La plataforma de trading de FMZ Quant se estableció demasiado temprano. En ese momento, había intercambios y monedas muy limitados, y había pocos modos de negociación. Por lo tanto, el diseño inicial de la API era simple y se centró en estrategias de negociación de una sola moneda. Después de años de iteración, especialmente la última versión, ha sido relativamente completa, y las API de intercambio comúnmente utilizadas se pueden completar con funciones encapsuladas. Especialmente para las estrategias de múltiples monedas, obtener condiciones de mercado, cuentas y transacciones es mucho más simple que antes, y las funciones de IO ya no son necesarias para acceder a la interfaz API de exchange
La información sobre las nuevas características de la interfaz de la API se ha actualizado a la documentación de la API de la Plataforma de Comercio Cuántico FMZ:
Guía de sintaxis:ía del usuario:
En la actualidad, la API tiene una función unificada para obtener precisión, que se introduce aquí utilizando un contrato perpetuo como ejemplo.
//Global variables store data. SYMBOLS represents the currency to be traded, and the format is "BTC,ETH,LTC". QUOTO is the base currency. Common perpetual contracts include USDT and USDC. INTERVAL represents the interval of the cycle.
var Info = { trade_symbols: SYMBOLS.split(","), base_coin: QUOTO, ticker: {}, order: {}, account: {}, precision: {},
position: {}, time:{}, count:{}, interval:INTERVAL}
function InitInfo() {
//Initialization strategy
if (!IsVirtual() && Version() < 3.7){
throw "FMZ platform upgrades API, you need to download the latest docker";
Info.account = {init_balance:0};
Info.time = {
update_ticker_time: 0,
update_pos_time: 0,
update_profit_time: 0,
update_account_time: 0,
update_status_time: 0,
for (let i = 0; i < Info.trade_symbols.length; i++) {
let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
Info.ticker[symbol] = { last: 0, ask: 0, bid: 0 };
Info.order[symbol] = { buy: { id: 0, price: 0, amount: 0 }, sell: { id: 0, price: 0, amount: 0 } };
Info.position[symbol] = { amount: 0, hold_price: 0, unrealised_profit: 0, open_time: 0, value: 0 };
Info.precision[symbol] = {};
//Get accuracy
function GetPrecision() {
let exchange_info = exchange.GetMarkets();
for (let pair in exchange_info) {
let symbol = pair.split('_')[0]; //The format of perpetual contract trading pairs is BTC_USDT.swap
if (Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) > -1 && pair.split('.')[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) && pair.endsWith("swap")) {
Info.precision[symbol].tick_size = exchange_info[pair].TickSize;
Info.precision[symbol].amount_size = exchange_info[pair].AmountSize;
Info.precision[symbol].price_precision = exchange_info[pair].PricePrecision
Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision = exchange_info[pair].AmountPrecision
Info.precision[symbol].min_qty = exchange_info[pair].MinQty
Info.precision[symbol].max_qty = exchange_info[pair].MaxQty
Info.precision[symbol].min_notional = exchange_info[pair].MinNotional
Info.precision[symbol].ctVal = exchange_info[pair].CtVal; //Contract value, for example, 1 piece represents 0.01 coin
if (exchange_info[pair].CtValCcy != symbol){ //The currency used to denominate the value. This does not include currency-based situations, for example, 1 note worth 100 USD.
throw "No support for currency-based"
Para diseñar una estrategia de múltiples productos, es necesario obtener la información de mercado de todo el mercado.
function UpdateTicker() {
//Updated prices
let ticker = exchange.GetTickers();
if (!ticker) {
Log("Failed to obtain market information", GetLastError());
Info.time.update_ticker_time =;
for (let i = 0; i < ticker.length; i++) {
let symbol = ticker[i].Symbol.split('_')[0];
if (!ticker[i].Symbol.split('.')[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) || Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) < 0) {
Info.ticker[symbol].ask = parseFloat(ticker[i].Sell);
Info.ticker[symbol].bid = parseFloat(ticker[i].Buy);
Info.ticker[symbol].last = parseFloat(ticker[i].Last);
El campo Equity y el campo UPnL se han añadido a la información de la cuenta de futuros, eliminando la necesidad de incompatibilidad causada por el procesamiento adicional. La función GetPositions también admite obtener todas las posiciones. Un detalle es que el número de posiciones debe multiplicarse por el valor de un contrato para obtener el número real. Por ejemplo, aunque los contratos perpetuos OKX se pueden negociar por cantidad en la página web, la API se basa en el número de contratos.
function UpdateAccount() {
//Update account
if ( - Info.time.update_account_time < 60 * 1000) {
Info.time.update_account_time =;
let account = exchange.GetAccount();
if (account === null) {
Log("Failed to update account");
Info.account.margin_used = _N(account.Equity - account.Balance, 2);
Info.account.margin_balance = _N(account.Equity, 2); //Current balance
Info.account.margin_free = _N(account.Balance, 2);
Info.account.wallet_balance = _N(account.Equity - account.UPnL, 2);
Info.account.unrealised_profit = _N(account.UPnL, 2);
if (!Info.account.init_balance) {
if (_G("init_balance") && _G("init_balance") > 0) {
Info.account.init_balance = _N(_G("init_balance"), 2);
} else {
Info.account.init_balance = Info.account.margin_balance;
_G("init_balance", Info.account.init_balance);
Info.account.profit = _N(Info.account.margin_balance - Info.account.init_balance, 2);
Info.account.profit_rate = _N((100 * Info.account.profit) / init_balance, 2);
function UpdatePosition() {
let pos = exchange.GetPositions(Info.base_coin + ".swap");
if (!pos) {
Log("Timeout for updating position");
Info.time.update_pos_time =;
let position_info = {};
for (let symbol of Info.trade_symbols) {
position_info[symbol] = {
amount: 0,
hold_price: 0,
unrealised_profit: 0
}; //Some exchanges have no positions and return empty
for (let k = 0; k < pos.length; k++) {
let symbol = pos[k].Symbol.split("_")[0];
if (!pos[k].Symbol.split(".")[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) || Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) < 0) {
if (position_info[symbol].amount != 0){
throw "One-way position required";
position_info[symbol] = {
amount: pos[k].Type == 0 ? pos[k].Amount * Info.precision[symbol].ctVal : -pos[k].Amount * Info.precision[symbol].ctVal,
hold_price: pos[k].Price,
unrealised_profit: pos[k].Profit
Info.count = { long: 0, short: 0, total: 0, leverage: 0 };
for (let symbol in position_info) {
let deal_volume = Math.abs(position_info[symbol].amount - Info.position[symbol].amount);
let direction = position_info[symbol].amount - Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (deal_volume) {
let deal_price = direction == 1 ? Info.order[symbol].buy.price : Info.order[symbol].sell.price;
"position update:",
_N(Info.position[symbol].value, 1),
" -> ",
_N(position_info[symbol].amount * Info.ticker[symbol].last, 1),
direction == 1 ? ", buy" : ", sell",
", transaction price:",
", cost price:",
_N(Info.position[symbol].hold_price, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
Info.position[symbol].amount = position_info[symbol].amount;
Info.position[symbol].hold_price = position_info[symbol].hold_price;
Info.position[symbol].value = _N(Info.position[symbol].amount * Info.ticker[symbol].last, 2);
Info.position[symbol].unrealised_profit = position_info[symbol].unrealised_profit;
Info.count.long += Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? Math.abs(Info.position[symbol].value) : 0;
Info.count.short += Info.position[symbol].amount < 0 ? Math.abs(Info.position[symbol].value) : 0;
} = _N(Info.count.long + Info.count.short, 2);
Info.count.leverage = _N( / Info.account.margin_balance, 2);
La última función CreateOrder se utiliza aquí para procesar pedidos, que es mucho más conveniente.
function Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg) {
let ret = null;
let pair = symbol + "_" + Info.base_coin + ".swap"
ret = exchange.CreateOrder(pair, direction, price, amount, msg)
if (ret) {
Info.order[symbol][direction].id = ret;
Info.order[symbol][direction].price = price;
}else {
Log(symbol, direction, price, amount, "abnormal order");
function Trade(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg) {
price = _N(price - (price % Info.precision[symbol].tick_size), Info.precision[symbol].price_precision);
amount = amount / Info.precision[symbol].ctVal;
amount = _N(amount - (amount % Info.precision[symbol].amount_size), Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision);
amount = Info.precision[symbol].max_qty > 0 ? Math.min(amount, Info.precision[symbol].max_qty) : amount;
let new_order = false;
if (price > 0 && Math.abs(price - Info.order[symbol][direction].price) / price > 0.0001) { //The order will be cancelled only if there is a price difference between the two orders.
new_order = true;
if (amount <= 0 || Info.order[symbol][direction].id == 0) { //The amount passed in is 0 to cancel the order
new_order = true;
if (new_order) {
if (Info.order[symbol][direction].id) { //Cancellation of existing order
CancelOrder(symbol, direction, Info.order[symbol][direction].id);
Info.order[symbol][direction].id = 0;
if ( //The delay is too high and the order is not placed - Info.time.update_pos_time > 2 * Info.interval * 1000 || - Info.time.update_ticker_time > 2 * Info.interval * 1000 ||
) {
if (price * amount <= Info.precision[symbol].min_notional || amount < Info.precision[symbol].min_qty) {
Log(symbol, "the order quantity is too small", price * amount);
Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg);
En general, se muestran dos tablas: información de la cuenta y información sobre el par de operaciones.
function UpdateStatus() {
if ( - Info.time.update_status_time < 4000) {
Info.time.update_status_time =;
let table1 = {
type: "table",
title: "Account info",
cols: [
"Initial balance",
"Wallet balance",
"Margin balance",
"Used margin",
"Avaiable margin",
"Total profit",
"Profit rate",
"Unrealised profit",
"Total position",
"Loop delay",
rows: [
Info.account.profit_rate + "%",
_N(Info.account.unrealised_profit, 2),
_N(, 2),
Info.time.loop_delay + "ms",
let table2 = {
type: "table",
title: "Trading pair information",
cols: [
"Position price",
"Position value",
"Current price",
"Buy price",
"Sell price",
"Unrealised profit / loss",
rows: [],
for (let i in Info.trade_symbols) {
let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? "LONG" : "SHORT",
_N(Info.position[symbol].amount, Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision+2),
_N(Info.position[symbol].hold_price, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
_N(Info.position[symbol].value, 2),
_N(Info.ticker[symbol].last, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
_N(Info.position[symbol].unrealised_profit, 2),
"Initial date: " + _D(new Date(Info.time.start_time)) + "\n",
"`" + JSON.stringify(table1) + "`" + "\n" + "`" + JSON.stringify(table2) + "`\n",
"Last execution time: " + _D() + "\n",
if ( - Info.time.update_profit_time > 5 * 60 * 1000) {
LogProfit(_N(Info.account.profit, 3));
Info.time.update_profit_time =;
Una vez que el andamio está configurado, el código de lógica de negociación es simple.
function MakeOrder() {
for (let i in Info.trade_symbols) {
let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
let buy_price = Info.ticker[symbol].bid;
let buy_amount = 50 / buy_price;
if (Info.position[symbol].value < 2000){
Trade(symbol, "buy", buy_price, buy_amount, symbol);
function OnTick() {
try {
} catch (error) {
Log("Loop error: " + error);
function main() {
while (true) {
let loop_start_time =;
if ( - Info.time.last_loop_time > Info.interval * 1000) {
Info.time.last_loop_time =;
Info.time.loop_delay = - loop_start_time;
Este artículo proporciona un marco de negociación de contratos perpetuos multicurrency sencillo. Usando la última API, puede construir estrategias compatibles de manera más conveniente y rápida.