資源の読み込みに... 荷物...


作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024年2月20日11時20分40秒





  1. RSI,MACD,OBV,CCI,CMF,MFI,VWMACDなどの指標を計算し,適応型線形回帰方法を使用して指標と歴史的な価格との間の差異を検出します.指標が価格が低くなるときに購入信号を生成します.

  2. ユーザ入力波動性値と深度パーセント値に基づいて,VFI指標フィルタリングと組み合わせて,高い波動性と深度テストを満たすキャンドルスタイルの信号を生成します.

  3. 初期ロングエントリー後,価格が設定されたパーセントで最後のロングエントリー価格を突破した場合,別のロングポジションを追加します.

  4. ストップ・ロスを追跡して 設定されたテイク・プロフィート・比値に達すると ポジションを閉じる.


  1. 複数の要素を組み合わせることで,信号の信頼性を高めるために価格とボリューム指標を全面的に利用できます.

  2. アダプティブ・リニアリ回帰法では,差異を検出し,手動判断の主観性を回避する.

  3. 波動性,深度/VFI指標を組み込むことで,逆転の機会を明らかにできます.

  4. 複数のエントリーを蓄積することで 引き下げを完全に利用できますし ストップ・プロフィートを追跡することで 利益を固定できます


  1. 複雑な多因子判断は,パラメータ最適化と差異検出の有効性によって実際のパフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性があります.

  2. 片方持有はリスクが高く 判断が間違っている場合 大きな損失が発生する可能性があります

  3. 繰り返し追加モデルでは損失が増幅される可能性があるため,位置サイズを注意深く制御する必要があります.

  4. 取引手数料が実際の利益に与える影響に注意してください.


  1. 最適な構成を選択するために,異なるパラメータと指標の組み合わせを試験する.

  2. ストップ・ロスの戦略を取引ごとに制御し,最大損失を追加します.

  3. リスクの多様化のための 両方向の機会を検討します

  4. マシン学習方法を組み込み パラメータを自動的に最適化します



start: 2023-02-13 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-19 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © mkose81

strategy("RSI ve MACD Uyumsuzluğu Stratejisi (Sadece Long)", overlay=true, max_bars_back=4000,use_bar_magnifier= true,pyramiding=40)

// RSI Hesaplama
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
float botRSI = na
botRSI := ta.pivotlow(5, 5)
botcRSI = 0
botcRSI := botRSI ? 5 : nz(botcRSI[1]) + 1

newbotRSI = ta.pivotlow(5, 0)
emptylRSI = true
if not na(newbotRSI) and newbotRSI < low[botcRSI]
    diffRSI = (newbotRSI - low[botcRSI]) / botcRSI
    llineRSI = newbotRSI - diffRSI
    for x = 1 to botcRSI - 1 by 1
        if close[x] < llineRSI
            emptylRSI := false
        llineRSI -= diffRSI

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - RSI
alRSI = 0
if emptylRSI and not na(newbotRSI)
    if rsi[botcRSI] < rsi
        alRSI := 1

// MACD Hesaplama
[macd, signal, _] = ta.macd(close, 21, 55, 8)
float botMACD = na
botMACD := ta.pivotlow(5, 5)
botcMACD = 0
botcMACD := botMACD ? 5 : nz(botcMACD[1]) + 1

newbotMACD = ta.pivotlow(5, 0)
emptylMACD = true
if not na(newbotMACD) and newbotMACD < low[botcMACD]
    diffMACD = (newbotMACD - low[botcMACD]) / botcMACD
    llineMACD = newbotMACD - diffMACD
    for x = 1 to botcMACD - 1 by 1
        if close[x] < llineMACD
            emptylMACD := false
        llineMACD -= diffMACD

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - MACD
alMACD = 0
if emptylMACD and not na(newbotMACD)
    if macd[botcMACD] < macd
        alMACD := 1
// OBV Hesaplama ve Uyumsuzluk Tespiti
obv = ta.cum(ta.change(close) > 0 ? volume : ta.change(close) < 0 ? -volume : 0)
float botOBV = na
botOBV := ta.pivotlow(5, 5)
botcOBV = 0
botcOBV := botOBV ? 5 : nz(botcOBV[1]) + 1

newbotOBV = ta.pivotlow(5, 0)
emptylOBV = true
if not na(newbotOBV) and newbotOBV < obv[botcOBV]
    diffOBV = (newbotOBV - obv[botcOBV]) / botcOBV
    llineOBV = newbotOBV - diffOBV
    for x = 1 to botcOBV - 1 by 1
        if obv[x] < llineOBV
            emptylOBV := false
        llineOBV -= diffOBV

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - OBV
alOBV = 0
if emptylOBV and not na(newbotOBV)
    if obv[botcOBV] < obv
        alOBV := 1

// CCI Hesaplama ve Uyumsuzluk Tespiti
cci = ta.cci(close, 20)
float botCCI = na
botCCI := ta.pivotlow(5, 5)
botcCCI = 0
botcCCI := botCCI ? 5 : nz(botcCCI[1]) + 1

newbotCCI = ta.pivotlow(5, 0)
emptylCCI = true
if not na(newbotCCI) and newbotCCI < cci[botcCCI]
    diffCCI = (newbotCCI - cci[botcCCI]) / botcCCI
    llineCCI = newbotCCI - diffCCI
    for x = 1 to botcCCI - 1 by 1
        if cci[x] < llineCCI
            emptylCCI := false
        llineCCI -= diffCCI

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - CCI
alCCI = 0
if emptylCCI and not na(newbotCCI)
    if cci[botcCCI] < cci
        alCCI := 1

// CMF Hesaplama
length = 20
mfm = ((close - low) - (high - close)) / (high - low)
mfv = mfm * volume
cmf = ta.sma(mfv, length) / ta.sma(volume, length)

float botCMF = na
botCMF := ta.pivotlow(5, 5)
botcCMF = 0
botcCMF := botCMF ? 5 : nz(botcCMF[1]) + 1

newbotCMF = ta.pivotlow(5, 0)
emptylCMF = true
if not na(newbotCMF) and newbotCMF < cmf[botcCMF]
    diffCMF = (newbotCMF - cmf[botcCMF]) / botcCMF
    llineCMF = newbotCMF - diffCMF
    for x = 1 to botcCMF - 1 by 1
        if cmf[x] < llineCMF
            emptylCMF := false
        llineCMF -= diffCMF

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - CMF
alCMF = 0
if emptylCMF and not na(newbotCMF)
    if cmf[botcCMF] < cmf
        alCMF := 1

// MFI Hesaplama
lengthMFI = 14
mfi = ta.mfi(close, lengthMFI)

float botMFI = na
botMFI := ta.pivotlow(mfi, 5, 5)
botcMFI = 0
botcMFI := botMFI ? 5 : nz(botcMFI[1]) + 1

newbotMFI = ta.pivotlow(mfi, 5, 0)
emptylMFI = true
if not na(newbotMFI) and newbotMFI < mfi[botcMFI]
    diffMFI = (newbotMFI - mfi[botcMFI]) / botcMFI
    llineMFI = newbotMFI - diffMFI
    for x = 1 to botcMFI - 1 by 1
        if mfi[x] < llineMFI
            emptylMFI := false
        llineMFI -= diffMFI

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - MFI
alMFI = 0
if emptylMFI and not na(newbotMFI)
    if mfi[botcMFI] < mfi
        alMFI := 1

// VWMACD Hesaplama
fastLength = 12
slowLength = 26
signalSmoothing = 9
vwmacd = ta.ema(close, fastLength) - ta.ema(close, slowLength)
signalLine = ta.ema(vwmacd, signalSmoothing)
histogram = vwmacd - signalLine
// VWMACD Uyumsuzluk Tespiti
float botVWMACD = na
botVWMACD := ta.pivotlow(histogram, 5, 5)
botcVWMACD = 0
botcVWMACD := botVWMACD ? 5 : nz(botcVWMACD[1]) + 1

newbotVWMACD = ta.pivotlow(histogram, 5, 0)
emptylVWMACD = true
if not na(newbotVWMACD) and newbotVWMACD < histogram[botcVWMACD]
    diffVWMACD = (newbotVWMACD - histogram[botcVWMACD]) / botcVWMACD
    llineVWMACD = newbotVWMACD - diffVWMACD
    for x = 1 to botcVWMACD - 1 by 1
        if histogram[x] < llineVWMACD
            emptylVWMACD := false
        llineVWMACD -= diffVWMACD

// Pozitif Uyumsuzluk Alım Sinyali - VWMACD
alVWMACD = 0
if emptylVWMACD and not na(newbotVWMACD)
    if histogram[botcVWMACD] < histogram
        alVWMACD := 1
//Dipci indikator
lengthd= 130
coef = 0.2
vcoef = 2.5
signalLength = 5
smoothVFI = false

ma(x, y) =>
    smoothVFI ? ta.sma(x, y) : x

typical = hlc3
inter = math.log(typical) - math.log(typical[1])
vinter = ta.stdev(inter, 30)
cutoff = coef * vinter * close
vave = ta.sma(volume, lengthd)[1]
vmax = vave * vcoef
vc = volume < vmax ? volume : vmax  //min( volume, vmax )
mf = typical - typical[1]
iff_4 = mf < -cutoff ? -vc : 0
vcp = mf > cutoff ? vc : iff_4

vfi = ma(math.sum(vcp, lengthd) / vave, 3)
vfima = ta.ema(vfi, signalLength)
d = vfi - vfima

// Kullanıcı girdileri
volatilityThreshold = input.float(1.005, title="Volume Percentage Threshold")
pinThreshold = input.float(1.005, title="Deep Percentage Threshold")
// Hesaplamalar
volatilityPercentage = (high - low) / open
pinPercentage = close > open ? (high - close) / open : (close - low) / open
// Volatilite koşulu ve VFI ile filtreleme
voldip = volatilityPercentage >= volatilityThreshold or pinPercentage >= pinThreshold
volCondition = voldip and vfi< 0  // VFI değeri 0'dan küçükse volCondition aktif olacak

threeCommasEntryComment = input.string(title="3Commas Entry Comment", defval="")
threeCommasExitComment = input.string(title="3Commas Exit Comment", defval="")

takeProfitPerc = input.float(1, title="Take Profit Percentage (%)") / 100
fallPerc = input.float(5, title="Percentage for Additional Buy (%)") / 100
// Değişkenlerin tanımlanması
var float lastBuyPrice = na
var float tpPrice = na
var int lastTpBar = na

// Alım koşulları
longCondition = alRSI or alMACD or alOBV or alCCI or alCMF or alMFI or alVWMACD or volCondition
// Son alım fiyatını saklamak için değişken

// İlk alım stratejisi
if (longCondition and strategy.position_size == 0)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long,comment=threeCommasEntryComment)
    lastBuyPrice := open

// İkinci ve sonraki alım koşulları (son alım fiyatının belirlenen yüzde altında)
if (open < lastBuyPrice * (1 - fallPerc) and strategy.position_size > 0)
    strategy.entry("Long Add", strategy.long,comment=threeCommasEntryComment)
    lastBuyPrice := open

// Kar alma fiyatını hesaplama ve strateji çıkışı
tp_price = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + takeProfitPerc)
if strategy.position_size > 0
    strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", limit=tp_price,comment=threeCommasExitComment)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long Add", "Long Add", limit=tp_price,comment=threeCommasExitComment)
    tpPrice := na // Pozisyon kapandığında TP çizgisini sıfırla

// Kar alma seviyesi çizgisi çizme
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? tp_price : na, color=color.green, title="Take Profit Line")
