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作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン,日付: 2024-01-23 15:16:47

Profit Grid Strategy With Oscillation






格子ギャップを超えた価格が反対方向に動き始めると,以前のポジションは利益で停止されます. 格子ギャップを超えた価格が逆方向に動き始めると,以前のポジションは利益で停止されます.



さらに,リスクは,グリッドパラメータを合理的に設定することで効果的に制御できます. Ichimoku Cloud のような技術指標と組み合わせてシグナルをフィルターすることで,戦略の安定性も向上できます.



ストップ・ロスの線を設定し 格子パラメータを合理的に調整し 傾向が強い製品を選択し 複数の技術指標でシグナルをフィルターすることができます



  1. グリッドのギャップ,位置のサイズなどに最適な組み合わせを見つけるためにグリッドパラメータを最適化します.

  2. ストップ・ロスのメカニズムを改良または調整し,リスクをより良く制御する.

  3. 異なる取引商品をテストし,変動が高く,傾向がはっきりしているものを選択します.

  4. 信号を判断し,安定性を向上させるための技術指標を追加します.



start: 2023-01-16 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-22 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ramsay09

strategy(title="Grid Tool",shorttitle= "Grid", overlay= true )

backtest        = input(title= "Backtest (no comment-string, disable for API-trading)", type= input.bool, defval= true)
entry_type      = input("Long", title= "Long/Short Entry", options= ["Long", "Short"])

X_opt           = input("Grid - reentry", title="--- 1st ENTRY SIGNAL ---", options= ["---", "Grid - reentry", "Grid - counter trend", "Fractals", "Reverse fractal"])
X_opt_2         = input("---", title="--- 2nd ENTRY SIGNAL ---", options= ["---", "Grid - reentry", "Grid - counter trend", "Fractals", "Reverse fractal"])                         

entry_f_1       = input("---", title="Entry filter 1", options= ["---", "Bar breakout 1 filter", "Bar breakout 2 filter", "SMA filter", "MACD filter", "RSI50 filter", "Fractals filter", 
                         "Segments filter", "Fractals 1-2-3 filter", "Reverse fractal filter", "EMA21/SMA20 filter", "TRIX filter",
                         "SuperTrend filter", "Parabolic SAR filter", "ADX filter", "Price X Kumo filter", "Price X Kijun filter", "Kumo flip filter", 
                         "Price filtered Kumo flip filter",  "Chikou X price filter", "Chikou X Kumo filter", "Price X Tenkan filter", "Tenkan X Kumo filter", 
                         "Tenkan X Kijun filter"])

entry_f_2       = input("---", title="Entry filter 2", options= ["---", "Bar breakout 1 filter", "Bar breakout 2 filter", "SMA filter", "MACD filter", "RSI50 filter", "Fractals filter", 
                         "Segments filter", "Fractals 1-2-3 filter", "Reverse fractal filter", "EMA21/SMA20 filter", "TRIX filter",
                         "SuperTrend filter", "Parabolic SAR filter", "ADX filter", "Price X Kumo filter", "Price X Kijun filter", "Kumo flip filter", 
                         "Price filtered Kumo flip filter",  "Chikou X price filter", "Chikou X Kumo filter", "Price X Tenkan filter", "Tenkan X Kumo filter", 
                         "Tenkan X Kijun filter"])

exit_f_1        = input("---", title="Exit filter 1", options= ["---", "TRIX exit", "Reverse fractal exit", "SMA exit", "MACD exit", 
                         "RSI50 exit", "Fractals exit", "SuperTrend exit", "Parabolic SAR exit", "ADX exit", "Cloud exit", "Kijun exit"])

exit_f_2        = input("---", title="Exit filter 2", options= ["---", "TRIX exit", "Reverse fractal exit", "SMA exit", "MACD exit", 
                         "RSI50 exit", "Fractals exit", "SuperTrend exit", "Parabolic SAR exit", "ADX exit", "Cloud exit", "Kijun exit"])

//--------------------- Signal inputs -----------------------

grid_gap        = input(500, type= input.float, title= "Grid gap - base currency", minval= 0, step= 10)

//--------------------- filter inputs --------------------

shared_param    = input(false, title= " Shared filter and entry parameters :", type= input.bool)

sb              = input(title="Segment max bars", defval= 10, minval= 0, step= 1)

fr_period       = input(2, title= "Fractals period", minval= 1)
rsi_period      = input(14, title= "RSI period", minval= 1)
ma_period       = input(50, title= "MA period", minval= 1)
mult            = input(3, type= input.float, title= "SuperTrend multiplier", minval= 1, step= 0.1)
len             = input(6, type= input.integer, title= "SuperTrend length", minval= 1)
start           = 0.02//input(0.02, title= "PSAR Start (Filter/Entry)", minval= 0)
inc             = 0.02//input(0.02, title= "PSAR Increment (Filter/Entry)", minval= 0)
max             = 0.2//input(.2, title= "PSAR Maximum (Filter/Entry)", minval= 0)
di_length_s     = input(10, title= "DI length (signals)", minval= 1)
adx_smooth_s    = input(10, title= "ADX smooth (signals)", minval= 1)
adx_thres_s     = input(25, title= "ADX threshold (signals)", minval= 1)
trix_len_f      = input(14, title= "TRIX Length", type=input.integer, minval=1)
smooth_length_f = input(6, title= "Signal Smoothing Length (TRIX)", type=input.integer, minval=1)

//--------------------- exit inputs --------------------

exit_param      = input(false, title= " Exit Parameters :", type= input.bool)

trix_len_x      = input(14, title= "TRIX Length", type=input.integer, minval=1)
smooth_length_x = input(6, title= "Signal Smoothing Length (TRIX)", type=input.integer, minval=1)
fr_period_x     = input(2, title= "Exit fractals - period", minval= 1)
fr_past_x       = input(0, title= "Exit fractals - past fractal", minval= 0)
rsi_period_x    = input(14, title= "Exit RSI period", minval= 1)
ma_period_x     = input(50, title= "Exit MA period", minval= 1)
mult_x          = input(2, type= input.float, title= "Exit SuperTrend multiplier", minval= 1)
len_x           = input(5, type= input.integer, title= "Exit SuperTrend length", minval= 1)
di_length_x     = input(10, title= "Exit ADX period", minval= 1)
adx_smooth_x    = input(10, title= "Exit ADX smooth", minval= 1)
adx_thres_x     = input(25, title= "Exit ADX threshold", minval= 1)

//----------------------- Backtest periode --------------------------------

b_t_per_start   = input(false, title= " Set backtest start or/and trend start :", type= input.bool)

start_year      = input(2020, "Start year")
start_month     = input(3, "Start month", minval= 1, maxval= 12)
start_day       = input(13, "Start day", minval= 1, maxval= 31)
period_start    = timestamp(start_year, start_month, start_day, 0, 0)

stop_year       = input(2120, "Stop year")
stop_month      = input(12, "Stop month", minval= 1, maxval= 12)
stop_day        = input(31, "Stop day", minval= 1, maxval= 31)
period_stop     = timestamp(stop_year, stop_month, stop_day, 0, 0)

backtest_period() => time >= period_start and time <= period_stop ? true : false

//-------------------- Ichimoku --------------------

TKlength            = 9 //input(9, "Tenkan-sen length", minval= 1)
KJlength            = 26 //input(26, "Kijun-sen length", minval= 1)
CSHSlength          = 26 //input(26, "Chikouspan length/horizontal shift", minval= 1)
SBlength            = 52 //input(52, "SenkouspanB length", minval= 1)
SAlength            = 26 //input(26, "SenkouspanA length", minval= 1)

// calculation
TK                  = avg(lowest(TKlength), highest(TKlength))
KJ                  = avg(lowest(KJlength), highest(KJlength))
CS                  = close
SB                  = avg(lowest(SBlength), highest(SBlength))
SA                  = avg(TK,KJ)

kumo_high   = max(SA[CSHSlength-1], SB[CSHSlength-1])
kumo_low    = min(SA[CSHSlength-1], SB[CSHSlength-1]) 

//------------------------------------- Filters and entry signals --------------------------------------

//---------------------- Ichimoku filter ------------------------

// cross conditions for "Strong" filtered signals
var bool sasb_x  = true
if crossover(SA, SB) and low > kumo_high 
    sasb_x := true 

if crossunder(SA, SB) and high < kumo_low 
    sasb_x := false
var bool tkkj_x  = true
if crossover(TK, KJ) and TK > kumo_high and KJ > kumo_high
    tkkj_x := true 
if crossunder(TK, KJ) and TK < kumo_low and KJ < kumo_low
    tkkj_x := false

// Ichimoku filters
kijun_buy_f                           = close > KJ
kumo_buy_f                            = close > kumo_high
kumo_flip_buy_f                       = SA > SB  
price_filtered_kumo_flip_buy_f        = sasb_x and low > kumo_high  
chikou_X_price_buy_f                  = CS > high[(26-1)]  
chikou_X_kumo_buy_f                   = CS > kumo_high[26-1]   
price_X_tenkan_buy_f                  = close > TK  
tenkan_X_kumo_buy_f                   = TK > kumo_high   
tenkan_X_kijun_buy_f                  = TK > KJ 
kumo_filtered_tenkan_X_kijun_buy_f    = tkkj_x and TK > kumo_high and KJ > kumo_high and TK > KJ

kijun_sell_f                          = close < KJ
kumo_sell_f                           = close < kumo_low
kumo_flip_sell_f                      = SA < SB  
price_filtered_kumo_flip_sell_f       = not sasb_x and high < kumo_low 
chikou_X_price_sell_f                 = CS < low[(26-1)]  
chikou_X_kumo_sell_f                  = CS < kumo_low[26-1]  
price_X_tenkan_sell_f                 = close < TK 
tenkan_X_kumo_sell_f                  = TK < kumo_low
tenkan_X_kijun_sell_f                 = TK < KJ 
kumo_filtered_tenkan_X_kijun_sell_f   = not tkkj_x and TK < kumo_low and KJ < kumo_low and TK < KJ

// Ichimoku exits
kijun_buy_x                           = close > KJ
kumo_buy_x                            = close > kumo_high

kijun_sell_x                          = close < KJ
kumo_sell_x                           = close < kumo_low

//------------------------ grid --------------------------

//up_grid             = 0.
//up_grid             := nz(high > up_grid[1] + grid_gap and backtest_period() ? close : up_grid[1])        // forward grid long

//dn_grid             = 0.
//dn_grid             := nz(low < dn_grid[1] - grid_gap and backtest_period() ? close : dn_grid[1])         // forward grid short

re_grid             = 0.
re_grid             := nz(high > re_grid[1] + grid_gap or low < re_grid[1] - grid_gap ? close : re_grid[1])

//grid_up_buy         = up_grid > up_grid[1]
//grid_dn_sell        = dn_grid < dn_grid[1]

grid_ct_buy         = re_grid < re_grid[1]
grid_ct_sell        = re_grid > re_grid[1]

grid_re_buy         = re_grid > re_grid[1]
grid_re_sell        = re_grid < re_grid[1]

//plot(re_grid,"Plot", color= color.yellow, linewidth= 2)

//---------------------- reverse fractal signal and filter --------------------------

up_bar              = close[0] > open[0]
dn_bar              = close[0] < open[0]
hl                  = low[0] > low[1]
lh                  = high[0] < high[1]

rev_up_fr_sell      = pivothigh(high, 3, 0) and dn_bar and up_bar[1] or 
                       pivothigh(high, 4, 1) and dn_bar and up_bar[1] or 
                       pivothigh(high, 4, 1) and lh and up_bar and up_bar[1] 

rev_dn_fr_buy       = pivotlow(low, 3, 0) and up_bar  and dn_bar[1] or 
                       pivotlow(low, 4, 1) and up_bar and dn_bar[1] or 
                       pivotlow(low, 4, 1) and hl and dn_bar and dn_bar[1] 

ema_f(src, ema_len)  => ema(src, ema_len)  // ma function definition
sma_f(src, sma_len)  => sma(src, sma_len)

ema_21          = ema_f(close, 21)  // ema21/sma20 signal
sma_20          = sma_f(close, 20)

ma_cross_buy    = close > ema_21 and close > sma_20 and ema_21 > sma_20
ma_cross_sell   = close < ema_21 and close < sma_20 and ema_21 < sma_20

//--------------------- TRIX ------------------------

triple_ema_f      = ema(ema(ema(close, trix_len_f), trix_len_f), trix_len_f)
trix_f            = roc(triple_ema_f, 1)
signal_f          = sma(trix_f, smooth_length_f)

triple_ema_x      = ema(ema(ema(close, trix_len_x), trix_len_x), trix_len_x)
trix_x            = roc(triple_ema_x, 1)
signal_x          = sma(trix_x, smooth_length_x)

trix_buy_f      = trix_f > signal_f
trix_sell_f     = trix_f < signal_f
trix_buy_x      = trix_x > signal_x
trix_sell_x     = trix_x < signal_x

//----------------------- macd filter -----------------------

[macdLine_f, signalLine_f, histLine_f]  = macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
macd_buy                                = macdLine_f > signalLine_f
macd_sell                               = macdLine_f < signalLine_f

macd_buy_x                              = macdLine_f > signalLine_f
macd_sell_x                             = macdLine_f < signalLine_f

//---------------------- rsi filter and entry signal------------------------
rsi_f           = rsi(close, rsi_period)
rsi_f_buy       = rsi_f > 50
rsi_f_sell      = rsi_f < 50

rsi_f_buy_f     = rsi_f > 50
rsi_f_sell_f    = rsi_f < 50

rsi_f_x         = rsi(close, rsi_period_x)
rsi_f_buy_x     = rsi_f_x > 50
rsi_f_sell_x    = rsi_f_x < 50

//---------------- Bill Williams Fractals (filter and entry signal) -----------------

up_fr           = pivothigh(fr_period, fr_period)
dn_fr           = pivotlow(fr_period, fr_period)

fractal_up_v    = valuewhen(up_fr, high[fr_period],0) 
fractal_dn_v    = valuewhen(dn_fr, low[fr_period],0)
//entry signal
fr_upx          = crossover(high, fractal_up_v)
fr_dnx          = crossunder(low, fractal_dn_v)

fr_upx_f        = high > fractal_up_v
fr_dnx_f        = low < fractal_dn_v

up_fr_x         = pivothigh(fr_period_x, fr_period_x)
dn_fr_x         = pivotlow(fr_period_x, fr_period_x)

fractal_up_v_x  = valuewhen(up_fr_x, high[fr_period_x], fr_past_x) 
fractal_dn_v_x  = valuewhen(dn_fr_x, low[fr_period_x], fr_past_x)

fr_upx_x        = high > fractal_up_v_x
fr_dnx_x        = low < fractal_dn_v_x

//higher low and higher high - lower high and lower low - entry 

fractal_dn_v_1  = valuewhen(dn_fr, low[fr_period],1)
fractal_up_v_1  = valuewhen(up_fr, high[fr_period],1)

hl_hh_buy       = fractal_dn_v > fractal_dn_v_1 and high > fractal_up_v                                  // 123 signal and filter
lh_ll_sell      = fractal_up_v < fractal_up_v_1 and low < fractal_dn_v 

//-------------------- SuperTrend filter and entry signal ---------------------
[SuperTrend, Dir]       = supertrend(mult, len)
sup_buy                 = close > SuperTrend
sup_sell                = close < SuperTrend

sup_buy_f               = close > SuperTrend
sup_sell_f              = close < SuperTrend

[SuperTrend_x, Dir_x]   = supertrend(mult_x, len_x)
sup_buy_x               = close > SuperTrend_x
sup_sell_x              = close < SuperTrend_x

//----------------- Parabolic SAR Signal (pb/ps) and filter -------------------

psar_buy        = high > sar(start, inc, max)[0]
psar_sell       = low < sar(start, inc, max)[0]

psar_buy_f      = high > sar(start, inc, max)[0]
psar_sell_f     = low < sar(start, inc, max)[0]

//-------------------------- ADX entry and filter ---------------------------

[diplus_f_x, diminus_f_X, adx_f_x]      = dmi(di_length_x, adx_smooth_x)
adx_thres_f_x                           = adx_f_x < adx_thres_x

//adx signal 1/2 and filters
[diplus_s, diminus_s, adx_s]            = dmi(di_length_s, adx_smooth_s)
adx_above_thres                         = adx_s > adx_thres_s

long_1          = diplus_s > diminus_s and adx_s < diplus_s and adx_s > diminus_s 
short_1         = diplus_s < diminus_s and adx_s > diplus_s and adx_s < diminus_s

long_2          = diplus_s > diminus_s and adx_above_thres
short_2         = diplus_s < diminus_s and adx_above_thres

//-------------------------- SMA50 filter and entry---------------------------
sma_buy         = close[2] > ema_f(close, ma_period)
sma_sell        = close[2] < ema_f(close, ma_period) 

sma_buy_f       = close[2] > sma_f(close, ma_period)
sma_sell_f      = close[2] < sma_f(close, ma_period) 

sma_buy_x       = close[1] > sma_f(close, ma_period_x)
sma_sell_x      = close[1] < sma_f(close, ma_period_x)

//--------------------------- Segments signal ----------------------------

count1_l            = 0
count2_l            = 0
segment_1_stat_l    = false    
segment_2_stat_l    = false  
segment_3_stat_l    = false 

higher_low          = low > low[1] 

var line segment_low_1_l   = na
var line segment_low_2_l   = na
var line segment_low_3_l   = na

// long segments
for i=0 to sb
    count1_l := count1_l + 1
    if low[1] > low[i+2] and higher_low
        segment_1_stat_l  := true  
for i=count1_l to sb+count1_l
    count2_l := count2_l + 1
    if low[1+count1_l] > low[i+2] and segment_1_stat_l
        segment_2_stat_l  := true 
for i=count2_l to sb+count2_l    
    if low[1+count1_l+count2_l] > low[i+2+count1_l] and segment_2_stat_l
        segment_3_stat_l  := true 

// short segments
count1_s            = 0
count2_s            = 0
segment_1_stat_s    = false    
segment_2_stat_s    = false  
segment_3_stat_s    = false 

lower_high          = high < high[1] 

var line segment_high_1   = na
var line segment_high_2   = na
var line segment_high_3   = na

for i=0 to sb
    count1_s := count1_s + 1
    if high[1] < high[i+2] and lower_high
        segment_1_stat_s := true  
for i=count1_s to sb+count1_s
    count2_s := count2_s + 1
    if high[1+count1_s] < high[i+2] and segment_1_stat_s
        segment_2_stat_s := true 
for i=count2_s to sb+count2_s    
    if high[1+count1_s+count2_s] < high[i+2+count1_s] and segment_2_stat_s
        segment_3_stat_s := true 

// segments signals
seg_stat_l          = segment_1_stat_l and segment_2_stat_l and segment_3_stat_l 
seg_stat_s          = segment_1_stat_s and segment_2_stat_s and segment_3_stat_s 
segments_buy        = high > high[1] and seg_stat_l[1]
segments_sell       = low < low[1] and seg_stat_s[1]

segments_buy_f      = high > high[1] and seg_stat_l[1]
segments_sell_f     = low < low[1] and seg_stat_s[1]

//--------------------------- Entry Signal Options ---------------------------

// buy signal options 1
opt_sig_buy = 
     X_opt == "---" ? na :
//     X_opt == "Grid - forward sig" ? grid_up_buy :  
     X_opt == "Grid - counter trend" ? grid_ct_buy : 
     X_opt == "Grid - reentry" ? grid_re_buy : 
     X_opt == "Fractals" ? fr_upx : 
     X_opt == "Reverse fractal" ? rev_dn_fr_buy : na

// sell signal options 1
opt_sig_sell = 
     X_opt == "---" ? na : 
//     X_opt == "Grid - forward sig" ? grid_dn_sell :   
     X_opt == "Grid - counter trend" ? grid_ct_sell : 
     X_opt == "Grid - reentry" ? grid_re_sell : 
     X_opt == "Fractals" ? fr_dnx : 
     X_opt == "Reverse fractal" ? rev_up_fr_sell : na

// buy signal options 2
opt_sig_buy_2 = 
     X_opt_2 == "---" ? na :
//     X_opt_2 == "Grid - forward sig" ? grid_up_buy :
     X_opt_2 == "Grid - counter trend" ? grid_ct_buy :
     X_opt_2 == "Grid - reentry" ? grid_re_buy :
     X_opt_2 == "Fractals" ? fr_upx : 
     X_opt_2 == "Reverse fractal" ? rev_dn_fr_buy : na

// sell signal options 2
opt_sig_sell_2 = 
     X_opt_2 == "---" ? na : 
//     X_opt_2 == "Grid - forward sig" ? grid_dn_sell :
     X_opt_2 == "Grid - counter trend" ? grid_ct_sell :
     X_opt_2 == "Grid - reentry" ? grid_re_sell :
     X_opt_2 == "Fractals" ? fr_dnx : 
     X_opt_2 == "Reverse fractal" ? rev_up_fr_sell : na

//-------------------------- entry filter -------------------------------

//entry buy filter 1 options
entry_filter_buy_1 = 
     entry_f_1 == "---" ? true :
     entry_f_1 == "MACD filter" ? macd_buy : 
     entry_f_1 == "RSI50 filter" ? rsi_f_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Fractals filter" ? fr_upx_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "SuperTrend filter" ? sup_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Parabolic SAR filter" ? psar_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "SMA filter" ? sma_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "ADX filter" ? adx_above_thres :     
     entry_f_1 == "Segments filter" ? segments_buy : 
     entry_f_1 == "Fractals 1-2-3 filter" ? hl_hh_buy : 
     entry_f_1 == "Reverse fractal filter" ? rev_dn_fr_buy : 
     entry_f_1 == "EMA21/SMA20 filter" ? ma_cross_buy : 
     entry_f_1 == "TRIX filter" ? trix_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Kumo filter" ? kumo_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Kijun filter" ? kijun_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Kumo flip filter" ? kumo_flip_buy_f :  
     entry_f_1 == "Price filtered Kumo flip filter" ? price_filtered_kumo_flip_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Chikou X price filter" ? chikou_X_price_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Chikou X Kumo filter" ? chikou_X_kumo_buy_f :  
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Tenkan filter" ? price_X_tenkan_buy_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Tenkan X Kumo filter" ? tenkan_X_kumo_buy_f :  
     entry_f_1 == "Tenkan X Kijun filter" ? tenkan_X_kijun_buy_f : true    

//entry sell filter 1 options
entry_filter_sell_1 = 
     entry_f_1 == "---" ? true :
     entry_f_1 == "MACD filter" ? macd_sell : 
     entry_f_1 == "RSI50 filter" ? rsi_f_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Fractals filter" ? fr_dnx_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "SuperTrend filter" ? sup_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Parabolic SAR filter" ? psar_sell_f :
     entry_f_1 == "SMA filter" ? sma_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "ADX filter" ? adx_above_thres :    
     entry_f_1 == "Segments filter" ? segments_sell : 
     entry_f_1 == "Fractals 1-2-3 filter" ? lh_ll_sell : 
     entry_f_1 == "Reverse fractal filter" ? rev_up_fr_sell : 
     entry_f_1 == "EMA21/SMA20 filter" ? ma_cross_sell : 
     entry_f_1 == "TRIX filter" ? trix_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Kumo filter" ? kumo_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Kijun filter" ? kijun_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Kumo flip filter" ? kumo_flip_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price filtered Kumo flip filter" ?price_filtered_kumo_flip_sell_f :
     entry_f_1 == "Chikou X price filter" ? chikou_X_price_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Chikou X Kumo filter" ? chikou_X_kumo_sell_f : 
     entry_f_1 == "Price X Tenkan filter" ? price_X_tenkan_sell_f :
     entry_f_1 == "Tenkan X Kumo filter" ? tenkan_X_kumo_sell_f :
     entry_f_1 == "Tenkan X Kijun filter" ? tenkan_X_kijun_sell_f : true     

//entry buy filter 2 options
entry_filter_buy_2 = 
     entry_f_2 == "---" ? true :
     entry_f_2 == "MACD filter" ? macd_buy : 
     entry_f_2 == "RSI50 filter" ? rsi_f_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Fractals filter" ? fr_upx_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "SuperTrend filter" ? sup_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Parabolic SAR filter" ? psar_buy_f :
     entry_f_2 == "SMA filter" ? sma_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "ADX filter" ? adx_above_thres :     
     entry_f_2 == "Segments filter" ? segments_buy :  
     entry_f_2 == "Fractals 1-2-3 filter" ? hl_hh_buy :  
     entry_f_2 == "Reverse fractal filter" ? rev_dn_fr_buy :  
     entry_f_2 == "EMA21/SMA20 filter" ? ma_cross_buy :  
     entry_f_2 == "TRIX filter" ? trix_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Kumo filter" ? kumo_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Kijun filter" ? kijun_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Kumo flip filter" ? kumo_flip_buy_f :  
     entry_f_2 == "Price filtered Kumo flip filter" ? price_filtered_kumo_flip_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Chikou X price filter" ? chikou_X_price_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Chikou X Kumo filter" ? chikou_X_kumo_buy_f :  
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Tenkan filter" ? price_X_tenkan_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Tenkan X Kumo filter" ? tenkan_X_kumo_buy_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Tenkan X Kijun filter" ? tenkan_X_kijun_buy_f : true    

//entry sell filter 2 options
entry_filter_sell_2 = 
     entry_f_2 == "---" ? true :
     entry_f_2 == "MACD filter" ? macd_sell : 
     entry_f_2 == "RSI50 filter" ? rsi_f_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Fractals filter" ? fr_dnx_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "SuperTrend filter" ? sup_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Parabolic SAR filter" ? psar_sell_f :
     entry_f_2 == "SMA filter" ? sma_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "ADX filter" ? adx_above_thres :   
     entry_f_2 == "Segments filter" ? segments_sell : 
     entry_f_2 == "Fractals 1-2-3 filter" ? lh_ll_sell : 
     entry_f_2 == "Reverse fractal filter" ? rev_up_fr_sell : 
     entry_f_2 == "EMA21/SMA20 filter" ? ma_cross_sell : 
     entry_f_2 == "TRIX filter" ? trix_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Kumo filter" ? kumo_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Kijun filter" ? kijun_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Kumo flip filter" ? kumo_flip_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price filtered Kumo flip filter" ? price_filtered_kumo_flip_sell_f :
     entry_f_2 == "Chikou X price filter" ? chikou_X_price_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Chikou X Kumo filter" ? chikou_X_kumo_sell_f : 
     entry_f_2 == "Price X Tenkan filter" ? price_X_tenkan_sell_f :
     entry_f_2 == "Tenkan X Kumo filter" ? tenkan_X_kumo_sell_f :
     entry_f_2 == "Tenkan X Kijun filter" ? tenkan_X_kijun_sell_f : true    

//------------------------- exit filter -----------------------

//short exit buy filter 1 options
exit_filter_buy_1 = 
     exit_f_1 == "---" ? false :
     exit_f_1 == "TRIX exit" ? trix_buy_x :  
     exit_f_1 == "Reverse fractal exit" ? rev_dn_fr_buy :       
     exit_f_1 == "MACD exit" ? macd_buy_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "RSI50 exit" ? rsi_f_buy_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Fractals exit" ? fr_upx_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "SuperTrend exit" ? sup_buy_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Parabolic SAR exit" ? psar_buy :
     exit_f_1 == "SMA exit" ? sma_buy_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "ADX exit" ? adx_thres_f_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Cloud exit" ? kumo_buy_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Kijun exit" ? kijun_buy_x : false

//long exit sell filter 1 options
exit_filter_sell_1 = 
     exit_f_1 == "---" ? false :
     exit_f_1 == "TRIX exit" ? trix_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Reverse fractal exit" ? rev_up_fr_sell :      
     exit_f_1 == "MACD exit" ? macd_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "RSI50 exit" ? rsi_f_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Fractals exit" ? fr_dnx_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "SuperTrend exit" ? sup_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Parabolic SAR exit" ? psar_sell :
     exit_f_1 == "SMA exit" ? sma_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "ADX exit" ? adx_thres_f_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Cloud exit" ? kumo_sell_x : 
     exit_f_1 == "Kijun exit" ? kijun_sell_x : false

//short exit buy filter 2 options
exit_filter_buy_2 = 
     exit_f_2 == "---" ? false :
     exit_f_2 == "TRIX exit" ? trix_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Reverse fractal exit" ? rev_dn_fr_buy :       
     exit_f_2 == "MACD exit" ? macd_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "RSI50 exit" ? rsi_f_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Fractals exit" ? fr_upx_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "SuperTrend exit" ? sup_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Parabolic SAR exit" ? psar_buy :
     exit_f_2 == "SMA exit" ? sma_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "ADX exit" ? adx_thres_f_x :  
     exit_f_2 == "Cloud exit" ? kumo_buy_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Kijun exit" ? kijun_buy_x : false

//long exit sell filter 2 options
exit_filter_sell_2 = 
     exit_f_2 == "---" ? false :
     exit_f_2 == "TRIX exit" ? trix_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Reverse fractal exit" ? rev_up_fr_sell :      
     exit_f_2 == "MACD exit" ? macd_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "RSI50 exit" ? rsi_f_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Fractals exit" ? fr_dnx_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "SuperTrend exit" ? sup_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Parabolic SAR exit" ? psar_sell :
     exit_f_2 == "SMA exit" ? sma_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "ADX exit" ? adx_thres_f_x :    
     exit_f_2 == "Cloud exit" ? kumo_sell_x : 
     exit_f_2 == "Kijun exit" ? kijun_sell_x : false

//--------------------- strategy entry ---------------------

long        = entry_type != "Short"
short       = entry_type != "Long"

exit_long   = exit_filter_sell_1 or exit_filter_sell_2
exit_short  = exit_filter_buy_1 or exit_filter_buy_2

if backtest_period() 
    if long
        strategy.entry("os_b", strategy.long, when = opt_sig_buy and entry_filter_buy_1 and entry_filter_buy_2 and not exit_long,
             comment= not backtest ? "BybitAPI(BTCUSD) { market(side=buy, amount=100); }" : na)                                                             
        strategy.entry("os_b", strategy.long, when = opt_sig_buy_2 and entry_filter_buy_1 and entry_filter_buy_2 and not exit_long,
             comment= not backtest ? "BybitAPI(BTCUSD) { market(side=buy, amount=100); }" : na)   

        strategy.close("os_b", when = exit_long)

    if short
        strategy.entry("os_s",strategy.short, when = opt_sig_sell and entry_filter_sell_1 and entry_filter_sell_2 and not exit_short, 
             comment= not backtest ? "BybitAPI(BTCUSD) { market(side=sell, amount=100); }" : na)                                                    
        strategy.entry("os_s",strategy.short, when = opt_sig_sell_2 and entry_filter_sell_1 and entry_filter_sell_2 and not exit_short, 
             comment= not backtest ? "BybitAPI(BTCUSD) { market(side=sell, amount=100); }" : na)

        strategy.close("os_s", when = exit_short)

// {{strategy.order.comment}} #bot - altert message

