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Comment construire une stratégie de trading multi-monnaie universelle rapidement après la mise à niveau FMZ

Auteur:FMZ~Lydia, Créé: 2024-10-08 10:01:41, Mis à jour: 2024-10-15 08:55:09



La plate-forme de trading FMZ Quant a été établie trop tôt. À cette époque, il y avait des échanges et des devises très limités, et il y avait peu de modes de trading. Par conséquent, la conception initiale de l'API était simple et axée sur les stratégies de trading monétaire. Après des années d'itération, en particulier la dernière version, elle a été relativement complète, et les API d'échange couramment utilisées peuvent être complétées avec des fonctions encapsulées.

Les dockers doivent mettre à jour vers 3.7 pour le prendre en charge pleinement.

Guide de syntaxe:https://www.fmz.com/syntax-guideGuide de l' utilisateur:https://www.fmz.com/user-guide

Obtenez une précision

À l'heure actuelle, l'API dispose d'une fonction unifiée pour obtenir la précision, qui est présentée ici en utilisant un contrat perpétuel comme exemple.

//Global variables store data. SYMBOLS represents the currency to be traded, and the format is "BTC,ETH,LTC". QUOTO is the base currency. Common perpetual contracts include USDT and USDC. INTERVAL represents the interval of the cycle.
var Info = { trade_symbols: SYMBOLS.split(","), base_coin: QUOTO, ticker: {}, order: {}, account: {}, precision: {}, 
            position: {}, time:{}, count:{}, interval:INTERVAL}
function InitInfo() {
    //Initialization strategy
    if (!IsVirtual() && Version() < 3.7){
        throw "FMZ platform upgrades API, you need to download the latest docker";
    Info.account = {init_balance:0};
    Info.time = {
        update_ticker_time: 0,
        update_pos_time: 0,
        update_profit_time: 0,
        update_account_time: 0,
        update_status_time: 0,
    for (let i = 0; i < Info.trade_symbols.length; i++) {
        let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
        Info.ticker[symbol] = { last: 0, ask: 0, bid: 0 };
        Info.order[symbol] = { buy: { id: 0, price: 0, amount: 0 }, sell: { id: 0, price: 0, amount: 0 } };
        Info.position[symbol] = { amount: 0, hold_price: 0, unrealised_profit: 0, open_time: 0, value: 0 };
        Info.precision[symbol] =  {};
//Get accuracy
function GetPrecision() {
    let exchange_info = exchange.GetMarkets();
    for (let pair in exchange_info) {
        let symbol = pair.split('_')[0]; //The format of perpetual contract trading pairs is BTC_USDT.swap
        if (Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) > -1 && pair.split('.')[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) && pair.endsWith("swap")) {
            Info.precision[symbol].tick_size = exchange_info[pair].TickSize;
            Info.precision[symbol].amount_size = exchange_info[pair].AmountSize;
            Info.precision[symbol].price_precision = exchange_info[pair].PricePrecision
            Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision = exchange_info[pair].AmountPrecision
            Info.precision[symbol].min_qty = exchange_info[pair].MinQty
            Info.precision[symbol].max_qty = exchange_info[pair].MaxQty
            Info.precision[symbol].min_notional = exchange_info[pair].MinNotional
            Info.precision[symbol].ctVal = exchange_info[pair].CtVal; //Contract value, for example, 1 piece represents 0.01 coin
            if (exchange_info[pair].CtValCcy != symbol){ //The currency used to denominate the value. This does not include currency-based situations, for example, 1 note worth 100 USD.
                throw "No support for currency-based"

Je vais te faire un tic.

Pour concevoir une stratégie multi-produits, vous devez obtenir les informations de marché de l'ensemble du marché.

function UpdateTicker() {
    //Updated prices
    let ticker = exchange.GetTickers();
    if (!ticker) {
        Log("Failed to obtain market information", GetLastError());
    Info.time.update_ticker_time = Date.now();
    for (let i = 0; i < ticker.length; i++) {
        let symbol = ticker[i].Symbol.split('_')[0];
        if (!ticker[i].Symbol.split('.')[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) || Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) < 0) {
        Info.ticker[symbol].ask = parseFloat(ticker[i].Sell);
        Info.ticker[symbol].bid = parseFloat(ticker[i].Buy);
        Info.ticker[symbol].last = parseFloat(ticker[i].Last);

Obtenez des informations sur la position du compte

Le champ Equity et le champ UPnL ont été ajoutés aux informations du compte à terme, éliminant le besoin d'incompatibilité causée par un traitement supplémentaire. La fonction GetPositions prend également en charge l'obtention de toutes les positions.

function UpdateAccount() {
    //Update account
    if (Date.now() - Info.time.update_account_time < 60 * 1000) {
    Info.time.update_account_time = Date.now();
    let account = exchange.GetAccount();
    if (account === null) {
        Log("Failed to update account");
    Info.account.margin_used = _N(account.Equity - account.Balance, 2);
    Info.account.margin_balance = _N(account.Equity, 2); //Current balance
    Info.account.margin_free = _N(account.Balance, 2);
    Info.account.wallet_balance = _N(account.Equity - account.UPnL, 2);
    Info.account.unrealised_profit = _N(account.UPnL, 2);
    if (!Info.account.init_balance) {
        if (_G("init_balance") && _G("init_balance") > 0) {
            Info.account.init_balance = _N(_G("init_balance"), 2);
        } else {
            Info.account.init_balance = Info.account.margin_balance;
            _G("init_balance", Info.account.init_balance);
    Info.account.profit = _N(Info.account.margin_balance - Info.account.init_balance, 2);
    Info.account.profit_rate = _N((100 * Info.account.profit) / init_balance, 2);

function UpdatePosition() {
    let pos = exchange.GetPositions(Info.base_coin + ".swap");
    if (!pos) {
        Log("Timeout for updating position");
    Info.time.update_pos_time = Date.now();
    let position_info = {};
    for (let symbol of Info.trade_symbols) {
        position_info[symbol] = {
            amount: 0,
            hold_price: 0,
            unrealised_profit: 0
        }; //Some exchanges have no positions and return empty
    for (let k = 0; k < pos.length; k++) {
        let symbol = pos[k].Symbol.split("_")[0];
        if (!pos[k].Symbol.split(".")[0].endsWith(Info.base_coin) || Info.trade_symbols.indexOf(symbol) < 0) {
        if (position_info[symbol].amount != 0){
            throw "One-way position required";
        position_info[symbol] = {
            amount: pos[k].Type == 0 ? pos[k].Amount * Info.precision[symbol].ctVal : -pos[k].Amount * Info.precision[symbol].ctVal,
            hold_price: pos[k].Price,
            unrealised_profit: pos[k].Profit
    Info.count = { long: 0, short: 0, total: 0, leverage: 0 };
    for (let symbol in position_info) {
        let deal_volume = Math.abs(position_info[symbol].amount - Info.position[symbol].amount);
        let direction = position_info[symbol].amount - Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        if (deal_volume) {
            let deal_price = direction == 1 ? Info.order[symbol].buy.price : Info.order[symbol].sell.price;
                "position update:",
                _N(Info.position[symbol].value, 1),
                " -> ",
                _N(position_info[symbol].amount * Info.ticker[symbol].last, 1),
                direction == 1 ? ", buy" : ", sell",
                ", transaction price:",
                ", cost price:",
                _N(Info.position[symbol].hold_price, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
        Info.position[symbol].amount = position_info[symbol].amount;
        Info.position[symbol].hold_price = position_info[symbol].hold_price;
        Info.position[symbol].value = _N(Info.position[symbol].amount * Info.ticker[symbol].last, 2);
        Info.position[symbol].unrealised_profit = position_info[symbol].unrealised_profit;
        Info.count.long += Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? Math.abs(Info.position[symbol].value) : 0;
        Info.count.short += Info.position[symbol].amount < 0 ? Math.abs(Info.position[symbol].value) : 0;
    Info.count.total = _N(Info.count.long + Info.count.short, 2);
    Info.count.leverage = _N(Info.count.total / Info.account.margin_balance, 2);


La dernière fonction CreateOrder est utilisée ici pour traiter les commandes, ce qui est beaucoup plus pratique.

function Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg) {
    let ret = null;
    let pair = symbol + "_" + Info.base_coin + ".swap"
    ret = exchange.CreateOrder(pair, direction, price,  amount, msg)
    if (ret) {
        Info.order[symbol][direction].id = ret;
        Info.order[symbol][direction].price = price;
    }else {
        Log(symbol, direction, price, amount, "abnormal order");

function Trade(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg) {
    price = _N(price - (price % Info.precision[symbol].tick_size), Info.precision[symbol].price_precision);
    amount = amount / Info.precision[symbol].ctVal;
    amount = _N(amount - (amount % Info.precision[symbol].amount_size), Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision);
    amount = Info.precision[symbol].max_qty > 0 ? Math.min(amount, Info.precision[symbol].max_qty) : amount;
    let new_order = false;
    if (price > 0 && Math.abs(price - Info.order[symbol][direction].price) / price > 0.0001) { //The order will be cancelled only if there is a price difference between the two orders.
        new_order = true;
    if (amount <= 0 || Info.order[symbol][direction].id == 0) { //The amount passed in is 0 to cancel the order
        new_order = true;
    if (new_order) {
        if (Info.order[symbol][direction].id) { //Cancellation of existing order
            CancelOrder(symbol, direction, Info.order[symbol][direction].id);
            Info.order[symbol][direction].id = 0;
        if ( //The delay is too high and the order is not placed
            Date.now() - Info.time.update_pos_time > 2 * Info.interval * 1000 ||
            Date.now() - Info.time.update_ticker_time > 2 * Info.interval * 1000 ||
        ) {
        if (price * amount <= Info.precision[symbol].min_notional || amount < Info.precision[symbol].min_qty) {
            Log(symbol, "the order quantity is too small", price * amount);
        Order(symbol, direction, price, amount, msg);

Affichage du statut

Généralement, deux tableaux sont affichés: les informations sur le compte et les informations sur les paires de négociation.

function UpdateStatus() {
    if (Date.now() - Info.time.update_status_time < 4000) {
    Info.time.update_status_time = Date.now();
    let table1 = {
        type: "table",
        title: "Account info",
        cols: [
            "Initial balance",
            "Wallet balance",
            "Margin balance",
            "Used margin",
            "Avaiable margin",
            "Total profit",
            "Profit rate",
            "Unrealised profit",
            "Total position",
            "Loop delay",
        rows: [
                Info.account.profit_rate + "%",
                _N(Info.account.unrealised_profit, 2),
                _N(Info.count.total, 2),
                Info.time.loop_delay + "ms",
    let table2 = {
        type: "table",
        title: "Trading pair information",
        cols: [
            "Position price",
            "Position value",
            "Current price",
            "Buy price",
            "Sell price",
            "Unrealised profit / loss",
        rows: [],
    for (let i in Info.trade_symbols) {
        let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
            Info.position[symbol].amount > 0 ? "LONG" : "SHORT",
            _N(Info.position[symbol].amount, Info.precision[symbol].amount_precision+2),
            _N(Info.position[symbol].hold_price, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
            _N(Info.position[symbol].value, 2),
            _N(Info.ticker[symbol].last, Info.precision[symbol].price_precision),
            _N(Info.position[symbol].unrealised_profit, 2),

        "Initial date: " + _D(new Date(Info.time.start_time)) + "\n",
        "`" + JSON.stringify(table1) + "`" + "\n" + "`" + JSON.stringify(table2) + "`\n",
        "Last execution time: " + _D() + "\n",
    if (Date.now() - Info.time.update_profit_time > 5 * 60 * 1000) {
        LogProfit(_N(Info.account.profit, 3));
        Info.time.update_profit_time = Date.now();

Logique de négociation

Après la mise en place de l'échafaudage, le code logique de base du trading est simple.

function MakeOrder() {
    for (let i in Info.trade_symbols) {
        let symbol = Info.trade_symbols[i];
        let buy_price = Info.ticker[symbol].bid;
        let buy_amount = 50 / buy_price;
        if (Info.position[symbol].value < 2000){
            Trade(symbol, "buy", buy_price, buy_amount, symbol);

La boucle principale

function OnTick() {
    try {
    } catch (error) {
        Log("Loop error: " + error);

function main() {
    while (true) {
        let loop_start_time = Date.now();
        if (Date.now() - Info.time.last_loop_time > Info.interval * 1000) {
            Info.time.last_loop_time = Date.now();
            Info.time.loop_delay = Date.now() - loop_start_time;


Cet article fournit un cadre de négociation de contrats perpétuels multi-monnaie simple. En utilisant la dernière API, vous pouvez créer des stratégies compatibles plus facilement et rapidement.

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