicker) {                
                if (farTicker.symbol == nearTicker.symbol) {
                    var pair = {symbol: nearTicker.symbol, nearTicker: nearTicker, farTicker: farTicker, plusDiff: farTicker.bid1 - nearTicker.ask1, minusDiff: farTicker.ask1 - nearTicker.bid1}
                    tbl.rows.push([pair.symbol, farTicker.originalSymbol, nearTicker.originalSymbol, pair.plusDiff, pair.minusDiff])
                    for (var i = 0 ; i < arrCfg.length ; i++) {
                        if (arrCfg[i].title.text == pair.symbol) {
                            objCharts.add([i, [ts, pair.plusDiff]])

        // 初始化
        if (isFirst) {
            isFirst = false 
            var recoveryNets = _G("nets")
            var recoveryInitTotalEquity = _G("initTotalEquity")
            if (!recoveryNets) {
                // 检查持仓
                _.each(subscribeFarTickers, function(farTicker) {
                    var pos = farEx.getFuPos(farTicker.originalSymbol, ts)
                    if (pos.length != 0) {
                        Log(farTicker.originalSymbol, pos)
                        throw "初始化时有持仓"
                _.each(subscribeNearTickers, function(nearTicker) {
                    var pos = nearEx.getFuPos(nearTicker.originalSymbol, ts)
                    if (pos.length != 0) {
                        Log(nearTicker.originalSymbol, pos)
                        throw "初始化时有持仓"
                // 构造nets
                nets = []
                _.each(pairs, function (pair) {
                    farEx.goGetAcc(pair.farTicker.originalSymbol, ts)
                    nearEx.goGetAcc(pair.nearTicker.originalSymbol, ts)
                    var obj = {
                        "symbol" : pair.symbol, 
                        "farSymbol" : pair.farTicker.originalSymbol,
                        "nearSymbol" : pair.nearTicker.originalSymbol,
                        "initPrice" : (pair.nearTicker.ask1 + pair.farTicker.bid1) / 2, 
                        "prePlus" : pair.farTicker.bid1 - pair.nearTicker.ask1,                        
                        "net" : createNet((pair.farTicker.bid1 - pair.nearTicker.ask1), diff, (pair.nearTicker.ask1 + pair.farTicker.bid1) / 2, true), 
                        "initFarAcc" : farEx.getAcc(pair.farTicker.originalSymbol, ts), 
                        "initNearAcc" : nearEx.getAcc(pair.nearTicker.originalSymbol, ts),
                        "farTicker" : pair.farTicker,
                        "nearTicker" : pair.nearTicker,
                        "farPos" : null, 
                        "nearPos" : null,
                var currTotalEquity = getTotalEquity()
                if (currTotalEquity) {
                	initTotalEquity = currTotalEquity
                } else {
                	throw "初始化获取总权益失败!"
            } else {
                // 恢复
                nets = recoveryNets
                initTotalEquity = recoveryInitTotalEquity

        // 检索网格,检查是否触发交易
        _.each(nets, function(obj) {
            var currPlus = null
            _.each(pairs, function(pair) {
                if (pair.symbol == obj.symbol) {
                    currPlus = pair.plusDiff
                    obj.farTicker = pair.farTicker
                    obj.nearTicker = pair.nearTicker
            if (!currPlus) {
                Log("没有查询到", obj.symbol, "的差价")

            // 检查网格,动态添加
            while (currPlus >=[ - 1].price) {
                    sell : false,
                    price :[ - 1].price + diff * obj.initPrice,
            while (currPlus <=[0].price) {
                var price =[0].price - diff * obj.initPrice
                if (price <= 0) {
                    sell : false,
                    price : price,
            // 检索网格
            for (var i = 0 ; i < - 1 ; i++) {
                var p =[i]
                var upP =[i + 1]
                if (obj.prePlus <= p.price && currPlus > p.price && !p.sell) {
                    if (hedge(nearEx, farEx, obj.nearSymbol, obj.farSymbol, obj.nearTicker, obj.farTicker, hedgeAmount, OPEN_PLUS)) {   // 正对冲开仓
                        p.sell = true 
                } else if (obj.prePlus >= p.price && currPlus < p.price && upP.sell) {
                    if (hedge(nearEx, farEx, obj.nearSymbol, obj.farSymbol, obj.nearTicker, obj.farTicker, hedgeAmount, COVER_PLUS)) {   // 正对冲平仓
                        upP.sell = false 
            obj.prePlus = currPlus  // 记录本次差价,作为缓存,下次用于判断上穿下穿
            // 增加其它表格输出

        if (ts - preProfitPrintTS > 1000 * 60 * 5) {   // 5分钟打印一次       
        	var currTotalEquity = getTotalEquity()
        	if (currTotalEquity) {
        		totalEquity = currTotalEquity
        		LogProfit(totalEquity - initTotalEquity, "&")   // 打印动态权益收益

        	// 检查持仓
        	posTbls = []  // 重置,更新
            _.each(nets, function(obj) {
                var currFarPos = farEx.getFuPos(obj.farSymbol)
                var currNearPos = nearEx.getFuPos(obj.nearSymbol)
                if (currFarPos && currNearPos) {
                	obj.farPos = currFarPos
                	obj.nearPos = currNearPos
                var posTbl = {
                	"type" : "table", 
                	"title" : obj.symbol, 
                	"cols" : ["合约代码", "数量", "价格"], 
                	"rows" : [] 
                _.each(obj.farPos, function(pos) {
                    posTbl.rows.push([pos.symbol, pos.amount, pos.price])
                _.each(obj.nearPos, function(pos) {
                	posTbl.rows.push([pos.symbol, pos.amount, pos.price])

            preProfitPrintTS = ts

        // 显示网格
        var netTbls = []
        _.each(nets, function(obj) {
            var netTbl = {
            	"type" : "table",
            	"title" : obj.symbol,
            	"cols" : ["网格"],
            	"rows" : []
            _.each(, function(p) {
            	var color = ""
            	if (p.sell) {
            		color = "#00FF00"
            	netTbl.rows.push([JSON.stringify(p) + color])

        LogStatus(_D(), "总权益:", totalEquity, "初始总权益:", initTotalEquity, " 浮动盈亏:", totalEquity - initTotalEquity, 
        	"\n`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`" + "\n`" + JSON.stringify(netTbls) + "`" + "\n`" + JSON.stringify(posTbls) + "`")

function getTotalEquity() {
    var totalEquity = null 
    var ret = exchange.IO("api", "GET", "/api/v5/account/balance", "ccy=USDT")
    if (ret) {
        try {
        	totalEquity = parseFloat([0].details[0].eq)
        } catch(e) {
        	return null
    return totalEquity

function hedge(nearEx, farEx, nearSymbol, farSymbol, nearTicker, farTicker, amount, tradeType) {
    var farDirection = null
    var nearDirection = null
    if (tradeType == OPEN_PLUS) {
        farDirection = farEx.OPEN_SHORT
        nearDirection = nearEx.OPEN_LONG
    } else {
        farDirection = farEx.COVER_SHORT
        nearDirection = nearEx.COVER_LONG
    var nearSymbolInfo = nearEx.getSymbolInfo(nearSymbol) 
    var farSymbolInfo = farEx.getSymbolInfo(farSymbol)
    nearAmount = nearEx.calcAmount(nearSymbol, nearDirection, nearTicker.ask1, amount * nearSymbolInfo.multiplier)
    farAmount = farEx.calcAmount(farSymbol, farDirection, farTicker.bid1, amount * farSymbolInfo.multiplier)
    if (!nearAmount || !farAmount) {
        Log(nearSymbol, farSymbol, "下单量计算错误:", nearAmount, farAmount)
    nearEx.goGetTrade(nearSymbol, nearDirection, nearTicker.ask1, nearAmount[0])
    farEx.goGetTrade(farSymbol, farDirection, farTicker.bid1, farAmount[0])
    var nearIdMsg = nearEx.getTrade()
    var farIdMsg = farEx.getTrade()
    return [nearIdMsg, farIdMsg]

function onexit() {
	Log("执行扫尾函数", "#FF0000")
    _G("nets", nets)
    _G("initTotalEquity", initTotalEquity)
    Log("保存数据:", _G("nets"), _G("initTotalEquity"))


The policy's public address:

The policy uses a template class library that I wrote myself, and since the written tab is not public, the above policy source code can be modified without using this template.

If you are interested, you can attach an OKEX V5 analog test disc. Oh! That's right, this tactic cannot be retested.



N95In two years' time, the strategy of setting up different trading pairs, different number of openings, and how to do it, the strategy of setting up different trading pairs, the strategy of setting up different number of openings, the strategy of setting up different trading pairs, the strategy of setting up different number of openings.

chaoI've changed it to Binance, but I don't know how to do it, so I haven't changed it successfully.

The trajectory of lifeHow can I run on an ok analog disk. I can't seem to use that plugin.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsWhat's up? // Declared by arrCfg var arrCfg = [] This is a list of all the different ways var can be used. _.each ((arrNearContractType, function ((ct)) { ArrCfg.push ((createCfg))) format Symbol ((ct) [0])) It's not. What's up? Do the same with the hedgeAmount parameter, and design the parameter as a string similar to: 100, 200, 330; this way 100 corresponds to the first hedge combination, and then you can use it specifically.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe sublist can be wrapped by itself, using a template library in the example, which is not public.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsWhat plugins?