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The Dict() function is used to create a dictionary object for passing to concurrent threads.

The Dict() function returns a ThreadDict object.

ThreadDict object


function threadFun1(obj) {
    obj["age"] = 100
    while (true) {
        Log("threadFun1 obj:", obj)

function threadFun2(obj) {
    while (true) {
        Log("threadFun2 obj:", obj)

function main() {
    var obj = {"age": 10}
    var t1 = threading.Thread(threadFun1, obj)
    var t2 = threading.Thread(threadFun2, obj)

Pass a normal object to the concurrent thread execution function to test whether modifying the key value of the object will cause changes in the key value of the object in other threads.

function threadFun1(threadDict) {
    threadDict.set("age", 100)
    while (true) {
        Log(`threadFun1 threadDict.get("age"):`, threadDict.get("age"))

function threadFun2(threadDict) {
    while (true) {
        Log(`threadFun2 threadDict.get("age"):`, threadDict.get("age"))

function main() {
    var threadDict = threading.Dict()
    threadDict.set("age", 10)
    var t1 = threading.Thread(threadFun1, threadDict)
    var t2 = threading.Thread(threadFun2, threadDict)


Pass the ThreadDict object created by the Dict() function to the concurrent thread execution function, and test whether modifying the key value of the object will cause the key value of the object in other threads to change.

When a common object is passed to a concurrent thread function, it is passed as a deep copy. Modifying the key value in a concurrent thread will not affect the dictionary in other threads.

It supports backtesting system and live trading environment.

{@fun/Threads/threading/getThread getThread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/mainThread mainThread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/currentThread currentThread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Lock Lock}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Condition Condition}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Event Event}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Thread Thread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/pending pending}, {@fun/Threads/threading/eventLoop eventLoop}

Event pending