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이중 트렌드 필터 기반의 양적 거래 전략

저자:차오장, 날짜: 2023-12-26 12:18:54

Quantitative Trading Strategy Based on Double Trend Filter

전반적인 설명

이 전략은 두 개의 트렌드 필터를 이용하는 양적 거래 전략이다. 이 전략은 글로벌 트렌드 필터와 로컬 트렌드 필터를 결합하여 트렌드 방향이 올바른 경우에만 포지션을 입력하도록 한다. 또한, 이 전략은 RSI 필터, 가격 필터, 기울기 필터 등 여러 필터를 설정하여 거래 신호의 신뢰성을 더욱 향상시킨다. 출구 측면에서는 전략은 스톱 로스 가격을 미리 설정하고 수익을 취한다. 전반적으로, 이것은 안정적이고 정확한 양적 거래 전략이다.

전략 논리

이 전략의 핵심 논리는 이중 트렌드 필터에 기반합니다. 글로벌 트렌드 필터는 높은 기간 EMA를 기반으로 전체 시장 트렌드를 판단하고, 로컬 트렌드 필터는 낮은 기간 EMA를 기반으로 지역 트렌드를 판단합니다. 두 필터가 동일한 트렌드 방향을 제안 할 때만 전략은 포지션을 입력합니다.

특히, 전략은 전체 시장이 상승 또는 하락 트렌드에 있는지 결정하기 위해 BTCUSDT의 EMA를 계산합니다. 이것은 글로벌 트렌드 필터입니다. 동시에 전략은 지역 트렌드를 결정하기 위해 기반 계약의 EMA를 계산합니다. 이것은 지역 트렌드 필터입니다. 두 필터가 다른 보조 필터와 결합하여 동일한 트렌드 방향에 동의 할 때만 전략은 거래 신호를 생성하고 사전 중지 손실을 설정하고 입장에 진입하기 위해 수익 가격을 취합니다.

거래 가능한 신호를 결정 한 후에는 전략은 즉시 입장에 대한 명령을 내릴 것입니다. 한편, 스톱 손실 가격과 수익을 취하는 가격이 미리 설정됩니다. 가격이 둘 중 하나에 닿을 때 전략은 자동으로 스톱 손실 또는 수익을 취하는 지위를 종료합니다.

이점 분석

이것은 다음과 같은 주요 장점을 가진 안정적이고 신뢰할 수있는 양적 거래 전략입니다.

  1. 이중 트렌드 필터링 메커니즘을 채택하여 대부분의 잘못된 신호를 필터링하고 거래 신호를 더 신뢰할 수 있습니다.

  2. 여러 보조 필터를 결합해서 RSI 필터와 가격 필터를 결합해서 신호 품질을 더욱 향상시킵니다.

  3. 자동으로 스톱 로스를 계산하고 수동 모니터링 없이 거래 위험을 낮추기 위해 수익 가격을 취합니다.

  4. 더 많은 거래 도구를 더 잘 적응할 수 있도록 조정 가능한 전략 매개 변수

  5. 명확하고 이해하기 쉬운 전략 논리, 그리고 최적화 가능성은 더 높습니다.

위험 분석

많은 장점에도 불구하고, 여전히 몇몇 거래 위험이 있습니다. 주로:

  1. 이중 트렌드 필터는 정확한 입력 시기를 결정하지 못할 수 있습니다. 매개 변수를 최적화 할 수 있습니다.

  2. 부정확한 스톱 로스 및 영업 가격 설정은 조기 출구로 이어질 수 있습니다. 최적을 찾기 위해 다른 매개 변수 세트를 테스트 할 수 있습니다.

  3. 거래 도구 및 시간 프레임의 잘못된 선택은 전략을 비효율화 할 수 있습니다. 매개 변수 최적화 및 테스트는 다른 거래 도구에 대해 별도로 제안됩니다.

  4. 부적절한 리스크가 있습니다. 안정성을 보장하기 위해 다양한 시장 환경에서 더 많은 백테스트가 필요합니다.

최적화 방향

이 전략을 최적화하는 주요 방향은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. 최적의 조합을 찾기 위해 이중 필터의 매개 변수를 조정합니다.

  2. 가장 좋은 보조 필터를 테스트하고 선택하십시오.

  3. 스톱 로스를 최적화하고 수익 알고리즘을 활용해서 더 똑똑하게 만들죠.

  4. 동적 매개 변수 조절을 위한 기계 학습 모델을 도입해보세요.

  5. 더 많은 도구에 대한 더 많은 역 테스트와 더 긴 시간 기간이 안정성을 향상시킵니다.


결론적으로, 이것은 전반적으로 안정적이고 정확하고 쉽게 최적화 가능한 양적 거래 전략입니다. 이중 트렌드 필터와 여러 보조 필터를 결합하여 대부분의 소음을 필터링하고 더 신뢰할 수있는 신호를 생성하여 거래 신호를 생성합니다. 또한, 내장 스톱 로스 및 영리 사전 설정은 거래 위험을 낮추는 데 도움이됩니다. 이것은 큰 실용적 가치의 전략입니다. 최적화 및 검증 후 라이브 거래에 직접 적용 할 수 있습니다. 게다가 확장을위한 엄청난 잠재력을 가지고 있으며 깊이 있는 연구를 할 가치가 있습니다.

start: 2023-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-25 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


strategy(title = 'Cipher_B', overlay=true )


// WaveTrend
wtShow = input(true, title = 'Show WaveTrend', type = input.bool)
wtBuyShow = input(true, title = 'Show Buy dots', type = input.bool)
wtGoldShow = input(true, title = 'Show Gold dots', type = input.bool)
wtSellShow = input(true, title = 'Show Sell dots', type = input.bool)
wtDivShow = input(true, title = 'Show Div. dots', type = input.bool)
vwapShow = input(true, title = 'Show Fast WT', type = input.bool)
wtChannelLen = input(9, title = 'WT Channel Length', type = input.integer)
wtAverageLen = input(12, title = 'WT Average Length', type = input.integer)
wtMASource = input(hlc3, title = 'WT MA Source', type = input.source)
wtMALen = input(3, title = 'WT MA Length', type = input.integer)

// WaveTrend Overbought & Oversold lines
obLevel = input(53, title = 'WT Overbought Level 1', type = input.integer)
obLevel2 = input(60, title = 'WT Overbought Level 2', type = input.integer)
obLevel3 = input(100, title = 'WT Overbought Level 3', type = input.integer)
osLevel = input(-53, title = 'WT Oversold Level 1', type = input.integer)
osLevel2 = input(-60, title = 'WT Oversold Level 2', type = input.integer)
osLevel3 = input(-75, title = 'WT Oversold Level 3', type = input.integer)

// Divergence WT
wtShowDiv = input(true, title = 'Show WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show WT Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
showHiddenDiv_nl = input(true, title = 'Not apply OB/OS Limits on Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel = input(45, title = 'WT Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel = input(-65, title = 'WT Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// Divergence extra range
wtDivOBLevel_addshow = input(false, title = 'Show 2nd WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel_add = input(15, title = 'WT 2nd Bearish Divergence', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel_add = input(-40, title = 'WT 2nd Bullish Divergence 15 min', type = input.integer)

rsiMFIShow = input(true, title = 'Show MFI', type = input.bool)
rsiMFIperiod = input(60,title = 'MFI Period', type = input.integer)
rsiMFIMultiplier = input(150, title = 'MFI Area multiplier', type = input.float)
rsiMFIPosY = input(2.5, title = 'MFI Area Y Pos', type = input.float)

// RSI
rsiShow = input(false, title = 'Show RSI', type = input.bool)
rsiSRC = input(close, title = 'RSI Source', type = input.source)
rsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length', type = input.integer)
rsiOversold = input(30, title = 'RSI Oversold', minval = 50, maxval = 100, type = input.integer)
rsiOverbought = input(60, title = 'RSI Overbought', minval = 0, maxval = 50, type = input.integer)

// Divergence RSI
rsiShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiDivOBLevel = input(60, title = 'RSI Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
rsiDivOSLevel = input(30, title = 'RSI Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// RSI Stochastic
stochShow = input(true, title = 'Show Stochastic RSI', type = input.bool)
stochUseLog = input(true, title=' Use Log?', type = input.bool)
stochAvg = input(false, title='Use Average of both K & D', type = input.bool)
stochSRC = input(close, title = 'Stochastic RSI Source', type = input.source)
stochLen = input(14, title = 'Stochastic RSI Length', type = input.integer)
stochRsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length ', type = input.integer)
stochKSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI K Smooth', type = input.integer)
stochDSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI D Smooth', type = input.integer)

// Divergence stoch
stochShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
stochShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcLine = input(false, title="Show Schaff TC line", type=input.bool)
tcSRC = input(close, title = 'Schaff TC Source', type = input.source)
tclength = input(10, title="Schaff TC", type=input.integer)
tcfastLength = input(23, title="Schaff TC Fast Lenght", type=input.integer)
tcslowLength = input(50, title="Schaff TC Slow Length", type=input.integer)
tcfactor = input(0.5, title="Schaff TC Factor", type=input.float)

// Sommi Flag
sommiFlagShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi flag', type = input.bool)
sommiShowVwap = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi F. Wave', type = input.bool)
sommiVwapTF = input('720', title = 'Sommi F. Wave timeframe', type = input.string)
sommiVwapBearLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer)
sommiVwapBullLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer)
soomiFlagWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiFlagWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBearLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBullLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 

// Sommi Diamond
sommiDiamondShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi diamond', type = input.bool)
sommiHTCRes = input('60', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 1', type = input.string)
sommiHTCRes2 = input('240', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 2', type = input.string)
soomiDiamondWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (More than)', type = input.integer)
soomiDiamondWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (Less than)', type = input.integer)

// macd Colors
macdWTColorsShow = input(false, title = 'Show MACD Colors', type = input.bool)
macdWTColorsTF = input('240', title = 'MACD Colors MACD TF', type = input.string)

darkMode = input(false, title = 'Dark mode', type = input.bool)

// Colors
colorRed = #ff0000
colorPurple = #e600e6
colorGreen = #3fff00
colorOrange = #e2a400
colorYellow = #ffe500
colorWhite = #ffffff
colorPink = #ff00f0
colorBluelight = #31c0ff

colorWT1 = #90caf9
colorWT2 = #0d47a1

colorWT2_ = #131722

colormacdWT1a = #4caf58
colormacdWT1b = #af4c4c
colormacdWT1c = #7ee57e
colormacdWT1d = #ff3535

colormacdWT2a = #305630
colormacdWT2b = #310101
colormacdWT2c = #132213
colormacdWT2d = #770000


// Divergences 
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize(src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0

f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit, useLimits) =>
    fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] >= topLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] <= botLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    highPrev = valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
    highPrice = valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrev = valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrice = valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
    bearSignal = fractalTop and high[2] > highPrice and src[2] < highPrev
    bullSignal = fractalBot and low[2] < lowPrice and src[2] > lowPrev
    bearDivHidden = fractalTop and high[2] < highPrice and src[2] > highPrev
    bullDivHidden = fractalBot and low[2] > lowPrice and src[2] < lowPrev
    [fractalTop, fractalBot, lowPrev, bearSignal, bullSignal, bearDivHidden, bullDivHidden]
f_rsimfi(_period, _multiplier, _tf) => security(syminfo.tickerid, _tf, sma(((close - open) / (high - low)) * _multiplier, _period) - rsiMFIPosY)
// WaveTrend
f_wavetrend(src, chlen, avg, malen, tf) =>
    tfsrc = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, src)
    esa = ema(tfsrc, chlen)
    de = ema(abs(tfsrc - esa), chlen)
    ci = (tfsrc - esa) / (0.015 * de)
    wt1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(ci, avg))
    wt2 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(wt1, malen))
    wtVwap = wt1 - wt2
    wtOversold = wt2 <= osLevel
    wtOverbought = wt2 >= obLevel
    wtCross = cross(wt1, wt2)
    wtCrossUp = wt2 - wt1 <= 0
    wtCrossDown = wt2 - wt1 >= 0
    wtCrosslast = cross(wt1[2], wt2[2])
    wtCrossUplast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] <= 0
    wtCrossDownlast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] >= 0
    [wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCrosslast, wtCrossUplast, wtCrossDownlast, wtVwap]

// Schaff Trend Cycle
f_tc(src, length, fastLength, slowLength) =>
    ema1 = ema(src, fastLength)
    ema2 = ema(src, slowLength)
    macdVal = ema1 - ema2	
    alpha = lowest(macdVal, length)
    beta = highest(macdVal, length) - alpha
    gamma = (macdVal - alpha) / beta * 100
    gamma := beta > 0 ? gamma : nz(gamma[1])
    delta = gamma
    delta := na(delta[1]) ? delta : delta[1] + tcfactor * (gamma - delta[1])
    epsilon = lowest(delta, length)
    zeta = highest(delta, length) - epsilon
    eta = (delta - epsilon) / zeta * 100
    eta := zeta > 0 ? eta : nz(eta[1])
    stcReturn = eta
    stcReturn := na(stcReturn[1]) ? stcReturn : stcReturn[1] + tcfactor * (eta - stcReturn[1])

// Stochastic RSI
f_stochrsi(_src, _stochlen, _rsilen, _smoothk, _smoothd, _log, _avg) =>
    src = _log ? log(_src) : _src
    rsi = rsi(src, _rsilen)
    kk = sma(stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, _stochlen), _smoothk)
    d1 = sma(kk, _smoothd)
    avg_1 = avg(kk, d1)
    k = _avg ? avg_1 : kk
    [k, d1]

f_macd(src, fastlen, slowlen, sigsmooth, tf) =>
    fast_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, fastlen))
    slow_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, slowlen))
    macd = fast_ma - slow_ma,
    signal = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(macd, sigsmooth))
    hist = macd - signal
    [macd, signal, hist]
// MACD Colors on WT    
f_macdWTColors(tf) =>
    hrsimfi = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, tf)
    [macd, signal, hist] = f_macd(close, 28, 42, 9, macdWTColorsTF)
    macdup = macd >= signal
    macddown = macd <= signal
    macdWT1Color = macdup ? hrsimfi > 0 ? colormacdWT1c : colormacdWT1a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT1d : colormacdWT1b : na
    macdWT2Color = macdup ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2c : colormacdWT2a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2d : colormacdWT2b : na 
    [macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color]
// Get higher timeframe candle
f_getTFCandle(_tf) => 
    _open  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_off)
    _close = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, close, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_off)
    _high  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, high, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_off)
    _low   = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, low, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_off)
    hl2   = (_high + _low) / 2.0
    newBar = change(_open)
    candleBodyDir = _close > _open
    [candleBodyDir, newBar]

// Sommi flag
f_findSommiFlag(tf, wt1, wt2, rsimfi, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>    
    [hwt1, hwt2, hwtOversold, hwtOverbought, hwtCross, hwtCrossUp, hwtCrossDown, hwtCrosslast, hwtCrossUplast, hwtCrossDownlast, hwtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, tf)      
    bearPattern = rsimfi < soomiRSIMFIBearLevel and
                   wt2 > soomiFlagWTBearLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossDown and 
                   hwtVwap < sommiVwapBearLevel
    bullPattern = rsimfi > soomiRSIMFIBullLevel and 
                   wt2 < soomiFlagWTBullLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossUp and 
                   hwtVwap > sommiVwapBullLevel
    [bearPattern, bullPattern, hwtVwap]
f_findSommiDiamond(tf, tf2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>
    [candleBodyDir, newBar] = f_getTFCandle(tf)
    [candleBodyDir2, newBar2] = f_getTFCandle(tf2)
    bearPattern = wt2 >= soomiDiamondWTBearLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossDown and
                   not candleBodyDir and
                   not candleBodyDir2                   
    bullPattern = wt2 <= soomiDiamondWTBullLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossUp and
                   candleBodyDir and
    [bearPattern, bullPattern]


// RSI
rsi = rsi(rsiSRC, rsiLen)
rsiColor = rsi <= rsiOversold ? colorGreen : rsi >= rsiOverbought ? colorRed : colorPurple

// RSI + MFI Area
rsiMFI = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, timeframe.period)
rsiMFIColor = rsiMFI > 0 ? #3ee145 : #ff3d2e

// Calculates WaveTrend
[wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCross_last, wtCrossUp_last, wtCrossDown_last, wtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, timeframe.period)
// Stochastic RSI
[stochK, stochD] = f_stochrsi(stochSRC, stochLen, stochRsiLen, stochKSmooth, stochDSmooth, stochUseLog, stochAvg)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcVal = f_tc(tcSRC, tclength, tcfastLength, tcslowLength)

// Sommi flag
[sommiBearish, sommiBullish, hvwap] = f_findSommiFlag(sommiVwapTF, wt1, wt2, rsiMFI, wtCross,  wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

//Sommi diamond
[sommiBearishDiamond, sommiBullishDiamond] = f_findSommiDiamond(sommiHTCRes, sommiHTCRes2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

// macd colors
[macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color] = f_macdWTColors(macdWTColorsTF)

// WT Divergences
[wtFractalTop, wtFractalBot, wtLow_prev, wtBearDiv, wtBullDiv, wtBearDivHidden, wtBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel, wtDivOSLevel, true)
[wtFractalTop_add, wtFractalBot_add, wtLow_prev_add, wtBearDiv_add, wtBullDiv_add, wtBearDivHidden_add, wtBullDivHidden_add] =  f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel_add, wtDivOSLevel_add, true)
[wtFractalTop_nl, wtFractalBot_nl, wtLow_prev_nl, wtBearDiv_nl, wtBullDiv_nl, wtBearDivHidden_nl, wtBullDivHidden_nl] =  f_findDivs(wt2, 0, 0, false)

wtBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBearDivHidden_nl : wtBearDivHidden
wtBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBullDivHidden_nl : wtBullDivHidden

wtBearDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
wtBullDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na

wtBearDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDivHidden_add)) ? #9a0202 : na
wtBullDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDivHidden_add)) ? #1b5e20 : na

// RSI Divergences
[rsiFractalTop, rsiFractalBot, rsiLow_prev, rsiBearDiv, rsiBullDiv, rsiBearDivHidden, rsiBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(rsi, rsiDivOBLevel, rsiDivOSLevel, true)
[rsiFractalTop_nl, rsiFractalBot_nl, rsiLow_prev_nl, rsiBearDiv_nl, rsiBullDiv_nl, rsiBearDivHidden_nl, rsiBullDivHidden_nl] = f_findDivs(rsi, 0, 0, false)

rsiBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBearDivHidden_nl : rsiBearDivHidden
rsiBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBullDivHidden_nl : rsiBullDivHidden

rsiBearDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
rsiBullDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na
// Stoch Divergences
[stochFractalTop, stochFractalBot, stochLow_prev, stochBearDiv, stochBullDiv, stochBearDivHidden, stochBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(stochK, 0, 0, false)

stochBearDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBearDivHidden) ? colorRed : na
stochBullDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBullDivHidden) ? colorGreen : na

// Small Circles WT Cross
signalColor = wt2 - wt1 > 0 ? color.red : color.lime

// Buy signal.
buySignal = wtCross and wtCrossUp and wtOversold

buySignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv_add) or 
               (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or 
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)
buySignalDiv_color = wtBullDiv ? colorGreen : 
                     wtBullDiv_add ? color.new(colorGreen, 60) : 
                     rsiShowDiv ? colorGreen : na

// Sell signal
sellSignal = wtCross and wtCrossDown and wtOverbought
sellSignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv_add) or
               (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv)
sellSignalDiv_color = wtBearDiv ? colorRed : 
                     wtBearDiv_add ? color.new(colorRed, 60) : 
                     rsiBearDiv ? colorRed : na

// Gold Buy 
lastRsi = valuewhen(wtFractalBot, rsi[2], 0)[2]
wtGoldBuy = ((wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)) and
           wtLow_prev <= osLevel3 and
           wt2 > osLevel3 and
           wtLow_prev - wt2 <= -5 and
           lastRsi < 30           

// DRAW {
bgcolor(darkMode ? color.new(#000000, 80) : na)
zLine = plot(0, color = color.new(colorWhite, 50))

//  MFI BAR 
rsiMfiBarTopLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -95 : na, title = 'MFI Bar TOP Line', transp = 100)
rsiMfiBarBottomLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -99 : na, title = 'MFI Bar BOTTOM Line', transp = 100)
fill(rsiMfiBarTopLine, rsiMfiBarBottomLine, title = 'MFI Bar Colors', color = rsiMFIColor, transp = 75)

Global=input(title="Use Global trend?", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")
regimeFilter_frame=input(title="Global trend timeframe", defval="5", options=['D','60','5'],  group="Trend Settings")
regimeFilter_length=input(title="Global trend length", defval=1700, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")
localFilter_length=input(title="Local trend filter length", defval=20, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")
localFilter_frame=input(title="Local trend filter timeframe", defval="60", options=['D','60', '5'],  group="Trend Settings")

Div_1=input(title="Only divergencies for long", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")
Div_2=input(title="Only divergencies for short", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")

sommi_diamond_on=input(title="Sommi diamond alerts", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")

Cancel_all=input(title="Cancel all positions if price crosses local sma? (yellow line)", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")

a_1=input(title="TP long", defval=0.95,step=0.5, type=input.float,  group="TP/SL Settings")

a_1_div=input(title="TP long div", defval=0.95,step=0.5, type=input.float,  group="TP/SL Settings")

a_2=input(title="TP short", defval=0.95,step=1, type=input.float,  group="TP/SL Settings")

b_1=input(title="SL long", defval=5,step=0.1, type=input.float,  group="TP/SL Settings")
b_2=input(title="SL short", defval=5,step=0.1, type=input.float,  group="TP/SL Settings")

RSI_filter_checkbox = input(title="RSI filter ON", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")
Price_filter_checkbox=input(title="Price filter ON", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")
Price_filter_1_long=input(title="Long Price filter from", defval=1000, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")
Price_filter_2_long=input(title="Long Price filter to", defval=1200, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")

Price_filter_1_short=input(title="Short Price filter from", defval=1000, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")
Price_filter_2_short=input(title="Short Price filter to", defval=1200, type=input.integer,  group="Trend Settings")

Local_filter_checkbox=input(title="Use Local trend?", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Trend Settings")

slope_checkbox = input(title="Use Slope filter?", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Slope Settings")
slope_number_long = input(title="Slope number long", defval=-0.3,step=0.01, type=input.float,  group="Slope Settings")
slope_number_short = input(title="Slope number short", defval=0.16,step=0.01, type=input.float,  group="Slope Settings")
slope_period = input(title="Slope period", defval=300, type=input.integer,  group="Slope Settings")

long_on = input(title="Only long?", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Position Settings")
short_on = input(title="Only short?", defval=true, type=input.bool,  group="Position Settings")

volume_ETH_spot_checkbox = input(title="Volume filter?", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Volume Settings")
volume_ETH_spot_number_more = input(title="Volume no more than:", defval=3700, type=input.integer,  group="Volume Settings")
volume_ETH_spot_number_less = input(title="Volume no less than:", defval=600, type=input.integer,  group="Volume Settings")

limit_checkbox = input(title="Shift open position?", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Shift Settings")
limit_shift = input(title="How many % to shift?", defval=0.5,step=0.01, type=input.float,  group="Shift Settings")

cancel_in =  input(title="Cancel position in #bars?", defval=false, type=input.bool,  group="Cancel Settings")
cancel_in_num =  input(title="Number of bars", defval=96, type=input.integer,  group="Cancel Settings")
//Name of ticker
_chars = str.split(_str, "")
int _len = array.size(_chars)
int _beg = max(0, _len - 4)
string[] _substr = array.new_string(0)
if _beg < _len
    _substr := array.slice(_chars, 0, _beg)
string _return = array.join(_substr, "")

//Hour sma
basis = security(syminfo.tickerid, localFilter_frame, ema(close, localFilter_length))
plot(basis, title="Local trend curve", color=color.yellow, style=plot.style_linebr)

//Trend calculation with EMA
f_sec(_market, _res, _exp) => security(_market, _res, _exp[barstate.isconfirmed ? 0 : 1])
ema = sma(close, regimeFilter_length) 
emaValue = f_sec("BTC_USDT:swap", regimeFilter_frame, ema)
marketPrice = f_sec("BTC_USDT:swap", regimeFilter_frame, close)
regimeFilter = Global?(marketPrice > emaValue or marketPrice[1] > emaValue[1]):true
reverse_regime=Global?(marketPrice < emaValue or marketPrice[1] < emaValue[1]):true
bgcolor(Global?regimeFilter ? color.green : color.red:color.yellow)

//Local trend
regimeFilter_local = Local_filter_checkbox ? close > basis: true //or close[1] > basis[1]
reverse_regime_local = Local_filter_checkbox ? close < basis: true //or close[1] < basis[1]

//RSI filter
up = rma(max(change(close), 0), 14)
down = rma(-min(change(close), 0), 14)
rsi_ = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
rsiMA = ema(rsi_,12)

//local incline

sma =security(syminfo.tickerid, '60', ema(close, 15))
slope = (sma - sma[slope_period]) / slope_period
slope_filter_long = slope_checkbox? slope > slope_number_long : true
slope_filter_short = slope_checkbox? slope < slope_number_short : true

var long_check = true
var short_check = true
if RSI_filter_checkbox
    long_check:= rsiMA<40
    short_check:= rsiMA>60
validlow  =  Div_1 ? buySignalDiv or wtGoldBuy  :  buySignal or buySignalDiv or wtGoldBuy 
validhigh =   Div_2 ? sellSignalDiv  :  sellSignal or sellSignalDiv

//check volume of ETHUSDT
volume_ETH_spot = volume
volume_ETH_spot_filter = volume_ETH_spot_checkbox? volume_ETH_spot < volume_ETH_spot_number_more and volume_ETH_spot > volume_ETH_spot_number_less : true

// Check if we have confirmation for our setup
var Price_long = true
if Price_filter_checkbox
    Price_long:=close>Price_filter_1_long and close<Price_filter_2_long

var Price_short = true
if Price_filter_checkbox
    Price_short:=close>Price_filter_1_short and close<Price_filter_2_short

validlong = sommi_diamond_on  ? sommiBullishDiamond and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed and regimeFilter_local and regimeFilter  :  validlow and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed and regimeFilter_local and Price_long and long_check and slope_filter_long and volume_ETH_spot_filter
validshort = sommi_diamond_on ? sommiBearishDiamond and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed and reverse_regime_local and reverse_regime  :  validhigh and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed and reverse_regime_local and Price_short and short_check and slope_filter_short and volume_ETH_spot_filter

// Save trade stop & target & position size if a valid setup is detected
var tradeStopPrice = 0.0
var tradeTargetPrice = 0.0
var TP=0.0
var limit_price=0.0
//Detect valid long setups & trigger alert
if validlong 
    if buySignalDiv or wtGoldBuy
        limit_price:=limit_checkbox? close*(1-limit_shift*0.01) : close
        tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1-b_1*0.01)
        tradeTargetPrice := limit_price*(1+a_1_div*0.01)
        TP:= a_1_div
        limit_price:=limit_checkbox? close*(1-limit_shift*0.01) : close
        tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1-b_1*0.01)
        tradeTargetPrice := limit_price*(1+a_1*0.01)
        TP:= a_1

// if validlong 
//     if buySignalDiv or wtGoldBuy
//         limit_price:=close 
//         tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1-b_1*0.01)
//         tradeTargetPrice := limit_price*(1+a_1_div*0.01)
//         TP:= a_1_div
//     else
//         limit_price:=close
//         tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1-b_1*0.01)
//         tradeTargetPrice := limit_price*(1+a_1*0.01)
//         TP:= a_1
// Detect valid short setups & trigger alert
if validshort 
    limit_price:=limit_checkbox? close*(1+limit_shift*0.01) : close
    tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1+b_2*0.01)
    tradeTargetPrice  := limit_price*(1-a_2*0.01)
    TP:= a_2

// if validshort 
//     limit_price:= close
//     tradeStopPrice :=  limit_price*(1+b_2*0.01)
//     tradeTargetPrice  := limit_price*(1-a_2*0.01)
//     TP:= a_2

if cancel_in and barssince(validlong) == cancel_in_num or barssince(validshort) == cancel_in_num
if long_on 
    strategy.entry (id="Long", long=strategy.long, limit=limit_price, when=validlong, comment='{\n'    + '  "name": "",\n'    + '  "secret": "",\n'    + '  "side": "buy",\n'    + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'    + '  "positionSide": "long"\n'    + '}')
if short_on
    strategy.entry (id="Short", long=strategy.short, limit=limit_price, when=validshort,comment='{\n'    + '  "name": "",\n'    + '  "secret": "",\n'    + '  "side": "sell",\n'    + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'    + '  "positionSide": "short",\n'    + '  "sl": {\n'    + '    "enabled": true\n'    + '  }\n'    + '}')
//    condition:=true
// if Cancel_all and strategy.position_size > 0 and (reverse_regime_local or reverse_regime)
//     strategy.close_all(when=strategy.position_size != 0, comment='{\n'     + '  "name": "",\n'     + '  "secret": "",\n'     + '  "side": "sell",\n'     + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'     + '  "positionSide": "flat"\n'     + '}')

if Cancel_all and strategy.position_size > 0 and reverse_regime_local
    strategy.close_all(when=strategy.position_size != 0, comment='{\n'
     + '  "name": "",\n'
     + '  "secret": "",\n'
     + '  "side": "sell",\n'
     + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'
     + '  "positionSide": "flat"\n'
     + '}')

if Cancel_all and strategy.position_size < 0 and regimeFilter_local
    strategy.close_all(when=strategy.position_size != 0, comment='{\n'
     + '  "name": "",\n'
     + '  "secret": "",\n'
     + '  "side": "buy",\n'
     + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'
     + '  "positionSide": "flat"\n'
     + '}')
if cancel_in and strategy.position_size > 0 and barssince(validlong) > cancel_in_num
    strategy.close_all(when=strategy.position_size != 0, comment='{\n'
     + '  "name": "",\n'
     + '  "secret": "",\n'
     + '  "side": "sell",\n'
     + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'
     + '  "positionSide": "flat"\n'
     + '}')

if cancel_in and strategy.position_size < 0 and barssince(validshort) > cancel_in_num
    strategy.close_all(when=strategy.position_size != 0, comment='{\n'
     + '  "name": "",\n'
     + '  "secret": "",\n'
     + '  "side": "buy",\n'
     + '  "symbol": '+'"'+_return+'"'+',\n'
     + '  "positionSide": "flat"\n'
     + '}')

// Exit trades whenever our stop or target is hit
strategy.exit(id="Long Exit", from_entry="Long", limit=tradeTargetPrice, stop=tradeStopPrice, when=strategy.position_size > 0)
strategy.exit(id="Short Exit", from_entry="Short", limit=tradeTargetPrice,stop=tradeStopPrice, when=strategy.position_size < 0)

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